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Pregnant Workers Directive

Mrs. Dunwoody: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, pursuant to the Official Report of 14 June, column 511 , what is the date by which he expects his Department to have proposals for implementing the health and safety provisions of EC directive 92/85; and if the trade unions will be consulted over these proposals.

Mr. Norris: The Department intends to comply fully with EC Directive 92/85 by conducting risk assessment inspections under the Management of Health and Safety at Work (Amendment) Regulations 1994, which come into effect on 19 October 1994.

The trade unions have been informed of this.

Hartland MRSC

Ms Walley: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what was the total cost of closure of Hartland MRSC including travelling, subsistence and bridging loans.

Mr. Norris: The total cost of closure of Hartland MRSC including travelling, subsistence and bridging loans is not available from existing records.

Road Schemes

Mr. Cohen: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, pursuant to his answer of 29 June, Official Report , columns 632 34 , if he will list each scheme for which an environmental impact assessment has been started.

Mr. Watts: This question relates to the operational matters of the Highway Agency. I have asked the chief executive, Mr. Lawrie Haynes, to write to the hon. Member.

Letter from Lawrie Haynes to Mr. Harry Cohen, dated 17 October 1994:

The Minister for Railways and Roads, Mr. John Watts, has asked me to write to you in reply to your further Parliamentary Question about environmental assessments.

As I mentioned in my letter of 29 June, an environmental assessment is carried out for each scheme in the national road programme. Assessments have been completed, are under way, or will be undertaken for all the schemes listed on pages 18 21 of the recent Trunk Roads in England 1994 Review. I attach an extract.

Details of assessment requirements at each stage of a progressive approach as schemes develop can be found in Volume 11 of the Highways Agency's Design Manual for Roads and Bridges.

Column 111

Table 4. National trunk road programme schemes in preparation as at 31 January 1994                                                                                                                                                              

                                                                                                                                                     |Order of total cost                                                                        

Title                                                                                                  |Route                 |Standard              |£ million<*>          |Length (miles)        |Last stage                                   


Priority 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Western Orbital Route, Hereford & Worcester, Staffordshire                                                                    |D3-D4                 |<1>Privately Financed |38.0                  |PR                                           

Birmingham Northern Relief Road, Warwickshire,                                                                                                                                                                                                   

 Staffordshire, Walsall MB, Birmingham MB                                                                                     |-                     |<1>Privately Financed |30.0                                                                

Lofthouse Interchange Diversion, Leeds MB                                                              |M1-M62                |D2-D4                 |31.3                  |4.2                   |OP                                           

J31-32 Widening, Rotherham MB                                                                          |M1                    |D4                    |4.7                   |1.5                                                                 

J25-28 Widening, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire                                                           |M1                    |D4                    |150.9                 |15.0                                                                

J23A-25 Widening, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire                                                      |M1                    |D4                    |93.9                  |7.0                                                                 

J21A-23A Widening (Phase 1), Leicestershire                                                            |M1                    |D3                    |35.0                  |14.0                                                                

J10-15 Widening, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire                                       |M1                    |D4                    |365.3                 |31.0                  |PC                                           

J6A-10 Widening, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire                                                           |M1                    |D4                    |77.3                  |11.0                  |PC                                           

J1-4 Widening, Kent                                                                                    |M2                    |D3-D4                 |170.3                 |9.0                   |PC                                           

J3-4B Widening, LB's Hillingdon, Hounslow<3>                                                           |M4                    |S-D4                  |35.4                  |4.0                   |PC                                           

J4B-8-9 Widening, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire                                                           |M4                    |D3                    |242.0                 |14.0                                                                

J8-9-10 Widening, Berkshire                                                                            |M4                    |D4                    |37.5                  |7.5                                                                 

J16-20 Widening, Cheshire                                                                              |M6                    |D4                    |216.8                 |20.5                  |PR                                           

J11-16 Widening, Staffordshire                                                                         |M6                    |D4                    |317.5                 |34.4                  |PC                                           

J8-9 Widening, Essex                                                                                   |M11                   |D3                    |61.7                  |15.0                                                                

J5 North Facing Slip Road Imp, Essex                                                                   |M11                   |S                     |7.4                   |0.5                   |OP                                           

J3-5 Widening, Kent                                                                                    |M20                   |D4                    |31.2                  |6.1                   |OP                                           

J8-9 Widening, Surrey                                                                                  |M23                   |D4                    |51.0                  |7.0                   |OP                                           

J12-15 Links Roads, Surrey, Berkshire                                                                  |M25                   |D3                    |164.3                 |7.5                   |PR                                           

Terminal 5 Spur (Heathrow), Surrey, LB Hillingdon<3>                                                   |M25                   |D2                    |23.4                  |1.0                   |PC                                           

J15-16 Links Roads, Buckinghamshire                                                                    |M25                   |D2                    |66.7                  |4.7                   |PC                                           

Controlled Motorway M25 Pilot Scheme<3>                                                                |M25                   |-                     |6.6                   |-                                                                   

Manchester Outer Ring Road Resigning, Salford MB,                                                                                                                                                                                                

 Stockport MB, Tameside MB, Bury MB, Manchester MB<3>                                                  |M60                   |-                     |4.4                   |-                                                                   

East-M606 Link Road, Kirklees MB                                                                       |M62                   |D2                    |14.8                  |0.4                                                                 

J12-14 Widening Westbound, Bury MB                                                                     |M62                   |D4                    |10.0                  |2.8                   |PC                                           

J6-9 Widening, MB Salford, MB Trafford                                                                 |M63                   |D4                    |51.7                  |4.6                   |PR                                           

Denton-Middleton Contracts 1 & 3, Tameside MB, Manchester MB, Oldham MB, Bury MB, Rochdale MB          |M66                   |D2-D3-D4              |214.4                 |9.4                   |OM                                           

Leeming-Scotch Corner. N. Yorkshire                                                                    |A1(M)                 |D3                    |53.9                  |11.0                  |PR                                           

Wetherby-Walshford. N. Yorkshire. Leeds MB                                                             |A1(M)                 |D3                    |30.2                  |3.3                   |OP                                           

Hook Moor-Bramham. Leeds MB, N. Yorkshire                                                              |A1(M)                 |D4                    |79.4                  |4.4                   |OP                                           

Ferrybridge-Hook Moor, Wakefield MB, Leeds MB, N. Yorkshire<1>                                         |A1(M)                 |D3                    |108.6                 |10.2                  |PR                                           

Alconbury-Peterborough Contract 2. Cambridgeshire                                                      |A1(M)                 |D3-D4                 |82.7                  |7.0                   |OM                                           

Willowburn-Denwick Imp. Northumberland<3>                                                              |A1                    |D2                    |4.2                   |1.9                   |PR                                           

