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Mr. Geraint Howells : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what is his estimate of the numbers of passengers per annum carried by (a) bus, (b) rail, (c) private car and (d) aircraft in Wales in each of the years from 1985 to date ; and if he will make a statement.
Sir Wyn Roberts : The information requested is given in the following tables :
Passengers carried, by mode of transport (a) Bus and coach<1> |Passenger |journeys |(million) ------------------------------ 1985-86 |209 1986-87 |196 1987-88 |209 1988-89 |215 Source: Welsh Transport Statistics. <1>Data available by financial year only.
Column 18
i (b) Aircraft |Passengers handled at terminals<1> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1985 |388,651 1986 |489,385 1987 |632,339 1988 |621,046 1989 |697,800 Source: Welsh Transport Statistics. <1>Includes all arrivals at and departures from Welsh terminals except transit passengers.
Current information is not available for rail or private car passengers, but a national travel survey conducted in 1985-86 by the Department of Transport showed that the numbers of journeys made within the Principality per person per week were as follows :
Column 19
P --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mr. Geraint Howells : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what measures he is proposing to improve the training of those involved in the food industry in Wales ; and if he will make a statement.
Sir Wyn Roberts : A consultation document on hygiene training for food handlers was issued in December 1989 and the comments received are currently being assessed. The Government intend to issue the relevant regulations in due course.
Mr. Barry Jones : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what information he has on the percentage change in retail sales in Wales for each of the last four quarters ; and if he will make a statement.
Sir Wyn Roberts : Information is not available in the form requested.
Mr. Michael : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales, further to his reply of 13 November, Official Report, column 106, whether he will review his policy with regard to the appointment of special advisers who have previously been parliamentary candidates ; and whether he will make a statement on the operation of his current policy.
Sir Wyn Roberts : My right hon. Friend has nothing to add to the answer given to the hon. Gentleman on 13 November.
Dame Elaine Kellett-Bowman : To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list to the most recent available date the number of measures agreed by the EEC and not yet passed into legislation by each of the member states, in rank order.
Mr. Garel-Jones : Figures on the records of individual EC member states in implementing all EC directives are unfortunately not centralised. However, the Commission keeps centralised figures on the implementation of the proposals contained in the original White Paper for a single market. The latest Commission report, produced in October shows that of 107 measures due to be implemented by end 1990, the following measures remained unimplemented in the member states :
|number ----------------------------- Denmark |15 United Kingdom |18 Germany |20 Portugal |20 Spain |27 France |28 Ireland |31 Belgium |32 Netherlands |33 Luxembourg |35 Greece |44 Italy |62
Further details are given in the Department of Trade and Industry's document, "The Single Market : progress on Commission White Paper", which is available in the Library of the House.
Mr. Wallace : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will estimate (a) the number of salmon available for sale in the United Kingdom in (i) 1970, (ii) 1980 and (iii) 1989 and (b) for each of those years, what percentage of salmon were (i) river caught, (ii) caught in offshore waters and (iii) from fish farms.
Mr. Curry : The information requested is not available in the level of detail sought. The total amount of salmon available for sale in the United Kingdom comprises wild, farmed and imported fish of a variety of species--Atlantic, Pacific, and so on. It is not possible to estimate reliably how much of the total domestic--Atlantic--catch may be offered for sale ; further, records of imported salmon are not subdivided by number or species.
Comprehensive statistics of wild Atlantic salmon reported as caught by rod, net and trap are published annually by the Fisheries Departments and copies are available in the Libraries of the House. From these it is possible to provide an estimate of the inland and coastal catches of Atlantic salmon. These are :
|Inland |Coastal (tonnes) -------------------------------- 1970 |1,191 |968 1980 |934 |684 <1>1989 |817 |555 <1>provisional figure
Figures for estimated United Kingdom farmed Atlantic salmon production are :
|(tonnes) --------------------------- 1970 |nil 1980 |600 1989 |29,000
Figures for the total United Kingdom imports of fresh, chilled and frozen salmon--all species--are :
|(tonnes) --------------------------- 1970 |4,700 1980 |5,112 <1>1989 |7,095 <1>provisional figure
Column 21
Mrs. Clwyd : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what estimates are available of the number of bananas from the Windward Islands and Jamaica that would be bought in the United Kingdom if no trade preferences for those countries existed.
