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Mr. Matthew Taylor : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what information technology consultants her Department has employed in each of the last five years ; for what purpose ; and at what total cost.
Mr. Jack : There follows a list giving details of information technology consultants employed by the Department in the three years 1991- 94 and the tasks on which they were engaged. The associated costs are as follows :
|£ million ------------------------------ 1991-92 |4.0 1992-93 |5.2 1993-94 |8.3
Information for the earlier two years could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food List of information technology consultants employed in the period 1991-94 Consultant |Task ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACT Logsys |Support to market testing programme | for IT services ACT Business Systems |Software support for IT users Admiral |Development of computer systems | for CAP reform schemes Admiral |Development of Work Recording | project for Veterinary Field and | Investigation Service AIMS Systems |Technical advice on Structured Design | Methodology Aimtech Europe |Development of IT system for licence | identifications and management Ampersand |Development of computer systems for | CAP Reform schemes Ampersand |Plant Health and Seeds Inspectorate | Project Ampersand |Development of computer systems for | Food Science Group AMP Systems |Minister's Dairy System AMTEC |Advice on quality management AMTEC |Support to market testing programme | for IT Services Applied Information Systems |Advice on corporate data management ASK Group |Development of computer systems for | CAP Reform schemes ASK Group |Development of Farm Survey System Aslib Consultancy |Text Retrieval Study Asterisk Systems |Development of computer systems for | Food Science Group Asterisk Systems |Development of computer systems for | CAP reform schemes BIS |Technical advice on Structured Design | Methodology at the Central | Veterinary Laboratory Brandt Computers |Development of Resource | Management Strategy Bristol University |Development of computer system for | National Food Survey Brook Systems |Project Management of Sample | Management System Keith Butterfield Associates |Review of Staff Performance | Appraisal system Cambridge Ergonomics |Assistance with development of IT | sub-strategy for Fisheries Group CAPITA |Support to market testing programme | of IT Services CCTA |Development of IT Strategy for | National Institute of Agricultural | Botany and National Meat Hygiene | Service CCTA |IT Security Reviews CCTA |Assistance with development of IT | Sub-strategy for Fisheries Group CCTA |Support for Business Analysis in | Flood Defence Division CCTA |Support to IT procurements Chris Cole Associates |Advice on strategy for structured | cabling Coopers and Lybrand |Support to market testing programme | for IT services Coopers and Lybrand |Development of computer systems for | CAP Reform schemes Coopers and Lybrand |Support for development of small IT | Systems Corporate Computers |Advice on computer systems for | National Food Survey CSS Trident |Implementation of Resource | Management Strategy CSS Trident |Advice to Guildford Computer Bureau Digital Equipment |Advice on configuration management Corporation D. M. Shaw Associates |Advice on management of change D. M. Shaw Associates |Development of standards for post | implementation review of computer | projects D. M. Shaw Associates |Advice on quality management | standards DPP International |Implementation of Resource | Management Strategy Duhig Berry |Advice on project management | techniques Electronic Facilities Design |Audit of Sample Management | System project Electronic Facilities Design |Development of IT training strategy Electronic Facilities Design |Study of office working practices | including time recording Ernst & Young |Development of Resource | Management Strategy Ernst & Young |Support to market testing programme | for IT services Exclusive Software |Conversion of programs to Ingres Exclusive Software |Development of IT sub-strategy for | Fisheries Group Exeter University |Development of computer systems for | ADAS F I Group |Quality assurance of development of | computer system for National Food | Survey F I Group |Data conversion for Agricultural | Census F I Group |Facilities management of Agricultural | Census computer system F I Group |Development of computer system for | Overseas Trade Data Forvus Ltd |Development of National Food Survey | system Foxware |Database pilot exercise Gateway Systems |Advice on data communications | cabling R T Grundy Associates |Issue and evaluation of Tenders for | Consultancy Harwell Computers |Advice on IT system for licence | identifications and management Hayes-Davies |Advice on quality management, | customer satisfaction surveys Haynes Associates |Re-location of HQ to York project Hoskyns |Development of computer system for | Farm Woodlands scheme Hoskyns |Assistance with Ingres database | conversion project Hoskyns |Advice on project management | tools Hunterskill |Implementation of Resource | Management Strategy Independent Training Solutions |Assistance with development of | sub-strategy for Fisheries Group Inference Ltd |Implementation of computer system | for re-location expenses Infologistix |Development of integrated library | system Ingres |Development of computer systems for | CAP Reform schemes Insight Consultancy |IT security reviews ISM Consultants |Assistance with data communications | strategy Intersect |Development of IT maintenance | strategy International Software |Assistance with development of IT | sub-strategy for Fisheries Group John Guest Ltd |Advice on data management in the | Fisheries Group Kermon Associates |Technical assurance