Henlys-Waggoners Corner Imp. LB Houndslow                                                              |A4                    |-                     |9.9                   |-                                                                   

Kegworth Bypass, Leicestershire                                                                        |A6                    |D2                    |11.2                  |1.2                                                                 

Rothwell-Desborough Bypass, Northamptonshire                                                           |A6                    |S                     |8.5                   |3.6                   |PI                                           

Rushen & Higham Ferrers Bypass, Northamptonshire                                                       |A6                    |S-D2                  |8.7                   |3.5                   |OM                                           

Stetham Bypass, Cambridgeshire                                                                         |A10                   |S                     |2.8                   |2.3                                                                 

Landbeach Bypass, Cambridgeshire                                                                       |A10                   |S                     |6.8                   |3.8                                                                 

Hackney Wick-M11 Link Contract 1, LB's Hackney,                                                                                                                                                                                                  

 Redbridge, Waltham Forest, Newham                                                                     |A12                   |D2-S3                 |29.0                  |0.9                   |OM                                           

Movers Lane Junction Imp. LB Barking & Dagenham                                                        |A13                   |D3                    |36.8                  |0.8                   |PR                                           

Junction Imp. LB Newham                                                                                |A13-A117              |D3                    |26.3                  |1.2                   |OP                                           

Prince Regent Lane Junction Imp. LB Newham                                                             |A13-A112              |D3                    |37.0                  |1.1                   |OP                                           

Ironbridge-Canning Town Imp. LB Newham                                                                 |A13                   |D3                    |55.5                  |0.7                   |OP                                           

Coulsdon Inner Relief Road, LB Croydon                                                                 |A23                   |D2                    |32.8                  |1.0                   |OP                                           

Salisbury Bypass, Wiltshire                                                                            |A36                   |D2                    |62.3                  |11.3                  |OP                                           

Derby Ring Road A61 GSJ, Derbyshire<4>                                                                 |A38                   |D2                    |9.2                   |0.8                                                                 

Derby Ring Road A52-A5111 GSJ, Derbyshire<4>                                                           |A38                   |D2                    |16.7                  |1.6                                                                 

Gypsy Corner Imp. LB Hounslow                                                                          |A40                   |D2-D3                 |32.4                  |0.9                   |OM                                           

Moulton-Broughton Imp. Northamptonshire                                                                |A43                   |D2                    |13.3                  |7.2                   |PR                                           

Silverstone Bypass, Northamptonshire                                                                   |A43                   |D2                    |15.5                  |4.9                   |OM                                           

M40-B4031 Imp. Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire                                                           |A43                   |D2                    |12.0                  |3.8                   |OP                                           

Oak Lane Junction Imp. Coventry MB<4>                                                                  |A45                   |-                     |3.0                   |-                                                                   

Tollbar End Imp. Coventry MB<4>                                                                        |A45-A46               |D2                    |11.4                  |0.4                                                                 

Newark-Widmerpool Imp. Nottinghamshire                                                                 |A46                   |D2                    |50.7                  |17.3                  |PR                                           

Alcester-Stratford Imp. Warwickshire                                                                   |A46                   |D2                    |11.9                  |3.8                   |PR                                           

A41-A54 Imp. Cheshire                                                                                  |A51                   |D2                    |9.2                   |5.0                                                                 

Mottram-Tintwistle Bypass, Tameside MB, Derbyshire                                                     |A57-A628              |S-D2                  |23.0                  |3.8                   |PR                                           

Castle Street Hull Imp, Humberside                                                                     |A63                   |D2                    |18.2                  |1.0                   |PR                                           

Melton GSJ Humberside                                                                                  |A63                   |D2                    |5.0                   |0.6                   |PR                                           

Stainburn & Great Clifton Bypass, Cumbria                                                              |A66                   |S                     |6.6                   |2.5                   |OP                                           

Catford Town Cenre Imp, LB Lewisham                                                                    |A205                  |D2                    |12.6                  |0.4                   |OM                                           

New Romney Bypass, Kent                                                                                |A259                  |S                     |8.1                   |2.6                   |OP                                           

Sparkford-IIchester Imp, Somerset                                                                      |A303                  |D2                    |8.9                   |3.4                   |OP                                           

IIminster Bypass Imp, Somerset<3>                                                                      |A303                  |D2                    |16.8                  |6.4                   |PC                                           

Kingskerswell Bypass, Devon                                                                            |A380                  |D3                    |46.0                  |3.9                   |PR                                           

Bounds Green-Green Lanes Imp, LB Enfield                                                               |A406                  |D2-D3                 |131.8                 |2.2                   |OP                                           

Golders Green Road Junction Imp, LB Barnet                                                             |A406                  |D3                    |22.4                  |0.6                   |OM                                           

Blunsdon Bypass, Wiltshire                                                                             |A419                  |D2                    |12.4                  |1.5                   |PC                                           

Poynton Bypass, Cheshire                                                                               |A523                  |D2                    |35.2                  |5.9                   |PR                                           

Ledsham-M53 Imp, Cheshire                                                                              |A550                  |D2                    |16.8                  |2.7                   |PR                                           

Deeside Park-Ledsham Imp, Cheshire                                                                     |A550                  |D2                    |29.9                  |3.6                   |OP                                           

Ormskirk Bypass, Lancashire                                                                            |A570                  |D2                    |21.7                  |5.5                   |PC                                           

Parton-Lillyhall Imp, Cumbria                                                                          |A595                  |D2                    |15.0                  |4.7                   |PC                                           

Shipley Eastern Bypass, Bradford MB                                                                    |A650                  |D2-D3                 |19.3                  |1.3                   |PR                                           

Hedon Road Imp, Humberside                                                                             |A1033                 |D2                    |35.1                  |4.2                   |OP                                           

M56-A550 Imp, Cheshire<4>                                                                              |A5117                 |D2                    |13.5                  |5.0                                                                 

PR Signing Project<3>                                                                                                         |-                     |12.5                  |-                                                                   

M1-A1 Link Road, Leeds MB                                                                                                     |D3                    |117.1                 |10.5                  |OP                                           


Priority 2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

J31-32 Widening D4+ Rotherham MB                                                                       |M1                    |D2                    |20.2                  |1.5                                                                 

J28-31 Widening, Derbyshire, Rotherham MB                                                              |M1                    |D4                    |176.7                 |36.0                                                                

J21-21A Widening Phase 2, Leicestershire                                                               |M1                    |D4                    |69.6                  |2.8                   |OP                                           

J15-19 Widening (Including A45 Weedon, Flore & Upper Heyford Bypass). Northamptonshire, Leicestershire |M1                    |D4                    |227.7                 |22.0                                                                

J2-3 Widening, Surrey                                                                                  |M3                    |D4                    |52.7                  |6.8                   |PC                                           

J3-4 Widening, Surrey                                                                                  |M3                    |D4                    |35.2                  |4.3                   |OP                                           

