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Mr. Cousins : To ask the Attorney-General how many cases involving allegations of criminal misconduct against police officers were considered by the Attorney-General ; and how many of these resulted in prosecutions being brought, in the last three years.
The Attorney-General : Allegations that police officers have committed criminal offences are ordinarily reported to the Director of Public Prosecutions in accordance with section 90 of the Police and Criminal
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Evidence Act 1984 and not to myself. The DPP consults me where she considers it appropriate to do so having regard to the difficulty or importance of the particular case. In addition, the DPP submits papers in any case where proceedings are considered appropriate for an offence subject to a statutory requirement that my consent be obtained.Statistics are not maintained either in the Crown Prosecution Service or my Department as to the number of cases referred to me which relate to police officers. The number is very small but precise information could be obtained only by a trawl of all departmental files involving disproportionate expense.
Mr. Bayley : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will hold a public inquiry into the activities and performance of the Child Support Agency.
Mr. Burt : We have no plans to do so.
Mr. Ingram : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will place in the Library a copy of the Child Support Agency collection enforcement manual.
Mr. Burt : There are no plans to do so.
Mr. Ingram : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will place in the Library the departmental guidelines issued to the Child Support Agency specialist tracing section.
Mr. Burt : The guidance on specialist tracing is contained within the "Child Support Manual", a copy of which is in the Library.
Mr. Dewar : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security (1) in how many cases in the latest period for which figures are available there has been a refusal by the parent with care to supply information about the absent parent ; and in how many of these cases the Child Support Agency accepted that co-operation had been refused with good cause ;
(2) what is his estimate of the arrears outstanding on maintenance payments set by the Child Support Agency both in total and as a percentage of the total amount to be paid ;
(3) in how many cases in the latest period for which figures are available the Child Support Agency has adjusted a maintenance assessment to allow for the recovery of arrears under paragraph 10 of the arrears regulations ;
(4) what estimate he has made of the average weekly maintenance assessment set by the Child Support Agency at the latest date for which figures are available ;
(5) what is the average time between the issue of the inquiry form, and the maintenance assessment, at the latest date for which figures are available.
Mr. Burt [holding answer 1 February 1994] : The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for Ros Hepplewhite, the chief executive. She will write to the hon. Member.
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Letter from Ros Hepplewhite to Mr. Donald Dewar, dated 2 February 1994.I am replying to your recent Parliamentary Questions to the Secretary of State for Social Security, asking various questions about the Child Support Agency's operations.
At 31 December 1993, 35,600 cases had been received where the requirement to co-operate with the Agency was an issue. In 20,500 of these the Agency accepted that the parent with care had good cause not to co-operate in pursuing a maintenance application.
Initial estimates were that average weekly maimtenance assessments would be approximately £45 50. Information gathered on assessments completed to date is consistent with these estimates.
The Agency is not yet in a position to estimate the arrears outstanding on maintenance payments. I regret, also, that information on cases in which Regulation 10 of the Arrears Regulations has been applied is not collected.
Information on the length of time betweeen the return of the maintenance enquiry form and the completion of the maintenance assessment is not regularly collected in the form requested. From a small sample of cases it is estimated that the average time between the issue of the maintenance enquiry form and the maintenance assessment is approximately 7 weeks.
I hope you find this reply useful.
Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what savings the Child Support Agency has made to date.
Mr. Burt [holding answer 1 February 1994] : The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for Ros Hepplewhite, the chief executive. She will write to the hon. Member.
Letter from Ros Hepplewhite to Mr. Donald Dewar, dated 2 February 1994 :
I am replying to your Parliamentary Question to the Secretary of State for Social Security asking how much of the Child Support Agency's target has been collected to date.
For the period from April 1993 to December 1993, benefit savings of £214.5 million have so far been reported. This figure does not represent the total amount of savings achieved because some will be scored retrospectively.
I hope you find this reply helpful.
Mr. Bayley : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many claimants of (a) income support or (b) other benefits have been informed by Benefits Agency staff that they would lose their entitlement to benefit if they pursued an educational course ; and how many have lost benefit following a decision to study.
Mr. Burt : The information is not readily available and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.
Mr. Dewar : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security which organisations have responded to the consultative document, "Changes in Maternity Pay", published in August 1993.
Mr. Hague : The following organisations have responded.
Association of British Chambers of Commerce
Association of Local Authorities of Northern Ireland
Mr. R. E. B. Atkinson
Barclays Bank
Beck Electronics Ltd.
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Bradford and Bingley Building SocietyBritish Payroll Managers' Association
British Payroll Managers' Association-conference
British Railways Board
British Computer Society-payroll specialists
British Merchant Banking and Security Houses Federation British Apparel and Textile Confederation
British Association of Professional Hairdressing Employers British Bankers' Association
British Printing Industries Association
Mr. S. D. Bryant
Chemical Industries Federation
Chessington Computer Centre
Child Poverty Action Group
City of Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
Clares Dickies
Clydeside Federation
Confederation of British Industry
Co-operative Union
Committee on the Administration of Justice
Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of Great Britain
Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
Crest Nicholson plc
Dairy Trade Federation
Daycare Trust
Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council
Electrical Association
Empire Paper LTD
Engineering Employers' Federation
Engineering Employers' Federation (Northern Ireland
Association)Equal Opportunities Commission for Northern Ireland Equal Opportunities Commission
Federation of Small Businesses
Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
Federation of Recruitment and Employment Services LTD
Field, Fisher, Waterhouse
Food and Drink Federation
General Federation of Trades Unions
GMB--Britain's general union
GPMU--graphical, paper and media union
Greater Manchester Low Pay Unit
Guild of Hairdressers
Hair and Beauty Studio
Health Visitors' Association
Herdman GW Mr.
Huntingdonshire District Council
Institute of Personnel Management
Labour Relations Agency
Leeds City Council--equal opportunities unit
Legal and General
Local Government Management Board
Low Pay Unit
Mail Order Traders Association
Manchester City Council--welfare rights unit
Maternity Alliance
Medical Women's Federation
Middlesex Area Probation Service
Millar, Boyd and Reid LTD
MPG--federation of managerial, professional and general associations
MSF--the union for skilled and professional people
NASUWT--the career teachers' organisation
National Council of Women of Great Britain
National Childbirth Trust
National Metal Trades Federation
National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux
National Childminding Association
National Hairdressers' Federation
National Farmers' Union
Nationwide Group--staff association
New Forest DC
Newcastle on Tyne University
North British Housing Association
North-East Derbyshire DC
Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions
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