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Column 504


Midsummer Computing

Mills McClure

Miro Communication Ltd.

MJN Faclities Management

MMT Computing

Mott Macdonald

Mouncey and Partners

MSB International


National Remote Sensing Centre

Nifes Consulting Group

Office Angels



Oracle Corporation

P. E. International Plc.

PA Consulting Group


Pentana Ltd.

Personnel Health and Safety Ltd.

Peter Goodall

Posford Duvivier

PQ 1546

PSA Monitoring and Targeting Service

Quanta Learning Systems

R T Grundy Associates

Reed Personnel

Ricardo Technical Co.

Risks and Policy Analysis

Robertson Gould

Royal National Institute for the Blind

Santa Cruz

Sapphire International

SEC Technograph

Secure Information

Siemens Nixdorf

Sema Group Systems Ltd.


Sequent Computer Systems

Sherwood Computer Systems

Sir Ronald McIntosh


Softlab Ltd.

South West Health Authority

Span Group

Spicer and Oppenheim

SRU Ltd.

Stoy Hayward

T M Energy Consultants

Tech Op Ltd.

Timberlake Clark

Triad Special Systems Ltd.

University of Hull

University of Reading


Worthy Associates

Wye College



Arable Subsidy

Mr. Redmond : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if she will list by county the amount of European Union arable subsidy received for the latest year for which figures are available ; and what were the figures (a) 12 months, (b) 24 months, (c) 36 months and (d) 48 months ago.

Mr. Jack : I refer the hon. Member to the reply given by my hon. Friend on 20 June 1994, Official Report, column 34. The arable area payments scheme was introduced in 1992 and the first payments were made in 1993. There are therefore no comparable figures for previous years.

Column 505

Bovine Tuberculosis

Dr. Strang : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if she will set out her reasons for not renewing this year the invitation to the Transport and General Workers Union to nominate representatives to the consultative panel on badgers and bovine tuberculosis.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard : The Transport and General Workers Union was not invited to re-nominate a representative to the consultative panel on badgers and bovine tuberculosis this year because, following a review of membership, I decided that only those organisations with a clear and direct concern in the problem needed to be represented.

Dr. Strang : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food which organisations are currently invited to nominate representatives to the consultative panel of badgers and bovine tuberculosis ; and which organisations were invited to nominate representatives to the panel in the previous round of nominations.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard : The organisations currently invited to nominate representatives to the consultative panel on badgers and bovine tuberculosis are :

British Veterinary Association

Country Landowners Association

Fauna and Flora Preservation Society

Joint Nature Conservation Committee

Mammal Society

National Cattle Breeders Association

National Farmers' Union

National Federation of Badger Groups

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Royal Society For Nature Conservation

Tenant Farmers' Association

Universities Federation for Animal Welfare

Column 506

Womens' Farming Union

In addition, there is an independent chairman and three independent members.

The organisation invited to nominate representatives to the panel in the previous round of nominations were :

British Veterinary Association

Country Landowners Association

Fauna and Flora Preservation Society

Joint Nature Conservation Committee

Mammal Society

National Farmers' Union

National Federation of Badger Groups

Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Royal Society For Nature Conservation

Transport and General Workers' Union

Universities Federation for Animal Welfare

In addition there was an independent chairman and four independent members.


Ms Corston : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what is the mean consumption of the nutrient intakes of (a) energy, (b) fat (c) total sugars, (d) calcium, (e) iron, (f) carotene, (g) vitamins A, C, D and E, (h) potassium, (i) magnesium and (j) iron for (i) men and (ii) women aged 16 to 64 years in (1) social classes I and II (combined) and (2) social classes IV and V (combined) ; and what these figures are as a percentage of (x) the mean for the population for the population as a whole, (y) the reference nutrition Intake and (z) the lower reference nutrient Intake, in accordance with figures 5.2, 5.4, 5.14, 5.20, 5.22, 5.24, 5.26, 5.28 and 5.30 of the 1994 Report of the 1986-87 dietary and nutritional survey of British adults.

Mr. Soames : The information requested is given in the table.