J10-12 Widening, Berkshire                                                                             |M4                    |D4                    |122.9                 |10.5                                                                

J1 & 2 Imp. Sandwell MB                                                                                |M5                    |-                     |6.1                   |-                                                                   

J17-21 Widening Stage 1, Avon                                                                          |M5                    |D3                    |17.7                  |5.7                                                                 

J29-30 Imp. Devon<3>                                                                                   |M5                    |D3                    |23.9                  |1.4                                                                 

J9 & 10 Imp, Walsall MB                                                                                |M6                    |-                     |12.0                  |-                                                                   

J14 Imp. Cambridgeshire<3>                                                                             |M11                   |S-D4                  |28.2                  |3.4                                                                 

J5-7 Widening, Kent, Surrey                                                                            |M25                   |D4                    |101.1                 |11.0                                                                

J10-12 Widening D4+, Surrey                                                                            |M25                   |D3                    |123.9                 |7.5                                                                 

J19-23 Widening, Hertfordshire                                                                         |M25                   |D4                    |86.5                  |12.5                  |PR                                           

J23-26 Widening, Essex, Hertfordshire                                                                  |M25                   |D4                    |81.1                  |11.0                                                                

J26-28 Widening, Essex                                                                                 |M25                   |D4                    |104.0                 |12.0                                                                

J30-31 Imp, Essex                                                                                      |M25                   |-                     |43.5                  |-                                                                   

J11-12 Widening, Hampshire<3>                                                                          |M27                   |D4                    |44.6                  |3.3                                                                 

J3-4 Widening & J4 Imp, Buckinghamshire                                                                |M40                   |D4                    |77.6                  |6.3                   |PC                                           

J1-7 Widening, Warwickshire, Hereford & Worcester                                                      |M42                   |D4                    |221.6                 |31.3                                                                

J18-21 Widening, Rochdale MB                                                                           |M62                   |D4                    |116.4                 |8.0                   |PC                                           

J12-18 Relief Road, Salford MB, Bury MB<3>                                                             |M62                   |D3                    |301.1                 |11.0                  |PC                                           

J6-7 Widening Knowsley MB                                                                              |M62                   |D3-D4                 |4.7                   |3.3                                                                 

J6 Imp, Knowsley MB                                                                                    |M62                   |-                     |13.4                  |-                                                                   

M4-A4 Link Houslow, LB Ealing, LB Hounslow<4>                                                          |M62                   |S-D4                  |24.0                  |1.4                                                                 

Dishforth-Lemming, N. Yorkshire                                                                        |A1(M)                 |D3                    |68.8                  |14.0                  |PR                                           

Wetherby Bypass, Leeds MB<3>                                                                           |A1(M)                 |D3                    |20.1                  |2.5                                                                 

Bramham-Wetherby, Leeds MB<3>                                                                          |A1(M)                 |D3                    |5.5                   |4.0                   |PC                                           

Redhouse-Ferrybridge, Doncaster MB, Wakefield MB, N. Yorkshire                                         |A1(M)                 |D3                    |54.0                  |9.1                   |PR                                           

Tuxford-Blyth, Nottinghamshire<3>                                                                      |A1(M)                 |D3                    |94.5                  |14.0                                                                

Stamford Bypass, Cambridgeshire, Leicestershire<3>                                                     |A1(M)                 |D3                    |38.6                  |4.0                                                                 

Peterborough-Stamford, Cambridgeshire                                                                  |A1(M)                 |D3                    |81.5                  |9.9                                                                 

Baldock-Alconbury, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire                                         |A1(M)                 |D2-D3                 |173.0                 |27.0                                                                

J6-8 Widening, Hertfordshire                                                                           |A1(M)                 |D3                    |57.6                  |9.0                   |PC                                           

J1-4 Widening, Hertfordshire                                                                           |A1(M)                 |D3-D4                 |134.0                 |7.9                                                                 

Stockport North/South Bypass, Stockport MB                                                             |A6(M)                 |D3                    |109.8                 |5.6                   |OM                                           

Manchester Airport Link West, Trafford MB                                                              |A6(M)-M56             |D2                    |34.6                  |3.2                   |PC                                           

Bar Hill-M1-A1 Link, Cambridgeshire                                                                    |A14(M)                |D2-D3                 |120.5                 |18.0                                                                

M6-M56 Imp, Cheshire                                                                                   |A556(M)               |D3                    |64.5                  |6.5                                                                 

Morpeth-Lanehead Imp, Northumberland<3>                                                                |A1                    |D2                    |16.8                  |7.1                                                                 

Gateshead Western Bypass, Gateshead MB                                                                 |A1                    |D3                    |94.8                  |6.7                   |PR                                           

Kidbrooke Park Road Interchange Imp, LB Greenwich                                                      |A2                    |D2                    |14.1                  |0.7                   |PC                                           

Dartford Imp, Kent                                                                                     |A2-A282               |D4-D2                 |26.1                  |3.0                   |PR                                           

Lydden-Dover Imp, Kent                                                                                 |A2                    |D2                    |16.6                  |6.0                                                                 

Hindhead Imp, Surrey                                                                                   |A3                    |D2                    |62.0                  |4.1                   |PR                                           

Wolfshead-Weirbrook Imp, Shropshire                                                                    |A5                    |D2                    |8.2                   |2.4                                                                 

Nesscliffe Bypass, Shropshire                                                                          |A5                    |D2                    |10.6                  |2.6                   |PC                                           

Weeford Fazeley Imp, Staffordshire                                                                     |A5                    |D2                    |14.2                  |3.1                   |PC                                           

Dunstable Eastern Bypass, Befordshire                                                                  |A5                    |D2                    |45.5                  |5.6                   |PR                                           

Great Glen Bypass, Leicestershire                                                                      |A6                    |D2                    |14.3                  |3.6                   |OM                                           

Kibworth Bypass, Leicestershire                                                                        |A6                    |D2                    |11.6                  |2.8                   |PC                                           

Clapham Bypass, Bedfordshire                                                                           |A6                    |D2                    |21.1                  |3.1                   |OM                                           

Bedford Western Bypass A6-A428 Link, Bedfordshire                                                      |A6                    |D2                    |4.2                   |0.5                   |PC                                           

Wadesmill High Cross-Colliers End Bypass, Hertfordshire                                                |A10                   |D2                    |17.7                  |6.7                   |OM                                           

M25-Hoddesdon Imp, Hertfordshire                                                                       |A10                   |D3                    |86.4                  |2.9                                                                 

Attleborough Bypass, Norfolk                                                                           |A11                   |D2                    |9.7                   |3.0                   |PR                                           

Fiveways-Thetford Imp, Norfolk, Suffolk                                                                |A11                   |D2                    |52.1                  |9.0                                                                 

