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Mr. Freeman : Within the next few days.

Mr. Wigley : To ask the Secretary of State for Health what arrangements will be made to publish on an annual basis, the total public sector expenditure on care services for disabled people, covering expenditure incurred by central Government, including social security payments, local authorities, health authorities and other statutory service providers funded from public money.

Mr. Scott : I have been asked to reply.

Information on public expenditure on care services for disabled people is currently available in a number of publications. The public expenditure White Paper analyses past and present expenditure on social security both by broad client groups and by individual benefits, some of which may be relevant to the provision of care. Expenditure on health and personal social services by broad client group is published in "Health and Personal Social Services Statistics", for example tables 2.8, 2.6 and 2.9, in the key indicators of local authority social services package ; and in the local authority profiles. Information is also available from Health Service cost returns and reports of the Social Services Committee, copies of which are available in the Library. The use made by disabled people of general health and social services (for example acute hospital services and home help services) is not separately identified. We have no plans to change the present publication arrangements.

Contraceptive Services

Mr. Nellist : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will list those district health authorities who have (a) expanded and (b) contracted their provision of contraceptive services in each of the last three years.

Mrs. Virginia Bottomley [holdin‡g answer 11 December 1989] : The information is not available in exactly the form requested. The data collected cover the number of family planning clinic sessions, and attendances at family planning clinics.

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The latest available figures are for 1987- 88. The districts listed, copies of which have been placed in the Library, are those where : (

(1) both the number of attendances and the number of sessions held increased over the period 1984 to 1987-88. (14 districts) (

(2) both the number of attendances and the number of sessions decreased over the same period. (110 districts)

(3) the number of attendances decreased while the number of sessions increased. (58 districts)

(4) the number of attendances increased while the number of sessions decreased. (9 districts)

The number of sessions offered by family planning clinics may be reduced as part of a rationalisation of services by health authorities to make more effective use of available resources. Some 97 per cent. of general practitioners provide planning services and about 65 per cent. of the women using family planning services prefer to see a general practitioner.

Government policy remains that people should be free to choose their source of family planning advice and that health authority contraceptive services complement, rather than duplicate, those which general practitioners provide. This is reflected in current guidance issued to health authorities by the Department.

NHS Reform

Ms. Harman : To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many written comments he received on (a) the White Paper "Working for Patients" and (b) the White Paper "Care in the Community", and how many of (a) and (b) were favourable to the proposals.

Mrs. Virginia Bottomley [holding answer 18 December 1989] : More than 13,500 written comments have been received on the Government's proposals to improve the Health Service. Many ask questions, many support all or some of the proposals, some refer only to specific aspects. It is not possible to distinguish them in the way the hon. Member requests. We have also received a number of comments on the White Paper "Caring for People". These are generally favourable, but seek clarification on a

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number of points. The lengthy Labour party campaign produced the equivalent of about 300 postcards for each district health authority area.


Members' Staff

Mr. Allen : To ask the Lord President of the Council how many employees employed by hon. Members are paid for through the secretarial and office allowance.

Sir Geoffrey Howe : A total of 1,262 in the month of December 1989.

The above figure relates to persons directly employed by Members, ie, paid through the PAYE system. It does not include persons who are self-employed or fee-earning, or agency and other staff provided through an arrangement with a firm or business organisation.


Benefit Statistics

Mr. Cousins : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security whether he will update the information given in tables 1 and 2 in answer to the hon. Member for Newcastle upon Tyne, Central on 21 December 1988, Official Report, columns 303-6 to April/May 1989 using April/May 1988 prices and supply additional information on the proportion of residents on supplementary benefit/income support from February 1986, update table 2 in May 1989 prices and provide the figures for the categories mentioned in table 2 as per the uprating due to take effect in April 1990.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard : The information requested is in the tables. All figures in table 1 are estimates. Information on the proportion of residents receiving income support is not yet available beyond May 1988. Table 2 provides information from April 1985 when the current system of national limits was introduced.

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Table 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Residential care and nursing home limits-April 1985-April 1990 (Proposed)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

                           April 1985                                          November 1985                                       July 1986                                           April 1987                                          April 1988                                          April 1989                April 1990                                         

Residential care category |£                        |£ May                    |£                        |£ May                    |£                        |£                        |May                      |£                        |£ May                    |£                        |£ May                    |£                                                  

(current                  |1989                     |(current                 |1989                     |(current                 |1989                     |(current                 |1989                     |(current                 |1989                     |£                        |£                                                                            

prices)                   |prices)                  |prices)                  |prices)                  |prices)                  |prices)                  |prices)                  |prices)                  |prices)                  |prices)                                                                                                                          


Elderly                   |110                      |133                      |120                      |144                      |125                      |147                      |130                      |147                      |130                      |141                      |140                      |150                                                

Very Dependent or Blind   |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |140                      |165                      |145                      |164                      |155                      |168                      |155                      |165                                                


Mentally Ill              |120                      |146                      |130                      |156                      |130                      |153                      |130                      |147                      |130                      |141                      |140                      |150                                                

Drug/Alcohol              |120                      |146                      |130                      |156                      |130                      |153                      |130                      |147                      |130                      |141                      |140                      |150                                                

