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Column 671

Written Answers to Questions

Friday 16 July 1993


Centre for Young Musicians

Mr. Flynn : To ask the Secretary of State for Education if he will take steps to ensure that musically gifted children from all parts of inner London can continue to receive tuition at the Centre for Young Musicians.

Mr. Forth : The activities of the Centre for Young Musicians are funded from a number of sources--including the Department for Education. We are supporting the central costs of the centre with £100,000 funding for each of the three years 1993-96. I welcome the support given by private sponsors and hope that London children will continue to benefit from the opportunities offered by the centre.

Non-vocational Adult Education

Mr. Gunnell : To ask the Secretary of State for Education what are the standard spending assessment allowances for non-vocational adult education for 1991-92, 1992-93 and 1993-94 listed by education authority.

Mr. Robin Squire : Provision for the further education for adults for which education authorities are responsible is included within the education component of standard spending assessments, but is not separately identified.


Crown Court Cases

Mr. Michael : To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department how many persons were found guilty following a not guilty plea in Crown courts in England and Wales during 1991 ; and how many of those were subsequently given a non-custodial sentence.

Mr. John M. Taylor : During 1991, a total of 15,379 defendants were convicted in the Crown court following a plea of not guilty to all or to some counts. Of these, 7,161 received a non-custodial sentence.

Immigration Appeals

Mr. Allen : To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department how many appeals to the Immigration Appeal Tribunal have been allowed and dismissed in 1992 and the first quarter of 1993.

Mr. John M. Taylor : The information requested is as follows : Appeals to the Immigration Appeal Tribunal

Allowed Dismissed

1992 249 493

January to March 1993 62 123

Column 672

Complete figures are not available for 1992. The figures given are estimates based on average returns for the eight months of that year for which figures are available.

Mr. Allen : To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department what is the average delay listed by each immigration appeals hearing centre (i) between receiving the explanatory statement and papers about a case (a) from a British post overseas and (b) from the Home Office and sending those papers to an appellant or his or her authorised representative and (ii) between the hearing of an immigration appeal by an adjudicator and the despatch of the determination to the appellant or authorised representative.

Mr. John M. Taylor : All appeals to the immigration appellate authorities--IAA--are at present registered at their centre at Thanet House in London. On receipt of an appeal, whether from a British post overseas or from the Home Office, the IAA on average dispatches copies of the case papers to the appellant or his of her authorised representative within five days. The IAA's individual hearing centres do not record the average time between the hearing of an appeal by an adjudicator and the dispatch of the determination to the appellant or authorised representative. It is estimated, however, that the current average time for the IAA as a whole is six to eight weeks.

Mr. Allen : To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department how many appeals to immigration adjudicators have been allowed and dismissed in 1992 and the first quarter of 1993, broken down according to the nationality of the appellant and the type of decision appealed against.

Mr. John M. Taylor : The information requested, broken down according to the country where the application was made, is set out in the tables.

Month ending January 1992 to December 1992                                                          

Appeal categories-EEC                                                                               

                                                 |Number allowed  |Number dismissed                 


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                     |-               |3                                

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals                   |-               |9                                

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement           |-               |1                                

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                                  

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or wives or                                                    

    fiances or fiancees)                         |-               |1                                

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                                  

    Employment, Business or Independent                                                             

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                                                          

    fiancees)                                    |-               |-                                

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                         

    Wives and Children, other dependent                                                             

    relatives and returning residents            |-               |1                                

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                         

    female fiancees                              |-               |-                                

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                         

    husbands                                     |-               |-                                

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                         

    male fiances                                 |-               |1                                

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                                                        

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                                                          

    conditions of leave to remain given to                                                          

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))       |-               |1                                

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter               |-               |12                               

12. Decision to make Deportation Order           |-               |1                                

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order          |-               |1                                

14. Giving of Removal Directions                 |-               |-                                

15. Destination Only Appeal                      |-               |-                                

                                                 |-------         |-------                          

Total                                            |-               |31                               

Appeal categories-Bangladesh                                                                    

                                             |Number allowed  |Number dismissed                 


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                 |4               |16                               

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals               |-               |34                               

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement       |23              |203                              

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or                                                         

    wives or fiances or fiancees)            |115             |749                              

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Employment, Business or Independent                                                         

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                                                      

    fiancees)                                |4               |23                               

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    Wives and Children, other dependent                                                         

    relatives and returning residents        |152             |937                              

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    female fiancees                          |2               |5                                

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    husbands                                 |50              |117                              

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    male fiances                             |1               |7                                

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                                                    

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                                                      

    conditions of leave to remain given to                                                      

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))   |1               |14                               

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter           |5               |127                              

12. Decision to make Deportation Order       |1               |7                                

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order      |1               |1                                