Wrentham Bypass, Suffolk                                                                               |A12                   |S                     |3.0                   |2.2                                                                 

Blythburgh Bypass, Suffolk                                                                             |A12                   |S                     |4.4                   |1.9                                                                 

Yoxford Bypass, Suffolk                                                                                |A12                   |S                     |4.3                   |3.4                                                                 

Wickham Market-Saxmundham Imp, Suffolk                                                                 |A12                   |D2                    |17.7                  |5.3                   |PR                                           

Martlesham-Wickham Market Imp, Suffolk                                                                 |A12                   |D2                    |11.3                  |3.8                                                                 

Hatfield Peverel-Marks Tey Imp, Essex                                                                  |A12                   |D3                    |67.9                  |10.9                                                                

Chelmsford Bypass Widening, Essex                                                                      |A12                   |D2                    |54.5                  |8.5                                                                 

M25 J28-Chelmsford Imp, Essex<4>                                                                       |A12                   |D3                    |50.9                  |9.3                                                                 

M25-Lakeside Widening (S278), Essex<3>                                                                 |A13                   |S                     |4.9                   |0.8                                                                 

M11-A10 Widening, Cambridgeshire                                                                       |A14                   |D3                    |25.0                  |3.3                                                                 

Thrapston-Brampton Grade Separation, Cambridgeshire<4>                                                 |A14                   |D2                    |7.4                   |12.7                                                                

Tonbridge Bypass-Pembury Bypass Dualling, Kent                                                         |A21                   |D3                    |15.8                  |2.2                   |OP                                           

Kippings Cross-Lamberhurst Imp, Kent                                                                   |A21                   |D2                    |21.1                  |3.0                   |PR                                           

Lamberhurst Bypass, Kent                                                                               |A21                   |D2                    |8.3                   |1.9                   |OP                                           

Handcross-Warninglid Imp, W. Sussex                                                                    |A23                   |D3                    |8.2                   |2.0                   |PR                                           

Lewes-Polegate Imp, E. Sussex                                                                          |A27                   |D2                    |63.5                  |10.6                  |PR                                           

Worthing-Lancing Imp, W. Sussex                                                                        |A27                   |D2-D3                 |106.9                 |6.0                   |OP                                           

Arundel Bypass, W. Sussex                                                                              |A27                   |D2                    |17.9                  |3.4                   |PR                                           

Marsh Honiton & A35 Honiton Eastern Bypass, Devon                                                      |A30-A303              |D2                    |36.6                  |8.1                   |OP                                           

Bodmin-Indian Queens Imp, Cornwall                                                                     |A30                   |D2                    |27.4                  |6.8                                                                 

Temple-Higher Carblake Imp, Cornwall                                                                   |A30                   |D2                    |7.5                   |2.7                                                                 

Zelah-Chiverton Imp, Cornwall                                                                          |A30                   |D2                    |13.5                  |4.0                                                                 

St Erth-Newtown Imp, Cornwall                                                                          |A30                   |D2                    |13.9                  |3.8                   |PC                                           

Ringwood-Ashley Heath Imp, Hampshire, Dorset                                                           |A31                   |D3                    |22.7                  |1.2                                                                 

Sturt Lane, Red Post Imp, Dorset<3>                                                                    |A31                   |D2                    |3.0                   |1.4                   |PR                                           

Stinsford-Cockoo Lane Imp, Dorset                                                                      |A35                   |D2                    |3.5                   |1.2                   |PC                                           

Winterbourne Abbas Bypass, Dorset                                                                      |A35                   |D2                    |11.0                  |2.8                                                                 

Chideock-Morcombelake Bypass, Dorset                                                                   |A35                   |D2                    |22.5                  |5.1                   |OP                                           

Beckington-East Of Bath Imp, Avon                                                                      |A36                   |D2                    |88.4                  |11.8                  |PC                                           

Codford-Heytesbury Imp, Wiltshire                                                                      |A36                   |D2                    |8.4                   |2.3                   |OP                                           

Wylye-Codford Imp, Wiltshire                                                                           |A36                   |D2                    |5.4                   |2.0                                                                 

Saltash-Trerulefoot Imp, Cornwall                                                                      |A38                   |D2                    |50.5                  |7.3                   |PC                                           

Liskeard-Bodmin Imp, Cornwall                                                                          |A38                   |D2                    |38.3                  |10.0                  |PR                                           

Witney Bypass-Sturt Farm Imp, Oxfordshire                                                              |A40                   |D2                    |4.6                   |1.5                   |OP                                           

Witney Bypass-Cassington Dualling, Oxfordshire                                                         |A40                   |D2                    |23.6                  |5.3                   |OP                                           

Western Circus Junction Imp, LB Ealing                                                                 |A40                   |D2                    |38.2                  |0.9                   |OM                                           

Aston Clinton Bypass, Buckinghamshire                                                                  |A41                   |D2                    |15.2                  |4.0                   |OM                                           

Geddington Bypass, Northamptonshire                                                                    |A43                   |D2                    |18.9                  |5.9                   |PR                                           

Whitfield Turn-Brackley Hatch Imp, Northamptonshire                                                    |A43                   |D2                    |9.3                   |2.7                   |OP                                           

Quarries Cross GSJ, Suffolk                                                                            |A45                   |D2                    |3.5                   |2.5                                                                 

Rookery Crossroads GSJ, Suffolk                                                                        |A45                   |D2                    |3.4                   |2.2                                                                 

Leamington Turn Junction Imp, Warwickshire                                                             |A45-A445              |D2                    |4.1                   |0.8                   |OP                                           

Newark-Lincoln Imp, Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire                                                      |A46                   |D2                    |21.6                  |8.0                   |PI                                           

Pennsylvania-M4 Tormarton Imp, Avon                                                                    |A46                   |D2                    |11.8                  |2.5                   |OP                                           

Upper Swainswick-Pennsylvania Imp, Avon                                                                |A46                   |D2                    |13.6                  |4.0                   |OP                                           

Acle Straight Imp, Norfolk                                                                             |A47                   |D2                    |17.6                  |7.0                                                                 

Blofield-Acle Imp, Norfolk                                                                             |A47                   |D2                    |5.0                   |2.1                   |PR                                           

North Tuddenham-Easton Imp, Norfolk                                                                    |A47                   |D2                    |14.6                  |5.0                                                                 

Little Fransham Bypass, Norfolk                                                                        |A47                   |S                     |7.7                   |3.0                                                                 

Middleton & East Winch Bypass, Norfolk                                                                 |A47                   |S                     |14.7                  |5.3                                                                 

Wisbech Bypass A1101 Junction Imp, Norfolk                                                             |A47                   |D2                    |4.0                   |2.5                                                                 

Hardwick Roundabout Flyover, Norfolk                                                                   |A47                   |D2                    |7.2                   |0.8                                                                 