Mentally Handicapped      |140                      |170                      |150                      |180                      |150                      |177                      |150                      |169                      |160                      |174                      |160                      |170                                                

Physically Disabled under |170                      |206                      |180                      |216                      |180                      |212                      |190                      |215                      |190                      |207                      |190                      |200                                                

  pension age                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Other                     |110                      |133                      |120                      |144                      |125                      |147                      |130                      |147                      |130                      |141                      |140                      |150                                                


Nursing Home Category                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Elderly                   |138.60                   |168                      |170                      |204                      |170                      |200                      |175                      |198                      |185                      |201                      |190                      |200                                                

Mentally Ill              |148.60                   |180                      |180                      |216                      |180                      |212                      |180                      |203                      |185                      |201                      |195                      |200                                                

Drug/Alcohol              |148.60                   |180                      |180                      |216                      |180                      |212                      |180                      |203                      |185                      |201                      |195                      |205                                                

Mentally Handicapped      |168.60                   |205                      |200                      |240                      |200                      |236                      |200                      |226                      |200                      |217                      |205                      |215                                                

Physically Disabled under |198.60                   |241                      |230                      |276                      |230                      |271                      |230                      |260                      |230                      |250                      |235                      |245                                                

  pension age                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Terminally Ill            |198.60                   |241                      |230                      |276                      |230                      |271                      |230                      |260                      |230                      |250                      |235                      |245                                                

Column 173

Table 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Residential care and nursing home limits-April 1985-April 1990 (Proposed)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

                           April 1985                                          November 1985                                       July 1986                                           April 1987                                          April 1988                                          April 1989                April 1990                                         

Residential care category |£                        |£ May                    |£                        |£ May                    |£                        |£                        |May                      |£                        |£ May                    |£                        |£ May                    |£                                                  

(current                  |1989                     |(current                 |1989                     |(current                 |1989                     |(current                 |1989                     |(current                 |1989                     |£                        |£                                                                            

prices)                   |prices)                  |prices)                  |prices)                  |prices)                  |prices)                  |prices)                  |prices)                  |prices)                  |prices)                                                                                                                          


Elderly                   |110                      |133                      |120                      |144                      |125                      |147                      |130                      |147                      |130                      |141                      |140                      |150                                                

Very Dependent or Blind   |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |140                      |165                      |145                      |164                      |155                      |168                      |155                      |165                                                


Mentally Ill              |120                      |146                      |130                      |156                      |130                      |153                      |130                      |147                      |130                      |141                      |140                      |150                                                

Drug/Alcohol              |120                      |146                      |130                      |156                      |130                      |153                      |130                      |147                      |130                      |141                      |140                      |150                                                

Mentally Handicapped      |140                      |170                      |150                      |180                      |150                      |177                      |150                      |169                      |160                      |174                      |160                      |170                                                

Physically Disabled under |170                      |206                      |180                      |216                      |180                      |212                      |190                      |215                      |190                      |207                      |190                      |200                                                

  pension age                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Other                     |110                      |133                      |120                      |144                      |125                      |147                      |130                      |147                      |130                      |141                      |140                      |150                                                


Nursing Home Category                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Elderly                   |138.60                   |168                      |170                      |204                      |170                      |200                      |175                      |198                      |185                      |201                      |190                      |200                                                

Mentally Ill              |148.60                   |180                      |180                      |216                      |180                      |212                      |180                      |203                      |185                      |201                      |195                      |200                                                

Drug/Alcohol              |148.60                   |180                      |180                      |216                      |180                      |212                      |180                      |203                      |185                      |201                      |195                      |205                                                

Mentally Handicapped      |168.60                   |205                      |200                      |240                      |200                      |236                      |200                      |226                      |200                      |217                      |205                      |215                                                

Physically Disabled under |198.60                   |241                      |230                      |276                      |230                      |271                      |230                      |260                      |230                      |250                      |235                      |245                                                

  pension age                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Terminally Ill            |198.60                   |241                      |230                      |276                      |230                      |271                      |230                      |260                      |230                      |250                      |235                      |245                                                


Mr. Austin Mitchell : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many contracts over £92,500 have been let by his Department in the 1988-89 financial year and in the current financial year to date ; and how many of these were (a) automatically renewed and (b) open to competition by advertisement throughout the European Community.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard : The number of contracts awarded by the then Department of Health and Social Security and covered by the provisions of the EC supplies directive, for which the current threshold is £92,000, was 40 in the 1988-89 financial year. Of these 37 were awarded following advertisement in the EC Journal and one was considered to be exempt from advertising and may have been awarded to the previous supplier.

The number of contracts awarded by the Department of Social Security and covered by the provisions of the EC supplies directive, for which the current threshold is £92,000, is 14 in the current financial year to date. All were awarded following advertisement in the EC Journal.


Mr. Meacher : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what is his estimate of the number of people begging in (i) London and (ii) the rest of the country ; what recent surveys have been carried out ; and if he will institute a survey now so as to ascertain the up-to-date numbers involved.

Mr. John Patten : I have been asked to reply.