14. Giving of Removal Directions             |-               |-                                

15. Destination Only Appeal                  |-               |-                                

                                             |-------         |-------                          

Total                                        |359             |2,240                            

Appeal categories-Ghana                                                                         

                                             |Number allowed  |Number dismissed                 


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                 |2               |46                               

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals               |4               |21                               

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement       |14              |51                               

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or                                                         

    wives or fiances or fiancees)            |74              |288                              

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Employment, Business or Independent                                                         

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                                                      

    fiancees)                                |-               |12                               

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    Wives and Children, other dependent                                                         

    relatives and returning residents        |6               |9                                

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    female fiancees                          |1               |1                                

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    husbands                                 |-               |11                               

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    male fiances                             |3               |2                                

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                                                    

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                                                      

    conditions of leave to remain given to                                                      

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))   |-               |14                               

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter           |8               |367                              

12. Decision to make Deportation Order       |5               |108                              

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order      |-               |1                                

14. Giving of Removal Directions             |-               |1                                

15. Destination Only Appeal                  |-               |-                                

                                             |-------         |-------                          

Total                                        |117             |932                              

Appeal categories-India                                                                         

                                             |Number allowed  |Number dismissed                 


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                 |-               |13                               

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals               |1               |39                               

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement       |6               |22                               

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or                                                         

    wives or fiances or fiancees)            |687             |2,198                            

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Employment, Business or Independent                                                         

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                                                      

    fiancees)                                |10              |27                               

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    Wives and Children, other dependent                                                         

    relatives and returning residents        |72              |217                              

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    female fiancees                          |15              |34                               

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    husbands                                 |67              |215                              

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    male fiances                             |47              |100                              

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                                                    

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                                                      

    conditions of leave to remain given to                                                      

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))   |1               |36                               

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter           |24              |532                              

12. Decision to make Deportation Order       |2               |38                               

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order      |2               |2                                

14. Giving of Removal Directions             |-               |1                                

15. Destination Only Appeal                  |-               |-                                

                                             |-------         |-------                          

Total                                        |934             |3,474                            

Appeal categories-Jamaica                                                                       

                                             |Number allowed  |Number dismissed                 


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                 |-               |13                               

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals               |5               |57                               

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement       |4               |49                               

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or                                                         

    wives or fiances or fiancees)            |88              |397                              

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Employment, Business or Independent                                                         

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                                                      

    fiancees)                                |-               |15                               

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    Wives and Children, other dependent                                                         

    relatives and returning residents        |18              |36                               

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    female fiancees                          |1               |2                                

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    husbands                                 |5               |18                               

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    male fiances                             |-               |2                                

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                                                    

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                                                      

    conditions of leave to remain given to                                                      

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))   |-               |4                                

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter           |6               |224                              

12. Decision to make Deportation Order       |2               |25                               

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order      |-               |4                                

14. Giving of Removal Directions             |1               |4                                

15. Destination Only Appeal                  |-               |-                                

                                             |-------         |-------                          

Total                                        |130             |849                              

Appeal categories-Nigeria                                                                                                    

                                                                          |Number allowed  |Number dismissed                 


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                                              |1               |63                               

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals                                            |2               |37                               

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement                                    |3               |37                               

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                                                           

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or                                                                                      

    wives or fiances or fiancees)                                         |272             |1,989                            

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                                                           

    Employment, Business or Independent                                                                                      

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                                                                                   

    fiancees)                                                             |5               |27                               

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                                                  

    Wives and Children, other dependent relatives and returning residents |15              |33                               

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                                                  

    female fiancees                                                       |2               |2                                

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                                                  

    husbands                                                              |4               |15                               

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                                                  

    male fiances                                                          |2               |1                                

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                                                                                 

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                                                                                   

    conditions of leave to remain given to                                                                                   

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))                                |5               |36                               

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter                                        |55              |1,259                            

12. Decision to make Deportation Order                                    |11              |362                              

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order                                   |-               |23                               

14. Giving of Removal Directions                                          |-               |7                                

15. Destination Only Appeal                                               |-               |-                                

                                                                          |-------         |-------                          

Total                                                                     |377             |3,891                            

Month ending January 1992 to December 1992                                                      

Appeal categories-Pakistan                                                                      

                                             |Number allowed  |Number dismissed                 


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                 |1               |18                               

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals               |2               |33                               

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement       |-               |20                               

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or                                                         

    wives or fiances or fiancees)            |611             |2,525                            

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Employment, Business or Independent                                                         

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                                                      

    fiancees)                                |4               |46                               

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    Wives and Children, other dependent                                                         

    relatives and returning residents        |166             |400                              

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    female fiancees                          |10              |24                               

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    husbands                                 |370             |842                              

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    male fiances                             |79              |179                              

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                                                    

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                                                      

    conditions of leave to remain given to                                                      

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))   |1               |35                               

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter           |26              |515                              

