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Miss Widdecombe: These matters are still under consideration.

Mr. McCartney: To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if the jobseeker's allowance will be made available to all of those actively seeking work or training, including those under 18 years of age.

Miss Widdecombe: Our proposals for the jobseeker's allowance are that, as now, unemployed people must seek work actively in order to receive benefit.

All 16 and 17 year-olds are guaranteed a suitable youth training place and most young people under 18 are, therefore, excluded from benefit. These arrangements will continue when jobseeker's allowance is introduced.

Those 16 and 17 year olds required to be available for work and youth training who fall into specified categories

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or who are at risk of unavoidable severe hardship will be paid within the structure of the jobseeker's allowance.

Work Directives

Mr. Byers: To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what directives are expected to be issued by the European Commission over the next six months which effect rights and conditions at work; and when they are due to be published.

Miss Widdecombe: The European Commission's recent White Paper on the future of European social policy states that a new work programme will be presented during 1995 following consultations on the White Paper's proposals. It is not yet known whether draft directives affecting rights and conditions at work will form part of that work programme, and the White Paper makes it clear that there is no consensus between member states about the need for further legislation on labour standards at European level.

Ministerial Meetings

Mr. Byers: To ask the Secretary of State for Employment on what dates in the next 12 months he expects to meet other European employment Ministers; under what auspices; and what subjects are likely to be discussed.

Miss Widdecombe: My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State and I will meet other European employment Ministers in Brussels at the forthcoming Social Affairs Council on 6 December. There will be further Council meetings over the next 12 months under the French and Spanish presidencies and we anticipate a range of bilateral contacts with out opposite numbers. These discussions will cover a range of employment and social affairs issues.


Brendan Smyth

Mr. Mackinlay: To ask the Attorney-General (1) what reasons for the delay in extraditing Brendan Smyth were advanced by officials of the Irish Attorney-General's office during the contacts his officials had with them on 20 September 1993;

(2) what reasons for the delay in extraditing Brendan Smyth were advanced by officials of the Irish Attorney-General's office during the contacts his officials had with them on 18 November 1993 (3) what reasons for the delay in extraditing Brendan Smyth were advanced by the Irish Attorney-General's office during the contacts his officials had with them on 14 October 1993;

(4) what reasons for the delay in extraditing Brendan Smyth were advanced by officials of the Irish Attorney-General's office during the contacts his officials had with them on 6 December 1993; (5) if during their contacts with officials of the Irish Attorney-General's office on 20 September 1993, his officials made a specific request for the early extradition of Brendan Smyth; (6) if during their contacts with officials of the Irish Attorney- General's office on 14 October 1993, his

Column 389

officials made a specific request for the early extradition of Brendan Smyth;

(7) if during their contacts with officials of the Irish Attorney-General's office on 18 November 1993, his officials made a specific request for the early extradition of Brendan Smyth; (8) if during their contacts with officials of the Irish Attorney-General's office on 6 December 1993, his officials made a specific request for the early extradition of Brendan Smyth.

The Attorney-General: It is not customary to divulge dialogue on departmental business between United Kingdom officials and those of a foreign Administration.

Mr. Mackinlay: To ask the Attorney-General what consideration he gave to interceding personally with the Irish Attorney-General when it became clear that the extradition request, in respect of Brendan Smyth, made by the Royal Ulster Constabulary in April 1993 was not being responded to positively by the office of the Irish Attorney-General; and if he will make a statement.

The Attorney-General: I consider that the contacts made by my officials with officials of the Irish Attorney-General's office, the dates of which have already been supplied to the hon. Member, were appropriate to the circumstances of the case.

Mr. Mackinlay: To ask the Attorney-General on which date in 1992 the first approach was made to the Garda or the office of the Irish Attorney- General by the RUC or his office about the possible extradition of Brendan Smyth.

The Attorney-General: I am not aware of any such approach in 1992.

Mr. Mackinlay: To ask the Attorney-General who intimated to his office, and when, that Brendan Smyth was likely on his own volition to surrender himself to the authorities in Northern Ireland.

The Attorney-General: The likelihood was intimated by his solicitor to the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for Northern Ireland towards the end of November 1993, and that information was passed to officials of my Department on 29 November 1993.