Mr. Curry : None. Our objective is an effective preferential arrangement after 1992, which will enable a continuing flow of bananas from the Caribbean, in line with the Community's commitments under the Lome convention.
Mrs. Clwyd : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when a decision is likely to be taken in the European Community on trade arrangements for bananas after 1992 ; and by whom.
Mr. Curry : We cannot say when a decision will be taken as no proposals have yet come forward from the European Commission. The decision will be taken by the Council of Ministers.
Mrs. Clwyd : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what proposals have been put forward by the European Community Commission on preferences for imports of bananas from the Windward Islands and Jamaica after 1992.
Mrs. Clwyd : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether the United Kingdom's position on trade preferences for imports of bananas from the Windward Islands and Jamaica after 1992 has changed since Her Majesty's Government's discussion paper was produced.
Mr. Curry : The Government continue to believe that the framework set out in that discussion paper provides the best means yet identified for balancing the different interests that would be affected by common arrangements for bananas. Discussions of the best way forward continue with all interested parties.
Mr. Livingstone : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will give the annual figure for exports of goods and services, expressed in current price terms, as a percentage of gross domestic product since 1979 and for the first half of 1990 ; and if he will make a statement.
Mr. Norman Lamont : Information relating to the export of goods and services--current prices--as a proportion of gross domestic product can be found in table 1.2 of the 1990 edition of the CSO's "United Kingdom National Accounts" publication--the Blue Book--and in table B of the CSO's quarterly "Gross Domestic Product" press notice. Copies of both are available in the Library of the House or alternatively the data can be found on the CSO database which can be accessed through the Library.
Column 22
Mr. Cohen : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he has received any representations to assist banks and finance houses in respect of increased indebtedness resulting from property prices ; and if he will make a statement.
Mr. Maples : My right hon. Friend receives representations from various sources about a range of subjects in the run-up to the Budget.
Mr. Cohen : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what information he has on the levels of (a) personal debt and (b) company sector debt in 1988, 1989, 1990 and estimated for 1991 ; and what assessment he has made of the reasons for the changes in level.
Mr. Maples : Figures for the debt or financial liabilities of the personal sector and industrial and commercial companies are available up until the end of 1989 only. These data are set out in table 12.2 and 12.3 of "United Kingdom National Accounts"--the CSO Blue Book, 1990 edition.
Mr. Cohen : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will list for each year since 1979 (a) the total tax revenue and (b) the total of all income to the Exchequer since 1979 ; and if he will also list it on the basis of (i) 1979 and (ii) 1989 prices.
Mr. Norman Lamont : Information as is readily available is included on the CSO database in the following series--identified by their database code :
general government : total taxes (excluding community charge) and royalties.
general government receipts.
implied GDP (at market prices) deflator.
The database can be accessed on line by the House of Commons Library.
Mr. Teddy Taylor : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will make a statement setting out (a) the changes in policy which would require to be made by Her Majesty's Government, (b) the restrictions on the freedom of action in tax decision making and (c) the impact on the tax levels and on the zero rate if the various proposals relating to indirect tax harmonisation and Community statistics were approved by the Council of Ministers.
Mr. Ryder : (a) The policy implications of the European Commission proposals covering indirect tax harmonisation and intra-Community trade statistics are detailed in the explanatory memoranda submitted by HM Customs and Excise and the Central Statistical Office respectively. Copies of the memoranda are available in the Library of the House.
(b) The proposals would require approximation of both VAT and excise duties ; this would of course constrain our fiscal decisions. (c) The Commission's revised VAT approximation proposals suggest an unspecified minimum standard rate
Column 23
and a reduced rate of 4 to 9 per cent ; for excises there are various proposals according to product category, for minimum rates or rate bands to be applied from 1 January 1993, and target rates to be achieved thereafter. The proposed rates would have a significant impact on United Kingdom rate levels and revenue ; details are again given in the explanatory memoranda.With regard to zero rates, the Commission's revised thinking of May 1989 accepted that these could be retained under certain circumstances ; although the present VAT technical proposals do not include an arrangement to carry forward the legal base for zero rates after 1992. We would not, of course, agree to any proposals which would restrict our ability to retain a zero rate.