The only statistics available are of the number prosecuted for begging each year. In 1988 there were 573 such prosecutions in England and Wales of which 512 (89 per cent.) resulted in convictions. In the Metropolitan police district there were 500 prosecutions of which 455 (91 per cent.) resulted in convictions. We have no present plans to institute a survey on begging.

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Social Fund

Mr. Andy Stewart : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security whether he has yet reached any conclusion as a result of his continued monitoring of the social fund.

Mr. Tony Newton : Our continued monitoring of the social fund suggests that it is generally working well. After a slow start in the first year, awareness of both community care grants and of the interest-free loan system has clearly grown. Arrangements for repayment also appear to be working well, indeed, the flow of repayments is somewhat higher than had been forecast, though this partly reflects the pattern of loans in the previous financial year. It is however also clear from our monitoring that, as might be expected at what is still a relatively early stage in the fund's operation, the pattern of demand varies from office to office, and the present budgets of certain offices have come under exceptional pressure. We shall of course seek to take these factors into account in setting the allocation for 1990-91, which we shall do in the early part of next year. Meanwhile, however, I intend to increase the gross budget of the fund by about £3 million in 1989-90, in order to increase the individual allocation of just under 100 offices where such particular pressures have arisen. In view of the flow of repayments, this will not entail a corresponding increase in the expected net total of expenditure in the present year.

Mr. Battle : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will review the national allocation to the social fund for the current year as a matter of urgency ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Scott : I refer the hon. Member to the reply given today to my hon. Friend the Member for Sherwood (Mr. Stewart).


Dr. Thomas : To ask the Secretary of State for the Social Security what special resources have been made available to support the homeless and destitute over the Christmas period.

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Mrs. Gillian Shephard : The social security system provides substantial help for the homeless and destitute at all times of the year. The Government are keeping under review whether special emergency arrangements are necessary to meet special problems and, if so, what form of help would be most effective.

Benefit Claimants, Woolwich

Mr. Cartwright : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what consideration his Department undertook before deciding to transfer responsibility for all benefit claimants in Abbey Wood SE12 and Thamesmead SE28 from the Woolwich to the Bexley office.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard : The transfer of responsibility for all benefit claimants to our Bexley office forms part of a larger scheme to improve service to the public in the Lewisham/Eltham, Woolwich/Bexley area.

Before taking the decision a survey was carried out into the population distribution of the area and into lines of communication to the relevant offices. Another factor taken into account was that the postal districts in question were already dealt with by two separate offices. It has been our policy for some time in the London area to avoid unnecessary confusion by arranging for complete postal districts to be dealt with by a single local office.

We are very much aware of the need for the local community to have easy access to advice and information. We believe that by drawing together all benefits for a particular area into a single office we shall improve the overall standard of service to the public. Anyone who does not wish to visit an office and who needs general advice may use the DSS freeline service on 0800 666555. In addition, we are always ready to arrange a home visit if one is needed.

Family Benefits

Mr. Meacher : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what was expenditure in the United Kingdom on maternity/family social protection benefits using the European system of integrated social protection statistics depreciation for each year from 1979 to the latest available ; and what equivalent information he has for each of the other European Community member states.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard : The latest statistics available were published in June 1989 in issue 1989-2 of Eurostat's "Rapid Reports on Population and Social Conditions", a copy of which is in the Library.

Local Offices, Edinburgh

Mr. Darling : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many staff at his Department's offices in Edinburgh speak (a) Urdu, (b) Punjabi, (c) Bengali, including the Sylheti dialect, (d) Chinese, (e) Farsi, (f) Hindi and (g) Gujerati.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard : In the Department's five Edinburgh local offices there are two speakers of Urdu, two of Hindi and there is one speaker of Punjabi.

Family Credit

Mr. Bradley : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what was the number of people on family credit immediately before the start of the recent family credit

Column 176

publicity campaign ; what was the number of successful claims during the campaign ; what was the number of unsuccessful claims during the campaign ; what is the number of claims currently awaiting processing ; what is the number of people now receiving family credit ; and if he has plans to follow up this campaign.

Mr. Newton [holding answer 5 December 1989] : A further publicity campaign to promote awareness of family credit began on 6 November and is still continuing. A full evaluation of the effectiveness of the campaign will not be possible for some time, but in the first five weeks after it began a total of 107,000 claims were received compared with only 68,800 in the same period in 1988. Of the 107,000 claims, 62,200 were new claims from families not receiving an existing award, compared with 49,500 new claims in the five weeks before the campaign began. On 8 December, 63,600 claims were awaiting a response to inquiries (mainly from employers).

Fuller information is available about the campaign conducted in the spring of 1989. During the nine weeks of TV publicity, nearly 260,000 claims were received. Separate information about the outcome of these particular claims is not available, but of all the claims decided in the three months following the start of the campaign over 160,000 received awards and some 134,000 were unsuccessful.

At the end of March 1989, immediately before the spring campaign, about 280,000 families were receiving family credit. The number increased by the end of July to 313,000, and the latest indications are that by the end of September it rose further to about 320,000. (This latter figure was previously thought, as a result of a computer error, to have been reached two months earlier, thus the July figure is a correction of those published previously.) This estimate of about 320,000 is the latest available indicator of caseload prior to the start of the current campaign.