on implementa- tion of office systems Kermon Associates |IT security reviews LBMS |Development of computer system for | CAP Reform schemes LBMS |Business analysis/feasibility studies/ system design LBMS |Advice on standards Logica |Development of computer systems for | Food Science Group Logica |Development of knowledge-based | system in the Animal Health Group Mansell Associates |Support for MAFF IT users Megaware Consultants |Development of computer systems for | Food Science Group MSB International |Support for MAFF IT users Metron |Advice to Guildford Computer Bureau Midsummer Computing |Advice on geographical information | systems MMT Ltd |Development of computer system for | Licensed Veterinary Inspections, | Horticultural Inspection Recording MMT Ltd | management systems MMT Ltd |Project management for National Food | Survey system MMT Ltd |Assistance with computer systems for | Emergencies and Food Protection Mouncey and Partners |Development of computer systems for | emergencies planning, meant plant | monitoring Mouncey and Partners |Development of IT sub-strategy for | Fisheries Group Mouncey and Partners |Assistance with market testing programme of IT Services Mouncey and Partners |Technical assurance on accommodation planning IT project Mouncey and Partners |Assistance with computer systems for | Emergencies and Food Protection Mouncey and Partners |Assistance with Horticulture Price | Reporting project Mouncey and Partners |Publicity Branch Feasibility study Mouncy and Partners |Feasibility study on milk quotas system Mouncey and Partners |Development of Grants & Subsidies | Management System MSB International |Technical Support for Guildford | Computer Bureau MSG Business Systems |Assistance with development of IT | sub-strategy for Fisheries Group Neville Clarke |Assistance with development of IT | sub-strategy for Fisheries Group OFICE |Assistance with building cabling | project Opal Ltd |Conversion of office systems Oracle |Development and implementation of | Resource Management Strategy Oracle |Support for IT systems at National | Institute for Agricultural Botany PA Consulting |IT sub-strategy studies PA Consulting |Advice on project costing and management for ADAS PA Consulting |Audit of computer systems for CAP | Reform schemes PA Consulting |Development of Animal Tracking | Project for the Animal Health | Group PA Consulting |Advice on IT implications for | Regional reorganisation PA Consulting |ADAS Accounting Project PA Consulting |Emergencies Sample Handling Study PA Consulting |Development of Food Related | Database Shells Project PA Consulting |Development of IT Strategy for | National Meat Hygiene Service PACTUM Ltd |Ingres program development for the | Horticulture Inspection Recording System Perspective |Advice on quality audit Premier Computing |Implementation of Office Systems Price Waterhouse |Development of Resource | Management Strategy Price Waterhouse |Development of IT strategy for | Central Science Laboratories Prime Computer Systems |Advice on capacity planning Projects Group |Implementation of Resource | Management Strategy Quanta Learning Systems |Development of IT training guides Quanta Learning Systems |Development of computer system for | CAP Reform schemes Reading University |Advice on relation of statistical | software Reed Personnel |End user support Ricardo Ltd |Advice on end user support | documentation SAC Ltd |Advice on end user support methods Sapphire Ltd |Support for IT systems in the | Veterinary Medicines Directorate SEMA Group |Development of Farm Survey System SEMA Group |Development of IT strategy for | National Meat Hygiene Service Sequent Computer Systems |Capacity planning Sequent Computer Systems |Implementation of Resource | Management System Sequelogic |Implementation of Resource | Management Strategy Sherwoods Ltd |Development of computer system for | CAP Reform schemes Sherwoods Ltd |Development of a computer system | for TB in Cattle Shreeveport Ltd |Development of IT strategy for | National Meat Hygiene Strategy Siemens Nixdorf |Assistance with data communications | strategy Siemens Nixdorf |Development of computer system for | CAP Reform schemes Siemens Nixdorf |Implementation of office systems | (Project MAIDEN) Software Innovations |Advice to Guildford Computer Bureau Software Support |Support for Case Management System | in Legal Branch South-West Health Authority |Implementation of Resource | Management Strategy Softbridge Support Services |Development of computer system for | Import Licence Identification and | Management Span Group |Advice to Guildford Computer Bureau Span Group |Implementation of Resource | Management Strategy Surrey Training and |Advice on Investors In People project Enterprise Council Touche Ross |IT security reviews Touche Ross |Project management for the | development of IT accounting | system in National Institute for | Agricultural Botany Touche Ross |Development of IT strategy for | personnel management Touche Ross |Development of an IT strategy for | National Meat Hygiene Service TMS Computer Authors |Software support for MAFF users Triad Ltd |Development of a computer system | for TB in Cattle Triad Ltd |Development of a computer system | for CAP Reform schemes Triad Ltd |Development of computer system for | Import Licence Identification and Management Triad Ltd |Development of an IT Strategy for | National Meat Hygiene Service Triad Ltd |Development of a computer system | for administration of pesticides approval applications Triad Ltd |Implementation of Resource | Management Strategy Zergo Ltd |Security review of data | communications network
Dr. Strang : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what was her Department's expenditure on city farms in (a) 1991, (b) 1992 and (c) at the latest available date.
