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Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland who are the members currently appointed to the industrial research and technology unit.

Mr. Tim Smith : The current members of the board of the industrial research and technology unit are :

Professor Peter McKie (Chairman)

Professor Eric Beatty, MBE

Mr. Frank Graham

Mrs. Gillian Gracey

Mrs. Joan Ruddock

Mr. Jim McCusker

Professor Fabian Monds

Dr. Tom Little

Mr. Ken Atkins

Mr. William Morris

Mr. Jim Collins

Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland who are the members currently appointed to the Labour Relations Agency.

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Mr. Tim Smith : The members of the Labour Relations Agency are : Mr. F. A. Mackle, OBE (Chairman)

Mr. P. Bloch

Ms A. Kilmurray

Mr. J. Nash

Mr. J. L. O'Hagan, OBE

Mr. R. Steele

Mr. E. Miller

Mr. J. G. Lyttle

Ms M. McIvor

Mr. S. W. Anderson

Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland who are the members currently appointed to the scheme of compensation for loss of employment through civil unrest.

Mr. Tim Smith : The scheme of compensation for loss of employment through civil unrest consists of a chairman Dr. J. L. McQuitty, OBE QC and two members--one from each of the following panels :

Employers' representatives

Mr. J. Dunlop, CBE

Mr. P. Killen

Employees' representatives

Mr. A. Snoddy

Ms E. May

Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland who is the current Northern Ireland commissioner for the rights of trade union members.

Mr. Tim Smith : Mrs. M. A. Dinnsmore is the Northern Ireland commissioner for the rights of trade union members.

Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland who are the members currently appointed to the General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland.

Mr. Tim Smith : The members currently appointed to the General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland are as follows :

Lady Anne McCollom (Chairman)

Mr. Gary Mills (Deputy Chairman)

Mr. David J. Gray

Mrs. Brenda McErlane

Mr. Neil McLaughlin

Miss Mary McGrane

Mr. Daniel McGuinness

Mrs. Jean McVitty

Mr. W. Brian Oliphant

Mrs. Nuala O'Loan

Mr. Edward Rafferty

Mr. Denis B. Smith

Mr. Samuel R. Stewart

Mrs. Angela Welch

Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland who are the members currently appointed to the Fire Authority for Northern Ireland.

Mr. Tim Smith : The members currently appointed to the Fire Authority for Northern Ireland are as follows :

Mr. D. Connolly (Chairman)

Mr. W. Keys (Vice Chairman)

Mr. G. Murray

Mrs. V. Walker

Mr. J. McCosker

Mrs. E. McMichael

Mrs. J. Neill

Ms A. McLaughlin

Mr. A. Keery

Mr. T. Benson

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Mrs. J. Baird

Mr. A. Kane

Mr. C. McFarland

Alderman J. Parkes

Councillor F. Cobain

Councillor Mrs. D. Field

Alderman F. Proctor

Staff Transfers

Mr. Matthew Taylor : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list the schemes his Department operates to assist staff facing financial hardship following a transfer, showing (a) the particular criteria and rules applying to each one, including the circumstances under which any loans can be written off, (b) the total amount loaned or granted under the schemes in 1992-93 and so far in 1993-94 and (c) the number of staff assisted in 1992-93 and so far in 1993-94.

Sir John Wheeler : Allowable expenses payable to staff who are transferred, in the public interest, to a new location are contained in the Northern Ireland civil service pay and conditions of service code, and the home civil service departmental pay and conditions of service code.

Departments can, however, make additional payments in cases where existing provisions do not adequately cover all of the necessary costs incurred by staff and where there is financial hardship. Each case is considered on its merits.

In 1992-93 there were no cases, while in 1993-94 to date additional payments amounting to £1,965.00 have been made to two members of staff.

Industrial Earnings

Mr. William Ross : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what was (a) the cash income and (b) the real income of industrial workers in Northern Ireland in the longest available series of years since 1964, taking the latest available year as the base year.

Mr. Tim Smith : The information requested is readily available only from the new earnings survey for 1971 onwards. The table provides details of the average gross weekly earnings of employees--on adult rates--who work in manufacturing industries. The information on the retail prices index, all items, required to convert these to real

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terms is published in table 6.4 of the Employment Gazette for 1993 and in table 26 of the Annual Supplement to Economic Trends for earlier years.

