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Column 175

designed to tackle the problem of wildcat strikes and other forms of unofficial industrial action which have been particularly damaging in such essential services as the London Underground and British Rail.


Mr. Austin Mitchell : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment whether he will publish in the Official Report a table showing (a) the average earnings of full-time adult male manual workers in the railway industry and (b) the average of full-time adult male non-manual workers at the latest available date together with the corresponding figures for the United Kingdom for 1959 and 1972 and the information he has on comparable figures for 1972 and the latest available date in France and West Germany.

Mr. Nicholls : The available information is provided in the table. Comparable figures for France and West Germany are not readily available.

Average gross hourly earnings of full-time adult male       

employees in                                                

the United Kingdom; pay not affected by absence, April of   

each year                                                   


                                             |£   |£        


(a) Manual employees in the railway industry |0.67|4.25     

(b) All non-manual employees                 |1.10|7.40     

Sources: New Earnings Surveys in Great Britain and Northern 


Air Conditioning (Contamination)

Dr. Thomas : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what studies have been conducted by his Department, or consultants to his Department, into mitigation of the effects of contaminated cooling towers and air conditioning systems in high-rise buildings.

Mr. Nicholls : The Health and Safety Commission (HSC) is to publish in November a consultative document seeking views on courses of statutory action for the control of legionella. This follows a detailed review of policy undertaken by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). In addition, a joint Department of Health/HSE working group is examining all aspects of legionella, including its control. It will be making recommendations to the chief medical officer and the HSE on any specific areas of study that are seen to be appropriate.

Training Schemes

Mr. Malcolm Bruce : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what has been the financial support from the Government for (a) the community programme per annum since its inception and (b) employment training since its inception until the last available year.

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Mr. Nicholls : The community programme was started in 1982, and was replaced by employment training in September 1988. The table shows the expenditure on each programme by the Government in each year since 1982.




Community Programme             









Employment Training             

September 1988 to September 1989

<1>Includes administrative      


<2>Includes some residue of the 

Community Enterprise Programme. 

Health and Safety (Ethnic Minorities)

Mr. Bill Michie : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment, for each Health and Safety Executive area, on how many occasions in the last three years Health and Safety Executive inspectors have been accompanied on work place visits by an interpreter.

Mr. Nicholls : The information requested is not available.

Mr. Bill Michie : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if the ethnic origin of persons suffering workplace accidents and diseases reported under RIDDOR is recorded by the Health and Safety Executive.

Mr. Nicholls : Information about the ethnic origin of people suffering workplace accidents and diseases is not recorded by the Health and Safety Executive. Neither the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences regulations 1985 nor the approved form of report require notification of the ethnic origin of the injured person.

Mr. Bill Michie : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment, in relation to the categories used in the Civil Service ethnic monitoring system, how many people in each category have been employed in each division of the Health and Safety Executive, in each of the last five years.

Mr. Nicholls : Information on the ethnic monitoring of staff in each division of the Health and Safety Executive has been collated only since 1987. The tables show the numbers of staff in each category at the end of June 1987, 1988 and 1989.

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Quarter ending June 1989                                                                                                        

                |White          |Black          |Asian          |Other          |Non-respondents|Total                          


Secretariat     |25             |4              |3              |0              |7              |39                             

HSD             |67             |2              |9              |1              |15             |94                             

SPD             |60             |4              |5              |2              |8              |79                             

RPD             |514            |16             |8              |2              |52             |592                            

TD              |278            |2              |2              |2              |23             |307                            

MQI             |107            |0              |1              |0              |6              |114                            

MD              |236            |7              |5              |1              |22             |271                            

FAID            |1,332          |17             |11             |7              |136            |1,503                          

NII             |181            |6              |3              |1              |29             |220                            

RLSD            |428            |8              |12             |1              |31             |480                            

                |---            |---            |---            |---            |---            |---                            

Total           |3,228          |66             |59             |17             |329            |3,699                          

Quarter ending June 1988                                                                                                        

                |White          |Black          |Asian          |Other          |Non-respondents|Total                          


Secretariat     |23             |5              |3              |0              |5              |36                             

HSD             |59             |3              |7              |0              |16             |85                             

SPD             |139            |5              |5              |1              |25             |175                            

RPD             |379            |12             |11             |4              |63             |469                            

TD              |267            |1              |0              |2              |37             |307                            

MQI             |98             |0              |1              |0              |15             |114                            

MD              |220            |6              |6              |0              |29             |261                            

FAID            |1,240          |17             |8              |5              |190            |1,460                          

NII             |150            |4              |2              |1              |35             |192                            

RLSD            |392            |6              |9              |1              |46             |454                            

                |---            |---            |---            |---            |---            |---                            

Total           |2,968          |60             |52             |14             |461            |3,555                          

Quarter ending June 1987                                                                                                        

                |White          |Black          |Asian          |Other          |Non-respondents|Total                          


Secretariat     |24             |5              |0              |0              |3              |32                             

HSD             |67             |3              |6              |0              |12             |88                             

SPD             |52             |3              |3              |0              |13             |71                             

RPD             |375            |12             |11             |4              |66             |468                            

TD              |365            |4              |1              |3              |52             |425                            

MQI             |107            |0              |3              |0              |19             |129                            

MD              |236            |5              |6              |0              |34             |281                            

FAID            |1,287          |18             |9              |5              |190            |1,509                          

NII             |130            |4              |2              |1              |31             |168                            

RLSD            |405            |6              |11             |1              |47             |470                            

                |---            |---            |---            |---            |---            |---                            

Total           |3,048          |60             |52             |14             |467            |3,641                          


Mr. Andrew Smith : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment how many employees have been made redundant by their employers in the past year, having

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worked for (a) up to six months, (b) seven to 12 months, (c) 13 to 18 months, (d) 19 to 24 months, (e) 25 to 30 months, (f) 31 to 36 months and (g) more than 36 months respectively.

Mr. Nicholls : This information is not available.


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