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Mr. Matthew Taylor : To ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will list the organisations and individuals who have been asked, since June 1992, to submit names of individuals to be considered for appointments to paid and unpaid posts for which a Minister has to approve the person appointed or shortlist for the appointment.

Mr. Eggar : The required information is not held centrally in the form requested and could be produced only at disproportionate cost.

Mr. Matthew Taylor : To ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will list the organisations and individuals outside his Department who are sent

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information on, or consulted about, individuals who are, or may be, proposed to the Minister for appointment to posts for which a Minister has to approve the person appointed or the shortlist for the appointment.

Mr. Eggar : Such consultations are made in accordance with the "Guide to Public Appointments Procedures".

Mr. Matthew Taylor : To ask the President of the Board of Trade (1) what information his Department holds or obtains relating to individuals who have been appointed, or may be considered for appointment, to paid or unpaid posts for which a Minister has to approve the person or shortlist for the appointment, in particular relating to active involvement in (a) extreme left-wing organisations, (b) extreme right-wing organisations and (c) involvement in any of the political parties represented in the House of Commons ;

(2) what procedures his Department has to prevent the possible appointment of individuals with extreme political views to posts for which a Minister has to approve the person or shortlist for the appointment.

Mr. Eggar : The Department does not hold information on the political affiliations of public appointees or potential public appointees. Appointments are made on the basis of the person judged best for the job ; political affiliation is not a factor.

Parliamentary Questions

Mr. Redmond : To ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will list for the last 12 months how many parliamentary questions he has referred to one of his Department's agencies for answer ; and what percentage of parliamentary questions to his Department this represents.

Mr. Heseltine : Between 1 March 1993 and 28 February 1994, Department of Trade and Industry Ministers referred 31 parliamentary questions to chief executives of my Department's agencies for reply. They represent 1.1 per cent. of the total of 2,812 written questions answered by my Department during that period.

RECHAR Programme

Mr. Redmond : To ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will list the projects and their costs covered by the RECHAR programme to date in (a) the Doncaster area and (b) the rest of south Yorkshire.

Mr. Sainsbury : To date, in Doncaster, 25 infrastructure projects have attracted RECHAR funding of £6,872,236 out of a total South Yorkshire programme of £18,575,176. In addition £8,621,016 has been allocated to 73 business support projects. Although not specific to Doncaster, the projects cover a wide area of South Yorkshire and are all available to companies in Doncaster. I have today placed copies of the list of projects in the Library of the House.

Building Projects

Mr. Redmond : To ask the President of the Board of Trade what major building projects valued at over £1 million are being or have been wholly or partly financed since 1989 in (a) Doncaster, (b) Barnsley, (c) Rotherham and (d) Wakefield by his Department ; and what was the cost of each project to his Department.

Mr. Sainsbury : Regional selective assistance grants can be offered in support of investment projects which

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create or maintain jobs. While the details concerned are commercially confidential, five projects involving building costs of over £1 million have received RSA offers since 1 April 1989, as shown in the table.

In addition, English Estates has been undertaking building and development activities in these areas supported in part by grant aid from the Department.

Number of      |Total project |Building costs|Grant                        

projects       |costs                                                      

               |£ million     |£ million     |£ million                    


5              |81.6          |15.7          |8.55                         

European Imports

Mr. Redmond : To ask the President of the Board of Trade what percentage of European imports to the Yorkshire and Humberside region are transported directly by (a) sea and (b) air (i) currently, (ii) five years ago and (iii) 10 years ago.

Mr. Needham : There are no data on the level of European imports into the Yorkshire and Humberside region.

BS 5750

Mr. Morgan : To ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will issue guidelines on the issuing of quality management systems equivalent to BS 5750 by both certifying bodies and consultants who themselves have not been approved in particular industrial sectors in which they are offering their services by the National Accreditation Council for Certifications Bodies.

Mr. Heseltine : Certification to BS 5750 and the accreditation of certification bodies are commercial decisions for the parties concerned. I recognise that accreditation provides confidence in certification services. My Department does, therefore, encourage certification bodies to seek accreditation and individual companies to use the services of accredited certification bodies. This is reflected in the current edition of the DTI QA register which now lists only accredited certification bodies.

