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Column 188
The Prince and Princess of WalesThe Queen Mother
The Duke and Duchess of York
The Prince Edward
The Princess Royal
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester
The Duke and Duchess of Kent
Princess Alexandra
The Queen
The Duke of Edinburgh
The Prince and Princess of Wales
The Princess Royal
The Princess Margaret
The Duke of Gloucester
The Duke and Duchess of Kent
Princess Alexandra
The Queen
The Duke of Edinburgh
The Prince and Princess of Wales
The Prince Edward
The Princess Royal
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester
The Duke and Duchess of Kent
Princess Alexandra
The Queen
The Duke of Edinburgh
The Prince and Princess of Wales
The Prince Edward
The Princess Royal
The Princess Margaret
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester
The Duke and Duchess of Kent
Princess Alexandra
Mr. Alan Williams : To ask the Prime Minister on how many occasions overseas visits have been made by members of the royal family in each year since 1989 at the request of Government Departments.
The Prime Minister [holding answer 1 February 1993] : The number of overseas visits made by members of the royal family at the request of Government Departments, including the British Overseas Trade Board, in the years concerned was as follows :
|Number --------------------- 1989 |41 1990 |28 1991 |35 1992 |41
Mr. Alan Williams : To ask the Prime Minister which Departments have requested members of the royal family to carry out engagements on behalf of the Government in each year since 1989.
The Prime Minister [holding answer 1 February 1993] : This information is not held centrally and could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
Mr. Alan Williams : To ask the Attorney-General how many prosecutions were brought by the Crown prosecution service arising out of investigations by the
Column 189
Metropolitan police in each inner and outer London magistrates court in the latest month for which the information is available ; what was the number for the same month one year ago ; and what assessment he has made of the reasons for the change.The Attorney-General : The information is not available in the form requested. Figures are held for whole Crown prosecution service areas rather than for individual magistrates courts.
The Crown prosecution service does record the number of cases received in each area, which includes cases received for advice. The year ending figures for the periods indicated are as follows :
|September 1991 |September 1992 |Percentage change ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Inner London |148,117 |146,555 |-1.05 London North |80,663 |79,881 |-0.97 London South and Surrey |63,113 |60,373 |-4.34 |----- |----- |--- Total CPS |1,603,002 |1,569,996 |-2.06
The figures include cases received from police forces other than the Metropolitan police, for example, British Transport police, and in respect of London south and Surrey, the Surrey police. No concluded assessment of the reasons for the change have yet been made.
Mr. Conway : To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) if she will give, by specialism, the membership of the committee considering the list of drugs purchasable over the counter ;
(2) if a dermatologist will be invited to give evidence on the application of dermatological drugs to be considered by the committee on drugs purchasable over the counter ; and if she will make a statement.
Dr. Mawhinney : The membership of the Committee on Safety of Medicines is given in the table. In accordance with the requirements of the Medicines Act 1968, we seek and take account of the Committee on Safety of Medicines' advice before deciding whether it is safe for a prescription- only medicine to be reclassified so that it may be supplied over the counter. If a dermatological medicine currently restricted to supply on prescription only were to be proposed for reclassification to allow it to be supplied over the counter, the Committee on Safety of Medicines' advice would be sought. It would be open to the Committee to obtain any additional specialist advice it considered necessary.