Cold Weather Payments

Mr. Tom Clarke : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will raise the threshold of capital assets at which disqualification for cold weather payments operate ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Newton [holding answer 18 December 1989] : Following the uprating statement I made on 25 October, I am pleased to announce that today I have laid regulations which amend the Social Fund Cold Weather Payments (General) Regulations, so that from 1 January 1990 elderly people who are receiving income support may be able to qualify for cold weather payments whilst retaining up to £1,000 in savings. The increase in the amount of capital that people aged 60 and over may have before it affects entitlement to cold weather payments will enable more elderly people to obtain help with the extra cost of heating their homes at times of very cold weather. The regulations also correct defects in the regulations concerning the treatment of the capital of a claimant's partner and the description of the areas covered by the national climatological message stations.

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Farm and Moorland Holdings

Dr. Cunningham : To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (1) if he will list the address and location of all freehold and leasehold farm and moorland holdings of the Duchy of Lancaster, showing the different categories, stating when first acquired by the duchy ;

(2) if he will list the address, type and size of all freehold and leasehold property holdings of the Duchy of Lancaster, showing the different categories located in (a) Greater London, (b) Aldershot, (c) Bedford, (d) Bristol, (e) Kettering, (f) Leeds, (g) Leicester, (h) Lewes, (i) Northampton, (j) Hadley Wood and (k) Harrogate.

Mr. Kenneth Baker [holding answer 7 December 1989] : It would be impractical to list the addresses and locations of all the property holdings of the Duchy of Lancaster as these would number several hundred items. However I hope that the following summary will be helpful.

The freehold farm and moorland properties owned by the Duchy or in which the Duchy has an interest are as follows :

Estates: Predominantly agricultural in nature in the  



County                            |Acreage            



Northamptonshire and Lincolnshire |2,865              

Staffordshire and Cheshire        |12,350             

Lancashire                        |10,920             

Yorkshire                         |9,318              



In addition, the Duchy owns some fifteen thousand acres of moorland in north Yorkshire and south Wales most of which are subject to common rights.

The estates include some 165 agricultural tenancies and 3,145 acres of woodland.

There are no leasehold ownerships in this category.

In all of the counties other than Cheshire ownership of part of the holdings can be established from 1267. Subsequent additions have been made.

In Cheshire, estates have been acquired over the last 50 or so years.

Other property ownership, all of which are freehold except for a long leasehold property in the City of London, may be summarised as follows :

(a) Greater London The freehold of properties in the Manor of Savoy bounded by Lancaster Place, the Embankment, Savoy Hill and Strand (including the Savoy Chapel) and a building at 2/4 Lancaster Place to 137 Strand. A Substantial part of these properties are let on building lease or equivalent terms, having between twenty-nine and ninety years unexpired.

Two office buildings, one freehold and one leasehold, are owned in the City of London. both are let on long leases without reviews. (b) Aldershot None.

(c) Bedford One shop in High street.

(d) Bristol None.

(e) Kettering None.

(f) Leeds None.

(g) Leicester One shop in High street.

(h) Lewes One shop in High street.

(i) Northampton None.

(j) Hadley Wood

i. Twenty-six acres of land and twenty-nine cottages.

ii. Two petrol filling stations (on long lease).

Column 178

(k) Harrogate Miscellaneous commercial properties in Harrogate which include five shops, one hotel, and a house now converted to offices.

These properties, in the main, are let on occupational leases. There is also the remainder of a residential estate developed over a period of one- hundred years or so producing thirty-six ground rents. The freehold reversions are sold to the lessees on terms which follow the provisions of the Leasehold Reform Acts.


Value Added Tax

Mr. Simon Coombs : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what compensatory payments Customs and Excise make to traders when a court or value added tax tribunal has decided that value added tax was incorrectly charged.

Mr. Ryder : Section 40(4) of the Value Added Tax Act 1983 provides that, when a tribunal decides that VAT should not have been charged by Customs, a compensatory payment of interest should be made in addition to repayment of the tax itself. Interest is also payable by order of a court. In cases analogous with those where such a finding has been reached, Customs make ex gratia payments in lieu of interest.

All of these payments fall as a charge on subhead B1 of class XIX vote 2. A recent case where the House of Lords found against Customs is considered to be applicable to a substantial number of similar cases in which Customs had previously refused full repayment. As a result, some significant costs will be incurred in 1989-90. These costs are currently being assessed and will be reflected in a spring Supplementary Estimate which will be presented to Parliament.

Ms. Walley : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many letters have been sent out from value added tax headquarters at Southend in the current year and in each of the last two years to value added tax defaulters threatening surcharge in respect of payments which related to taxpayers who were (a) less than three days late with their returns, (b) less than seven days late with their returns and (c) less than 14 days late with their returns ; and if he will estimate the cost of this administrative action.

Mr. Ryder : A trader is sent a notice warning of liability to default surcharge when value added tax returns or payments have been received late but records are not available in a form which enables me to provide the information requested.

Capital Gains Tax

Mr. Simon Coombs : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will make a statement about the treatment for capital gains tax of shares issued under the business start-up and business expansion schemes before 19 March 1986.

