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Sir John Wheeler : The total number of official Christmas cards issued was 2,266. The total cost of purchasing and postage was £2, 909.10.
Mr. Peter Robinson : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what action he proposes to take following consultation on his discussion paper "Crime and the Community" ; and if he will make a statement.
Sir John Wheeler : I have considered carefully the response to the discussion paper "Crime and the Community" and am today placing in the Library of the House the details of my proposals for implementing a wide- ranging strategy for dealing with crime in Northern Ireland. In the light of the positive and constructive comments I received on the discussion paper, I propose to commence implementation of the key recommendations in each of the areas identified in the paper. The resulting programme will improve the effectiveness of the criminal justice system in responding to the problem of crime in the years ahead. It will provide a sound statutory framework and will encourage a range of measures for preventing crime, challenging offending, and protecting victims.
Among the measures with which I propose to proceed are : a community safety strategy encouraging local crime prevention initiatives with community involvement ;
a pilot scheme for voluntary offence mediation ;
measures to ensure the appropriate use of cautioning ;
further action to reduce pre-trial delays ;
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a statutory framework within which a wider range of penalties for adults and juveniles will be available to the courts ;new arrangements aimed at securing better service to the public through improved co-ordination in the criminal justice system ; and the publication of more information about the criminal justice system.
Together the measures represent an effective, integrated and relevant response to the problem of crime in Northern Ireland. Their implementation will require the active co-operation and support of a wide range of people both within and beyond the criminal justice system. I intend to continue the process of consultation as the details of these proposals are developed, building on the broad measure of support for the ideas set out in "Crime and Community".
Mr. Gale : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what provision has been made for special training for fire service personnel likely to be required to provide service to the channel tunnel ; how many such personnel have received specialist training ; whether such training has included paramedic instruction ; what is the expected reaction time for the fire service in the event of an emergency ; and if he will make a statement.
Mr. Charles Wardle : Fifty-three specially trained members of the Kent fire brigade will permanently man the emergency centre at the United Kingdom terminal. They will respond immediately to calls for assistance in the tunnel. About 1,000 other brigade personnel are trained to support them if necessary. All the brigade receive first aid or advanced first aid training. Support from the fire station at Folkestone would take not more than five minutes to arrive from receipt of the call at brigade headquarters.
Mr. Michael : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list the standard spending assessment for each police force in England and Wales, (a) for 1994-95, (b) for the current year and (c) for each of the past five years.
Mr. Howard : Standard spending assessments--SSAs--were introduced in 1990. Previously assessments of local authority spending needs were expressed as grant related expenditure assessments--GREs. Police components of GREs or SSAs from 1988-89 to 1993-94, and of the provisional SSAs for 1994-95, for English police authorities are shown in the table.
SSAs for Welsh local authorities are a matter for the Secretary of State for Wales.