Average gross weekly earnings of full-time employees   

on adult rates:                                        

Manufacturing Industries                               

           |Full-time |Full-time |Full-time            

           |men       |women     |adults               

           |£ per week|£ per week|£ per week           


1971       |29.3      |14.6      |24.6                 

1972       |32.3      |16.8      |27.2                 

1973       |37.0      |19.1      |31.3                 

1974       |42.7      |21.9      |36.4                 

1975       |55.2      |31.0      |48.1                 

1976       |68.1      |40.6      |59.9                 

1977       |70.7      |43.9      |62.9                 

1978       |83.2      |51.8      |73.5                 

1979       |96.5      |55.4      |82.8                 

1980       |111.3     |66.4      |96.0                 

1981       |124.1     |78.4      |110.2                

1982       |131.8     |84.2      |117.4                

1983       |141.7     |88.8      |126.6                

1984       |155.0     |93.0      |137.5                

1985       |166.6     |105.0     |147.4                

1986       |171.4     |107.6     |151.6                

1987       |187.8     |112.8     |165.9                

1988       |195.4     |116.5     |169.5                

1989       |211.5     |134.0     |186.3                

1990       |235.4     |143.0     |205.7                

1991       |250.6     |152.3     |220.3                

1992       |275.0     |167.5     |241.8                

1993       |279.2     |172.3     |247.7                

Farm Buildings and Machinery

Mr. William Ross : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how much money was spent by Northern Ireland farmers on (a) new buildings and (b) farm machinery in real and cash terms in each of the latest 10 available years, taking the latest available year's figures as the base year.

Mr. Ancram : Estimates of capital investments in current terms in buildings and works and plant, machinery and equipment for the years 1984 to 1993 are given in the accompanying table, together with estimates in real terms in index number form.

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Estimated annual capital investment in fixed assets and equipment in current terms, 1984-1993                  

£ million                                                                                                      

                       |1984   |1985   |1986   |1987   |1988   |1989   |1990   |1991   |1992   |<1>1993        


Total buildings and    |134.02 |110.40 |100.10 |83.60  |68.46  |76.91  |81.80  |54.03  |53.69  |55.79          



Total plant, machinery |44.51  |54.60  |43.37  |41.68  |52.06  |57.38  |50.73  |47.79  |61.27  |68.00          

and vehicles                                                                                                   


Total investment       |178.53 |165.00 |143.47 |125.28 |120.52 |134.29 |132.50 |101.82 |114.96 |123.79         


Estimated annual capital investment in fixed assets and equipment in real terms, index (1993=100)              

£ million                                                                                                      

                       |1984   |1985   |1986   |1987   |1988   |1989   |1990   |1991   |1992   |<1>1993        


Total buildings and    |378.90 |294.03 |257.79 |206.97 |161.46 |168.32 |163.46 |102.05 |97.70  |100.00         



Total plant, machinery |103.25 |119.31 |91.63  |84.66  |100.74 |103.03 |83.18  |74.06  |91.47  |100.00         

and vehicles                                                                                                   


Total investment       |227.48 |198.05 |166.52 |139.78 |128.10 |132.46 |119.33 |86.67  |94.28  |100.00         


Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland who are the members currently appointed to the Statute Law Committee for Northern Ireland.

Sir John Wheeler : The information is as follows : The Right Hon. Sir Brian Hutton (Chairman)

Mr. J. W. Bailie

The Right Hon. Lord Justice Carswell

His Honour Judge Chambers QC

Mr. E. A. Comerton QC

Mr. P. Coghlin QC

Mr. S. Fell

Dr. P. Freeman

Mr. G. T. A. Gray

Professor D. S. Greer

Miss E. M. Hughes

Mr. J. A. D. Kennedy

Mr. D. A. Lavery

Mr. G. Myles

Mr. W. G. Nabney

The Right Hon. Sir Robert Porter QC

Mr. J. Ross

Mr. J. L. Semple

Agricultural Land

Mr. William Ross : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what is his estimate of the price of each class of agricultural land sold in Northern Ireland in each of the last five years as defined by the terms non-less-favoured areas, new less-favoured areas and old less- favoured areas.

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