Nuclear Installations

Mr. Hargreaves : To ask the President of the Board of Trade what changes have been made under the statutory security provisions for sites occupied by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority or which require permits under section 2 of the Nuclear Installations Act 1965.

Mr. Eggar : Sites belonging to the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority and those where enrichment or reprocessing operations take place are subject to special statutory security provisions. These are designed principally :

(a) to protect information about and restrict access to enrichment technology, which could be misused for the purposes of nuclear weapons proliferation. The House recognised the importance of this last year in passing the Official Secrets Act 1989 (Prescription) (Amendment) Order 1993 ; and

(b) to protect information about and restrict access to facilities, where this is desirable for the safekeeping of plutonium and other fissile materials.

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Under the Nuclear Installations Act 1965 as amended, sites, other than those of the UKAEA, require a permit for reprocessing or enrichment. Sites to which permits apply and those of the UKAEA can be made prohibited places for the purposes of the Official Secrets Act 1911.

Work undertaken last year identified that the current list of nuclear prohibited places ought to be updated generally, including to align with current site boundaries. New permits have been issued for Sellafield and Capenhurst and my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary yesterday made a new prohibited places order.

This order significantly reduces the number of places that are prohibited. Current or past UKAEA sites at Risley and Culcheth, and in London at Rex house and 11 Charles II street have been dropped. The small part of the Sellafield site managed by the UKAEA, which had been omitted from the previous order, has been added to the Sellafield prohibited place. Land has also been added as a result of aligning the permit with the current Sellafield site boundary. The UKAEA sites at Harwell and Dounreay remain prohibited places in the latter case under a separate order.

The new arrangements will ensure that at Sellafield and Capenhurst, the entire site within the security fence is a prohibited place and that this will remain the case following any transfers of land between British Nuclear Fuels plc and UKAEA at Sellafield or BNFL and Urenco (Capenhurst) Ltd. at Capenhurst. The areas of land affected are defined by the permits ; copies of these, together with proof copies of the prohibited places order, have been placed in the Library of the House.

Diamonds (Angola)

Dr. Howells : To ask the President of the Board of Trade (1) what plans he has to consult his counterparts in the European Union on the question of formulating cross-frontier measures to prevent the importation of diamonds traded by, and on behalf of, the UNITA organisation in Angola ;

(2) what plans he has to take measures to prevent Angolan diamonds, stolen and traded by UNITA, being imported and marketed in the United Kingdom.

Mr. Heseltine : I have no such plans. There is no reliable way of identifying the geographical origin of diamonds imported into the United Kingdom. Technically, it is seldom possible to do so and the channels of distribution are also varied and complex. It would be impractical to track the origin and provenance, legal or otherwise, of individual stones. Nor, for the same reasons, would it be practicable to seek a Community-wide restriction.

Coal Industry Privatisation

Mr. Riddick : To ask the President of the Board of Trade what arrangements are in place to ensure that potential purchasers of British Coal's mining assets are given equal access to relevant information about the five mining businesses being offered for sale by the Government.

Mr. Eggar : The Government attach importance to ensuring that no potential purchasers are given preferential access to the relevant information. I expect in the coming weeks to clarify the basis on which the Government will be making information available.

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British Coal has issued instructions which govern the conduct of all corporation employees during the privatisation period. These instructions set out, among other things, the consents which managers are required to obtain before they can participate in any buy-out bid, and the undertakings which they are obliged to give as a condition of such consents. British Coal has equally introduced detailed arrangements which seek to prevent the unauthorised disclosure by corporation employees of information which might impede the privatisation process. These measures are designed to provide effective safeguards against the possibility of conflicts of interest on the part of British Coal staff who may be authorised to participate in management and employee buy-outs. British Coal will also put in place specific additional measures in the case of individual MEBO participants where necessary.

Mr. Tipping : To ask the President of the Board of Trade what budget provision is planned for the financial year 1994-95 to commission consultants to provide advice on the restructuring and privatisation of British Coal.

Mr. Eggar [holding answer 28 March 1994] : Provision of £11.7 million for consultants costs has been included in the 1994-95 Main Supply Estimates, HC 3.

Mr. Robin Cook : To ask the President of the Board of Trade what is his estimate of the value of capital allowances to be transferred to licensed operators under schedule 4 to the Coal Industry Bill.

