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Mr. Morgan : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what consultations he has had with the chairman of the Cardiff Bay development corporation in relation to the reduction in the number of consultants to be employed by the corporation.
Column 598
Mr. Redwood : The chairman has suggested to me that the development corporation could save money by employing fewer consultants and doing more work in-house. I have encouraged him to work up such proposals.
Mr. Morgan : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what consultations he has had with area child protection teams in relation to approving a protocol on covert video surveillance in hospitals in the case of Munchhausen's syndrome by proxy, non-accidental injury and allied suspected conditions and episodes.
Mr. Dafis : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales whether he consulted the Secretary of State for Scotland regarding his plans for a special advisory body on sustainable development before deciding not to set up a similar body for Wales.
Mr. Redwood : No, because effective arrangements already exist in Wales for consulting Welsh interests on matters relevant to sustainable development. For example, my Department organised a successful seminar in Cardiff in September 1993 on this topic. I am not immediately persuaded that these arrangements need to be formalised via a new advisory body. They will, however, be developed further through the national round table and citizen's environment initiatives.
Mr. Dafis : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will publish his reasons for establishing a special advisory body for sustainable development in Scotland.
Sir Hector Monro : Separate advisory bodies across the full range of Scottish Office responsibilities are appropriate from time to time to help in the effective delivery of policies and programmes in Scotland. In this instance, in view of the range of interests, my right hon. Friend considered that there would be advantage in establishing such a body to facilitate action in Scotland on agenda 21.
The Government's panel on sustainable development, chaired by Sir Crispin Tickell, will, of course, be advising on strategic policies and progress for the United Kingdom as a whole.
Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Scottish Studentship Selection Committee.
Lord James Douglas-Hamilton [holding answer 24 February 1994] : The current Secretary of State appointees are shown in the table : Professor J. Trainer (Chairman), University of Stirling Professor J. Butt, University of Strathclyde
Professor D. Harding, University of Edinburgh
Professor R. Jack, University of Edinburgh
Professor W. Gordon, University of Glasgow
Column 599
Professor R. J. Bauckham, University of St. AndrewsProfessor S. W. Smith, University of Dundee
Professor J. R. Cameron, University of Aberdeen
Professor J. B. I. McDonald, University of Glasgow
Professor P. H. Ramsay, University of Aberdeen
All members were nominated by the principal of their respective university, with the exception of Professor D. Harding, who was nominated by the senate of the university of Edinburgh.
Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Scottish Examination Board.
Lord James Douglas-Hamilton [holding answer 24 February 1994] : The members currently appointed to the Scottish Examination Board by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland are listed in the table, with the source of their nomination where relevant : Chairman appointed by Secretary of State :
Mr. I. L. Fraser OBE (Chairman)
Chosen by Secretary of State for experience in industry, commerce or other relevant qualifications :
Mr. R. Dobson
Mrs. A. J. Gardner
Mrs. A. I. Ritchie
Miss V. M. Pugh
Mr. J. B. Wright
Universities of Scotland nominated by Scottish Universities Council on Entrance :
Professor R. J. Lyall
Professor P. R. Boyle
Dr. J. M. Hannah
Professor H. M. Hine
Professor M. K. Thomas
Professor D. J. Tedford
Professor E. H. Thomson
Professor R. J. Knops
Education Authorities nominated by COSLA :
Councillor T. M. Dair
Councillor Mrs. K. Hutchison
Councillor T. R. Dumble
Councillor T. McAughtrie
Councillor Mrs. E. Macginnis
Councillor Mrs. J. P. Orskov
Director of Education nominated by ADES :
Mr. D. S. Alexander
Mr. N. R. Galbraith
Teachers employed in Education Establishments nominated by various teacher unions :
Mr. J. Bell--EIS
Mr. G. M. Munro--HAS
Mr. A. Hannah--SSTA
Mr. D. Drever--EIS
Mrs. E. C. Marsh--AHTS
Mr. G. MacBride--EIS
Mr. J. B. O. McNair--HAS
Mr. K. Paterson--PAT
Mr. G. A. Rubenski--EIS
Dr. P. W. Thomson--EIS
Mr. B. Williams--SSTA
Central Institutions nominated by Committee of Principals and Directors of Central institutions :
Professor C. E. R. Maddox
Institutions of Further Education nominated by Association of Principals of Colleges :
Principal W. Greenock
Colleges of Education nominated by Conference of Scottish Centrally Funded Colleges :
Professor Kirk
Educational Advisers nominated by Association of Educational Advisers in Scotland :
Mrs. D. McVean
Independent Schools nominated by Scottish Council for Independent Schools :
Mr. R. Nimmo
Column 600
Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland who are the members currently appointed to the Animal Diseases Research Association.
Sir Hector Monro [holding answer 24 February 1994] : The Animal Diseases Research Association is a registered friendly society. There are currently 49 members of the directorate of ADRA. They are listed in the table. All officers and directors except the president, vice- president and the co-opted and special directors are elected by the members of the association present and entitled to vote at an annual general meeting or a special general meeting. Directors are elected by members on a regional basis. The president and vice-president are elected by the directors. The source of the appointments of the co-opted directors and special directors are shown in the table.
Hon. President --His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch
Hon. Vice-Presidents
Sir John Gilmour
J. Cameron
C. B. R. Gray
J. Stobo
J. Matts
Scotland North
R. J. Lennox
R. Simpson
A. D. Forbes
G. A. D. Clyne
R. Paterson
Scotland South
K. A. Brooke
J. Duncan
J. Sharp
I. MacMillan
W. Brown
J. Jeffrey
England North
H. McLaren
C. Slade
P. Johnson
Fiona Fell
A. Harker
M. Walton
England South
J. Matts
Lesley Stubbins
D. Harbottle
J. Hindson
Catherine Paine
D. Mackie
T. Tudor
R. Howells
H. Hughes
J. Willyman
A. Lewis
J. Jones
Northern Ireland
J. Campbell
Co--opted Directors
W. Elliot--Sheep Representative
D. J. Biggar--Cattle Representative
Dr. K. A. Linklater--Veterinary Representative
Dr. P. Wells--Industry Representative
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