Committee on safety of medicines (CSM)
Professor M. D. Rawlins BSc MD FRCP(Lon) FRCP(Ed) FFPM (Chairman) Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, Newcastle University Professor A. M. Breckenridge MD MSc FRCP FRCPE FRSE
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, Liverpool University Dr. Kathleen L. Costeloe MA MB BChir FRCP
Consultant Paediatrician, St. Bartholomew's Medical College Dr. Janet H. Darbyshire MSc (Epidemiol) MBChB FRCP
Head of the MRC's HIV Clinical Trials Centre, Brompton
Column 190
Hospital, Hon. Consultant in Thoracic Medicine and Hon. Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology, Brompton HospitalProfessor D. S. Davies BSc PhD CChem FRSC
Professor of Biochemical Pharmacology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, London
Professor Anne Ferguson BSc MB ChB PhD FRCPath FRCP(Glas) FRCP(Lon) FRCP(Ed)
Professor of Gastroenterology, University of Edinburgh and Western General Hospital
Professor A. T. Florence DSc FRSC FRSE FRPharmS
Dean of the School of Pharmacy, London University
Professor A. M. Geddes MB ChB(Ed) FRCP(Lon) FRCP(Ed)
Head of Department of Infection, University of Birmingham Medical School and Consultant Physician, East Birmingham Hospital Professor E. C. Gordon- Smith FRCP FRCPath
Professor of Haematology, St. George's Hospital Medical School, London
Professor K. Gull BSc PhD
Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Manchester
Professor H. S. Jacobs BA MD FRCP
Professor of Reproductive Endocrinology, The University College and Middlesex Hospital School of Medicine, London
Dr. W. A. Jerrett MB BCh FRCGP
General Practitioner, Glamorgan
Dr. B. J. Kirby MB ChB FRCP
Consultant Physician, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital
Miss Gillian C. I. Lachelin MD MA MB BChir FRCOG
Reader and Hon. Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, University College Hospital Medical School, London
Professor M. J. S. Langman BSc MD FRCP
Professor of Medicine and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Birmingham University
Professor D. H. Lawson MD FRCP(Ed) FRCP(Glas)
Consultant Physician, Glasgow Royal Infirmary and Visiting Professor Strathclyde University
Dr. A. V. P. MacKay MA BSc(Pharm) MB ChB PhD(Cantab) FRCPsych FRCP(Edin)
Physician Superintendent and Consultant Psychiatrist, Argyll and Bute Hospital
Professor J. M. Midgley BSc MSc PhD CChem FRSC FRPharmS Professor of Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Strathclyde
Professor B. K. Park BSc PhD
Professor of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of Liverpool
Professor J. C. Petrie MB ChB FRCP(Ed) FRCP FFPM
Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Aberdeen Professor Alain Li Wan Po BPharm BA PhD MRPharmS MPS(N.I.) MRSC Head of School of Pharmacy, and Professor of Pharmaceutics, Queen's University, Belfast
Professor Anne E. Tattersfield MD FRCP
Professor of Respiratory Medicine, University of Nottingham
Column 191
Mr. Alexander : To ask the Secretary of State for Health what representations her Department has received from the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry regarding product licence information supplied to the Medicines Control Agency being made available for use by other sections of her Department including the section responsible for the management of the Advisory Committee on National Health Service Drugs.
Dr. Mawhinney : Product licence information supplied to the Medicines Control Agency is not available for use by other sections of the Department. Officials have received a letter from the Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry on this matter and will be replying shortly.
Mr. Grocott : To ask the Secretary of State for Health, pursuant to her answer of 26 January, Official Report, column 689, on the west midlands, what information she has on the number of hospital beds at the dates given.
Dr. Mawhinney : The information is shown in the table. The number of beds, however, is not a good indicator of patient activity over the period in question as my earlier reply indicated. As in my earlier reply to the hon. Member, figures for 1991-92 are provisional. Validated figures will be published shortly.
Total available beds in West Midlands RHA |1979 |1990-91 |<1>1991-92 ---------------------------------------------------------- West Midlands |36,263 |26,591 |24,774 <1>Provisional.
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Mr. Garrett : To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many patients have been de-registered on the initiative of dentists in Norfolk in the past 12 months.
Dr. Mawhinney : This information is not held centrally for the period required. Between 3 July 1992 and 22 January 1993 dentists informed Norfolk family health service association of the deregistration of 14,637 adults and 57 children.
During the 12 months 1 December 1991 to 30 November 1992, 111,390 adults and 53,347 children left the register of national health service dental patients in Norfolk and 177,356 adults and 58,457 children were added. At 1 December 1991, 413,797 patients were registered with dentists in Norfolk. At 30 November 1992, 484,878 patients were registered--a net increase of over 71,000.
Mr. Adley : To ask the Secretary of State for Health what are the most recent figures available for the total annual cost to her Department of road-related accidents.
Mr. Sackville : This information is not available centrally.
Mr. Blunkett : To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many pamphlets the national health service management executive has published in the last year ; if she will list the title, the recipients and the cost of each pamphlet ; and if she will make a statement.
Dr. Mawhinney [holding answer 25 January 1993] : In the 12 months to 21 January 1993 the national health service management executive prepared and issued 57 pamphlets, leaflets and brochures to managers and staff in the NHS. The table gives the project number, description, cost and to whom it was sent.
