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Column 586

The total cost of information technology consultancies in 1993-94 was £608,550.

Local Government Finance

Mr. Llwyd : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will publish his estimate of the annual operating costs of local government in Wales at constant prices for the last three years, together with his estimate for the next three years.

Mr. Redwood : The annual operating costs of local government include administration, personnel and other running expenses. Such operating costs cannot be fully identified from information held centrally. However, the available information is given in the following table. Information for future years and the 1993-94 and 1994-95 figures for revenue expenditure on administration are not yet available.

Local authority revenue expenditure, 1994-95 prices (£ million)          

                   |Net revenue      |Revenue                            

                   |expenditure<1>   |expenditure on                     



1991-92 outturn    |2,561.6          |361.3                              

1992-93 outturn<3> |2,632.2          |391.6                              

1993-94 budget     |2,579.4          |-                                  

1994-95<3>         |2,608.0          |-                                  

<1> All general fund revenue spending including community council        

precepts. No adjustments have been made for transfers of responsibility  

to or from local authority control-that is, the transfer out of further  

and higher education responsibilities in 1992 and 1993.                  

<2> Identifiable gross expenditure on administration, including spending 

on central administration-that is, personnel management-and              

administration costs normally accounted for within specific              

services-that is, education etc.                                         

<3> Provisional.                                                         

School Governors

Mr. Dafis : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will make it his policy to promote the establishment of an independent body to represent school governors in Wales ; and if he will make a statement.

Sir Wyn Roberts : County associations of governing bodies are being formed in various LEAs in Wales. I am sure that they will exercise a valuable representative function and act as a channel for information to and from governors. The formation of an all-Wales body would be a welcome development.


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