Mr. Heseltine [holding answer 28 March 1994] : The Coal Industry Bill provides a mechanism for the transfer of capital allowances from British Coal Corporation to successor companies. No firm estimate of the value of such allowances has yet been made.


Mr. Riddick : To ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he has received a report by the Director General of Telecommunications for the year 1993 as required under section 55 of the

Telecommunications Act 1984.

Mr. McLoughlin : Yes. The tenth report by the Director General of Telecommunications is being published today. It covers the period 1 January to 31 December 1993. Copies of the report have been laid before each House of Parliament.

Post Office (Damaged Letters)

Mr. George Howarth : To ask the President of the Board of Trade how many incidents have been reported by the Post Office of letters and small packages being (a) irrecoverably damaged and (b) damaged but recoverably so by the new mark 1, 2 and 3 GT 4000 machines in use in some sorting offices.

Mr. McLoughlin [holding answer 28 March 1994] : I understand from the Post Office that it does not use any sorting machines designated as GT 4000 but that Royal Mail currently operates 185 NP 4000 sorting machines. Incidents of damage to mail during sorting processes are not recorded centrally by Royal Mail.

Column 652

Consorzio Ital Offshore

Mr. Charles Kennedy : To ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will make a statement on the proposed visit by Offshore Supplies Office officials to the Sicilian fabrication site, Consorzio Ital Offshore.

Mr. Eggar [holding answer 28 March 1994] : In the course of discussions between British consulate officials and the Consorzio Ital Offshore, an invitation was extended to OSO to visit CIO's fabrication site in Sicily.

Apparently following adverse comment in the United Kingdom press the invitation to visit the site was withdrawn.

Tobacco Companies

Ms Primarolo : To ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will list the tobacco companies that have received regional selective assistance grants in each year since 1990 ; and for what purpose each grant was given.

Mr. Sainsbury [holding answer 11 March 1994] : Payment of selective assistance to individual companies is confidential to those companies.

British Coal (Assets)

Mr. Robin Cook : To ask the President of the Board of Trade (1) what has been the total investment by British Coal over the most recent five- year period at those collieries and opencast sites currently in operation ;

(2) what is the total value of capital allowances outstanding against corporation tax on British Coal in respect of assets of collieries and opencast sites currently in operation.

Mr. Heseltine [holding answers 28 March 1994] : These are matters for British Coal.


Parliamentary Questions

Mr. Austin Mitchell : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment on how many occasions in the last five years he has knowingly provided incomplete information in answers to parliamentary questions other than on grounds of disproportionate cost ; and on what subjects.

Mr. Gummer : I answer parliamentary questions on the basis set out in paragraph 27 of "Questions of Procedure for Ministers". I also seek to comply with the Speaker's guidance on the need for brief answers to oral questions.

Malaysian Airlines

Mr. Redmond : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the dates Ministers, or officials from his Department, including his Department's agencies, have used the Malaysian airline MAS for each year since 1985 including this year to date on official business ; and what was the cost of each flight to his Department.

Mr. Gummer : The information requested is not available.

Building Projects

Mr. Redmond : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what major building projects valued at over £1 million are being or have been wholly or partly financed

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since 1989 in (a) Doncaster, (b) Barnsley, (c) Rotherham and (d) Wakefield by his Department ; and what was the cost of each project to his Department.

Mr. Baldry : The following major building projects valued at over £1 million have been or are being funded wholly or partly by my Department since 1989 in (a) Doncaster, (b) Barnsley, (c) Rotherham and (d) Wakefield. This excludes major reclamation schemes funded through derelict land grant.

