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27 August 1994

One prisoner was punched and kicked by two other prisoners. Minor injuries were treated in the Health Care Centre.

Death of a Prisoner/Suicide

16 August 1994

A young offender serving two years eight months for wounding, with a release date of 12 June 1995, was found hanging from the cell window bars at 0055 hours. He was cut down and medical assistance was called. He was taken to Doncaster Royal Infirmary but died in hospital at 1230 hours.

16 September 1994

A prisoner was found by his cell mate hanging from his bunk bed by means of a ligature fashioned from boot laces. Attempts to resuscitate him failed.

F ire

27 July 1994

A prisoner, located in the Segregation Unit, set fire to his bedding and required outside hospital treatment.

4 August 1994

Prisoners on 1A Wing were evacuated when a fire broke out in the shower area. The fire was put out and the prisoners returned to the wing.

C oncerted Indiscipline

6 July 1994

A number of prisoners refused orders to lock up. They threw rubbish about and confronted staff. After one and three quarter hours they were located in their cells without force being used.

2 August 1994

About 30 prisoners forced open a gate lock allowing them access to the perimeter walkway. Full incident procedures followed. Staff gained Control and all prisoners were locked away 45 minutes later. 13 August 1994

About 15 prisoners refused to return to their cells at lock up. Some armed themselves with blunt instruments and attempted to build a barricade. Control and Restraint teams were deployed but the incident was resolved without the use of force.

16 August 1994

A number of prisoners refused to return to their cells. Minor damage was caused. They went to their cells an hour later. Four prisoners were located in the Segregation Unit.

22 August 1994

A number of prisoners damaged equipment and fittings on C Wing and set several fires in recesses and cells. The wing was evacuated and staff extinguished the fires. No injuries were reported and damage was minimal.

29 August 1994

A series of acts of indiscipline occurred on Houseblock 3 during the evening, including the barricading of a television room. The wing returned to normal following talks with the prisoners. 3 September 1994

Five prisoners refused to leave the exercise yard. They set fire to rubbish in the yard which was extinguished by staff. One prisoner was located in the Segregation Unit.

Column 942

8 September 1994

Prisoners on A Wing refused to return to their cells at normal lock up time. They attempted to build barricades. Staff negotiated with them and they returned to their cells.

10 September 1994

A number of prisoners refused to return to their cells at lock up because they wanted to watch boxing on television. All prisoners returned to their cells 50 minutes later.

K ey/Lock Compromise--

21 August 1994

A number of prisoners kicked down a wooden door in the gymnasium and removed the lock. The lock was returned to staff the next morning. The Director and Controller were satisfied that the lock had not been tampered with.

M ajor Miscellaneous Incidents--

8 July 1994

A quantity of amitryptaline was taken from the hospital trolley. Neither the tablets nor the container was found.

6 August 1994

A prisoner complained about the canteen prices and then went on to damage windows in the observation room.

17 August 1994

A prisoner was released in error at Barnsley Magistrates' Court. There was an outstanding warrant to Sheffield Crown Court.

Drug Incidents                                                                      

                     |Type of                                                       

Date of Incident     |Drug/Equipment      |How Found                                


17 July 1994         |Cannabis            |Search of visitor                        

22 July 1994         |Cannabis            |Search of visitor                        

 8 August 1994       |Heroin              |Cell search                              

13 August 1994       |Heroin              |Cell search                              

14 August 1994       |Cannabis            |Information received                     

21 August 1994       |Cannabis            |Search of visitor                        

22 September 1994    |Amphetamines        |Cell search                              

22 September 1994    |Cocaine             |Cell search                              

24 September 1994    |Cocaine             |Property search                          

24 September 1994    |Cocaine             |Cell search                              

Minor Incidents<1> from 20 June 1994 to 30  

September 1994: HMP                         




Minor assaults                |20           

Attempted suicides            |10           

Minor fires                   |4            

Barricade in cell             |1            

Tool loss                     |1            

Miscellaneous minor incidents |12           

<1> Minor incidents are not reported with   

the same detail as major incidents.         

Blackenhurst Prison

Ms Ruddock: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list incidents, giving in each case the date, type of incident with brief details, and the outcome, at Blakenhurst prison since 22 May 1993 to the latest available date.

Mr. Michael Forsyth [holding answer 24 October 1994]: Responsibility for this matter has been delegated to the director general of the Prison Service, who has been asked to arrange for a reply to be given.

Column 943

Letter from Derek Lewis to Ms Joan Ruddock, dated 31 October 1994:

The Home Secretary has asked me to reply to your recent Question asking for a list of incidents, giving in each case the date, type of incident with brief details, and the outcome, at Blakenhurst prison, from 22 May 1993 to the latest available date.

Incidents reported by establishments to Prison Service Headquarters fall into two categories of "major" or "minor" as defined in Prison Service Circular Instruction 18/1988. Details of incidents reported by Blakenhurst during the period in question are attached.