Column 505


                                        <1>I and II                                                                        

                                      |Mean intake     |Percentage of   |Intake as       |Intake as                        

                                      |per day         |total population|percentage of   |percentage of                    

                                                       |intake          |RNI             |LRNI                             



Energy (kcals)                        |2,470.0         |101             |<2>98           |n/a                              

Fat (g)                               |103.6           |101             |n/a             |n/a                              

Total sugars (g)                      |120.6           |105             |n/a             |n/a                              

Calcium (mg)                          |1,006.0         |107             |144             |252                              

Iron (mg)                             |15.0            |107             |172             |313                              

Carotene (mug)                        |2,731.0         |113             |n/a             |n/a                              

Vitamin A (mug) (retinol equivalent). |1,735.0         |103             |248             |578                              

Vitamin C (mg)                        |96.8            |130             |242             |968                              

Vitamin D (mug)                       |4.2             |111             |n/a             |n/a                              

Vitamin E (mg)                        |12.4            |106             |n/a             |n/a                              

Potassium (mg)                        |3,363.0         |106             |96              |168                              

Magnesium (mg)                        |342.0           |106             |114             |180                              

<1> Social Class                                                                                                           

<2> estimated average requirement                                                                                          

n/a not applicable                                                                                                         


                                        <1>IV and V                                                                        

                                      |Mean intake     |Percentage of   |Intake as       |Intake as                        

                                      |per day         |total population|percentage of   |percentage of                    

                                                       |intake          |RNI             |LRNI                             



Energy (kcals)                        |2,410.0         |98              |<2>95           |n/a                              

Fat (g)                               |100.1           |98              |n/a             |n/a                              

Total sugars (g)                      |111.1           |97              |n/a             |n/a                              

Calcium (mg)                          |868.0           |92              |124             |217                              

Iron (mg)                             |12.8            |91              |147             |267                              

Carotene (mug)                        |2,040.0         |85              |n/a             |n/a                              

Vitamin A (mug) (retinol equivalent). |1,557.0         |93              |222             |519                              

Vitamin C (mg)                        |53.8            |72              |135             |538                              

Vitamin D (mug)                       |3.5             |93              |n/a             |n/a                              

Vitamin E (mg)                        |12.7            |109             |n/a             |n/a                              

Potassium (mg)                        |2,987.0         |94              |85              |149                              

Magnesium (mg)                        |299.0           |93              |100             |157                              

<1> Social Class                                                                                                           

<2> estimated average requirement                                                                                          

n/a not applicable                                                                                                         


                                        <1>I and II                                                                        

                                      |Mean intake     |Percentage of   |Intake as       |Intake as                        

                                      |per day         |total population|percentage of   |percentage of                    

                                                       |intake          |RNI             |LRNI                             



Energy (kcals)                        |1,740.0         |104             |<2>90           |n/a                              

Fat (g)                               |75.8            |103             |n/a             |n/a                              

Total sugars (g)                      |91.2            |106             |n/a             |n/a                              

Calcium (mg)                          |790.0           |108             |113             |198                              

Iron (mg)                             |12.9            |105             |99              |179                              

Carotene (mug)                        |2,533.0         |119             |n/a             |n/a                              

Vitamin A (mug) (retinol equivalent). |1,722.0         |116             |287             |689                              

Vitamin C (mg)                        |96.2            |132             |241             |962                              

Vitamin D (mug)                       |3.3             |106             |n/a             |n/a                              

Vitamin E (mg)                        |8.7             |101             |n/a             |n/a                              

Potassium (mg)                        |2,633.0         |108             |75              |132                              

Magnesium (mg)                        |261.0           |110             |97              |174                              

<1> Social Class                                                                                                           

<2> estimated average requirement                                                                                          

n/a not applicable                                                                                                         


                                        <1>IV and V                                                                        

                                      |Mean intake     |Percentage of   |Intake as       |Intake as                        

                                      |per day         |total population|percentage of   |percentage of                    

                                                       |intake          |RNI             |LRNI                             



Energy (kcals)                        |1,580.0         |94              |<2>82           |n/a                              

Fat (g)                               |69.5            |95              |n/a             |n/a                              

Total sugars (g)                      |78.0            |91              |n/a             |n/a                              

Calcium (mg)                          |660.0           |90              |94              |165                              

Iron (mg)                             |11.6            |94              |89              |161                              

Carotene (mug)                        |1,613.0         |76              |n/a             |n/a                              

Vitamin A (mug) (retinol equivalent). |1,217.0         |82              |203             |487                              

Vitamin C (mg)                        |55.6            |76              |140             |558                              

Vitamin D (mug)                       |2.9             |94              |n/a             |n/a                              

Vitamin E (mg)                        |8.2             |95              |n/a             |n/a                              

Potassium (mg)                        |2,219.0         |91              |64              |111                              

Magnesium (mg)                        |208.0           |87              |77              |139                              

<1> Social Class                                                                                                           

<2> estimated average requirement                                                                                          

n/a not applicable                                                                                                         

Training and Enterprise Councils

Mr. Redmond : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what decisions her Department has taken in respect of TECs over the last 12 months ; and if she will make a statement on her Department's involvement with TECs over the same period.

Mr. Jack : Responsibility for training and enterprise councils lies primarily with my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Employment.

We attach importance to the provision of education and training for the land-based industries. MAFF takes a keen interest in ensuring that the agricultural and horticultural

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