12. Decision to make Deportation Order       |2               |45                               

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order      |-               |8                                

14. Giving of Removal Directions             |-               |4                                

15. Destination Only Appeal                  |-               |-                                

                                             |-------         |-------                          

Total                                        |1,272           |4,694                            


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                 |10     |109            

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals               |55     |879            

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement       |15     |73             

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                   

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or                              

    wives or fiances or fiancees)            |672    |4,218          

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                   

    Employment, Business or Independent                              

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                           

    fiancees)                                |29     |259            

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                          

    Wives and Children, other dependent                              

    relatives and returning residents        |82     |374            

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                          

    female fiancees                          |16     |41             

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                          

    husbands                                 |21     |80             

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                          

    male fiances                             |7      |20             

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                         

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                           

    conditions of leave to remain given to                           

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))   |39     |238            

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter           |118    |2,735          

12. Decision to make Deportation Order       |9      |224            

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order      |2      |17             

14. Giving of Removal Directions             |-      |19             

15. Destination Only Appeal                  |-      |-              


Total                                        |1,079  |9,186          

Month ending January 1993 to March 1993                                                                     

Appeal categories-EEC                                                                                       

                                                         |Number allowed  |Number dismissed                 


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                             |-               |1                                

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals                           |-               |-                                

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement                   |-               |-                                

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                                          

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or                                                                     

    wives or fiances or fiancees)                        |-               |-                                

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                                          

    Employment, Business or Independent                                                                     

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                                                                  

    fiancees)                                            |-               |-                                

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                                 

    Wives and Children, other dependent                                                                     

    relatives and returning residents                    |-               |-                                

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                                 

    female fiancees                                      |-               |-                                

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                                 

    husbands                                             |1               |-                                

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by male fiances |-               |-                                

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                                                                

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                                                                  

    conditions of leave to remain given to                                                                  

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))               |-               |-                                

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter                       |-               |-                                

12. Decision to make Deportation Order                   |-               |-                                

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order                  |-               |-                                

14. Giving of Removal Directions                         |-               |-                                

15. Destination Only Appeal                              |-               |-                                

                                                         |-------         |-------                          

Total                                                    |1               |1                                

Appeal categories-Bangladesh                                                                    

                                             |Number allowed  |Number dismissed                 


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                 |-               |3                                

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals               |-               |5                                

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement       |4               |36                               

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or                                                         

    wives or fiances or fiancees)            |44              |219                              

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Employment, Business or Independent                                                         

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                                                      

    fiancees)                                |-               |4                                

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    Wives and Children, other dependent                                                         

    relatives and returning residents        |20              |143                              

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    female fiancees                          |1               |-                                

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    husbands                                 |12              |33                               

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    male fiances                             |-               |2                                

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                                                    

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                                                      

    conditions of leave to remain given to                                                      

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))   |-               |-                                

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter           |2               |26                               

12. Decision to make Deportation Order       |1               |5                                

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order      |-               |-                                

14. Giving of Removal Directions             |-               |-                                

15. Destination Only Appeal                  |-               |-                                

                                             |-------         |-------                          

Total                                        |84              |476                              

Appeal categories-Ghana                                                                         

                                             |Number allowed  |Number dismissed                 


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                 |-               |3                                

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals               |-               |6                                

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement       |-               |2                                

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or                                                         

    wives or fiances or fiancees)            |32              |114                              

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Employment, Business or Independent                                                         

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                                                      

    fiancees)                                |-               |1                                

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    Wives and Children, other dependent                                                         

    relatives and returning residents        |2               |9                                

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    female fiancees                          |-               |-                                

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    husbands                                 |-               |2                                

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    male fiances                             |-               |-                                

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                                                    

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                                                      

    conditions of leave to remain given to                                                      

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))   |-               |2                                

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter           |2               |77                               

12. Decision to make Deportation Order       |-               |41                               

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order      |-               |-                                

14. Giving of Removal Directions             |-               |-                                

15. Destination Only Appeal                  |-               |-                                

                                             |-------         |-------                          

Total                                        |36              |257                              

Appeal categories-India                                                                         

                                             |Number allowed  |Number dismissed                 


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                 |-               |2                                

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals               |1               |5                                

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement       |1               |7                                

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or                                                         

    wives or fiances or fiancees)            |169             |393                              

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Employment, Business or Independent                                                         

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                                                      

    fiancees)                                |1               |6                                

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    Wives and Children, other dependent                                                         

    relatives and returning residents        |17              |66                               

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    female fiancees                          |6               |11                               

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    husbands                                 |21              |55                               

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    male fiances                             |15              |26                               

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                                                    

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                                                      

    conditions of leave to remain given to                                                      

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))   |-               |8                                

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter           |6               |93                               