Mr. Lilley : Up to 5 April 1988, when shares issued before 19 March 1986 under the business start-up scheme or business expansion scheme were exchanged for shares in another company on a takeover or company reconstruction, the transaction was generally not regarded as giving rise to a disposal for capital gains tax purposes. Instead

Column 179

any gain or loss which would otherwise have accrued was effectively rolled over into the new share holding. The Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 changed the law affecting business start-up and business expansion scheme shares issued before 19 March 1986 so that after 5 April 1988 roll-over treatment was no longer available where incomes tax relief had been given on these shares and not withdrawn. This change in the law was not intended.

The Government therefore propose to bring forward legislation in the 1990 Finance Bill to restore the previous capital gains tax treatment for exchange or cancellations of business start-up and business expansion scheme shares after 5 April 1988 which are affected by this change in the law. For a limited period shareholders will, however, be able to choose to have an exchange or cancellation of shares which takes place before 1 January 1990 treated under the provisions as they currently apply, if this is to their advantage.

Government Expenditure

Mr. Simon Coombs : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will publish in the Official Report tables showing, for the latest years now available, identifiable general Government expenditure by function in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom expressed (a) in cash terms, (b) as a percentage of United Kingdom total identifiable general Government expenditure, (c) as an amount per capita, and (d) as an amount per capita expressed as an index, United Kingdom identifiable general Government expenditure = 100.

Mr. Norman Lamont : Most public expenditure is planned on a national basis and there is no geographical disaggregation apart from expenditure which is the responsibility of the territorial Departments. However, in order to provide a more comprehensive breakdown of public expenditure within the four countries of the United Kingdom an additional analysis, covering outturn years, is carried out each year. This analysis allocates, where possible, expenditure to England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland and therefore includes within the territories a wider coverage of expenditure than that for which the Secretaries of State for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are directly responsible.

In previous years this analysis has covered expenditure included within the planning total. Since the new planning total (announced in Cm. 441), on which outturn and plans for future years were published in the Autumn Statement (Cm. 879), includes central Government support for local authorities rather than local authority expenditure, the basis of the territorial analysis has been changed this year to cover general Government expenditure. The analysis thus covers central Government's own expenditure, finance for public corporations, and local authorities' expenditure, as it has in the past. Public corporations' market and overseas borrowing is, however, excluded.

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The analysis divides expenditure into "identifiable" and "non-identifiable" expenditure. The term "identifiable expenditure" refers to expenditure that can be identified from official records as having been incurred for the benefit of people in a particular country. The coverage of identifiable expenditure has been expanded since last year's exercise to include grants, subsidies and net lending to those public corporations, mainly dealing with housing and development, where allocation between territories is possible on a consistent basis. Total identifiable expenditure accounts for around three quarters of general Government expenditure. The remainder, unidentifiable expenditure, covers mainly expenditure deemed to have been incurred on behalf of the United Kingdom as a whole, for example, defence, overseas aid and other overseas services. The coverage of identifiable expenditure is largely unaffected by the change of basis to general Government expenditure.

Tables 1 to 5 show figures for identifiable general Government expenditure according to main function in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in the years 1984-85 to 1988-89. The tables show identifiable general Government expenditure in each territory in total and on a per capita basis. The per capita figures are based on mid-year population estimates. Figures for earlier years are not available on a totally consistent basis with those given in these tables.

Table 6 compares, for the latest year, 1988-89, expenditure by function in the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland programmes with the total identifiable expenditure in the respective countries. It shows that identifiable expenditure has a wider coverage than expenditure within the responsibilities of the Secretaries of State for Scotland and Wales ; in the case of Northern Ireland it has a slightly wider coverage than the Northern Ireland programme. The table also shows, for 1988-89, unidentifiable expenditure where this can be allocated to function.

In some cases, expenditure which cannot be separately identified for England, Scotland or Wales can be allocated to Great Britain rather than the United Kingdom ; for example, the majority of the finance provided for expenditure by the nationalised industries can be allocated to Great Britain. Tables 7a and 7b compare Northern Ireland allocated expenditure with that allocated to Great Britain over the five-year period.

The extent to which expenditure can be identified may vary from year to year and between countries. The coverage of particular functions can also vary between countries ; for example, in Northern Ireland, expenditure on arts and libraries is contained in the education category.

The terms and definitions used for this analysis are the same as those used for the recent Autumn Statement (Cm. 879) but the figures are based on less up-to-date outturn information.

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Table 7b                                                                                          

General government expenditure per head<1>                                                        

in Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                                             

£ per head                                                                                        

                                                         Index (Great Britain and Northern        


              |Great Britain|Northern     |Total        |Great Britain|Northern                   

                            |Ireland                                  |Ireland                    


1984-85       |1,884.8      |2,697.6      |1,907.1      |98.8         |141.4                      

1985-86       |1,980.6      |2,852.8      |2,004.6      |98.8         |142.3                      

1986-87       |2,099.7      |3,015.3      |2,125.0      |98.8         |141.9                      

1987-88       |2,221.1      |3,124.3      |2,246.1      |98.9         |139.1                      

1988-89       |2,328.6      |<2>3,636.0   |2,364.7      |98.5         |153.8                      

<1> The figures in these tables differ from those for identifiable expenditure given in tables    