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£000s Police authority |1988-89 |1989-90 |1990-91 |1991-92 |1992-93 |1993-94 |1994-95 |GRE |GRE |SSA |SSA |SSA |SSA |Provisional ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Avon and Somerset |42,254 |46,568 |50,802 |55,443 |63,999 |66,489 |69,275 Bedfordshire |13,945 |15,727 |18,039 |20,238 |25,127 |26,498 |27,790 Cambridgeshire |16,177 |18,017 |19,824 |21,691 |26,516 |27,547 |28,702 Cheshire |25,729 |28,399 |30,911 |33,986 |39,805 |41,353 |43,087 Cleveland |20,555 |22,506 |24,640 |27,037 |31,139 |32,350 |33,706 Cumbria |15,954 |17,467 |19,129 |21,151 |24,609 |25,566 |26,638 Derbyshire |25,004 |27,376 |29,670 |32,276 |38,354 |39,846 |41,516 Devon and Cornwall |38,963 |43,164 |47,096 |51,536 |60,702 |63,064 |65,706 Dorset |17,223 |18,857 |20,801 |22,879 |26,993 |28,043 |29,218 Durham |18,924 |20,719 |22,753 |24,751 |28,796 |29,917 |31,171 Essex |38,643 |43,226 |49,255 |54,851 |64,662 |67,767 |71,273 Gloucestershire |16,232 |17,772 |19,262 |20,953 |24,546 |25,501 |26,570 Hampshire |43,300 |47,760 |54,289 |59,904 |71,551 |75,453 |79,134 Hertfordshire |23,746 |26,472 |29,917 |32,973 |38,803 |40,290 |42,413 Humberside |27,500 |30,109 |32,963 |36,128 |42,168 |43,809 |45,645 Kent |40,879 |45,354 |51,544 |57,435 |68,381 |72,419 |76,389 Lancashire |44,040 |48,218 |52,506 |57,873 |66,943 |69,547 |72,462 Leicestershire |24,167 |26,460 |29,124 |32,636 |38,416 |39,910 |41,583 Lincolnshire |16,497 |18,063 |19,576 |21,547 |25,002 |25,975 |27,064 Norfolk |18,380 |20,429 |22,538 |25,345 |29,978 |31,144 |32,450 Northamptonshire |14,977 |16,887 |18,550 |20,539 |24,671 |25,630 |26,705 North Yorkshire |19,077 |20,887 |22,886 |25,345 |29,398 |30,541 |31,821 Nottinghamshire |31,503 |35,026 |38,358 |42,194 |48,595 |50,485 |52,894 Staffordshire |30,066 |33,071 |36,207 |39,638 |45,921 |47,707 |49,707 Suffolk |16,539 |18,108 |19,626 |21,673 |25,562 |26,557 |27,670 Surrey |24,091 |26,927 |30,103 |33,255 |39,239 |40,503 |42,834 Sussex |40,801 |44,809 |50,825 |56,093 |60,754 |64,004 |67,155 Thames Valley |48,977 |55,637 |63,248 |70,893 |85,179 |90,575 |95,202 Warwickshire |13,680 |14,978 |16,415 |18,451 |21,520 |22,443 |23,384 West Mercia |27,235 |29,972 |32,946 |36,415 |42,562 |44,218 |46,071 Wiltshire |14,977 |16,398 |17,954 |21,115 |26,495 |27,763 |28,927 Greater Manchester |96,823 |106,009 |115,636 |126,349 |144,376 |149,884 |156,167 Merseyside |65,250 |71,441 |77,791 |84,622 |97,563 |101,359 |105,608 Northumbria |48,153 |53,180 |58,132 |63,939 |74,676 |77,581 |80,833 South Yorkshire |40,874 |45,057 |49,279 |53,967 |62,838 |65,282 |68,019 West Midlands |93,211 |103,123 |113,021 |124,080 |143,090 |148,656 |154,888 West Yorkshire |72,572 |79,808 |87,025 |95,027 |109,774 |114,045 |118,825 Metropolitan Police |484,112 |531,107 |613,875 |676,931 |729,511 |761,712 |791,008 City of London |14,267 |16,010 |17,983 |20,639 |23,187 |26,570 |29,690
Mr. Madden : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what reports he has received concerning the immigration status of those employed directly or indirectly by his Department ; and what actions he has taken upon such reports.
Mr. Charles Wardle : I am aware of only one such report. This was in connection with a recent joint Immigration Service and Metropolitan police operation to establish the immigration status of cleaners employed on a contract basis at the Passport Agency, Clive house. A number of people were interviewed on 22 December 1993, but no immigration offenders were detected.
Mr. Madden : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what was the name of the charter company retained by his Department to supply a flight to Kingston from Gatwick on 25 December.
Mr. Charles Wardle : Air Holland.
Mr. Madden : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many children who arrived at Gatwick on 21 December on flight ULE966 were (a) refused entry to the United Kingdom, (b) given temporary admission pending further inquiry or (c) removed or deported from the United Kingdom ; and how many are to be removed or deported from the United Kingdom.
Mr. Charles Wardle : Fourteen children aged 16 years or under who arrived on flight ULE966 were refused entry, one of whom was given temporary admission pending
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further inquiries and refused entry on 2 January. Ten have been removed from the United Kingdom. Four are still liable to be removed, one of whom has absconded from temporary admission. The other three are the subject of further consideration.Mr. Madden : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what decisions have been taken on applications to visit the United Kingdom by those passengers on flight ULE966 at Gatwick on 21 December who were given temporary admission pending their removal ; how many (a) have been allowed to visit the United Kingdom, (b) have been refused a visit, (c) have had temporary admission extended, (d) are in detention and (e) have been or are to be deported.