                                                 |Cost to the            





Estate Action                                                            

  Stainforth Estate, Phases 1-3                  |9,120                  


City Challenge (Dearne Valley)                                           

  Mexborough Business Centre                     |1,197                  

  Dearne Valley Business School                  |799                    

  Denaby Crags                                   |2,038                  

  Earth Centre                                   |444                    




Urban Programme                                                          

  Mexborough Business Centre                     |463                    



City Grant                                                               

  Hoyle Mill/Pontefract Road                     |492                    

  Rockingham Business Park, Birdwell Ph I and II |738                    

  Wombwell Industrial Estate                     |2,149                  

  Wath Road, Wombwell                            |2,533                  

  Redbrook Business Park                         |559                    

  Station Road, Wombwell                         |163                    




Estate Action                                                            

  Cloughfields Estate, Phase 2                   |1,320                  

  Kendray Estate, Phases 1 and 2                 |2,385                  

  Lundwood Estate                                |3,550                  

  Athersley North Estate, Phases 1-3             |8,225                  




City Challenge (Dearne Valley)                                           

  Elsecar Heritage Centre                        |1,545                  

  St. Hilda's                                    |680                    

  Thurnscoe East                                 |687                    




City Challenge (Barnsley NE Corridor)                                    

  Priory Campus                                  |2,610                  

  Barnsley Business and Innovation Centre        |750                    

  Cundy Cross                                    |2,416                  




Urban Programme                                                          

  Elsecar Heritage Centre                        |657                    

  Grimethorpe Workshops                          |540                    

  Thurnscoe Factory/Workshops                    |2,354                  





City Grant                                                               

  Cortonwood                                     |10,230                 

  Rodger Street                                  |170                    

  Phoenix Business Park                          |436                    

  Kilnhurst Business Park                        |385                    




Estate Action                                                            

  Canklow Community Refurbishment Scheme         |1,964                  


City Challenge (Dearne Valley)                                           

  Technology Transfer Centre                     |1,789                  

  Swinton Patio                                  |3,000                  




Urban Partnership Fund                                                   

  Rotherham Engineering and Computing Technology                         

   Centre                                        |685                    



Estate Action                                                            

  Smirthwaite Estate                             |838                    

  Kershaw Avenue, Airedale Estate                |2,057                  

  Dacre Avenue, Lupset                           |1,574                  




Mr. Gordon Prentice : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many (a) hospitals in use, (b) redundant hospitals and (c) converted or redeveloped hospitals there are on green-belt land.

Mr. Baldry : This information is not available centrally. Planning guidelines on redundant hospital sites in the green belt are contained in DOE circular 12/91.

Pollution Control

Mr. Llew Smith : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what is his policy towards the proposals under consideration by the European Parliament and European Commission to halve the pollution emissions from cars.

Mr. Atkins : The European Parliament at its March plenary meeting rejected proposed amendments to the latest directive on vehicle emissions which called specifically for the halving of pollution emissions from cars. The Council of Environment Ministers therefore adopted this directive, further amending directive 70/220/EEC, on 24 March, taking account of the European Parliament's views. In addition to specifying new tighter standards, the latest directive also calls for the European Commission to bring forward by the end of this year further proposals to reduce emissions from cars.


Mr. Robert Ainsworth : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what rights those who are waiting assessment as to whether they are unintentionally homeless will have under the citizens charter in respect of (a) the time such an assessment should take and (b) temporary assistance pending assessment under his proposed legislation.

Sir George Young : When reaching the final decisions following our consideration of the responses to the consultation paper "Access to Local Authority and Housing Association Tenancies", we will take full account of the principles of the citizens charter.

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Mr. Battle : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will place in the Library (a) the original advice memo given to James Gray advising Ministers on how to use the political network to rebut criticisms of the Government's homelessness consultation paper and (b) the revised guidelines reissued by Richard Wilson to his staff ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Gummer : Yes. I am also placing in the Library a copy of the press release issued by my right hon. Friend the Minister for Housing, Inner Cities and Construction, on 24 February commenting on Shelter's misleading and inaccurate statements on the Government's "Consultation Paper on Access to Local Authority and Housing Association Tenancies".

Sefton Park Palm House

Mr. Alton : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what funding will be available to enable the completion of the renovation of the Sefton Park palm house, Liverpool ; and what timetable has been established for the completion of the work.

Mr. Baldry : The hon. Member will recall that urban programme funding of £0.254 million, was secured for a short-term rescue package to arrest further deterioration and make the structure safe and secure.

These works were completed last summer. Their purpose, to secure the palm house for a maximum of seven years while proposals for its long-term use were developed, has been achieved. The consideration, by Liverpool city council, of the palm house's future, together with the wider issue of maximising the use of Sefton Park and its facilities, will need to be carried out as part of an overall tourism strategy.