Tilney-Kings Lynn Imp, & A47-A17 GSJ, Norfolk                                                          |A47                   |D2                    |8.2                   |2.5                                                                 

Thorney Bypass, Cambridgeshire                                                                         |A47                   |S-D2                  |11.1                  |2.7                   |PR                                           

Calveley-Tiverton Bypass, Cheshire                                                                     |A49-A51               |D2                    |20.1                  |5.0                                                                 

Woofferton Bypass, Shropshire                                                                          |A49                   |D2                    |9.5                   |2.3                   |PC                                           

Hereford Bypass, Hereford & Worcester                                                                  |A49                   |S-D2                  |40.1                  |8.5                   |CONF                                         

Duddon & Clotton Bypass, Cheshire                                                                      |A51                   |S                     |7.3                   |3.4                   |PC                                           

Saxondale-Grantham Imp, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire                                  |A52                   |D2                    |41.3                  |12.6                  |PR                                           

Radcliffe-on-Trent Bypass, Nottinghamshire                                                             |A52                   |D2                    |18.0                  |4.3                   |PC                                           

Bank Hall Diversion, Lancashire                                                                        |A59                   |D2                    |7.6                   |1.2                   |PC                                           

Selby Bypass, N. Yorkshire                                                                             |A63                   |S                     |21.1                  |6.1                   |OM                                           

Hellifield & Long Preston Bypass, N. Yorkshire                                                         |A65                   |S                     |15.5                  |4.4                   |OM                                           

Coniston Cold Bypass, N. Yorkshire                                                                     |A65                   |S                     |5.1                   |2.3                   |PC                                           

Gargrave Bypass, N. Yorkshire                                                                          |A65                   |S                     |11.0                  |3.4                   |OM                                           

Manor Park Bends Imp, Bradford MB                                                                      |A65                   |D2                    |8.1                   |1.6                   |OM                                           

Temple Sowerby Bypass & Imp at Winderwath, Cumbria                                                     |A66                   |D2                    |11.7                  |2.9                   |PC                                           

Warwick Bridge Bypass, Cumbria                                                                         |A69                   |D2                    |12.6                  |2.5                                                                 

Blackwall 3rd Crossing, LB Tower Hamlets, LB Greenwich                                                 |A102                  |D2                    |137.4                 |2.6                   |PR                                           

Braintree-Marks Tey Imp, Essex                                                                         |A120                  |D2-D3                 |44.7                  |9.6                                                                 

M25-Rayleigh Weir Imp, Essex                                                                           |A127                  |D3                    |105.9                 |14.0                                                                

Long Stratton Bypass, Norfolk                                                                          |A140                  |S                     |7.0                   |3.4                                                                 

Stonham Bypass, Suffolk                                                                                |A140                  |S                     |7.4                   |4.0                                                                 

Burnt Ash Hill Junction Imp, LB Lewisham<3>                                                            |A205-A2212            |S                     |4.0                   |0.6                                                                 

Iwade-Queenborough Imp, Kent                                                                           |A249                  |D2                    |76.2                  |2.5                                                                 

Dymchurch-M20 J11 Imp. Kent                                                                            |A259                  |D2                    |15.7                  |3.5                   |OP                                           

St. Mary's Bay & Dymchurch Bypass, Kent                                                                |A259                  |D2                    |21.6                  |5.2                   |OP                                           

Rye Bypass, E. Sussex                                                                                  |A259                  |S-D2                  |30.2                  |3.8                   |PR                                           

Winchelsea Bypass, E. Sussex                                                                           |A259                  |D2                    |13.3                  |3.1                   |PR                                           

Guestling Thorn & Icklesham Bypass, E. Sussex                                                          |A259                  |D2                    |14.3                  |3.4                   |PC                                           

Hastings Eastern Bypass, E. Sussex                                                                     |A259                  |S                     |21.8                  |3.8                   |PR                                           

Bexhill & Hastings Western Bypass, E. Sussex                                                           |A259                  |D2                    |61.7                  |9.4                   |PR                                           

Pevensey-Bexhill Imp, E. Sussex                                                                        |A259                  |D2                    |8.3                   |2.5                   |PR                                           

Amesbury-Berwick Down Imp. Wiltshire                                                                   |A303                  |D2                    |40.0                  |6.5                   |PC                                           

Wylye-Stockton Wood Imp, Wiltshire                                                                     |A303                  |D2                    |4.4                   |2.5                   |PR                                           

Chicklade Bottom-Mere Imp, Wiltshire                                                                   |A303                  |D2                    |15.4                  |8.0                   |PC                                           

Ilminster-Marsh Imp, Somerset                                                                          |A303                  |D2                    |20.1                  |6.3                   |PR                                           

Black Dam GSJ, Hampshire                                                                               |A339                  |D2                    |7.6                   |1.0                                                                 

Popes Lane-Western Avenue Imp, LB Ealing                                                               |A406                  |D2-D3                 |82.4                  |2.2                   |OP                                           

Nettleton-Crickley Hill Imp, Gloucestershire                                                           |A417                  |D2                    |19.1                  |4.0                                                                 

North Of Stratton-Nettleton Imp, Gloucestershire                                                       |A417                  |D2                    |12.7                  |5.7                   |OP                                           

Cirencester & Stratton Bypass, Gloucestershire                                                         |A419-A417             |D2                    |24.1                  |6.2                   |OP                                           

Latton Bypass, Wiltshire                                                                               |A419                  |D2                    |15.6                  |3.4                   |OP                                           

Bedford-M1 J13 Imp, Bedfordshire<4>                                                                    |A421                  |D2                    |24.0                  |6.6                                                                 

Caxton Common-Hardwick (S278), Cambridgeshire<3>                                                       |A428                  |D2                    |5.0                   |14.4                                                                

Great Barford Bypass, Bedfordshire                                                                     |A428                  |D2                    |18.5                  |4.7                   |PR                                           

Norse Road Link, Bedfordshire                                                                          |A428                  |D2                    |12.2                  |1.0                   |OP                                           

Studley Bypass, Warwickshire, Hereford & Worcester                                                     |A435                  |D2                    |43.5                  |7.9                   |OM                                           

Clifton Lane Imp, Nottinghamshire                                                                      |A453                  |D2                    |34.6                  |3.4                   |PR                                           

Clifton-M1 Imp, Nottinghamshire                                                                        |A453                  |D2                    |15.0                  |4.2                   |OP                                           

City Road & Stoke Road Junctions Imp, Staffordshire                                                    |A500                  |D2                    |16.4                  |1.0                   |PC                                           

Basford-Hough-Shavington Bypass, Cheshire                                                              |A500                  |D2                    |18.6                  |4.7                   |OM                                           

Poynton-Macclesfield Imp, Cheshire                                                                     |A523                  |D2                    |7.1                   |2.7                   |PR                                           