1-6 because their cover is wider; in particular some of the finance provided for nationalised     

industries is included.                                                                           

<2> Includes £390 million (£247 per head) for costs associated with the privatisation of Short    

Brothers plc.                                                                                     

Table 7b                                                                                          

General government expenditure per head<1>                                                        

in Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                                             

£ per head                                                                                        

                                                         Index (Great Britain and Northern        


              |Great Britain|Northern     |Total        |Great Britain|Northern                   

                            |Ireland                                  |Ireland                    


1984-85       |1,884.8      |2,697.6      |1,907.1      |98.8         |141.4                      

1985-86       |1,980.6      |2,852.8      |2,004.6      |98.8         |142.3                      

1986-87       |2,099.7      |3,015.3      |2,125.0      |98.8         |141.9                      

1987-88       |2,221.1      |3,124.3      |2,246.1      |98.9         |139.1                      

1988-89       |2,328.6      |<2>3,636.0   |2,364.7      |98.5         |153.8                      

<1> The figures in these tables differ from those for identifiable expenditure given in tables    

1-6 because their cover is wider; in particular some of the finance provided for nationalised     

industries is included.                                                                           

<2> Includes £390 million (£247 per head) for costs associated with the privatisation of Short    

Brothers plc.                                                                                     

Table 7b                                                                                          

General government expenditure per head<1>                                                        

in Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                                             

£ per head                                                                                        

                                                         Index (Great Britain and Northern        


              |Great Britain|Northern     |Total        |Great Britain|Northern                   

                            |Ireland                                  |Ireland                    


1984-85       |1,884.8      |2,697.6      |1,907.1      |98.8         |141.4                      

1985-86       |1,980.6      |2,852.8      |2,004.6      |98.8         |142.3                      

1986-87       |2,099.7      |3,015.3      |2,125.0      |98.8         |141.9                      

1987-88       |2,221.1      |3,124.3      |2,246.1      |98.9         |139.1                      

1988-89       |2,328.6      |<2>3,636.0   |2,364.7      |98.5         |153.8                      

<1> The figures in these tables differ from those for identifiable expenditure given in tables    

1-6 because their cover is wider; in particular some of the finance provided for nationalised     

industries is included.                                                                           

<2> Includes £390 million (£247 per head) for costs associated with the privatisation of Short    

Brothers plc.                                                                                     

Table 7b                                                                                          

General government expenditure per head<1>                                                        

in Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                                             

£ per head                                                                                        

                                                         Index (Great Britain and Northern        


              |Great Britain|Northern     |Total        |Great Britain|Northern                   

                            |Ireland                                  |Ireland                    


1984-85       |1,884.8      |2,697.6      |1,907.1      |98.8         |141.4                      

1985-86       |1,980.6      |2,852.8      |2,004.6      |98.8         |142.3                      

1986-87       |2,099.7      |3,015.3      |2,125.0      |98.8         |141.9                      

1987-88       |2,221.1      |3,124.3      |2,246.1      |98.9         |139.1                      

1988-89       |2,328.6      |<2>3,636.0   |2,364.7      |98.5         |153.8                      

<1> The figures in these tables differ from those for identifiable expenditure given in tables    

1-6 because their cover is wider; in particular some of the finance provided for nationalised     

industries is included.                                                                           

<2> Includes £390 million (£247 per head) for costs associated with the privatisation of Short    

Brothers plc.                                                                                     

Table 7b                                                                                          

General government expenditure per head<1>                                                        

in Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                                             

£ per head                                                                                        

                                                         Index (Great Britain and Northern        


              |Great Britain|Northern     |Total        |Great Britain|Northern                   

                            |Ireland                                  |Ireland                    


1984-85       |1,884.8      |2,697.6      |1,907.1      |98.8         |141.4                      

1985-86       |1,980.6      |2,852.8      |2,004.6      |98.8         |142.3                      

1986-87       |2,099.7      |3,015.3      |2,125.0      |98.8         |141.9                      

1987-88       |2,221.1      |3,124.3      |2,246.1      |98.9         |139.1                      

1988-89       |2,328.6      |<2>3,636.0   |2,364.7      |98.5         |153.8                      

<1> The figures in these tables differ from those for identifiable expenditure given in tables    

1-6 because their cover is wider; in particular some of the finance provided for nationalised     

industries is included.                                                                           

<2> Includes £390 million (£247 per head) for costs associated with the privatisation of Short    

Brothers plc.                                                                                     

Column 185

Table 7b                                                                                          

General government expenditure per head<1>                                                        

in Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                                             

£ per head                                                                                        

                                                         Index (Great Britain and Northern        


              |Great Britain|Northern     |Total        |Great Britain|Northern                   

                            |Ireland                                  |Ireland                    


1984-85       |1,884.8      |2,697.6      |1,907.1      |98.8         |141.4                      

1985-86       |1,980.6      |2,852.8      |2,004.6      |98.8         |142.3                      

1986-87       |2,099.7      |3,015.3      |2,125.0      |98.8         |141.9                      

1987-88       |2,221.1      |3,124.3      |2,246.1      |98.9         |139.1                      

1988-89       |2,328.6      |<2>3,636.0   |2,364.7      |98.5         |153.8                      

<1> The figures in these tables differ from those for identifiable expenditure given in tables    

