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Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department who are the members currently appointed to the misuse of drugs professional panel.
Mr. Maclean : A professional panel does not have a standing membership. It consists of a chairman and two other persons drawn from a pool of members of the respondent's own profession, nominated by the relevant professional bodies, and appointed by the Secretary of State.
Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department who are the members currently appointed to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board.
Mr. Maclean : The current members of the board are :
Lord Carlisle of Bucklow, PC, QC
Mr. James Law, QC
Mr. Charles Whitby, QC
Mr. Barry Chedlow, QC
Sir David Calcutt, QC
Miss Beryl Cooper, QC
Miss Shirley Ritchie, QC
Mr. Hugh Carlisle, QC
Mr. Colin Fawcett, QC
Mr. Michael Park, CBE
Mr. John Crowley, QC
Sir Arthur Hoole
Mr. Donald Robertson, QC
Mr. Michael Lewer, QC
Mr. Peter Weitzman, QC
Mr. Conrad Seagroatt, QC
Mr. John Archer, QC
Mr. Owen Thomas, QC
Mr. Leighton Williams, QC
Mr. Graeme Hamilton, QC
Sir Derek Bradbeer, OBE
Mr. Crawford Lindsay, QC
Lord Macaulay of Bragar, QC
Miss Diane Cotton, QC
Mr. Donald Mackay, QC
Mr. Evan Stone, QC
Mr. Daniel Brennan, QC
Mr. Timothy Preston, QC
Mr. John Cherry, QC
Mr. Kevin Drummond, QC
Mr. Edward Gee
Mr. David Barker, QC
His Honour James Kingham
His Honour Sir David West-Russell
His Honour John da Cunha
Mr. Michael Churchouse
Mr. James M. McGhie
Sir Richard Gaskell
Mr. Norman Miscampbell, QC
Mr. Michael Lewis, QC
Mr. Harold Gooddard, QC
His Honour Sir Jonathan Clarke
Member appointed by the Secretary of State for Scotland.
Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department who are the members currently appointed to the Animal Procedures Committee.
Column 431
Mr. Charles Wardle : I refer the hon. Member to the reply to a question from the hon. Member for Glanford and Scunthorpe (Mr. Morley) on 14 January, column 337.
Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department who are the members currently appointed to the Police Promotion Examinations Board.
Mr. Charles Wardle : The chairman of the Police Promotion Examinations Board is Professor J. A. Andrews, whose current appointment runs until August 1996. The members of the board are appointed by the bodies which they represent : these include the police staff associations, the local authority associations, the Home Office, Her Majesty's inspector of constabulary, the chief examiner and the local government management board, which administers the examinations.
The current membership of the board is as follows :
Professor J. A. Andrews--Chairman
Mrs. P. G. W. Catto--Home Office
Mr. W. Lawrie--Secretary
Mrs. E. M. Eyers--Assistant Secretary
Mr. J. Dunn--Assistant Secretary
Miss S. Hubbard--HMIC
Mr. P. Rabbeth--Police Federation
Mr. D. Hayward--Police Federation
Mr. B. Pallant--Police Federation
Mr. H. Lowe--ACC
Mr. V. Petrie--ACC
Commander B. Aitchison--Metropolitan Police
Mr. A. Dyer--ACPO (Moderator)
Ch. Supt. B. MacKenzie--Superintendents Association
Mrs. C. Webb--LGMB
Mr. B. Whyte--CPTU Chief Examiner
(Not including "Non-members likely to attend")
Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department who are the members currently appointed to the Misuse of Drugs Tribunal.
Mr. Maclean : The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 specifies that a tribunal should consist of five members. The chairman, who is currently Mrs. H. Sarkany, must be a barrister, advocate or solicitor and is appointed by the Lord Chancellor.
The other four persons are drawn from a pool of members of the respondent's own profession, nominated by the relevant professional bodies, and are appointed by the Secretary of State for particular cases.
Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department who are the members currently appointed to the Poisons Board.
Mr. Maclean : The role of the Poisons Board is under review as part of a general review of poisons legislation. It has not been necessary to convene the board since 1990 and it has no appointed members at present.
Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department who are the members currently appointed to the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs.
Mr. Maclean : The current membership of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs is as follows :
Professor D. G. Grahame-Smith Chairman
Mrs. J. Barlow Female Dependency Projects Manager, Stirling Mr. R. Bartle Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate, London Dr. W. B. Clee General Medical Practitioner, Cardiff
Mr. D. S. Coleman--Unit Leader, Office of the Health Service Commission for England, London
Dr. M. Donmall--Director, Drug Research Unit and Lecturer in Public Health, Manchester
Column 432
Dr. A. J. Duxbury--Dentist, ManchesterProfessor G. Edwards--Consultant Psychiatrist, London
Mrs. J. Faugier--Senior Research Fellow in Nursing, Manchester Dr. J. Greenwood--Consultant Psychiatrist, Edinburgh
Ms K. Hager--Co-ordinator, SWRHA Drugs Services Project, Exeter Mr. P. Hayes--Probation Service, London
Ms L. Hewitt--Project Manager, the Stockwell Project, London Mr. M. G. Hindson--Probation Service, Manchester
Professor R. S. Jones--Professor of Veterinary Anaesthesia, Liverpool
Ms R. Joyce--Health Education Co-ordinator, Cambridgeshire Mr. J. L. Kay-- Managing Director Healthwise Ltd., Liverpool Dr. M. R. Keen--Consultant Psychiatrist, Cardiff
Dr. D. H. Kennedy--Consultant Physician, Glasgow
Professor M. H. Lader--Professor of Psychopharmacology, London Mr. A. D. Massaum--Pharmaceutical Industry, London
Mr. M. Narayn Singh--Public Education Officer, Manchester Professor W. D. Ollis--Professor of Organic Chemistry, Birmingham Mr. D. Owen--Chief Constable, North Wales
Mr. K. Patel--Deputy Director, the Bridge Project, Bradford Dr. D. Patterson--Consultant Psychiatrist, Northern Ireland Mr. A. W. Ramsay-- Regional Adviser in Health Education, Strathclyde
Dr. S. Ruben--Consultant Psychiatrist, Liverpool
Viscountess Runciman--Outreach Adviser, London
Mr. I. Sherwood--Senior Specialist Nurse, Bristol
Professor G. V. Stimson--Director of the Centre for Research on Drugs and Health Behaviour, London
Dr. J. S. Strang--Consultant Psychiatrist, London
Dr. D. J. Temple--Director of Post Graduate Pharmaceutical Studies for NHS in Wales
Mr. D. Turner--Director, SCODA, London
Mr. E. Unsworth--Deputy Director, Social Services, Cambridgeshire Mr. P. Walker--Headteacher, Kent
Dr. T. Waller--General Medical Practitioner, Suffolk
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