High & Low Newton Bypass, Cumbria                                                                      |A590                  |D2                    |9.4                   |2.4                   |OP                                           

Carlisle Southern Bypass, Cumbria                                                                      |A595                  |S                     |13.4                  |5.9                   |PC                                           

Duddon Bridge Imp, Cumbria                                                                             |A595                  |S                     |7.6                   |1.9                                                                 

Salters Brook-Stockbridge Imp, Barnsley MB, Sheffield MB                                               |A616-A628             |S                     |11.2                  |6.9                   |PC                                           

Tintwistle-Salters Brook Imp, Derbyshire                                                               |A628                  |S                     |4.4                   |8.0                                                                 

Skipton-Kildwick Imp, N. Yorkshire                                                                     |A629                  |D2                    |8.8                   |2.6                   |OP                                           

Hard Ings Road Imp, Bradford MB                                                                        |A650                  |D2                    |2.9                   |0.4                   |PR                                           

Bingley Relief Road, Bradford MB                                                                       |A650                  |D2                    |44.2                  |3.0                   |OM                                           

Saltaire Relief Road, Bradford MB<3>                                                                   |A650                  |D2                    |170.8                 |1.9                                                                 

Shiptonthorpe Bypass, Humberside                                                                       |A1079                 |D2                    |7.3                   |1.9                   |PR                                           

Wigan-Westhoughton Bypass, Bolton MB, Wigan MB                                                         |A5225                 |D2                    |117.1                 |10.0                  |OP                                           

A31-Poole Link Road, Dorset                                                                                                   |D2                    |66.0                  |6.0                   |PC                                           

Poole Harbour Crossing, Dorset                                                                                                |S                     |31.5                  |1.4                   |PC                                           

<1> Department Preparation and Supervision costs will be incurred.                                                                                                                                                                               

<2> Estimated costs excluding VAT and scheme specific risk assessment.                                                                                                                                                                           

<3> Scheme added to the National Trunk Road Programme since 1 January 1990.                                                                                                                                                                      

<4> Scheme added to the National Trunk Road Programme during the Review.                                                                                                                                                                         

Stage Codes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

CONF=Trial Planning Conference. PC=Public Consultation Held. PR=Preferred Route Announced. OP=Draft Orders Published. OM=Orders Made.                                                                                                            

Column 117

Highways Agency

Mrs. Dunwoody: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what was the cost of the recent meeting of the Highways Agency management board in Tewkesbury; and if he will list the reasons for the meeting.

Column 118

Mr. Watts: The chief executive and a number of senior agency managers held an off-site conference over three days at the beginning of May. Its purpose was to consider, in depth, strategic options for the future and how the agency could best organise itself to deliver the targets which it had been set. The cost was £2,926, including the cost of accommodating management consultants and others who attended for all or part of the discussions.

Column 119

Tracking Systems

Mr. Nigel Evans: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what assessment the Government have made of the reduction in insurance policy premiums available to those owners of cars fitted with tracking systems.

Mr. Norris: No assessment has been made at this stage.

Dangerous Loads

Mr. Colin Shepherd.: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many accidents involving heavy goods vehicles with insecure loads were reported to police in the last 12 months for which figures are available; how many charges have been preferred; and how many of these resulted in conviction.

Mr. Norris: Information on accidents involving HGVs with insecure loads is not available.


Home Improvements

Sir David Steel: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many times central Government capital spending consent has been refused to Scottish local authorities wishing to carry out home improvement works since November 1993.

Mr. Lang: Local authorities must meet the cost of home improvement works on their own stock and grants to private sector owners from within capital allocations made by the Secretary of State each year. Individual private sector improvement grants are governed by expense limits and if local authorities need to exceed these they must request approval from the Scottish Office Environment Department, explaining the justification for the exception. No requests have been refused since November 1993.

Building Regulations

Mr. Dalyell: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he will amend the building regulations to bring buildings classed as dwellings into line with all other buildings to enable people with disabilities to have easy access to all new dwellings.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: My right hon. Friend is currently considering amendment of the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations to extend access for disabled people to new dwellings and a number of options will be set out in a public consultation paper to be issued in the new year.


Mr. Dalyell: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what communication he has had from Mr. Jim Watt of Horizon Housing Association Ltd. about easier access to dwellings for disabled people; and what reply he has sent.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: Mr. Watt wrote to me on 8 September 1994 and I replied on 6 October. I am arranging for this correspondence to be copied to the hon. Member and placed in the Library of the House.

Column 120

Pre-School Play Association

Mr. Dalyell: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will make a statement on the follow-up measures he has taken as a result of his officials' meeting on 18 August with the representation of the Scottish Pre -School Play Association.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: Following the meeting on 18 August between the Scottish Pre-School Play Association and Scottish Office officials, the Secretary of State was able to offer in principle a grant under section 10 of the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 towards the cost of an organisation review. The offer is conditional on Scottish Office approval for the specification for the proposals from consultants to carry it out. These proposals have now been submitted and are being studied closely.

Incentive Prescribing Scheme

Mr. Morgan: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many incentive prescribing schemes he has set up; if he will give the start date and duration of each scheme; how many general practitioners are involved; and what procedure he has set up for an independent evaluation of the schemes.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: In April 1992, the Secretary of State introduced the indicative prescribing scheme, which allows for incentive prescribing schemes to operate at health board level. To date there have been no successful applications to set up incentive prescribing schemes in Scotland under the terms of the indicative prescribing scheme.

Sight Tests

Mrs. Fyfe: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many NHS sight tests have been performed in Scotland in each year since 1987.

Mr. Stewart: The number of national health service sight tests paid for by health boards in each of the financial years since 1987 is shown in the table.

NHS sight tests in Scotland                        

Year             |<1>Number of NHS                 

                 |Sight Tests                      


1987-88          |1,098,145                        

1988-89          |1,169,610                        

1989-90          |<2>475,479                       

1990-91          |432,885                          

1991-92          |496,598                          

1992-93          |538,684                          

1993-94          |579,682                          

<1> One person may have more than one sight test   

in the period.                                     

<2> Since 1 April 1989 free National Health        

Service sight tests have only been available to    

children, full time students under 19, those in    

receipt of Income Support or Family Credit, the    

registered blind or partially sighted, complex     

lens users, those who hold an AG2 exemption        

certificate form the Health Benefits Unit,         

diagnosed diabetic or glaucoma sufferers, and      

close relatives aged 40 or over of glaucoma        




Mr. Clifton-Brown: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what assessment he has made as to the extent to which the system of a fee per item for general practitioner dispensings is conducive to cost-effective prescribing.

Mr. Malone: There is no ready measure of the cost-effectiveness of prescribing. I am aware of evidence that the costs of prescribing by dispensing doctors tend to be higher than those of non-dispensing doctors. I am keeping this matter under review.