1-6 because their cover is wider; in particular some of the finance provided for nationalised     

industries is included.                                                                           

<2> Includes £390 million (£247 per head) for costs associated with the privatisation of Short    

Brothers plc.                                                                                     

Table 7b                                                                                          

General government expenditure per head<1>                                                        

in Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                                             

£ per head                                                                                        

                                                         Index (Great Britain and Northern        


              |Great Britain|Northern     |Total        |Great Britain|Northern                   

                            |Ireland                                  |Ireland                    


1984-85       |1,884.8      |2,697.6      |1,907.1      |98.8         |141.4                      

1985-86       |1,980.6      |2,852.8      |2,004.6      |98.8         |142.3                      

1986-87       |2,099.7      |3,015.3      |2,125.0      |98.8         |141.9                      

1987-88       |2,221.1      |3,124.3      |2,246.1      |98.9         |139.1                      

1988-89       |2,328.6      |<2>3,636.0   |2,364.7      |98.5         |153.8                      

<1> The figures in these tables differ from those for identifiable expenditure given in tables    

1-6 because their cover is wider; in particular some of the finance provided for nationalised     

industries is included.                                                                           

<2> Includes £390 million (£247 per head) for costs associated with the privatisation of Short    

Brothers plc.                                                                                     

Table 7b                                                                                          

General government expenditure per head<1>                                                        

in Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                                             

£ per head                                                                                        

                                                         Index (Great Britain and Northern        


              |Great Britain|Northern     |Total        |Great Britain|Northern                   

                            |Ireland                                  |Ireland                    


1984-85       |1,884.8      |2,697.6      |1,907.1      |98.8         |141.4                      

1985-86       |1,980.6      |2,852.8      |2,004.6      |98.8         |142.3                      

1986-87       |2,099.7      |3,015.3      |2,125.0      |98.8         |141.9                      

1987-88       |2,221.1      |3,124.3      |2,246.1      |98.9         |139.1                      

1988-89       |2,328.6      |<2>3,636.0   |2,364.7      |98.5         |153.8                      

<1> The figures in these tables differ from those for identifiable expenditure given in tables    

1-6 because their cover is wider; in particular some of the finance provided for nationalised     

industries is included.                                                                           

<2> Includes £390 million (£247 per head) for costs associated with the privatisation of Short    

Brothers plc.                                                                                     

Table 7b                                                                                          

General government expenditure per head<1>                                                        

in Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                                             

£ per head                                                                                        

                                                         Index (Great Britain and Northern        


              |Great Britain|Northern     |Total        |Great Britain|Northern                   

                            |Ireland                                  |Ireland                    


1984-85       |1,884.8      |2,697.6      |1,907.1      |98.8         |141.4                      

1985-86       |1,980.6      |2,852.8      |2,004.6      |98.8         |142.3                      

1986-87       |2,099.7      |3,015.3      |2,125.0      |98.8         |141.9                      

1987-88       |2,221.1      |3,124.3      |2,246.1      |98.9         |139.1                      

1988-89       |2,328.6      |<2>3,636.0   |2,364.7      |98.5         |153.8                      

<1> The figures in these tables differ from those for identifiable expenditure given in tables    

1-6 because their cover is wider; in particular some of the finance provided for nationalised     

industries is included.                                                                           

<2> Includes £390 million (£247 per head) for costs associated with the privatisation of Short    

Brothers plc.                                                                                     

Table 7b                                                                                          

General government expenditure per head<1>                                                        

in Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                                             

£ per head                                                                                        

                                                         Index (Great Britain and Northern        


              |Great Britain|Northern     |Total        |Great Britain|Northern                   

                            |Ireland                                  |Ireland                    


1984-85       |1,884.8      |2,697.6      |1,907.1      |98.8         |141.4                      

1985-86       |1,980.6      |2,852.8      |2,004.6      |98.8         |142.3                      

1986-87       |2,099.7      |3,015.3      |2,125.0      |98.8         |141.9                      

1987-88       |2,221.1      |3,124.3      |2,246.1      |98.9         |139.1                      

1988-89       |2,328.6      |<2>3,636.0   |2,364.7      |98.5         |153.8                      

<1> The figures in these tables differ from those for identifiable expenditure given in tables    

1-6 because their cover is wider; in particular some of the finance provided for nationalised     

industries is included.                                                                           

<2> Includes £390 million (£247 per head) for costs associated with the privatisation of Short    

Brothers plc.                                                                                     

Table 7b                                                                                          

General government expenditure per head<1>                                                        

in Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                                             

£ per head                                                                                        

                                                         Index (Great Britain and Northern        


              |Great Britain|Northern     |Total        |Great Britain|Northern                   

                            |Ireland                                  |Ireland                    


1984-85       |1,884.8      |2,697.6      |1,907.1      |98.8         |141.4                      

1985-86       |1,980.6      |2,852.8      |2,004.6      |98.8         |142.3                      

1986-87       |2,099.7      |3,015.3      |2,125.0      |98.8         |141.9                      

1987-88       |2,221.1      |3,124.3      |2,246.1      |98.9         |139.1                      

1988-89       |2,328.6      |<2>3,636.0   |2,364.7      |98.5         |153.8                      

<1> The figures in these tables differ from those for identifiable expenditure given in tables    