Mr. Charles Wardle : The available information is as follows. Thirty -seven passengers on ULE966 were refused entry and granted temporary admission pending removal, of whom three were removed on 12 January and 24 left on 17 January. Ten others, none of whom is detained, remain liable for removal. Four of them had their temporary admission extended beyond 17 January pending further consideration of their cases and six have absconded from temporary admission.
Mr. Madden : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department against whom penalty payments are being sought, under the Immigration (Carriers' Liability) Act 1987, for passengers on a British Caledonian charter flight arriving at Gatwick on 14 December and flight ULE966 arriving at Gatwick on 21 December, who were refused entry to the United Kingdom ; whether the liability in each case is being sought because the passengers had defective travel documentation ; and what representations he has received against liability for such penalty payments.
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Mr. Charles Wardle : No charges under the Immigration (Carriers' Liability) Act 1987 were levied in respect of either flight.
Mr. Madden : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what internal inquiry he has authorised into the immigration service in London ; when he authorised that inquiry ; what are the terms of reference of the inquiry ; who is conducting the inquiry ; how many immigration officers have been suspended pending the outcome of the inquiry ; and when the findings of the inquiry are expected.
Mr. Charles Wardle : Senior Home Office officials are investigating the possibility that unauthorised disclosure of information to a newspaper may have taken place. The investigation began in December 1993 and will be concluded as soon as possible. No member of the Immigration Service has been suspended from duty.
Mr. Cohen : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what proposals the London fire and civil defence authority has for reducing the effect of diesel exhaust emissions from fire appliances turning out from Leytonstone fire station on that fire station's personnel.
Mr. Charles Wardle : I have been informed by the chief fire officer that the emissions of diesel exhaust from London fire brigade fire appliances at Leytonstone fire station, which are inspected quarterly, are within the levels permitted by the Health and Safety Executive guidance on occupational exposure levels. Consideration is, however, being given to improvements in the layout of the station which would reduce exposure to such emissions.
Dr. Spink : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what action he has taken to ensure that all perpetrators of attacks on badgers are brought to justice.
Mr. Charles Wardle : Badgers receive more protection in law than any other unendangered animal. The Protection of Badgers Act 1992 makes it an offence to kill, injure, ill-treat or take a badger, or attempt to do so, or to dig for one, except under licence or in certain particular circumstances defined in the Act. The baiting of any animal is prohibited by the Protection of Animals Act 1911. The enforcement of the law is a matter for the police.
Mr. Enright : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) how many dogs, registered with the index of exempt dogs, have been notified to the index as having been voluntarily destroyed ; (2) how many dogs were registered with the index of exempt dogs, in accordance with section 1 of the Dangerous Dogs Act, by 30 November 1991 ; how many were registered by 1 March 1992 ; and how many remained registered by 30 November 1993 ;
(3) pursuant to his answer to the hon. Member for Antrim, East (Mr. Beggs) of 14 January, Official Report,
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columns 334-36, how many defendants prosecuted under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 pleaded (a) guilty or (b) not guilty. (4) how many individuals have been prosecuted under section 1 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 since its inception ;(5) how many compensation payments were made under the Dangerous Dogs Compensation and Exemption Schemes Order 1991--SI., 1991, No. 1744 ; and how many dogs have been destroyed under this order ; (6) how many forms were applied for to register dogs with the index of exempt dogs ; and how many of these were returned (a) complete and (b) incomplete ; and how many have not been returned to the index.
Mr. Charles Wardle : The Index of Exempted Dogs issued 8,573 application forms to applicants, of which 7,015 were returned to the index : of these 5,223 were complete and resulted in the issue of a certificate of exemption. Of the remaining 1,792 applications, 709 were incomplete.
Information is not available on the number of certificates of exemption in force on the various dates mentioned. As at 25 January 1994 there were 4,584 certificates remaining in force.
The number of dogs destroyed under the compensation scheme was 294 ; payments were made in each case. The index has been notified of 576 dogs which have been voluntarily destroyed.
Information is not collected on how defendants pleaded in Dangerous Dogs Act proceedings. Information on the number of prosecutions under section 1 of the 1991 Act has been collected since 1 January 1992 and I refer to the answer I gave to the hon. Member for Antrim, East (Mr. Beggs) on 14 January at columns 334-36. Statistics for 1993 are expected to be available in autumn 1994.
Mr. Skinner : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether parish councils are offered grants from his Department for neighbourhood watch schemes.