The Government have always made it clear that they do not consider centrally determined tax approximation to be necessary for the completion of the single market or desirable for the differing economic circumstances of member states. As adoption of the Commission proposals would require the unanimous agreement of member states, the United Kingdom's position is safeguarded.
Mr. Hanley : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer when the old 5p coin will be demonetised following the introduction of the new 5p coin.
Mr. Maples : The old 5p coin will be demonetised and cease to be legal tender after 31 December 1990. Although it will not be possible for the general public to spend old 5p coins after that date, it will still be possible to return them by paying them in through the high street banks for a limited period.
Mr. Morgan : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) what general guidelines are issued for setting the salaries of personal ministerial advisers ;
(2) whether the salary guidelines in connection with the appointment of ministerial personal advisers include annual uprating by reference to the retail prices index ;
(3) whether he will review the guidelines for the salaries paid to personal ministerial advisers to ensure earnings as advisers do not exceed earnings in previous employment ;
(4) what are the guidelines for setting salaries for Ministers' personal advisers, where those appointed were previously self-employed.
Mr. Ryder [holding answer 16 November 1990] : There is a pay spine for ministerial special advisers. The starting point on that spine for each adviser is assessed primarily by reference to the individual's recent normal earnings : this is taken as evidence of the "market rate". There is flexibility to go above this exceptionally if there is evidence that an individual's recent earnings have been less than his or her normal market expectation or that the individual could have expected to increase his or her remuneration in the near future if they did not accept the appointment. These guidelines apply to all advisers, including those who were previously self-employed and I have no plans to revise them. The pay spine is revalued annually in line with the general increase in civil service pay.
Column 24
38. Mr. Simon Hughes : To ask the Lord President of the Council what energy efficiency steps have been taken in the House since 1 January.
Mr. MacGregor : Improving energy efficiency in the House is being achieved in three ways--by specific energy conservation projects, better housekeeping, and by incorporating energy conservation measures in the design of new facilities and major replacement programmes.
39. Mr. Hinchliffe : To ask the Lord President of the Council if he will pay a visit to the west cloisters in the Palance of Westminster to inspect working conditions for hon. Members.
Mr. MacGregor : I shall visit the west cloisters as soon as possible.
Mr. Spearing : To ask the Lord President of the Council if he will make a statement concerning the establishment and operation of the new Standing Committees appointed to consider documents originating from the European Community.
Mr. MacGregor : Standing Order No. 102, as amended by the House on 24 October, provides for the establishment of three European Standing Committees from the start of this Session. These Committees will each have 10 members who will be appointed by the Committee of Selection for a whole Session. I hope that the nominations will take place shortly and that the European Standing Committees will be able to begin holding debates on EC documents as soon as possible thereafter.
Mr. Wallace : To ask the Lord President of the Council what representations he has received regarding the nomination of a Select Committee on Scottish Affairs.
Mr. MacGregor : I have received a number of such representations.
Mr. Tredinnick : To ask the Lord President of the Council what steps have been taken to replace the former Members' lounge adjacent to the Library corridor now occupied by the Labour party.
Mr. MacGregor : Although relocation of the facility provided by the room in question did not form part of the Accommodation and Administration Sub-Committee's deliberations when approval was given for a change of use, it is understood that it will be considered in the context of accommodation becoming available in the House as a result of moves to phase 1 of the new parliamentary building.
Column 25
Mr. Caborn : To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science (1) what is the 1990-91 North Yorkshire education authority capital budget for furnishings and equipment in North Yorkshire schools ;
(2) what is the 1990-91 North Yorkshire education authority capital budget for building work in North Yorkshire schools.
Mr. Fallon : North Yorkshire local education authority received annual capital guidelines in 1990-91 for education expenditure on schools and further and higher education of £4.1 million. This represents no more than the minimum level of suggested capital spending on education. LEAs are free to spend whatever they think fit from whatever overall resources are available to them for capital spending. I understand that North Yorkshire LEA's capital budget for 1990-91 is in the region of £5 million.