12. Decision to make Deportation Order       |-               |16                               

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order      |1               |1                                

14. Giving of Removal Directions             |-               |-                                

15. Destination Only Appeal                  |-               |-                                

                                             |-------         |-------                          

Total                                        |238             |689                              

Appeal categories-Jamaica                                                                       

                                             |Number allowed  |Number dismissed                 


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                 |-               |1                                

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals               |2               |19                               

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement       |-               |-                                

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or                                                         

    wives or fiances or fiancees)            |15              |57                               

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Employment, Business or Independent                                                         

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                                                      

    fiancees)                                |-               |-                                

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    Wives and Children, other dependent                                                         

    relatives and returning residents        |2               |4                                

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    female fiancees                          |1               |1                                

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    husbands                                 |1               |3                                

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    male fiances                             |-               |1                                

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                                                    

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                                                      

    conditions of leave to remain given to                                                      

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))   |-               |3                                

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter           |6               |77                               

12. Decision to make Deportation Order       |-               |10                               

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order      |-               |1                                

14. Giving of Removal Directions             |-               |-                                

15. Destination Only Appeal                  |-               |-                                

                                             |-------         |-------                          

Total                                        |27              |177                              

Appeal categories-Nigeria                                                                       

                                             |Number allowed  |Number dismissed                 


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                 |1               |8                                

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals               |-               |15                               

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement       |3               |8                                

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or                                                         

    wives or fiances or fiancees)            |91              |542                              

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Employment, Business or Independent                                                         

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                                                      

    fiancees)                                |-               |7                                

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    Wives and Children, other dependent                                                         

    relatives and returning residents        |-               |11                               

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    female fiancees                          |1               |1                                

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    husbands                                 |1               |5                                

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    male fiances                             |-               |-                                

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                                                    

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                                                      

    conditions of leave to remain given to                                                      

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))   |-               |4                                

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter           |12              |251                              

12. Decision to make Deportation Order       |-               |100                              

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order      |-               |1                                

14. Giving of Removal Directions             |-               |1                                

15. Destination Only Appeal                  |-               |-                                

                                             |-------         |-------                          

Total                                        |109             |954                              

Appeal categories-Pakistan                                                                      

                                             |Number allowed  |Number dismissed                 


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                 |-               |7                                

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals               |-               |3                                

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement       |1               |3                                

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or                                                         

    wives or fiances or fiancees)            |184             |437                              

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Employment, Business or Independent                                                         

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                                                      

    fiancees)                                |2               |3                                

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    Wives and Children, other dependent                                                         

    relatives and returning residents        |21              |70                               

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    female fiancees                          |2               |3                                

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    husbands                                 |84              |155                              

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    male fiances                             |13              |21                               

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                                                    

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                                                      

    conditions of leave to remain given to                                                      

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))   |2               |7                                

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter           |2               |105                              

12. Decision to make Deportation Order       |-               |22                               

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order      |-               |1                                

14. Giving of Removal Directions             |-               |-                                

15. Destination Only Appeal                  |-               |-                                

                                             |-------         |-------                          

Total                                        |311             |837                              

Appeal categories-All Other Countries                                                           

                                             |Number allowed  |Number dismissed                 


1.  Exclusion-Appeal at Port                 |-               |15                               

2.  Exclusion-External Appeals               |20              |214                              

3.  Refusal of Certificate Entitlement       |3               |21                               

4.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Temporary purposes (not husbands or                                                         

    wives or fiances or fiancees)            |174             |1,156                            

5.  Refusal of Entry Clearance for                                                              

    Employment, Business or Independent                                                         

    Means (not husbands, wives, fiances or                                                      

    fiancees)                                |8               |49                               

6.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    Wives and Children, other dependent                                                         

    relatives and returning residents        |41              |82                               

7.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    female fiancees                          |5               |10                               

8.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    husbands                                 |10              |33                               

9.  Refusal of Entry Clearance requested by                                                     

    male fiances                             |1               |9                                

10. Variation of Landing Conditions (includ-                                                    

    ing curtailment of stay or duration or                                                      

    conditions of leave to remain given to                                                      

    persons previously exempted (S. 14(2))   |1               |50                               

11. Refusal to Vary Leave to Enter           |14              |456                              

12. Decision to make Deportation Order       |-               |95                               

13. Refusal to Revoke Deportation Order      |-               |-                                

14. Giving of Removal Directions             |-               |4                                

15. Destination Only Appeal                  |-               |-                                

                                             |-------         |-------                          

Total                                        |277             |2,194                            

Mr. Allen : To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department what arrangements he has made to deal with the effects of the right of appeal for all refused asylum-seekers provided in the Asylum and Immigration Appeals Act 1993 ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. John M. Taylor : The Lord Chancellor will designate 16 full-time and 15 part-time adjudicators to act as special adjudicators. These will be appointed from the cadre of experienced immigration adjudicators and will deal with appeals by refused asylum seekers under the Act. In addition, a new regional centre has been opened at Hatton Cross, near Heathrow airport, which will provide 15 hearing rooms ; this has replaced the five hearing room centre at Harmondsworth which has been closed.


