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Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the President of the Board of Trade who are the members currently appointed to the Copyright Tribunal.
Mr. McLoughlin : The current members of the Copyright Tribunal are as follows :
Mr. Michael Bowers OBE
Deputy Chairmen
Mr. Brian Gill QC PHD
Mr. Hugh Laddie QC
Ordinary Members
Column 210
Mr. Hugh BrettMr. Paddy Cribb
Mr. Laurie Farrington
Mrs. Angela Howorth
Sir Michael Lickiss
Mr. Arthur Rayner
Mr. Peter Sebastian CBE
Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the President of the Board of Trade who are the members currently appointed to the Innovation Advisory Board.
Mr. McLoughlin : The Innovation Advisory Board, as then constituted was wound up in September 1993. At that time the external members of the IAB were :
Lord Chilver
EEC Group plc
Dr. Stuart Burgess
Immuno International AG
Mr. Richard Duggan
Crosfield Chemicals
Dr. Ken W. Grey
Executive Chairman
Thorn Software
Mr. Len Weaver
Jones and Shipman
Sir David Cooksey
Advent Ltd.
Mr. Richard Freeman
Corporate Chief Economist
ICI Group
Mr. Michael Henderson
Chief Executive
Ronar Services Ltd.
Dr. Peter Williams
Chief Executive
Oxford Instruments
Since its inception in 1988 the IAB had a widely acknowledged reputation as a strong and effective champion of innovation and a very valuable source of advice to DTI. However, taking account of the publication of the science, engineering and technology White Paper, "Realising our Potential" in May 1993, the advisory structures being established by the Office of Science and Technology and the steps DTI is taking to develop closer links with business my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade agreed with the Lord Chilver and members of the IAB that the role of the board should be reviewed. No decision has been taken on the structure of any successor arrangements.
Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the President of the Board of Trade who are the members currently appointed to the English Industrial Estates Corporation.
Mr. Sainsbury : The current members of the English Industrial Estates Corporation are as follows :
Sir Idris Pearce CBE TD--Chairman
Sir Kenneth Stowe GCB CVO--Deputy Chairman
Mr. Reay Atkinson CB
Mr. Euan Macfarlane CBE
Mr. Ron Norman OBE
Mr. Tony Pender CBE--Chief Executive
Sir Norman Wakefield
Column 211
Ms Abbott : To ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will list the organisations to which his Department awarded consultancy work in 1992 and 1993 together with a list of the consultancies concerned and the amount paid.
Mr. Eggar : The consultancy contracts awarded centrally by the Department of Trade and Industry to all organisations in 1992 and 1993 plus the total value of those contracts are as detailed in the tables. The values of individual contracts are commercially confidential.
Organisations to which consultancy contracts were issued in 1992 Name of company
ABB Global Engineering
AD Technologies
AEA Industrial Technology
Aegis Systems Ltd.
Amp Computer Recruitment Ltd.
Amp Systems Ltd.
Amps Limited
Andrew Irving Associates
Annabel Jackson Associates
Anshar Limited
APM Ltd.
Appleton Associates Int.
Applied Electromagnetics Limited
Aspen Business Communications plc
Association of British Chambers of Commerce
Association of Print and Packaging
Barton Marketing Services
Beechcroft Commercial Systems
Benchmark Research Limited
Beta Technology Ltd.
BHR Group Limited
BIS Applied Systems
BIS Information Services Ltd.
BJM Research
John T. Boyd Company
Bradford University
Brameur Ltd.
Brantwood Consulting
Bristol University
British Aerospace Space Ltd.
British Materials Handling BOA
British Technology Group
British Textile Technology Group
Brook Street
Building Services Research
Burrups Limited
Business Market and Research plc
Business IT Solutions
Business Management Promotions Ltd.
Buxton Douglass Ltd.
CAD-CAM Data Exchange
Technical Centre (CADDETC)
Cambashi Ltd.
Cambridge Consultants Ltd.
Cambridge Material Corrosion
Capita Group plc
Centre for Adhesive Technology
Charles Barker Ltd.
Cheshire Precision Shape Ltd.
Chesterton Consulting Group
Chris Makemson Consultants Ltd.
Clearaway International Holdings Ltd.
CMG Information Service Public Sector
Commonwealth Development Corporation
Compupro Limited
Computer Consultants
Computer Training and Education Centre (CTEC)
Concorde Services Ltd.
Concurrant Computer Corporation Ltd.
Coopers and Lybrand
Corinne Flemming Associates
Cornwall County Council
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