Mr. Charles Wardle : The Home Office does not provide direct funding to support individual neighbourhood watch schemes. The neighbourhood watch movement is essentially local in character with co-ordination provided by police forces. The Home Office provides support through the production of leaflets and posters together with grant in aid to Crime Concern which supports neighbourhood watch activities. For example, the Home Office provided funding towards the cost of a neighbourhood watch co-ordinators handbook which was published by Crime Concern last October.
Mr. Pike : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many letters addressed to Ministers in his Department in the last 12 months by (a) hon. Members and (b) others have been forwarded for reply to each agency ; and if he will make a statement.
Mr. Howard : In the period from 1 January 1993 to 31 December 1993, 736 letters from hon. Members addressed to myself and my right hon. and hon. Friends were forwarded to Home Office agencies for reply. Of these, 666
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were forwarded to the Prison Service Agency, 66 to the United Kingdom Passport Agency and four to the Forensic Science Service Agency. Information is not available for similar letters received from others.Mr. Pike : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what information he has on the changing pattern or special service calls on the fire service over the last 10 years ; how such calls are financed ; and if he will make a statement.
Mr. Charles Wardle : The number of special service incidents attended by the fire service in England and Wales for each year from 1983 to 1992 is shown in the table. Fire authorities have been able to provide these services from within their existing resources.
Total number of special service calls for 1983 to 1992 Year |Number of |special service |calls ------------------------------------------------ 1983 |88,880 1984 |97,199 1985 |121,953 1986 |118,193 1987 |175,846 1988 |139,768 1989 |160,090 1990 |190,787 1991 |168,970 1992 |151,180
Mr. Pike : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department with which organisation he has discussed the future of the fire service over the last 18 months ; and if he will make a statement.
Mr. Charles Wardle : The former Home Secretary, my right hon. and learned Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer, addressed the annual general meeting of the Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers' Association --CACFOA--on 1 May 1993. I addressed the Fire '93 conference in September. I have also received delegations from West Glamorgan, Dyfed and Powys county councils to discuss the future of the fire service in Wales. In addition, I chair the central Fire Brigades Advisory Council for England and Wales, which meets twice a year, and which offers advice on any matter pertaining to the fire service. I continue to receive advice from a sub- committee of the council on the fire service implications of the recommendations of the Local Government Commission.
I also met representatives of the Fire Brigades Union in October 1993 and a range of issues relating to the future of the fire service were discussed.
Mr. Pike : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what assessment his Department has made of the implications for the fire service of (a) privatisation of the coal mining industry and (b) deregulation legislation ; and if he will make a statement.
Mr. Charles Wardle : The Home Office is discussing with the Health and Safety Executive the possible need to issue guidance to chief fire officers on the implications for the fire service of developments in the coal industry. We have recently completed a review of the Fire Precautions Act 1971 and are considering its findings and possible implications for business and the fire service.
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Mr. Pike : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what information he has on the number of (a) fire stations, (b) fire service personnel and (c) pumps and other fire appliances in each fire brigade at the latest date for which figures are available ; what the position was on the same basis 10 years ago ; and if he will make a statement.
Mr. Charles Wardle : The latest date for which information is available is 1 January 1993. Figures comparing the position on that date with that on 1 January 1984 are given in the following tables.