Mrs. Gillian Shephard : None. Government funding is provided primarily by the Home Office.
Mr. Matthew Taylor : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what computer systems her Department have brought in, for what function and at what cost for each of the last five years ; and in each case whether the computer system is still in use.
Mr. Jack : Expenditure on computer capital projects over the last five years is as follows :
|£ million ------------------------------ 1989-90 |7.6 1990-91 |9.9 1991-92 |9.2 1992-93 |16.9 1993-94 |15.6
The Department employs computer facilities for a wide variety of functions in support of its many business needs and I cannot provide full details without disproportionate cost. However, the most significant computer projects, in terms of cost and value to the Department have been the systems to support the implementation of common agricultural policy reform measures, a resource management strategy, the introduction of office systems to head quarters offices and the provison of central bureau facilities in support of a range of applications across the Department.
Dr. Strang : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how many city farms there were in (a) 1991, (b) 1992 and (c) at the latest available date.
Mrs. Gillian Shephard : In 1991 and 1992, there were 63 city farms. A further six farms are expected to be established soon.
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Mr. Armstrong : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if she will make a statement on her Department's actions with respect to the arrival of cull milking ewes at Poole, Dorset, on 22 March.
Mr. Soames : This consignment of ewes originating in Spain was intercepted by the Ministry at Poole on 22 March and accompanied to a lairage at Southampton where the sheep were unloaded and detained for resting, feeding and watering and for veterinary examination. At unloading, the veterinary officer found one sheep dead and euthanased three more found recumbent. Another ewe was found to have lambed. The consignment was held overnight pending veterinary examination on the following day, by which time a second sheep had lambed. The veterinary examination carried out on 23 March disclosed a further 26 sheep unfit to continue their journey and these, together with the ewes which had lambed and the new-born lambs, were humanely destroyed. The remaining sheep, passed fit for transport, were consigned to their final destination in Birmingham.
Ministry veterinary officers have made statements to the local authority, which will be considering prosecution for possible contraventions of the Welfare of Animals During Transport Order 1992.
Dr. Lynne Jones : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what discussions have taken place in the European Union on limiting the journey time for transport of animals for slaughter.
Mr. Soames : I refer the hon. Member to the answer that I gave to the hon. Member for Worsley (Mr. Lewis) on 24 March 1994 at col. 370.
Dr. Lynne Jones : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what information she has on the numbers of animals which will be imported for slaughter during the next 12 months.
Mr. Soames : Such information is not available.
Dr. Lynne Jones : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what plans she has to reinstate veterinary checks of animals at ports of arrival within the United Kingdom until all member states reach a common high standard.
Mr. Soames : EC rules prohibit the re-introduction of regular, systematic veterinary checks at internal borders, including at ports of entry, on animals traded between member states. In Great Britain, the State Veterinary Service (SVS) continues to conduct random and suspicion-based health and welfare checks on such animals at ports of arrival and regularly undertakes blanket surveillance, for 24-hour periods, at all south and east coast ports, covering both imports and exports of animals. In addition, the SVS continues to conduct a significant level of veterinary checks at premises of destination on animals imported from other member states.
Mr. Morley : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when she last met the Federation of Fresh Meat Wholesalers to discuss the export of live animals for slaughter.
Mr. Soames : My right hon. Friend the Minister has met the Federation of Fresh Meat Wholesalers on a number of
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occasions but she has not discussed the export of live animals with the federation. Ministry officials also meet representatives of the federation regularly and discussions about the welfare of exported animals took place on 28 February 1994.Dr. Lynne Jones : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how she is monitoring the enforcement of the Welfare of Animals in Markets Order 1990 ; and what information she has on prosecutions brought under this legislation by each relevant local authority.