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National Health Service Management Executive Table of pamphlets, leaflets and brochures issued to managers and staff in the national health service in the 12 months to 21 January 1993 Key: P=Print, D=Design, A=Artwork, Del=Delivery charges, T=Typesetting, Dist=Distribution and Mailings, F=Fulfilment, HLOS=Health literature ordering service Project/Project |Category |Cost (£) |Sent to description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C50/018 Purchasing for patients issue 6 (DCED) |P |1,076.00 |- C50/027 Sharing developments issue 3 (DCED) |A, T, P |4,906.80 |- C50/029 GP Computer survey booklet (NHSIS) |D, A, T, P |7,930.00 |- C50/034 Purchasing for patients issue 7 (DCED) |P |966.00 |- C50/042 Sharing developments issue 4 (DCED) |D, A, P |5,214.65 |All sent to NHS managers C50/042 Sharing developments issue 4 (DCED) |P |1,034.00 |All sent to NHS managers C50/048 IMG News issue 7 (NHSISA1) |P |1,762.06 |All sent to NHS managers C50/051 Purchasing, Teaching and research booklet (DCED) |P |2,179.00 |All sent to NHS managers C50/052 NHS Reg. of Comp. Apps. Info. guide (NHSISA1) |D, A |1,727.25 |- C50/052 NHS Reg. of Comp. Apps. Info. guide (NHSISA1) |P |2,798.00 |- C50/057 Purchasing intelligence brochures (DCED) |P |2,179.00 |- C50/068 This is the IMG' advert leaflets (NHSISA1) |P |566.00 |- C50/069 IMG News issue 8 (NHSISA1) |P |2,389.40 |- C50/070 Purchasing for patients issue 8 (DCED) |P |1,098.00 |- C50/073 (EOR) Outpatients computer prog. booklet |P |9,470.00 |- C50/074 EOR booklet (EOR) |A, P |996.00 |- C50/076 Clinical audit leaflet (NUR) |D, A, T |507.60 |- C50/076 Clinical audit leaflet (NUR) |P |593.38 |- C50/083 Working for patients leaflet (NHSRIU) |A, T, P |1,149.15 |- C50/085 Purchasing for patients issue 9 (DCED) |P |1,045.00 |- C50/088 Local voices publication (PMB3B) |P |2,827.00 |- C50/092 Total quality management project |P |2,500.00 |- C50/093 IMG News issue 9 (NHSISIA1) |P |2,178.93 |- C50/100 Purchasing for patients issue 10 (DCED) |P |1,113.00 |- C74/007 Demonsrtrably different IT (CEM-ME4) |P |8,000.00 |- C50/104 Alliances for health booklet (DCED) |P |4,885.00 |- C50/105 Clinical coding booklet (IMG) |P |495.00 |- C50/108 HC92 MFG booklets (Wessex RHA) |P |6,838.00 |- C50/110 Rec. Broch. for Leeds admin. Staff (PRIME 1) |P |15,900.00 |- C50/113 IMG News issue 10 (NHSISA1) |P |2,627.00 |- C50/120 Local voices brochure reprint (PMD3B) |P |987.00 |- C50/121 IMG Aim booklet (NHSIS) |A, P |1,695.00 |- C70/006 Health service research strategy booklet |A, D, T |7,584.63 |- C70/006 Health service research strategy booklet |D |3,525.00 |- C70/006 Health service research strategy booklet |P |8,700.90 |- C71/001 Hermes publicity leaflet |D, A, P |2,231.00 |- C71/003 Nursing perspective leaflet issue 1 |A, P |504.00 |- C71/004 Nursing perspective leaflet issue 2 |A, T, P |1,046.00 |- C71/005 C71/RM update issue 3 |A, P |1,876.00 |- C71/013 Risk assessment and RM brochure and leaflet |P |5,480.00 |- C71/014 Nursing perspective leaflets 1 and 2 reprints |P |1,476.00 |- C71/017 Ernst and Young RM booklet |P |2,805.00 |- C71/023 Business planning for medical records booklet |P |2,996.00 |- C71/024 Mental health systems survey booklet |P |3,296.00 |- C71/025 RM in the community health services booklet |P |2,995.00 |- C71/026 Casemix management systems survey booklet |A, P |4,067.00 |- C73/009 VFM Update March 1992 |D, A, T, P |2,440.00 |- C74/007 Demonstrably different II brochures |A |325.48 |- C74/007 Demonstrably different II brochures |D, A, T |41,891.11 |- C74/007 Demonstrably different