Mr. Clifton-Brown: To ask the Secretary of State for Health by what percentage difference generic drugs are more or less likely to be prescribed, based on the ratio of the number of prescriptions for one drug to another comparing prescribing patients to those on dispensing lists.

Mr. Malone: In 1993 the proportions of prescriptions dispensed by community pharmacists and dispensing doctors which were prescribed generically were 49.6 per cent. and 21.6 per cent. respectively.

Mr. Clifton-Brown: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what would be the impact on the NHS budget if all prescriptions were to be dispensed by pharmacists;

(2) what is the average total cost and the cost of drugs of a general practitioner-dispensed prescription compared to a pharmacist and what is the percentage change of each category over the last two years for which figures are available.

Mr. Malone: Information, published by the Prescription Pricing Authority, on comparative drug costs for 1992 93 is as follows:

                                               |Dispensing Doctors|Pharmacists                          

                                               |£                 |£                                    


Average total cost (excluding Value Added Tax) |7.48              |7.68                                 


Net ingredient cost                            |6.35              |6.77                                 

The percentage changes over the previous two years were:

Year-on-year increase percentage pharmacists                                                                  


                                               |1992-93 over 1991-92|1991-92 over 1990-91                     


Average total cost (excluding Value Added Tax) |5.6                 |8.0                                      

Net ingredient cost                            |7.3                 |7.5                                      

Year-on-year increase percentage dispensing doctors                                                           


                                               |1992-93 over 1991-92|1991-92 over 1990-91                     


Average total cost (excluding Value Added Tax) |7.0                 |6.9                                      

Net ingredient cost                            |8.6                 |8.1                                      

Column 122

It is difficult, however, to draw any meaningful inferences from these figures about the relative costs to the national health service of dispensing by community pharmacists and dispensing doctors. There are significant differences between the two systems of payment. Pharmacists only receive payments for their NHS dispensing whereas, in the case of dispensing doctors, such dispensing payments form an integral part of the system whereby the profession as a whole is reimbursed for the actual costs of providing general medical services, including any practice expenses relating to the dispensing function.

Regional Health Authorities

Mr. Blunkett: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what will be the procedures for the appointment of members of community health councils under the proposed change of remit for regional health authorities announced on 21 October 1993.

Mr. Malone: The national health service executive working group, which is examining the detailed implications of the decision to transfer the establishment function for community health councils to the executive, will consider what changes may be required to the Community Health Council Regulations 1985 which govern appointment of members.

Mr. Blunkett: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what are the mechanisms for the transfer of land property from regions to health authorities and trusts under the proposed change of remit for the regional health authorities announced on 21 October 1993.

Mr. Sackville: Proposed trusts agree schedules of property required for their operational purposes with district health authorities, facilitated by regional health authorities. When agreement has been reached, the RHA manages the legal process of transferring the property.

The legislation anticipated in "Managing the New NHS" announced in October 1993 is subject to the consent of Parliament, and has not yet been finalised.

Mr. Blunkett: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what are the procedures for the advertising and appointment of chief officers of community health councils; and what will be the procedures under the proposed change of remit for regional health authorities announced on 21 October 1993.

Mr. Malone: It is for the regional health authority as the establishing authority to appoint the chief officer of a community health council subject to that person being acceptable to the council. The national health service executive, through its regional offices, will, subject to the agreement of Parliament, take over the establishing function from 1 April 1996. The detailed implications of this change including the future arrangements for appointment of CHCs are being considered by an NHS executive working group which includes members from both the Association of Community Health Councils and the Society of Community Health Councils Staff.

Mr. Blunkett: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what will be the status of regional general managers of public health under the proposed change of remit of regional health authorities announced on 21 October 1993; if they will be employed as civil servants; and what will be the status of the annual report on public health.

Column 123

Mr. Malone: It is proposed that, subject to parliamentary approval of changes at regional level, each regional office will include a director of public health, who, as now, will be a doctor qualified in public health medicine. In future, they will be employed as civil servants. Information on the role of these staff is set out in paragraph seven of "Public Health in England", copies of which are available in the Library. As part of the Department of Health, the regional directors of public health will contribute to the Chief Medical Officer's annual report. Copies of the report are also available in the Library.

Mr. Spearing: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) to whom the responsibilities of (a) the North and (b) the South Thames regional health authorities will be transferred in the event of their dissolution;

(2) what plans she has for the future of (a) the North and (b) the South Thames regional health authorities.

Mr. Malone: The Government's intention to abolish regional health authorities was announced on 21 October 1993. Subject to parliamentary approval, RHAs' functions will be transferred to local health service bodies or to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Health. Legislation to implement these changes will be introduced as soon as the parliamentary timetable allows.

Office of Population Census and Surveys

Mr. Miller: To ask the Secretary of State for Health, pursuant to her answer of 15 July, Official Report , columns 812-13 , what measures she will introduce to ensure that central Government Departments and agencies cannot access data which are not normally provided to them by the OPCS under the present arrangements; and if she will make it her policy that access to the OPCS mainframe will not be extended in the future to include those users currently allowed restricted access.

Mr. Sackville: The Office of Population Censuses and Surveys operates under strict codes of confidentiality, details of which are given in its public "Statement of Policies on Confidentiality and Security of Personal Data", a copy of which is available in the Library. These policies will not change.

The security mechanisms employed to implement these policies will prevent users from accessing data which they are not authorised to access.

Mr. Miller: To ask the Secretary of State for Health, pursuant to her answer of 15 July, Official Report , columns 812-13 , what specific measures are being implemented in order to prevent unauthorised access to personal information held on OPCS computers by (a) Government Departments and agencies, (b) authorised users without access to the OPCS mainframe and (c) unauthorised users.

Mr. Sackville: As stated in the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys' "Statement of Policies on Confidentiality and Security of Personal Data", a copy of which is available in the Library, OPCS will not publish details of information technology systems and security measures as this might compromise the confidentiality or security of personal data held by the office.

Independent advice has been sought from security consultants. Security measures are being enhanced

Column 124

following changes in the access arrangements. I am satisfied that this will provide the necessary safeguards against unauthorised access.

Mr. Miller: To ask the Secretary of State for Health, pursuant to her answer of 15 July, Official Report , columns 812-13 , what steps she will take to ensure that private companies are not granted access to personal information currently held on OPCS computers; and what estimates have been made of the potential effects of these proposals on the integrity of data collected from individual households.

Mr. Sackville: Authorised private companies, requesting access will be granted access to only aggregated data. The security mechanisms being employed will prevent access to other data. The new proposals will have no effect on the integrity of data collected from individual households.

Mental Health

Dr. Lynne Jones: To ask the Secretary of State for Health when the survey of English mental hospitals initiated by the mental health task force in 1993, and repeated in 1994, will be published to give the latest figures.