Mr. Boateng : To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department how many legal aid certificates have been issued in repect of claims arising from the ingestion of benzodiazepine tranquillisers ; how many of these have been discharged ; and how many are subject to appeal.

Mr. John M. Taylor : A total of 13,168 legal aid certificates have been granted in respect of proceedings relating to benzodiazepine tranquillisers. The position on these is constantly changing, but, at present, more than 7,000 certificates have been discharged and several hundred are awaiting decisions on appeal.

Column 682


Rail Routes (M25)

Mr. Spearing : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what studies have been made of the improvement, reintroduction or new building of passenger rail routes that would provide rapid inter-urban transp1-9 T Mr. Freeman : The Heathrow access and London south-west quadrant study has considered options for new rail links within range of the M25. That study is being considered in the wider context of transport and planning issues in London. I understand that some other ideas for rail projects adjacent to the M25 have been proposed outside the Department. In general however, since for most users the M25 is a relatively small part of their overall journey, rail links which simply connected towns close to that motorway would not provide a very attractive alternative.

Channel Tunnel

Mr. Kynoch : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when he expects services through the channel tunnel to commence.

Mr. Freeman : This is a matter for Eurotunnel.

Red Star

Mr. Redmond : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many bids to buy Red Star have been received to date.

Mr. Freeman : British Rail is responsible for the sale of Red Star. The number of bids received is a commercial matter for BR.



Mr. Barry Jones : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what plans he has to provide more apprenticeships ; and if he will make a statement.

Miss Widdecombe : In national vocational qualifications we now have an employer-led framework of qualifications which young people can achieve through work-based training, building on the best of our apprenticeship traditions. These training arrangements and qualifications have much to contribute in improving economic competitiveness and equipping young people for rewarding careers.

Mr. Barry Jones : To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what consultations he proposes with (a) the Trades Union Congress and (b) employers to consider ways of stimulating the growth in the number of apprenticeships in British industry.

Miss Widdecombe : Interest in a modern, revitalised apprenticeship system features prominently in discussions I have with

representatives of both employers and employees. All concerned need to be clear that work--

Column 683

based training and vocational qualifications deserve equal esteem alongside other education and training options open to young people.

Labour Statistics

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment (1) if he will list for each annual labour force survey since 1984 and for the spring 1992 and winter 1992-93 surveys the number and percentage of 16 and 17-year -olds in full-time employment ;

(2) if he will list for each annual labour force survey since 1984 and for the spring 1992 and winter 1992-93

Column 684

surveys the number of 16 and 17-year-olds International Labour Organisation unemployed and their ILO unemployment rate ; (3) if he will list for each annual labour force survey since 1984 and for spring 1992 and winter 1992-93 surveys the number and percentage of 16 and 17-year-olds (a) in total, (b) in full-time education and (c) not in full-time education.

Miss Widdecombe : The information requested is given in the following table :

Column 683

Persons aged 16/17 Great Britain                                                                                                                                                                                            

                     Numbers of 16/17                                                                                    Percentage of                                                                                      

                     year olds (000's)                                                                                   total 16/17 year                                                                                   


Year/quarter        |Total              |In full time       |ILO Unemployed<1>  |In full time       |Not in full time   |In full time       |In full time       |Not in full time   |ILO unemployment                       

                                        |employment                             |education<1>       |education          |employment         |education          |education          |rate (per cent.)<2>                    


1984 (spring)       |1,749              |512                |223                |973                |777                |29.3               |55.6               |44.4               |21.5                                   

1985 (spring)       |1,717              |521                |214                |920                |797                |30.3               |53.6               |46.4               |20.3                                   

1986 (spring)       |1,667              |510                |219                |897                |769                |30.6               |53.8               |46.2               |20.8                                   

1987 (spring)       |1,663              |486                |201                |943                |720                |29.2               |56.7               |43.3               |19.4                                   

1988 (spring)       |1,626              |522                |150                |916                |710                |32.1               |56.3               |43.7               |14.1                                   

1989 (spring)       |1,523              |313                |107                |867                |657                |20.6               |56.9               |43.1               |10.8                                   

1990 (spring)       |1,449              |275                |103                |889                |560                |19.0               |61.3               |38.7               |11.5                                   

1991 (spring)       |1,369              |212                |129                |874                |495                |15.5               |63.8               |36.2               |15.2                                   

1992 (spring)       |1,339              |177                |122                |925                |414                |13.2               |69.0               |31.0               |16.1                                   

1992-93 (winter)    |1,300              |157                |125                |913                |387                |12.0               |70.2               |29.8               |17.6                                   

<1> 16/17 year olds included as ILO unemployed may also be in full time education.                                                                                                                                          

<2> ILO unemployed as percentage of total 16/17 year olds economically active (ie in employment + ILO unemployed).                                                                                                          

Source: Labour Force Survey (not seasonally adjusted).                                                                                                                                                                      

Youth Training

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment, further to his answer of 8 July, Official Report, column 263, how many participants in total were on youth training in January (a) 1991, (b) 1992 and (c) 1993.