II brochures |D |587.00 |- C74/007 Demonstrably different II brochures |P |11,695.00 |- C74/008 Ref: The First Six months booklet |P |24,830.00 |Managers and women C74/009 Women in the NHS-Opportunity 2000 leaflet |D, A |2,106.78 |- C74/009 Women in the NHS-Opportunity 2000 leaflet |P |8,007.35 |- C74/010 Ambulance and other patient trans serv pub |P |4,247.00 |NHS managers and women C74/011 NHS Trust finance manual |D, A, T |4,512.00 |- C74/018 Women in the NHS booklet |A, T, P |8,871.25 |- C74/019 NHS women's implementation guide |P |5,857.82 |- C76/004 RMU design consultancy/catalogue printing |D |32,579.81 |- C76/004 RMU design consultancy/catalogue printing |Del. |40.28 |NHS managers C76/004 RMU design consultancy/catalogue printing |P |18,361.83 |- D70/007 NHSME annual report and broadsheet |- |97,208.88 |- D71/014 Purchasing for the charter booklet |- |2,338.25 |- D72/003 Total quality management projects pub. |- |20,000.00 |- D72/013 Report on 6 maternity units |- |9,642.60 |- D73/001 NHS women's implementation guide |- |15,005.95 |Women and managers D73/001 Women's employees guide to opportunity 2000 |- |60,632.41 |Over 500,000 women and |to NHS managers D73/016 Celebration of success book |- |31,938.36 |Senior NHS managers D73/016 Reprint of opportunity 2000 booklet |- |6,932.50 |NHS managers D74/001 VFM update 7 |- |3,055.00 |NHS managers D74/003 Ward materials management |- |711.00 |NHS managers D74/005 VFM summary report nursing skill mix |- |759.50 |NHS managers D76/001 Disp management summary booklet |- |8,769.88 |NHS managers D80/014 First steps for the NHS (Focus Book) |- |45,000.00 |NHS managers D89/003 NHS reg. of comp. Applications (IMG) |- |1,924.00 |NHS managers D89/004 Queue action reprint (CMME4) |- |2,235.00 |- DX89/006 Grad. Rec. NHS finance function (FCIB4B) |- |6,616.76 |Personnel and finance D89/009 Secondments Oxford seminar (91/92)(Prime 2) |- |1,900.22 |NHS managers D89/015 Ambulance and other pat. trans. booklet (HPU) |- |1,542.00 |NHS managers D89/018 IMG News issue 11 (IMG) |- |2,339.13 |NHS managers D89/021 Total quality management (CMME4) |- |22,815.00 |NHS managers D89/035 Purchasing for health newsletter |- |28.78 |NHS managers D89/037 IMG News issue 12 (IMG) |- |2,578.40 |NHS managers D89/041 Data interchange standards booklet (IMG) |- |1,775.00 |NHS managers D89/042 Local voices SR (PMD3B) |- |1,022.00 |NHS managers D89/053 IMG News issue 13 (IMG) |- |1,967.98 |NHS managers D89/054 Health service indicators leaflet (FCIB8) |- |1,408.83 |NHS managers D89/056 Data quality review (IMG ME (C)) |- |2,518.56 |NHS managers D89/058 this is the IMG reprint (IMG) |- |1,938.00 |NHS managers D89/066 Data quality review No. 2 (CCSU) |- |1,300.00 |NHS managers D23/017 "This is the IMG ME" booklet |- |1,938.00 |NHS managers D90/002 ME News Feb 92 (TRANS 91/92) |- |7,375.90 |- D90/003 ME News March 92 (TRANS 91/92) |- |6,022.59 |- D90/004 ME News April 92 |- |7,463.48 |- D90/005 ME News May 92 |- |8,984.19 |- D90/006 ME News June 92 |- |8,463.69 |- D90/008 ME News July 92 |- |10,585.87 |- D90/009 ME News August 92 |- |9,500.00 |- D90/010 ME News September 92 |- |8,933.46 |- D90/011 HOTN News inserts |- |998.75 |- D90/012 ME News October 92 |- |11,000.00 |- D90/013 ME News November 92 |- |11,000.00 |- D90/014 ME News December 92 |- |12,000.00 |- D90/015 ME News January 93 |- |12,000.00 |- C33/010 "This is the IMG" booklet reprint |P |8,067.00 |NHS managers C33/016 IMG literature translations and print |P |3,485.00 |- C90/016 January 1992 |P, DIST, Photos |7,861.19 |Throughout the NHS
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