Mr. Bowis: The report of the 1994 survey has not yet been submitted to Ministers.

Dr. Lynne Jones: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what action she proposes to improve the planning of mental health services and to develop standards for community mental health care.

Mr. Bowis: District health authorities are responsible for planning mental health services in the light of their assessment of local need. They are also responsible for developing appropriate quality standards for the mental health services which they purchase, and for monitoring compliance with those standards. I issued the revised edition of the mental illness key area handbook on 29 September and tomorrow I shall be issuing the Mental Health Task Force's guide on "Local Systems of Support". My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State last week published guidance on inter- agency co-operation.

Dr. Lynne Jones: To ask the Secretary of State for Health to what extent the statistics about admissions and discharges for mentally ill people to and from psychiatric hospitals can identify how often an individual patient is admitted and discharged; and whether further information can be provided in future to assist in identifying those who need particular care.

Mr. Bowis: Information available centrally does not identify how often an individual patient is admitted and discharged. The introduction of the care programme approach, supervision registers and a new minimum data set for mental health services will help identify those in need of particular care.

Mr. Spearing: To ask the Secretary of State for Health if she will give in respect of each of the persons killed since 1990 by those receiving mental care in the community (a) the names, status and age of those killed and killing, (b) an outline of the medical and statutory listing of the latter, (c) the names of relevant health and local authorities responsible for the offending patient from the time of their initial treatment and (d) the bodies producing official reports on each incident, including coroners' or other courts.

Column 125

Mr. Bowis: Information is not available in the form requested.

Mr. McCartney: To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether she has considered making available incentives for health and local authorities and the voluntary sector to set up specialist supported after-care facilities for difficult-to-place patients coming out of hospitals.

Mr. Bowis: Yes, we have not only considered it but we have taken action by the introduction of the mental illness specific grant, which is available to support the development of a range of innovative projects and has been warmly welcomed by both local and health authorities and by the voluntary sector. In 1994-95 the central grant is £36 million supporting total expenditure of £50.5 million. We have recently announced that the grant will continue for at least another three years.

Mr. McCartney: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) how many district health authorities do not provide long-stay, intensive care units for chronically ill patients with long term behavioural problems;

(2) if she will list those district health authorities which use private intensive care facilities for both (a) chronically ill patients with long- term behavioural problems and (b) acutely ill patients with temporary behavioural problems;

(3) how many district health authorities do not provide psychiatric intensive care units or wards for acutely ill patients with temporary behavioural problems.

Mr. Bowis: Provision for patients with behavioural problems can either be provided as part of district mental health services or via access to highly specialised units. The precise configuration of services, including, where appropriate, use of private sector facilities, is a matter for determination locally.

Mr. McCartney: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what representations she has received concerning the lack of medium secure beds, and what plans she has to resolve the problem of transfer delay of patients from special hospitals to medium secure units.

Mr. Bowis: Various people have pointed out that the recommendation for medium secure places made by the Glancy working party in 1974 resulted in not one single purpose-built unit being provided by 1979. By contrast this Government recognise the need to expand medium secure psychiatric services and have made available capital funding of over £45 million for this purpose between 1991 95 to raise the number of such beds from the 600 places which were created between 1979 and 1991 to over 1,150 by 1996. In addition I announced on 7 September that we were allocating an extra £4.4 million revenue funding in the current year to help meet immediate pressures on these services.

Health authorities have been required, since April 1994, to ensure that patients who are ready to leave the special hospitals are placed within six months. The implementation of this is being monitored by the national health service executive and we shall shortly be issuing further guidance on the practical steps needed to minimise delays.

Mr. McCartney: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) if she will provide details of the number of people in special hospitals who require long-term medium secure unit bed provision;

(2) what costed and committed plans she has to build long-stay, medium secure units in the NHS; and what

Column 126

capital moneys she plans to allocate specifically for this purpose;

(3) how many people in (a) NHS hospitals and (b) private sector hospitals who have been in medium secure units for more than two years, and are unlikely to be ready to move to low security units in the near future.

Mr. Bowis: I refer the hon. Member to the reply I gave my hon. Friend the Member for Somerton and Frome (Mr Robinson) on 14 July at columns 701-702.

Mr. Spearing: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what advice, guidance or instruction she has made concerning the level of funding by area health authorities of psychiatric medical services within the area of each local authority with responsibility for community cases; what national areas for staffing, beds and secure accommodation apply to such cases; and how are demonstrable variations in need reflected in the relevant funding.

Mr. Bowis: It is for individual health authorities to determine the overall level of funding for health services for mentally ill people living in their district based on their assessment of local needs. Health authorities are also responsible for deciding which parts of the mental health service should receive priority for development within the available resources. Health authorities are allocated funds on the basis of a weighted capitation formula which takes account of factors associated with health need.

Parliamentary Questions

Mr. Hanson: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many times during the 1993 94 Session information requested in parliamentary questions has been refused on the grounds of commercial confidentiality.

Mr. Sackville: There were two answers given to parliamentary questions by the Department, in the 1993 94 Session, as recorded on the POLIS database, including a reference to commercial confidentiality.

NHS Trusts

Mr. Cummings: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) how many national health service trusts have to date given observer status to representatives of the local community health council so that they are permitted to attend national health service trust board meetings; and if she will list these trusts by health authority and region;

(2) what instructions or guidance she has given to national health service trusts in respect of requests by community health councils to be given observer status at national health service trust board meetings.

Mr. Malone: This information is not available centrally. It is for individual trusts to negotiate their own arrangements with community health councils in respect of CHC attendance at trust board meetings. Where CHCs are not invited to trust board meetings, trusts should offer alternative regular liaison opportunities.

Mr. Gunnell: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) for each hospital trust in West Yorkshire what will be (a) the numbers of full-time and part-time nursing staff employed at the creation of the trust and (b) the numbers of those staff on temporary contracts at the creation of the trust;

(2) for each hospital trust in West Yorkshire what are (a) the numbers of full-time and part-time nursing staff

Column 127

employed as of 1 April and (b) the numbers of trust staff on temporary contracts as of 1 April.

Mr. Sackville: The information available is shown in the tables.

Nursing and Midwifery Staff (Excluding Agency) in National                    

Health Service Trusts in West Yorkshire Area                                  

at 30 September 1991.                                                         

                                      |Full time|Part time|Total              


Whole-time equivalents                                                        

United Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust |1,200    |530      |1,730              

St James University Hospital Trust    |1,080    |420      |1,500              

Bradford Hospitals NHS Trust          |910      |500      |1,410              


1. Figures are rounded to the nearest ten.                                    

2. Whole-Time Equivalents are calculated by aggregating the total number of   

hours staff in grade are contracted to work and dividing by the standard      

hours for that grade. In this way, part time staff are converted into an      

equivalent number of "Whole Time" staff.                                      

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