Number of Fire Stations Brigades |1984 |1993 ------------------------------------------------------- Clwyd |19 |18 Dyfed |26 |27 Mid Glamorgan |24 |22 South Glamorgan |8 |8 West Glamorgan |12 |12 Gwent |20 |20 Gwynedd |26 |26 Powys |18 |18 Avon |23 |23 Bedfordshire |13 |14 Berkshire |19 |20 Buckinghamshire |24 |24 Cambridgeshire |28 |28 Cheshire |24 |24 Cleveland |14 |15 Cornwall |32 |32 Cumbria |38 |38 Derbyshire |31 |31 Devon |58 |58 Dorset |26 |27 Durham |18 |17 Essex |51 |51 Gloucestershire |20 |20 Hampshire |58 |55 Hereford and Worcestershire |26 |26 Hertfordshire |32 |32 Humberside |31 |31 Kent |65 |65 Lancashire |40 |40 Leicestershire |19 |19 Lincolnshire |37 |37 Norfolk |40 |40 Northamptonshire |21 |22 Northumberland |18 |18 Nottinghamshire |27 |26 Oxfordshire |24 |24 Shropshire |23 |23 Isles of Scilly |5 |5 Somerset |24 |24 Staffordshire |30 |30 Suffolk |35 |35 Surrey |24 |24 East Sussex |24 |24 West Sussex |28 |28 Warwickshire |20 |20 Isle of Wight |10 |10 Wiltshire |23 |24 North Yorkshire |35 |36 Greater Manchester |41 |41 Merseyside |28 |28 Tyne and Wear |19 |18 West Midlands |41 |40 South Yorkshire |27 |25 West Yorkshire |53 |51 London |115 |113 |---- |---- Total |1,615 |1,607
Column 337
Whole-time staff Brigades |1984 |1993 ------------------------------------------------------- Clwyd |200 |182 Dyfed |191 |223 Mid Glamorgan |321 |341 South Glamorgan |309 |334 West Glamorgan |265 |235 Gwent |293 |292 Gwynedd |93 |106 Powys |27 |31 Avon |633 |640 Bedfordshire |288 |309 Berkshire |404 |434 Buckinghamshire |263 |316 Cambridgeshire |264 |267 Cheshire |610 |638 Cleveland |625 |641 Cornwall |181 |183 Cumbria |282 |287 Derbyshire |512 |492 Devon |522 |535 Dorset |297 |307 Durham |442 |429 Essex |861 |922 Gloucestershire |219 |232 Hampshire |738 |778 Hereford and Worcestershire |329 |342 Hertfordshire |531 |573 Humberside |731 |724 Kent |784 |908 Lancashire |904 |974 Leicestershire |440 |452 Lincolnshire |180 |190 Norfolk |304 |288 Northamptonshire |225 |292 Northumberland |253 |238 Nottinghamshire |609 |613 Oxfordshire |219 |229 Shropshire |200 |203 Isles of Scilly |0 |0 Somerset |153 |172 Staffordshire |455 |492 Suffolk |243 |262 Surrey |676 |691 East Sussex |436 |436 West Sussex |375 |395 Warwickshire |298 |321 Isle of Wight |46 |48 Wiltshire |194 |206 North Yorkshire |401 |405 Greater Manchester |2,167 |2,188 Merseyside |1,548 |1,561 Tyne and Wear |1,065 |1,077 West Midlands |2,012 |2,095 South Yorkshire |1,096 |1,030 West Yorkshire |1,805 |1,830 London |6,954 |6,563 |------- |------- Total |34,473 |34,952
Retained Staff<1> Brigades |1984 |1993 ------------------------------------------------------- Clwyd |194 |185 Dyfed |291 |295 Mid Glamorgan |206 |201 South Glamorgan |11 |17 West Glamorgan |68 |80 Gwent |204 |127 Gwynedd |304 |328 Powys |204 |199 Avon |187 |182 Bedfordshire |125 |124 Berkshire |157 |136 Buckinghamshire |231 |172 Cambridgeshire |293 |288 Cheshire |204 |133 Cleveland |59 |59 Cornwall |397 |379 Cumbria |365 |382 Derbyshire |321 |346 Devon |614 |659 Dorset |280 |313 Durham |201 |143 Essex |390 |403 Gloucestershire |240 |253 Hampshire |523 |567 Hereford and Worcestershire |295 |313 Hertfordshire |209 |218 Humberside |241 |257 Kent |647 |682 Lancashire |368 |374 Leicestershire |206 |196 Lincolnshire |410 |441 Norfolk |440 |448 Northamptonshire |204 |215 Northumberland |146 |149 Nottinghamshire |266 |266 Oxfordshire |267 |229 Shropshire |227 |239 Isles of Scilly |29 |29 Somerset |367 |369 Staffordshire |303 |296 Suffolk |378 |391 Surrey |107 |114 East Sussex |227 |245 West Sussex |289 |302 Warwickshire |222 |168 Isle of Wight |150 |151 Wiltshire |270 |290 North Yorkshire |440 |414 Greater Manchester |62 |63 Merseyside |10 |6 Tyne and Wear |24 |18 West Midlands |22 |10 South Yorkshire |116 |70 West Yorkshire |316 |198 London |0 |0 |------- |------- Total |13,327 |13,132 <1> Expressed in units of 24 hour cover.