1-6 because their cover is wider; in particular some of the finance provided for nationalised     

industries is included.                                                                           

<2> Includes £390 million (£247 per head) for costs associated with the privatisation of Short    

Brothers plc.                                                                                     

Table 7b                                                                                          

General government expenditure per head<1>                                                        

in Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                                             

£ per head                                                                                        

                                                         Index (Great Britain and Northern        


              |Great Britain|Northern     |Total        |Great Britain|Northern                   

                            |Ireland                                  |Ireland                    


1984-85       |1,884.8      |2,697.6      |1,907.1      |98.8         |141.4                      

1985-86       |1,980.6      |2,852.8      |2,004.6      |98.8         |142.3                      

1986-87       |2,099.7      |3,015.3      |2,125.0      |98.8         |141.9                      

1987-88       |2,221.1      |3,124.3      |2,246.1      |98.9         |139.1                      

1988-89       |2,328.6      |<2>3,636.0   |2,364.7      |98.5         |153.8                      

<1> The figures in these tables differ from those for identifiable expenditure given in tables    

1-6 because their cover is wider; in particular some of the finance provided for nationalised     

industries is included.                                                                           

<2> Includes £390 million (£247 per head) for costs associated with the privatisation of Short    

Brothers plc.                                                                                     

Table 7b                                                                                          

General government expenditure per head<1>                                                        

in Great Britain and Northern Ireland                                                             

£ per head                                                                                        

                                                         Index (Great Britain and Northern        


              |Great Britain|Northern     |Total        |Great Britain|Northern                   

                            |Ireland                                  |Ireland                    


1984-85       |1,884.8      |2,697.6      |1,907.1      |98.8         |141.4                      

1985-86       |1,980.6      |2,852.8      |2,004.6      |98.8         |142.3                      

1986-87       |2,099.7      |3,015.3      |2,125.0      |98.8         |141.9                      

1987-88       |2,221.1      |3,124.3      |2,246.1      |98.9         |139.1                      

1988-89       |2,328.6      |<2>3,636.0   |2,364.7      |98.5         |153.8                      

<1> The figures in these tables differ from those for identifiable expenditure given in tables    

1-6 because their cover is wider; in particular some of the finance provided for nationalised     

industries is included.                                                                           

<2> Includes £390 million (£247 per head) for costs associated with the privatisation of Short    

Brothers plc.                                                                                     


Mr. Allen : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will list the share offer price, the closing price on the first day and the current share price for each of the privatisations since 1979.

Column 190

Mr. Lilley : The information the hon. Member requested is as follows.

Column 189

                         |Year           |Offer price    |First          |Closing price  |Current                        

                                                         |installment    |on first day of|price<1>                       

                                                         |(pence)        |dealing                                        


British Petroleum        |1979           |363            |150            |n/a                                            

                         |1983           |435            |200            |n/a            |333                            

                         |1987           |330            |120            |85                                             

British Aerospace        |1981           |150            |-              |171            |561                            

                         |1985           |375            |200            |<2>345                                         

Cable and Wireless       |1981           |168            |-              |197                                            

                         |1983           |275            |100            |98             |520                            

                         |1985           |587            |300            |303                                            

Amersham International   |1982           |142            |-              |188            |361                            

Britoil                  |1982           |215            |100            |81             |<3>-                           

                         |1985           |185            |100            |122                                            

Associated British Ports |1983           |112            |-              |138                                            

                         |1984           |270            |100            |102            |612                            

Enterprise Oil           |1984           |185            |100            |100            |668                            

Jaguar                   |1984           |165            |-              |179            |845                            

British Telecom          |1984           |130            |50             |93             |289.5                          

British Gas              |1986           |135            |50             |62.5           |228.5                          

British Airways          |1987           |125            |65             |109            |211                            

Rolls-Royce              |1987           |170            |85             |147            |171                            

BAA                      |1987           |245            |100            |146            |387                            

British Steel            |1988           |125            |60             |62             |131.5                          

Anglian Water            |1989           |240            |100            |<4>148.5                                       

Northumbrian Water Group |1989           |240            |100            |157                                            

North West Water Group   |1989           |240            |100            |135                                            

Severn Trent             |1989           |240            |100            |131                                            

Southern Water           |1989           |240            |100            |141                                            

South West Water         |1989           |240            |100            |147                                            

Thames Water             |1989           |240            |100            |136                                            

Welsh Water              |1989           |240            |100            |141                                            

Wessex Water             |1989           |240            |100            |154                                            

Yorkshire Water          |1989           |240            |100            |149                                            

Package of 10 Water                                                                                                      

   Companies<5>          |1989           |£2,400         |£1,000         |£1,395                                         

<1> Current prices on 12 December 1989.                                                                                  

<2> Opening share price on first day of dealing; closing price on that day not available.                                

<3> Taken over by BP in 1988.                                                                                            

<4> Shares in the 10 water plcs began trading on 12 December 1989.                                                       

<5> Package of 1,000 shares consisting of shares in each individual water plc in proportion to market capitalisation at  

offer price.                                                                                                             

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