Mr. Caborn : To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what was the cost of the carpet in the foyer of the National Curriculum Council's new building in Skeldergate, York.
Mr. Eggar : There is no carpet in the foyer of the National Curriculum Council's new building in Skeldergate, York.
Mr. Caborn : To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science how many staff work in the National Curriculum Council's new building in Skeldergate, York.
Mr. Eggar : The number of staff currently working in the National Curriculum Council's new headquarters in York is 83. The building is also used for meetings of NCC's council, curriculum committees, task groups and conferences.
Mr. Caborn : To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what is the cost of the lease of the National Curriculum Council's new building in Skeldergate, York.
Mr. Eggar : The annual rent of the National Curriculum Council's new headquarters is currently under review, but is likely to be in the region of £250,000 plus VAT.
Mr. Caborn : To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what is the capital cost of equipment and furnishings for the National Curriculum Council's new building in Skeldergate, York.
Mr. Eggar : The cost of the fixtures, fittings and furnishings of the National Curriculum Council's new headquarters is likely to be £560,000.
Ms. Armstrong : To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will list the schools involved in the assisted places scheme, with the total number of places and the number of assisted places in each school.
Mr. Fallon : The latest information available is in respect of the 1989-90 academic year as follows :
Column 26
Assisted places scheme Academic year 1989-90 Name of school |Number |Number |of pupils |of assisted |on roll |pupils ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abbey School, Reading |920 |66 Abingdon School |732 |86 Ackworth School, Pontefract |456 |5 Aldenham School, Elstree |370 |32 Alice Ottley School, Worcester |670 |77 Alleyns School, Dulwich |921 |198 Ardingly College, Haywards Heath |482 |5 Arnold School, Blackpool |800 |75 Ashford School, Kent |700 |42 Bancrofts School, Woodford |710 |80 Bath High School GPDST |590 |109 Batley Grammar School |631 |252 Bedales School, Petersfield |408 |6 Bedford High School |1,034 |98 Bedford Modern School |1,200 |161 Bedford School |1,120 |100 Dame Alice Harpur School |1,030 |153 Belvedere School GPDST, Liverpool |550 |170 Berkhamsted School |800 |27 Berkhamsted School for Girls |557 |28 Birkenhead High School GPDST |948 |260 Birkenhead School |990 |252 Bishop's Stortford College |360 |39 Blackheath High School GPDST |570 |91 Bloxham School, Banbury |369 |4 Bolton School (Boys) |1,000 |246 Bolton School (Girls) |1,095 |242 Bootham School, York |315 |5 Bradfield College, Reading |530 |2 Bradford Girls Grammar |900 |57 Bradford Grammar School |1,146 |212 Brentwood School |1,080 |93 Brighton and Hove High School GPDST 744 141 Brighton College |498 |100 Bristol Cathedral School |461 |139 Bristol Grammar School |1,203 |270 Bromley High School GPDST |693 |97 Bromsgrove School, Worcestershire |555 |3 Bruton School for Girls |580 |116 Burgess Hill School for Girls |578 |3 Bury Grammar School (Boys) |750 |180 Bury Grammar School (Girls) |1,120 |245 Canford School, Wimborne |530 |27 Carmel College, Wallingford |290 |85 Casterton School, Cumbria |380 |40 Caterham School |720 |122 Central Newcastle High School GPDST 780 117 Charterhouse, Godalming |700 |9 Cheadle Hulme School |1,000 |134 Cheltenham Ladies College |840 |3 Chigwell School |617 |63 Christ's Hospital |825 |5 Churchers College, Petersfield |460 |110 City of London School |850 |138 City of London School for Girls |660 |108 City of London Freemens School, Ashtead 649 2 Clifton College, Bristol |700 |69 Clifton High School, Bristol |752 |44 Colfes School, London SE12 |860 |178 Colston's School, Bristol |341 |83 Colston's Girls' School |660 |154 Coventry School |2,748 |262 Cranleigh School |570 |40 Croham Hurst School, Croydon (9/89) |590 |5 Croydon High School GPDST |1,040 |94 Culford School, Bury St. Edmunds |710 |47 Dame Allans Boys School, Newcastle upon Tyne |440 |121 Dame Allans Girls School |424 |131 Dauntseys School, Devizes |588 |50 Denstone College, Uttoxeter |360 |119 Douai School, Reading (9/89) |295 |2 Dover College (9/89) |310 |3 Downe House School, Newbury (9/89) |460 |1 Dulwich College |1,430 |282 Durham School (9/89) |378 |5 Edgbaston C of E College for Girls (9/89) |470 |4 Edgehill College, Bideford |502 |140 Ellerslie School, Worcestershire (9/89) |250 |5 Eltham College, London SE9 |700 |83 Emanuel School, London SW11 |760 |278 Epsom College |645 |24 Exeter School |675 |168 Farnborough Hill School |520 |167 Feixstowe College (9/89) |320 |5 Felsted School, Dunmow |500 |51 Forest School, London E17 |445 |132 Francis Holland School NW1 (9/89) |360 |5 Friends School, Saffron Walden |265 |75 Giggleswick School, Settle (9/89) |296 |0 Godolphin School, Salisbury (9/89) |320 |4 Godolphin and Latymer School, London W6 |700 |172 Greshams School, Norfolk |480 |10 Guildford High School for Girls (9/89) |580 |3 Haberdashers Askes School, Elstree |1,300 |216 Haberdashers Askes Schools for Girls, Elstree |1,096 |115 Haileybury and Imperial Service College (9/89) |689 |4 Hampton School |200 |183 Harrogate College |400 |19 Headington School, Oxford (9/89) |680 |0 Hereford Cathedral School |603 |225 Highate School |298 |36 Hulme Grammar, Boys, Oldham |860 |212 Hulme Grammar, Girls, Oldham |585 |185 Hurstpierpoint College, Hassocks (9/89) |565 |3 Hymers College, Hull |865 |164 Ipswich High School GPDST |595 |123 Ipswich School |626 |75 James Allens Girls School, Dulwich |850 |158 John Lyon School, Harrow |490 |103 Kent College, Canterbury |646 |88 Kimbolton Schools, Cambridgeshire (9/89) |685 |5 King Edwards School at Bath |685 |114 King Edwards School, Birmingham |775 |251 King Edward VI High School, Birmingham |560 |158 King Edward VII School, Lytham |645 |230 King Edward VI School, Norwich |761 |109 King Edward VI School, Southampton |944 |237 King Edwards School, Witley |523 |76 Kings College School, Wimbledon |650 |83 Kings High School for Girls, Warwick |985 |152 Kings School, Bruton (9/89) |333 |3 Kings School, Chester |560 |89 Kings School, Macclesfield |1,043 |154 Kings School, Rochester |438 |51 Kings School, Worcester |856 |166 Kingston Grammar School |567 |149 Kingswood School, Bath |484 |42 Kirkham Grammar School |510 |80 Lady Eleanor Holles School, Hampton |810 |55 La Sagesse Convent School, Newcastle upon Tyne |340 |139 Latymer Upper School, London W6 |1,030 |308 Laxton School, Peterborough (9/89) |148 |2 Leeds Girls High School |946 |102 Leeds Grammar School |1,184 |197 Leicester Grammar School (9/89) |550 |5 Leighton Park School, Reading (9/89) |360 |5 Leys School, Cambridge |375 |35 Liverpool College |700 |171 Lord Wandsworth College, Basingstoke |440 |82 Lorento Convent Grammar School, Altrincham |819 |60 Loughborough Grammar |880 |125 Loughborough High School |520 |88 Magdalen College School, Oxford |500 |119 Malvern College Group |600 |58 Manchester Grammar School |1,460 |262 Manchester High School |965 |171 Marist Convent Senior School, Ascot (9/89) |500 |1 Maynard School, Exeter |530 |155 Merchant Taylors, Liverpool |769 |203 Merchant Taylors Girls', Liverpool |811 |170 Merchant Taylors, Northwood |700 |68 Mill Hill School |540 |55 Monkton Combe School, Bath |340 |35 Mount Carmel School, Cheshire (9/89) |589 |5 Mount St. Mary's College, Sheffield |283 |52 Mount School, York (9/89) |288 |5 Newcastle Under Lyme School, Staffordshire |1,350 |466 Newcastle Upon Tyne Church High School (9/89) |607 |5 Northampton High School |765 |162 North London Collegiate School, Edgware |850 |83 Norwich High School GPDST |835 |168 Nottingham Girls High School GPDST |1,054 |184 Nottingham High School |830 |134 Notting Hill and Ealing High GPDST |768 |118 Oakham School, Rutland (9/89) |986 |3 Old Palace School, Croydon |760 |184 Oxford High School GPDST |650 |94 Pangbourne College, Reading (9/89) |330 |5 Perse School