Control Room Staff Brigades |1984 |1993 ------------------------------------------------------- Clwyd |23 |24 Dyfed |14 |18 Mid Glamorgan |21 |22 South Glamorgan |17 |18 West Glamorgan |17 |17 Gwent |20 |20 Gwynedd |12 |15 Powys |9 |9 Avon |25 |29 Bedfordshire |19 |19 Berkshire |21 |21 Buckinghamshire |15 |18 Cambridgeshire |25 |22 Cheshire |35 |29 Cleveland |25 |27 Cornwall |13 |14 Cumbria |16 |17 Derbyshire |24 |26 Devon |24 |25 Dorset |17 |20 Durham |24 |28 Essex |39 |39 Gloucestershire |18 |21 Hampshire |29 |31 Hereford and Worcestershire |18 |20 Hertfordshire |21 |21 Humberside |29 |30 Kent |33 |38 Lancashire |40 |41 Leicestershire |20 |24 Lincolnshire |20 |21 Norfolk |23 |22 Northamptonshire |17 |17 Northumberland |14 |15 Nottinghamshire |25 |27 Oxfordshire |17 |21 Shropshire |17 |17 Isles of Scilly |0 |0 Somerset |16 |19 Staffordshire |24 |21 Suffolk |17 |21 Surrey |25 |26 East Sussex |23 |24 West Sussex |26 |29 Warwickshire |18 |19 Isle of Wight |11 |12 Wiltshire |18 |18 North Yorkshire |18 |21 Greater Manchester |74 |74 Merseyside |70 |73 Tyne and Wear |34 |38 West Midlands |66 |68 South Yorkshire |37 |36 West Yorkshire |49 |58 London |177 |143 |------- |------- Total |1,499 |1,543
Pumping Appliances Brigades |1984 |1993 ------------------------------------------------------- Clwyd |31 |28 Dyfed |35 |35 Mid Glamorgan |32 |30 South Glamorgan |14 |10 West Glamorgan |15 |14 Gwent |49 |36 Gwynedd |43 |46 Powys |29 |28 Avon |37 |37 Bedfordshire |23 |22 Berkshire |26 |24 Buckinghamshire |39 |33 Cambridgeshire |41 |39 Cheshire |58 |39 Cleveland |24 |23 Cornwall |76 |74 Cumbria |52 |50 Derbyshire |48 |46 Devon |84 |83 Dorset |44 |45 Durham |36 |33 Essex |74 |75 Gloucestershire |33 |34 Hampshire |103 |80 Hereford and Worcestershire |50 |43 Hertfordshire |55 |43 Humberside |54 |53 Kent |86 |86 Lancashire |67 |66 Leicestershire |29 |32 Lincolnshire |48 |48 Norfolk |52 |52 Northamptonshire |27 |28 Northumberland |23 |24 Nottinghamshire |38 |37 Oxfordshire |36 |36 Shropshire |33 |33 Isles of Scilly |6 |13 Somerset |39 |42 Staffordshire |48 |48 Suffolk |49 |46 Surrey |36 |36 East Sussex |38 |38 West Sussex |43 |45 Warwickshire |26 |27 Isle of Wight |16 |16 Wiltshire |35 |35 North Yorkshire |45 |55 Greater Manchester |67 |68 Merseyside |42 |44 Tyne and Wear |35 |34 West Midlands |66 |62 South Yorkshire |43 |36 West Yorkshire |79 |77 London |188 |189 |------- |------- Total |2,545 |2,456
Other Appliances Brigades |1984 |1993 ------------------------------------------------------- Clwyd |14 |11 Dyfed |8 |24 Mid Glamorgan |11 |19 South Glamorgan |11 |21 West Glamorgan |9 |10 Gwent |8 |11 Gwynedd |6 |5 Powys |10 |17 Avon |17 |54 Bedfordshire |20 |22 Berkshire |9 |16 Buckinghamshire |7 |11 Cambridgeshire |9 |13 Cheshire |18 |21 Cleveland |9 |11 Cornwall |9 |13 Cumbria |16 |13 Derbyshire |16 |17 Devon |12 |13 Dorset |30 |9 Durham |16 |6 Essex |12 |18 Gloucestershire |11 |16 Hampshire |38 |40 Hereford and Worcestershire |11 |4 Hertfordshire |8 |8 Humberside |24 |16 Kent |19 |21 Lancashire |14 |25 Leicestershire |7 |14 Lincolnshire |14 |34 Norfolk |9 |12 Northamptonshire |8 |5 Northumberland |0 |4 Nottinghamshire |10 |16 Oxfordshire |11 |11 Shropshire |3 |15 Isles of Scilly |0 |4 Somerset |6 |35 Staffordshire |16 |21 Suffolk |8 |20 Surrey |13 |19 East Sussex |16 |23 West Sussex |25 |25 Warwickshire |11 |6 Isle of Wight |8 |8 Wiltshire |9 |18 North Yorkshire |10 |15 Greater Manchester |28 |29 Merseyside |16 |22 Tyne and Wear |13 |16 West Midlands |22 |34 South Yorkshire |19 |24 West Yorkshire |36 |28 London |37 |72 |------- |------- Total |757 |1,015
Mrs. Mahon : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what plans he has to make regulations with respect to sensitive personal information under the Data Protection Act 1984.