There will be opportunities, under both the single regeneration budget and objective 1, for projects developed in partnership with the private sector and the Community to be successful in a bid for funding. Obviously, I cannot judge whether such a partnership approach would be forthcoming in the case of Sefton Park palm house, nor can I say that if it did, such a bid would be successful.


Mr. Alton : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what funds have been made available to the Liverpool city council during the past financial year for the modernisation of homes under the provisions of the mandatory house improvement grant system ; whether all available funds were claimed ; and if he will make a statement.

Sir George Young : The level of resources dedicated to house renovation grants is a matter for Liverpool city council to decide within the framework of its capital programme and available resources. A guideline figure of £9.9 million was included in the housing investment programme allocation for 1993-94. Liverpool claimed a total grant expenditure of £13.846 million and a supplementary credit approval for £3.558 million was issued last December.

Mr. Hinchliffe : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how management and maintenance cost assumptions are calculated for the purpose of allocating housing revenue account subsidies.

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Sir George Young [holding answer 28 March 1994] : Each housing authority is allocated an allowance for housing revenue account subsidy which reflects its relative need to spend on the management and maintenance of its dwellings. This allowance is based on the particular characteristics of the authority's stock, including the type, age and size of the dwellings, the proportion of flats to houses, the sparsity of the stock and its geographical location. Local authorities are consulted in advance about the details.

Mr. Jack Thompson : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list local authority housing departments which have submitted successful housing investment programmes in 1991-92 and 1992-93.

Sir George Young : Under the housing investment programme process, all local housing authorities in England are invited each year to submit bids for capital resources for their housing programmes. Allocations are then announced in December. Lists showing the allocations for each authority in 1991-92 and 1992-93 are available from the Library of the House.

Mr. John Greenway : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment when he will announce the allocation of resources to local authorities under his Department's housing partnership fund for 1994-95.

Sir George Young : A list of the resources being allocated to local authorities under the housing partnership fund for 1994-95 has been placed in the Library of the House.

Housing Association Rents

Mr. Hinchliffe : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will make a statement on the effects of changes in housing association grant on housing association rent levels.

Sir George Young [holding answer 28 March 1994] : The relationship between the Government's decisions on changes in housing association grant rates and the rent levels determined by housing associations for their new properties is not direct. The implications for rents of a change in the grant rate will depend on the costs of construction and borrowing, as well as on an association's management and other costs.

Reductions in average grant rates from 80 per cent in 1990-91 to a ceiling of 62 per cent. for 1994-95 have reflected a considerable reduction in procurement costs across the period. Housing associations have also been able to reduce the rents they would otherwise need to charge on new properties by their ability to pool rents across their stock and to make efficiency savings.

Fire Safety

Mr. Denham : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what representations he has received on fire safety in large open-plan single- storey buildings ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Baldry [holding answer 28 March 1994] : I have received representations about the safety of both firefighters and the occupants of large single-storey buildings, and about the effect of fires in such buildings on fire service resources, contamination of the environment,

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loss of property and disruption to the life of local communities. I have also met representatives of the fire service, the Loss Prevention Council and the Institute of Building Control. A scrutiny team is currently looking at fire safety issues, as announced by my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade on 17 January, Official Report, column 381. In the light of their findings, and of the representations made to me, I shall consider whether any changes should be made to the relevant part of the building regulations.

Countryside Organisations

Mr. Martlew : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what were the costs of reorganising the Countryside Commission for England and Wales, the Countryside Commission for Scotland and the Nature Conservancy Council ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Atkins [holding answer 28 March 1994] : The estimated total cost of the reorganisation of the conservation agencies in 1991-92 was £9.18 million, excluding administrative costs within Government

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disbursed across three Departments. The latter could only be supplied at disproportionate cost. In addition £1.4 million was provided in 1990-91 to cover the agencies initial costs. The direct implementation costs of merging the Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland and the Countryside Commission for Scotland to form Scottish Natural Heritage incurred in 1991-92 were £118,000. This figure is exclusive of the administrative costs incurred by the Scottish Office Environment Department and the two existing agencies which could, again, be supplied only at disproportionate cost.

Civil Servants

Ms Armstrong : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list for each civil service grade in his Department the number of (a) male and (b) female, (i) full-time and (ii) part-time employees.