Miss Widdecombe : Information about the number on youth training in January 1991 is not available, but the March 1991 figure was 314,000. In January 1992 and January 1993, there were 303,000 and 293,000 people respectively on youth training in Great Britain.


Contracting Out

Mr. McAllion : To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, pursuant to his answer of 28 June, Official Report, column 375, if he will place in the Library copies of the figures underlying his conclusion as to the level of cost savings possible through the contracting out of public services.

Mr. Waldegrave : I refer the hon. Member to the answer that I gave the hon. Member for Redcar (Ms. Mowlam) on 21 May 1993, Official Report, columns 324-25.

Additionally, my officials are currently collating the market-testing figures for the year to March 1992. I shall publish the results in due course.

Column 684

Civil Service Occupational Health Service

Mr. Knapman : To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster when the annual report of the Civil Service Occupational Health Service will be published.

Mr. David Davis : Part I of the annual report of the Civil Service Occupational Health Service for 1992-93 is published today. This reports on the health of the civil service. Part 2 of the report, which covers the activities of the Civil Service Occupational Health Service during 1992-93 and includes the agency's accounts, is intended to be published by 30 July. Copies of both parts will be placed in the Libraries of both Houses on publication.

Environmental Technologies

Mr. Llew Smith : To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster if he make a further statement on the benefits that will accrue to the environmental technologies of the implementation of his strategy for science as set out in his White Paper, Cm 2250.

Mr. Waldegrave : The White Paper "Realising Our Potential" will help us build on our strengths in science, engineering and technology. In particular, environmental technologies will benefit from the work of the Natural Environment Research Council, with its new mission statement and the closer relationship it will establish with users of its research.

Column 685


Heating Costs

Mr. William Ross : To ask the Prime Minister if he will list his estimate of the (a) average, (b) highest and (c) lowest cost of heating a dwelling in (i) England, (ii) Scotland, (iii) Wales and (iv) Northern Ireland for (a) the winter months and (b) the summer months, and indicate in each case the cost for (i) solid fuel, (ii) electricity, (iii) oil, (iv) natural gas and (v) bottled gas ; and if he will list the locations in each of the countries which were used for samples to estimate these costs.

The Prime Minister : This information is not held centrally, but the estimated comparative cost of heating two, three, and four-bedroomed homes using different types of fuel and power can be derived from a publication entitled "Comparative Domestic Heating Costs in the UK" published by Sutherland Associates, a copy of which is in the Library of the House.

Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant

Mr. Redmond : To ask the Prime Minister what reply he has given to the letter on the THORP from the Japanese group which visited him on 15 June.

The Prime Minister : A reply will be sent shortly.

Ministers (Directorships)

Mr. Cryer : To ask the Prime Minister how many Ministers retain directorships of companies ; and if he will make a statement.

The Prime Minister : I refer the hon. Gentleman to paragraph 107 of "Questions of Procedure for Ministers". No central record is held of such information.

Northern Ireland

Mr. Barnes : To ask the Prime Minister, pursuant to his answer of 7 June, Official Report, columns 13-14, when he expects to be able to place in the Library the requested document regarding deaths resulting from the security situation in Northern Ireland.

The Prime Minister : The production of a comprehensive list of people killed since 1968 as a result of the security situation in Northern Ireland, and in related incidents in Great Britain, the Irish Republic and mainland Europe, requires extensive and painstaking research. Information on mainland Europe, which is available only after 1978, and Great Britain is nearly complete and will be placed in the Library in the next fortnight. Work on the remaining information is well advanced, and the completed data will be placed in the Library as soon as they are available.


Mr. Wareing : To ask the Prime Minister if he will list the actions taken by the Government of Bosnia-Herzegovina which Her Majesty's Government consider to have fulfilled the requirements of the London conference, and the ways in which they have failed to co-operate satisfactorily with the international community's peace efforts.

The Prime Minister : The Bosnian Government have been unable to realise the objectives of the London

Column 686

conference owing to the actions of their other parties, in particular the Serbs. The international community has repeatedly made clear that it will not accept a settlement in Bosnia which is dictated by the Serbs and Croats at the expense of the Muslims. We hope that the Bosnian Government will soon be in a position to enter into negotiations with the other parties under the co-chairmanship of Lord Owen and Mr. Stoltenberg.