Mr. Soames : Veterinary officers and other Ministry staff visit markets regularly in the course of their duties which include providing advice and assistance to local authorities with responsibility for enforcement of the Welfare of Animals at Markets Order 1990.
Details of prosecutions are included in the "Return of Expenditure Incurred and Proceedings Taken under the Animal Health Act 1981, and Incidence of Disease in Imported Animals for the year 1993" which was laid before Parliament last month. The return shows that 28 prosecutions were taken for offences under the order in question.
Mr. Llew Smith : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what proposals in regard to environmental protection she put to the European Fisheries Council on 12 April ; and if she will make a statement on matters discussed and decisions taken at the Council meeting.
Mr. Jack : I reported the outcome of the 12 April Fisheries Council in my reply of 13 April to a question from my hon. Friend the Member for Hertsmere (Mr. Clappison) on 13 April at col. 183-84 . In a discussion on drift netting in the Council I stressed both the need to take environmental and ecological implications fully into account and my determination to oppose reintroduction of any derogation for drift nets longer than 2.5 km.
Mr. Tom Clarke : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what arrangements exist between the Government of Gambia and the European Union relating to access to the continental shelf and the coastal waters of the Gambia for fishing vessels from European Union member states.
Mr. Jack : A new protocol to the EU-Gambia fishing agreement, setting out the technical and financial terms governing fishing by European Union vessels in all Gambian waters for the period of 1 July 1993 to 30 June 1996, was adopted by the Council on 10 March 1994. The protocol provides for licensing of 23 tuna freezer seiners and seven pole and line tuna vessels. Additionally, there are opportunities for fresh fish trawlers up to a capacity of 410 gross registered tonnes, freezer trawlers fishing for shrimps up to a capacity of 2000 gross registered tonnes and other freezer trawlers up to a capacity of 750 gross registered tonnes.
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Mr. Alex Carlile : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if she will initiate research into health risks associated with dressings used for warble fly ; and if she will make a statement.
Mr. Soames : Any potential human health risks from the use of veterinary medicines are fully assessed with applications for product licences are considered against the scientific criteria of safety, quality and efficacy laid down in EC and United Kingdom legislation. Provided that the label instructions are properly followed, the use of licensed warble fly treatments should pose no risk to human health.
Mr. Alex Carlile : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when she expects to make available to farmers application forms for certificates of competence for the use of
organo-phosphorous sheep dips ; and if she will make a statement.
Mr. Soames : Sheep farmers were sent a letter and application form last month inviting them to enrol with an agent of the National Proficiency Tests Council, for taking a test for a certificate of competence in the safe use of sheep dips. NPTC agents are sending certificates of enrolment, which are now necessary to support any purchases of organo-phosphorous sheep dips, to those who apply. During the coming months, NPTC agents will be arranging tests for the certificate of competence itself. The latter certificate is not necessary to support purchases of organo-phosphorus sheep dip until 1 April 1995.
Mr. Alex Carlile : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if she will initiate research into the possibility of a connection between the use of organo-phosphorous sheep dips and depressive illness ; and if she will make a statement.
Mr. Soames : Whether or not such research will be initiated will depend on recommendations from the medical panel, which was set up last month as a sub-committee of the Veterinary Products Committee to look into claims of long-term health effects, and to advise on research.
Mr. Alex Carlile : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) if she will make a statement on the future of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food veterinary service ; (2) what plans she has to privatise the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Veterinary Service ; and if she will make a statement.
Mr. Soames : My right hon. Friend expects to consult interested parties on possible changes to the State Veterinary Service within the next few weeks.
Mr. Martlew : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what action is taken to restore the land concerned where overgrazing is found to occur in connection with the amended hill livestock compensatory allowance scheme.
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Mr. Jack : The provisions of the current hill livestock compensatory allowances scheme are aimed at preventing further environmental damage rather than restoration of the vegetation.
Mr. Martlew : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what assessment her Ministry has made of the measures introduced to prevent overgrazing in connection with the hill livestock compensatory allowance scheme ; and if she will make a statement.
Mr. Jack : It is too early to assess the impact of the measures aimed at preventing overgrazing introduced under the current hill livestock compensatory allowances scheme.
Mr. Martlew : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what involvement English Nature has had in operating the measures introduced to prevent overgrazing under the hill livestock compensatory allowance scheme ; and if he will make a statement.
Mr. Jack : English Nature and other environmental and farming interests were consulted about the introduction of these measures.