for Boys, Cambridge |486 |62 Perse School for Girls |710 |66 Plymouth College |695 |187 Pocklington School, York |714 |130 Polam Hall School, Darlington (9/89) |465 |5 Portsmouth Grammar School |1,020 |178 Portsmouth High School GPDST |675 |135 Prior Park College, Bath (9/89) |386 |3 Putney High School GPDST |825 |16 Queen Elizabeth Grammar, Blackburn |1,200 |244 Queen Elizabeth Grammar, Wakefield |975 |153 Queen Elizabeth Hospital School, Bristol |480 |166 Queen Mary School, Lytham |700 |242 Queens College, Taunton |610 |64 Queens College, London W1 |400 |60 Queens School, Chester |578 |71 Ratcliffe College, Leicestershire |424 |61 Redland High School, Bristol |631 |73 Red Maids School, Bristol |475 |163 Reed's School, Cobham (9/89) |346 |5 Reigate Grammar School |870 |99 Rendcomb College, Cirencester (9/89) |275 |5 Repton School, Derby |559 |45 Rossal School, Fleetwood |476 |45 Royal Grammar School, Guildford |800 |107 Royal Grammar School, Newcastle |1,130 |271 Royal Grammar School, Worcester |874 |257 St. Albans School |666 |121 St. Albans High School for Girls |685 |59 St. Ambrose College, Altrincham |640 |85 St. Anselms College, Birkenhead |850 |184 St. Bede's College, Manchester |866 |220 St. Bees School, Cumbria |367 |82 St. Benedict's School, Ealing |585 |75 St. Catherine's School, Bramley |615 |35 St. Dunstan's College, Catford |830 |153 St. Edmund's College, Ware |463 |59 St. Edward's College, Liverpool |850 |402 St. Felix School, Southwold (9/89) |355 |4 St. George's College, Weybridge |600 |27 St. Helen's School, Northwood |880 |27 St. John's College, Southsea |860 |173 St. John's School, Leatherhead |460 |14 St. Joseph's College, Ipswich |738 |72 St. Joseph's Convent, Reading |534 |102 St. Lawrence College, Ramsgate (9/89) |360 |5 St. Margaret's School, Bushey (9/89) |460 |1 St. Margaret's School, Exeter (9/89) |450 |4 St. Mary's College, Crosby (9/89) |804 |244 St. Mary's Convent, Cambridge |552 |98 St. Mary's Hall, Brighton |386 |52 St. Maurs Convent, Weybridge |470 |57 St. Paul's School, Barnes |640 |82 St. Paul's Girls School, Hammersmith |634 |55 St. Peter's School, York |480 |125 St. Swithun's School, Winchester |406 |0 Salesian College, Farnborough |450 |68 Scarborough College (9/89) |389 |5 School of St. Helen and St. Katherine, Abingdon |520 |80 Sedbergh School, Cumbria |495 |36 Sheffield High School GPDST |683 |81 Shrewsbury High School GPDST |570 |67 Sir William Perkins School, Chertsey |490 |93 Solihull School (9/89) |976 |5 South Hampstead High School GPDST |670 |58 Stamford School |950 |71 Stamford High School |1,006 |83 Stockport Grammar School |1,270 |252 Stonyhurst College, Blackburn |433 |30 Stowe School, Buckingham |608 |4 Streatham Hill and Clapham High GPDST |500 |156 Surbiton High School (9/89) |600 |5 Sutton High School GPDST |821 |68 Sutton Valence School, Maidstone |413 |60 Sydenham High School GPDST |650 |109 Talbot Heath School, Bournemouth |597 |133 Taunton School |585 |51 Tonbridge School |660 |3 Tormead School, Guildford (9/89) |545 |1 Trent College, Derbyshire |614 |129 Trinity School of John Whitgift, Croydon |800 |143 Truro School |863 |115 Truro High School |500 |53 University College School, London NW3 |770 |68 Upton Hall Convent School |600 |171 Ursuline Convent School, Kent (9/89) |330 |5 Ursuline High School, Ilford |410 |120 Wakefield High School |760 |139 Walthamstow Hall, Sevenoaks |532 |72 Warwick School |985 |136 Wellingborough School |830 |59 Wellington College, Berkshire |829 |32 Wellington School, Somerset |798 |196 Wells Cathedral School |587 |75 West Buckland School, Barnstable |534 |71 Westholme School, Blackburn |951 |5 Westminster School |600 |37 Whitgift School, Croydon |900 |109 William Hulme Grammar School, Manchester |790 |220 Wimbledon High School GPDST |700 |68 Winchester College |659 |21 Wisbech Grammar School |566 |281 Withington Girls School, Manchester |560 |68 Wolverhampton Grammar School |635 |260 Woodbridge School, Suffolk |542 |112 Woodhouse Grove School, Bradford |410 |5 Wycliffe College, Stonehouse |329 |39 Yarm School, Cleveland (9/89) |417 |5