Mr. Wareing : To ask the Prime Minister if he will list the actions taken by the Government of Croatia which Her Majesty's Government consider to have fulfilled the requirements of the London conference, and the ways in which it has failed to co-operate satisfactorily with the international community's peace efforts.

The Prime Minister : While we consider that the Serbs bear the main burden of responsibility for the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, we are also not satisfied that the Croatian Government have so far fully met the requirements of the London conference to achieve a peaceful settlement in Bosnia. European Community Foreign Ministers will be considering on 19 July whether measures should be taken against the Croatians so long as they are engaged in activities contrary to the London conference principles.


Dissatisfied Patients

Mr. Redmond : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if she will take steps to introduce the necessary changes to second and third stage complaints procedures by dissatisfied patients to ensure that an independent lay assessor is part of the assessment team ; and if she will make a statement.

Dr. Mawhinney : We have no plans to make changes to the clinical complaints procedure, in advance of any recommendations which the National Health Service Complaints Review Committee, chaired by Professor Alan Wilson, will be making at the turn of the year.

Neurology Services

Mr. Ieuan Wyn Jones : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if she will indicate the proportion of patients per neurologist within each (a) standardised United Kingdom region and (b) each district health authority and health trust area.

Dr. Mawhinney : The available information is shown in the table. Data are not available below regional level. Information relating to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are matters for my right hon. Friends the Secretaries of State for Wales and Scotland and my right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.

Hospital consultant neurologists per 1,000 population by region                 

30 September 1991                                                               

                    |Consultants        |Population in '000s                    


England             |208                |231                                    


Northern            |11                 |278                                    

Yorkshire           |12                 |304                                    

Trent               |14                 |331                                    

East Anglia         |8                  |251                                    

North West Thames   |18                 |189                                    

North East Thames   |27                 |141                                    

South East Thames   |21                 |176                                    

South West Thames   |18                 |161                                    

Wessex              |12                 |242                                    

Oxford              |15                 |174                                    

South Western       |7                  |459                                    

West Midlands       |15                 |348                                    

Mersey              |7                  |320                                    

North Western       |13                 |318                                    

SHAs                |33                 |n/a                                    


1. The sum of regional consultation figures does not equal the England total    

since some doctors hold contracts in more than one region.                      

2. n/a means "not applicable".                                                  

High Blood Pressure

Mr. Alexander : To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what estimate her Department has made of the annual national health service hospital costs incurred in treating patients who suffer heart attacks or strokes caused by raised blood pressure that have not been treated with medication.

(2) what estimate her Department has made of the additional annual cost of the national health service that would be incurred if the 75 per cent. of untreated patients suffering from high blood pressure, as identified in "The Health of the Nation" survey were to be treated with (a) calcium antagonist preparations, (b) Ace-inhibitors, (c) beta-blocking agents and (d) beta-blocking agents in combination with diuretics.

Mr. Sackville : No information is held centrally on which to base such estimates.

Community Care Assessment

Mr. Bowden : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will include in the guidance issued to local authorities on assessment procedures under the new community care arrangements a requirement for authorities to pass on to clients the full results of assessment, irrespective of whether the resources are available fully to meet a client's needs.

Mr. Bowis : We have made it clear to authorities that they should share the results of assessments with users so that they know where they stand. There are no plans to issue further guidance in this area.

Paediatric Beds

Ms Primarolo : To ask the Secretary of State for Health what was the average daily number of available paediatric beds in 1991-92 in England, including special health authorities.

Mr. Sackville : The information is shown in the table.

Average of daily number of available         

paediatric beds                              

Region                       |1991-92        


Northern                     |731            

Yorkshire                    |809            

Trent                        |879            

East Anglian                 |290            

North West Thames            |593            

North East Thames            |639            

South East Thames            |754            

South West Thames            |495            

Wessex                       |461            

Oxford                       |399            

South Western                |559            

West Midlands                |1,090          

Mersey                       |642            

North Western                |1,158          

Special Health Authorities   |447            


England<1>: Total Paediatric                 

  Beds                       |9,944          

<1> Figures do not add to England total due  

to rounding.                                 

Ms Primarolo : To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many special paediatric intensive treatment unit beds there are ; how many are temporarily closed ; and what estimate has been made of the number required to conform with best practice.

Mr. Sackville : I refer the hon. Member to the reply I gave her on 17 June at columns 704-6.


Ms Primarolo : To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many children there were under 16 years in 1991-92.

Mr. Sackville : The latest available information shows that the estimated number of children under 16 years of age, resident in England at mid-1991, was 9.7 million.