Mr. Peter Lloyd : We have no such plans.
Mr. Simon Hughes : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what are the implications of the Government's "back to basics" policy for his Department during 1994.
Mr. Rendel : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what working definition of "back to basics" is used by his Department ; and what his Department has done in the past three months to implement the policy.
Mr. Howard [holding answer 20 January 1994] : I refer the hon. Members to the reply given by my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister on 21 January at column 849.
Ms Abbott : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the (a) accountancy firms and (b) merchant banks to which his Department awarded private consultancy work in 1992 and 1993, together with a list of the consultancies concerned and the amount paid.
Mr. Baldry : Consultancy work awarded to accountancy firms during 1992 and 1993 is detailed below with a total value respectively of £1.6 million and £886,000. No merchant banks were awarded consultancy work during the period in question. It is not our policy to reveal the cost of individual contracts.
Consultant and Description
BDO Binder Hamlyn
Cost Analysis of Estates Commissions
Coopers & Lybrand
Security Furniture Review
Financial Recovery
Contract Costing
Invoice Support
Coopers & Lybrand
Tyne and Wear Development
Corporation "Health Check"
Ernst & Young
Computer Operational Requirement Study
PSA Projects Completion Balance Sheet
London Docklands Development Corporation "Health
Leeds Development Corporation "Health Check"
Information Systems Strategy--Financial Management
Kidsons Impey
External Audit of SDC92/3
LDC "Health Check"
Price Waterhouse
External Audit of SDC92/3
Design Improvement
Teeside Development Corporation "Health Check"
Merseyside Development Corporation "Health Check"
Trafford Park Development Corporation "Health Check"
Chapman Hendy Assoc.
Hull HAT Financial Model
Column 342
KPMGBusiness Support
Contract Review
Adviser to Chief Planning Inspector
Touche Ross
Interim Accounting Advice for PINS Agency
Central Manchester Development Corporation
"Health Check"
Black Country Development Corporation "Health Check"
R. E. Jones & Co
Financial Audit of Projects
Financial Audit of Projects
Underspace NNEB III
BDO Consulting
Client/Contractor Split for Housing Management CCT
Coopers & Lybrand
IT Implications for Housing Management CCT
Small Authorities and Housing Management CCT
Computer Design Study
Ernst & Young
Security Services Group Efficiency Review
Docklands Railway Privatisation Study
Docklands Light Railway Privatisation
Building Management Completion Balance Sheet
Inspector Scheduling Business Study
Kidson Impey
Financial Audit of Task Force Projects
(1) Auditing of Task Force Projects
(2) Auditing of Task Force Projects
(3) Auditing of Task Force Projects
(4) Auditing of Task Force Projects
Financial Audit of Projects (Phase 1)
Financial Audit of Projects (Phase 2)
Price Waterhouse
SDC "Health Check"
Sheffield Development Corporation "Health Check"
The TBA Options Study
Touche Ross
Independent Professional Advice
R. E. Jones and Co.
Financial Audit of Projects
Moore Stephens
Review of Financial Control Systems
Clarke Whitehall
Treatment of VAT
Kumar and Co.
Financial Audit of Projects (WLTF)
J. Debson
Financial Audit of Projects
Castle Management Consultants
Independent Financial Advice on Market Testing
Grant Thornton
Financial Audit of TF Projects
Norstel Ltd.
Study into Structure and Funding of Vine Street
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