Mr. Gummer [holding answer 28 March 1994] : The following information covers non-industrial staff in my Department--excluding PSA services--as at 1 March 1994 :

Column 657

                     Part time               Full time               Total                         

                   |F      |M      |Total  |F      |M      |Total  |F      |M      |Total          


Grade 1            |0      |0      |0      |0      |1      |1      |0      |1      |1              

Grade 2            |0      |0      |0      |3      |4      |7      |3      |4      |7              

Grade 3            |1      |0      |1      |3      |30     |33     |4      |30     |34             

Grade 4            |0      |0      |0      |0      |7      |7      |0      |7      |7              

Grade 5            |5      |2      |7      |16     |117    |133    |21     |119    |140            

Grade 6            |4      |6      |10     |25     |287    |312    |29     |293    |322            

Grade 7            |31     |3      |34     |103    |651    |754    |134    |654    |788            

SEO and equivalent |18     |5      |23     |125    |611    |736    |143    |616    |759            

HEO and equivalent |49     |6      |55     |263    |661    |924    |312    |667    |979            

EO and equivalent  |53     |5      |58     |493    |693    |1,186  |546    |698    |1,244          

AO and equivalent  |140    |5      |145    |851    |573    |1,424  |991    |578    |1,569          

AA and equivalent  |99     |2      |101    |391    |240    |631    |490    |242    |732            


Total              |400    |34     |434    |2,273  |3,875  |6,148  |2,673  |3,909  |6,582          


Mr. Milburn : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, pursuant to his answer of 23 March, Official Report, column 280, if he will list the number of contracts and their cost with management consultants in the latest year for which figures are available.

Mr. Baldry [holding answer 28 March 1994] : The information requested is not held centrally by my Department and is obtainable only at disproportionate cost.

County Hall, London

Mr. Austin-Walker : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what was the total capital receipt from the sale of county hall in London ; and if he will publish the amounts that have been paid to each London borough.

Mr. Baldry [holding answer 28 March 1994] : I refer to my answer of 23 November, Official Report, column 17, in which I explained that the total capital receipt from the sale of county hall was a matter of commercial confidentiality. Under the terms of the London Government Reorganisation (Capital Money) (Greater London) (Amendment) Order 1993, the London residuary body distributed the following amounts, totalling £60 million, to the London boroughs and to the City of London :

Column 658



City of London         |45,373.34                  

Camden                 |1,681,516.01               

Greenwich              |1,808,561.84               

Hackney                |1,569,474.18               

Hammersmith and Fulham |1,375,421.52               

Islington              |1,499,766.02               

Kensington and Chelsea |1,354,877.70               

Lambeth                |2,174,754.19               

Lewisham               |2,035,628.31               

Southwark              |1,904,780.74               

Tower Hamlets          |1,410,859.15               

Wandsworth             |2,279,922.50               

Westminster            |1,696,516.88               

Barking and Dagenham   |1,245,366.67               

Barnet                 |2,654,118.04               

Bexley                 |1,913,948.53               

Brent                  |2,165,808.27               

Bromley                |2,637,789.90               

Croydon                |2,804,029.41               

Ealing                 |2,522,823.09               

Enfield                |2,289,346.21               

Haringey               |1,815,070.93               

Harrow                 |1,788,598.36               

Havering               |2,012,152.23               

Hillingdon             |2,073,971.23               

Hounslow               |1,817,964.77               

Kingston upon Thames   |1,237,042.62               

Merton                 |1,512,659.01               

Newham                 |1,833,105.05               

Redbridge              |2,002,535.88               

Richmond upon Thames   |1,473,820.06               

Sutton                 |1,506,433.98               

Waltham Forest         |1,855,863.28               


Total                  |60,000,000.00              

Valpak Scheme

Mr. Morgan : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment when he expects that consultation on the Valpak scheme proposed by the packaging industry producer responsibility group will be completed ; and if he will list those organisations which have been consulted.

Mr. Atkins : The producer responsibility industry group which represents 28 of the largest companies with interests in packaging has asked for comments on its proposals by 15 April. PRG has invited comments from all interested parties and I have asked them to send the hon. Member a list of those consulted.

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