Water-borne Diseases

Ms Primarolo : To ask the Secretary of State for Health, pursuant to her answer of 5 July, Official Report, column 1 , if she will list the five commonest diseases associated with poor water supply and sewage disposal found in the United Kingdom and the incidence of those diseases in each of the last five years.

Mr. Sackville : The incidence of diseases are recorded in the Communicable Disease Report published weekly by the Public Health Laboratory Service Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre, copies of which are available in the Library.

The source of infection for each case of disease reported cannot always be ascertained. It is therefore not possible to list the five commonest diseases associated with poor water supply or sewage disposal.

Dental Charges

Mr. Cummings : To ask the Secretary of State for Health what help she plans to give to persons currently facing increases in their dental charges.

Dr. Mawhinney : Help with the cost of dental treatment is already available to patients on a low income. Some 21 per cent. of adult courses of treatment are provided with full or partial relief from charges.

Child Migrants Trust

Miss Lestor : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if she will now finance the Child Migrants Trust in its work of tracing the families of child migrants.

Column 689

Mr. Bowis : The Department has awarded the trust a grant of £25, 000 for the current financial year.

Respite Breaks

Mr. Blunkett : To ask the Secretary of State for Health what action her Department is taking to ensure that the new arrangements for community care provide adequate opportunities for disabled people and their unpaid carers to have a respite break ; and if she will make a statement.

Mr. Bowis : The first two key objectives of the community care reforms are to promote the development of domiciliary, day and respite services ; and to ensure that service providers make practical support for carers a high priority. The reforms require authorities to assess the needs of carers as well as the people for whom they care. They also provide greater incentives for authorities to provide respite care.


International Investments Gibraltar Ltd.

Mr. Beggs : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will endeavour to place on the agenda for discussion at the next Anglo- Irish Conference meeting the action taken by the Irish authorities against Mr. William Flynn, in order to persuade him to stop his campaigning for defrauded investors in International Investments Gibraltar Ltd. and its associate companies in the Irish Republic.

Sir John Wheeler : There are no plans to raise this matter, which is not covered by the Anglo-Irish agreement and, thus, does not fall within the field of activity of the intergovernmental conference.

Road Schemes

Mr. John D. Taylor : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, pursuant to his replies of 26 April and 4 May, Official Report, columns 220-22, what is the actual cost benefit rating for each of the 11 major road schemes referred to in those replies.

Mr. Atkins : The information is as follows :-

Scheme                                         |Rating       


Comber By-pass                                 |9.26         

A5 Burndennet                                  |0.85         

Antrim-Ballymena: Stage 2                      |1.91         

Omagh Through-pass: Stage 2                    |5.32         


Belfast Urban Area Plan roads-                               

Purdysburn Road: Stage 1 (1995-96)             |7.10         

Balmoral Avenue-Malone Road Junction (1996-97) |23.18        

Forster Green Junction (1996-97)               |9.13         

Comparable figures for the remaining schemes are not         


Bank of Ireland

Mr. John D. Taylor : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland whether the Bank of Ireland's operations in Northern Ireland reflect the fair employment ratios set down by the Fair Employment Commission.

Mr. Atkins : This is a matter for the Bank of Ireland. Every employer covered by the terms of the Fair

Column 690

Employment (Northern Ireland) Act 1989 is required to determine whether it is affording fair participation in employment to members of both communities and, if necessary, to take affirmative action. In support of these employers, the Fair Employment Commission provides, on request, information and advice on any aspect of fair employment practice, including catchment areas.

The commission is also required to ensure that employers are complying with the legislation, that employers' determinations concerning fair participation are correct and that, where necessary, employers are taking the appropriate affirmative action.

Rural Housing

Mr. McGrady : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what action he will take to reduce the levels of rural housing unfitness ; and what action he plans for areas with particularly high levels of unfitness.

Mr. Atkins : This is a matter for the Northern Ireland Housing Executive--the Executive--whose chief executive has advised me that the most significant way in which it can reduce rural dwelling unfitness is through the home improvement grant scheme.

To tackle the highest levels of rural unfitness, the Executive since 1989 has identified rural priority areas. It is intended to review the basis of these with the intention of extending them and to intensively market and counsel occupants on the opportunities and options offered by the new housing renovation scheme. From the current financial year--1993-94--the Executive expects to approve around 2,000 rural grant applications annually.

To a more limited degree, rural new building will help to further reduce unfitness. Several small settlements and crossroads' areas now have a number of new build schemes to rehouse households living in unfit dwellings ; around 200 houses are expected to be provided over the next two years. Additionally, the Executive has provided office accommodation and administrative support for the Rural Housing Association as well as identifying several rural locations where new build to meet the local needs of families living in unfit accommodation could be supported.


Mr. Wilson : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will now place in the Library the conclusions of the consultant's report on private sector involvement in Northern Ireland Railways.

Mr. Atkins : No. The findings of the study are still under consideration.

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