Mr. David Porter : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food which quotas have been transferred from the Northern Ireland Fish Producers Organisation to the Fife Fish Producers Organisation since Christmas 1993 ; and under which qualifying rules transfers have been made.
Mr. Jack : None. The allocations of fish quotas to producer organisations for a particular year are based on the track records of vessels over 10m in overall length in their membership at 1 January, in accordance with the rules for the management of fish quotas drawn up in consultation with the industry each year. The rules for vessels joining or leaving a particular producer organisation are a matter for the group concerned.
Mr. Cohen : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many warheads constitute a strategic strike compared with a sub-strategic strike.
Mr. Hanley : I have nothing to add to the answer given by my right hon. Friend the Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, on 23 March, Official Report, column 290.
Mr. Andrew Smith : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) what tests Her Majesty's Government have carried out on the safety and reliability of self-destructing and self-neutralising mines ; if he will publish the results ; and what plans there are for further tests ;
(2) if he will make a statement on the failure rate of self-neutralising and self-destructing mines.
Mr. Aitken : No self-destructing or self-neutralising mines are in service with the armed forces and no specific
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tests have been carried out by my Department into the safety and reliability of such mines. Consequently no data are available regarding failure rates. We do have plans to introduce mines with these capabilities and acceptable levels of safety and reliability will have to be demonstrated as part of the procurement process. Any such weapon would, of course, fully comply with the international laws of armed conflict.Mr. Flynn : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what representations he has received that symptoms of Gulf war syndrome have affected the spouses and children of those who served in the Gulf war.
Mr. Hanley : My Department has received representations relating to seven cases where it is alleged that there may be some linkage between service in the Gulf and subsequent medical problems among spouses or children of service personnel.
Mr. Barry Jones : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what is his estimate of the amount of money earmarked on the service children boarding school allowance scheme in Wales in each of the last 10 years.
Mr. Hanley : Information on the location of schools attended by the children of service parents claiming boarding school allowance is not compiled annually. The most recent available information is for 1992, when the average boarding school allowance paid per service child was £7,117. From this it is estimated that some £2,850,000 was paid to claimants whose children attended schools in Wales. Information for previous years is not available.
Dr. David Clark : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what how many (a) Ministry of Defence civilian personnel, and (b) service personnel have (i) been charged and (ii) been found guilty of fraud in the last 12 months.
Mr. Hanley : My noble Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence will write to the hon. Member.
Dr. David Clark : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how much money has been lost to his Department through fraud in the financial years (a) 1990-91, (b) 1991-92 and (c) 1992-93 ; and if he will make a statement.
Mr. Hanley : I refer the hon. Member to the answer I gave to the hon. Member for Fife, North-East (Mr. Campbell) on 11 January, Official Report, column 172. My
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Department expects the highest standards of personal honesty and integrity from its employees, and is taking steps to increase awareness and to counter the incidence of fraud in the workplace.Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) who are the members currently appointed to the nuclear powered warships safety committee ;
(2) who are the members currently appointed to the nuclear weapons safety committee ;
Mr. Hanley [holding answer 28 January 1994] : Membership of the nuclear weapons safety committee and nuclear powered warships safety committee is made up of serving officers of the armed forces, senior civil servants and a number of independent specialists drawn from industry and the academic world. For security reasons it is not our practice to reveal names of individual members serving on these committees.
Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence who are the members currently appointed to the board of the National Army museum.
Mr. Hanley [holding answer 28 January 1994] : The information requested is as follows :
Field Marshal Sir Peter Inge
General Sir George Cooper
Mrs. Sara Jones
Rt. Revd. Michael Mann
Richard Marriott
Hon. David McAlpine
The Duke of Westminster
Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence who are the members currently appointed to the Royal Military college of science advisory council.
Mr. Hanley [holding answer 28 January 1994] : The information requested is as follows :
The Lord Gregson AMCT CBIM DL (Chairman)
Professor Sir Roger Elliott DSc MA DPhil FRS
Professor Sir John Cadogan CBE FRS
Professor J. H. Westcott DSc FRS FEng
Dr. A. A. Wells OBE FRS FEng.
Mr. Kilfoyle : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence who are the members currently appointed to the Royal College of Defence Studies advisory board.
Mr. Hanley [holding answer 28 January 1994] : The information requested is as follows :
Lord Bridges GCMG
Professor Sir John Cadogan CBE FRS
Professor Lawrence Freedman
Sir John Graham Bt GCMG
Sir James Hamilton KCB MBE
Sir Richard Lloyd Bt
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