Major Incidents from 22 May 1993 to 30 September 94:HMP Blakenhurst

E scapes--

28 October 1993

After a visit, a prisoner charged with possession of drugs with intent to supply, escaped disguised as a visitor. He was recaptured on 10 November 1993.

5 December 1993

After a visit, a prisoner charged with robbery, escaped from the establishment disguised as a visitor. He was recaptured on 31 December 1993.

E scapes from escorts--

13 October 1993

An unsentenced adult prisoner charged with burglary and attempted burglary, escaped from custody at his father's funeral. He had been released from his handcuffs when he escaped. He was recaptured on 18 November 1993.

23 December 1993

A prisoner charged with child abduction, was admitted to Alexander Hospital in Redditch after having swallowed various items. At 0620 hrs, during a change over of escorting staff, the staff left the room to brief the staff coming on duty. The prisoner escaped by jumping from the window, which was about 20 feet above ground. He was recaptured on 27 December 1993.

15 March 1994

An unsentenced adult prisoner charged with threatening behaviour, escaped from escort by running off through the courtyard of Oldbury Magistrates' Court. He was recaptured on 30 March 1994.

M ajor Assaults--

26 June 1993

A prisoner assaulted a police officer in the reception area, punching him on the head and body. The officer was treated in outside hospital.

21 July 1993

Two prisoners assaulted a custody officer and then punched a second custody officer who had gone to assist. No treatment was required.

8 September 1993

One prisoner was attacked by another prisoner using a pool cue. He was treated in the Health Care Centre.

24 September 1993

A prisoner attacked two custody officers striking one on the head rendering him unconscious. He was treated in outside hospital. 3 October 1993

A prisoner was punched in the face by another prisoner causing bruising to left eye socket. He was treated in the Health Care Centre.

3 October 1993

A prisoner was punched on the head by another prisoner causing bruising. He was treated in the Health Care Centre.

9 October 1993

Three prisoners threw a table and chair at a custody officer causing bruising to his body. He was treated in outside hospital. 9 October 1993

Several prisoners attacked a custody officer punching and kicking him causing bruising to his body. He was treated in outside hospital.

23 December 1993

A custody officer was headbutted and punched by a prisoner. He sustained a minor injury and no treatment required.

Column 944

23 December 1993

A prisoner was attacked with a sharp implement by an unknown assailant. Treated in the Health Care Centre for lacerations. 16 January 1994

A prisoner was attacked by an unknown assailant causing injury to his face and jaw. He was treated in outside hospital.

28 February 1994

A prisoner was assaulted by several unknown assailants sustaining injury to his head and jaw. He was admitted to outside hospital for treatment.

30 May 1994

A prisoner was assaulted by three other prisoners. No injuries were sustained and no treatment was required.

29 June 1994

A prisoner was attached by other prisoners with a blunt instrument causing facial injuries. He was treated in outside hospital.

12 July 1994

A prisoner punched a custody officer in the face causing bruising. No treatment was required.

4 August 1994

A prisoner headbutted a custody officer who suffered slight concussion. He was treated in outside hospital.

13 August 1994

A prisoner punched a custody officer in the face causing a bleeding nose. No treatment was required.

13 August 1994

A prisoner headbutted a custody officer who sustained a split lip. No treatment was required.

9 September 1994

A prisoner assaulted two custody officers. No injuries were sustained.

D eath of Prisoner--

19 September 1994

A civil prisoner charged with failing to pay community charge with a release date of 20 September 1994, was found collapsed in his cell. He was pronounced dead by the doctor; it is believed he died from a heart attack.

Concerted Indiscipline--

9 August 1993

Approximately 50 prisoners refused to return to their cells in protest about the food. The imminent transfer of prisoners to training prisons was also thought to have been an issue.

13 September 1993

At about 21.00 hours, 62 remand prisoners tagged a passive demonstration by refusing to return to their cells. They made a number of complaints but returned to their cells at 23.45 hours having received an undertaking that their grievances would be heard through the normal channels

20 September 1993

A large number of prisoners would not go to their cells at the end of the day. Finally, all were locked in their cells an hour later.

9 October 1993

Fourteen prisoners refused to leave the television room in protest about the re-location of prisoners involved in assaults on staff which had occurred that day. The situation was resolved 1 hours later when a prisoner was located in the Segregation Unit and the remaining prisoners returned to their cells.

31 December 1993

At lock up time in the evening, 35 prisoners from Houseblock 3 refused to return to their cells and passively waited for midnight. At 00.15 hours, all prisoners were in their cells.

10 February 1994

At about 21.30 hours, 80 unconvicted prisoners refused to lock up. The protest was about the evening meal they had received. Gradually, they returned to their cells without the use of force. 24 February 1994

At 15.00 hours, about 150 prisoners took control of Houseblock 3. Most of the staff withdrew, leaving 3 prison custody officers in the houseblock in possession of their keys. The staff were released by the prisoners 15 minutes later unharmed. A set of keys were taken

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