Column 30
Ms. Armstrong : To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will list the fees charged in those schools involved in the assisted places scheme.
Mr. Fallon : Schools participating in the assisted places scheme charge assisted pupils the same fees as other pupils. Fee structures are related to pupils' age groups and differ considerably from school to school. Full details of schools' fees can be found in the directories published by the independent schools' associations, copies of which are held in the Library.
Sir Ian Lloyd : To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what are his reasons for not publishing the 1990 report of the Advisory Board for the Research Councils.
Mr. Alan Howarth : My right hon. and learned Friend considers that the advice that the board offers as part of the public expenditure survey should be confidential, as is normal for similar advice from other bodies such as the Universities Funding Council and the Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council. He recognises that the board may wish to make its views on some matters, including priorities for United Kingdom science, more widely available and will be discussing this with the chairman of the board.
Mr. Frank Field : To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what policy the Universities Funding Council is required to adopt to ensure that grant aid which has been allocated by it for specific developmental projects is not diverted to other purposes, such as the reduction of general college deficits.
Mr. Alan Howarth : Under the Education Reform Act 1988, the Universities Funding Council is empowered to attach conditions to its grant to universities, including repayment of grant if the conditions are not met.
27. Mr. Corbyn : To ask the right hon. Member for Selby, as representing the Church Commissioners, what steps are being taken by the Church Commissioners to make redundant buildings available to alleviate the problems of the homeless.
Mr. Alison : Some 13 redundant churches have been appropriated to use as night shelters or day centres or sold or leased to local authorities or housing associations, while more than 100 of the sites of demolished redundant churches have been disposed of to local authorities or housing associations.
29. Mr. Speller : To ask the right hon. Member for Selby, as representing the Church Commissioners, what representations he has received on the subject of the ordination of women ministers.
Mr. Alison : I have received no representations on this subject.
Column 31
Mr. David Marshall : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland when he expects to complete the current review of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.
Mr. Lang : The current review of the 1982 Act has been delayed by pressure of other work but it should be completed shortly. Thereafter we intend to publish in the course of next year a consultation paper setting out our proposals for changes to the Act.
Mr. Wigley : To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many representations he has received calling for the United Kingdom to help fund the shortfall in the United Nations Mozambique emergency appeal, to help relief and resettlement of refugees and displaced persons ; and if he will make a statement.
Mrs. Chalker : In addition to early-day motion 1417 of 17 October and questions from the hon. Members for Bradford, West (Mr. Madden) and for Cynon Valley (Mrs. Clwyd) some 40 letters of representation have been received on this issue. The position remains as stated in my replies to the hon. Members for Bradford, West and for Cynon Valley on 19 October, at column 938, and 13 November, at column 99, respectively.
Mr. Dalyell : To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the results of the Minister for Overseas Development's visit to Brazilian and Amazon rain forest projects for Brazilian-British co-operation in conserving rain forests.
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