Next Steps Agencies

Mr. Kaufman: To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage if he will list the salary and other

Column 390

emoluments of the civil servant who did the work of, or work comparable to that of, the chief executive of each next steps agency established by his Department before the agency was established.

Mr. Sproat [holding answer 24 November 1994]: Prior to the establishment of the agencies, no single posts were responsible for the duties now carried out by the individual chief executives. Direct comparisons are not therefore possible. The details of the grades and staff involved and their salaries are as follows:

Historic Royal Palaces (established 1 October 1989):

Work previously occupied part of the duties of a Grade 3 office (salary at 1 October 1989: £40,900 plus £2,000 London bonus), and part of the duties of a Grade 5 officer (salary at 1 October 1989: £33,991).

The Royal Parks (established 1 April 1993):

Work previously occupied one full time Grade 6 officer (salary at 1 April 1993: £44,390) and part of the duties of a Grade 5 officer (salary at 1 April 1993: £49,790)

All salary figures quoted are the scale maxima for London, but exclude any performance pay. It is not possible to estimate the amount of time spent on agency business by those officers only spending part of their time on it.

In addition to the posts detailed above, a small amount of the time of a grade 2 officer and the Permanent Secretary would also have been taken up with matters now dealt with by the chief executive.

Sports Stadiums

Mr. Austin Mitchell: To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage if he will list the grants and loans currently available for the erection and development of sports stadiums for Football Association and other sports grounds.

Mr. Sproat [holding answer 24 November 1994]: Government funds for the erection and development of sports stadiums are mainly channelled through the Football Trust for Football, and the Foundation for Sport and the Arts elsewhere. In addition, Sportsmatch, the Governments's business sponsorship incentive scheme for sport, can award pound-for-pound matching funding for new or increased sponsorship of capital schemes aimed at grass roots sports, including sports grounds. The Sports Council may from time to time make grants towards capital projects at sports grounds. The council may also make interest-fee loans of up to £10,000 to assist in the provision of new or improved sports facilities or social amenities.

A table detailing the various grant and loan regimes administered by these bodies follows;

Column 389

Type of grant/loan                                                                     |Grant/loan                                                                            |Eligibility                                                                                                                                                                  



Football Trust                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Major Projects Scheme (Capital projects to                                             |Grant                                                                                 |FA Premier League, Football League, Scottish                                                                                                                                 

  meet the recommendations of the Taylor                                                                                                                                      |Football League clubs, and the National                                                                                                                                      

  Report)                                                                                                                                                                     |Stadia.                                                                                                                                                                      


Safety Scheme (Capital projects to meet local                                          |GrantFA Premier League, Football League,                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

  authority safety certification requirements)                                         |and Scottish Football League clubs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

  eg. CCTV, Floodlighting, PA Systems.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


Ground Improvements Scheme eg. Toilets,                                                |Grant                                                                                 |FA Premier League, Football League, and                                                                                                                                      

  Family Facilities, Facilities for People with                                                                                                                               | Scottish Football League clubs.                                                                                                                                             



Transport Improvements Scheme                                                          |Grant                                                                                 |FA Premier League, Football League, and                                                                                                                                      

                                                                                                                                                                              |  Scottish Football League clubs.                                                                                                                                            


Police Charges and Stewarding                                                          |Grant                                                                                 |Football League,                                                                                                                                                             

                                                                                                                                                                              |Scottish Football League, and GM Vauxhall Conference clubs.                                                                                                                  


FA Contribution Account (Capital projects                                              |Grant                                                                                 |FA Premier League, and Football League                                                                                                                                       

  associated with; staging Euro `96, meeting                                                                                                                                  |clubs.                                                                                                                                                                       

  the recommendations of the Taylor Report,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

  and encouraging the development of the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

  grassroots game)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


FA Premier League Grant Scheme (Capital                                                |Grant                                                                                 |FA Premier League clubs.                                                                                                                                                     

  projects to meet either; local authority                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

  safety certification requirements, the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

  recommendations of the Taylor Report, or                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

  ground grading criteria)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


FA Premier League Loan Scheme (Capital                                                 |Loan                                                                                  |FA Premier League clubs.                                                                                                                                                     

  projects to meet local authority safety                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  certification requirements.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


Football League and Scottish Football                                                  |Loan                                                                                  |Football League and Scottish Football                                                                                                                                        

  League loan scheme (Capital projects to                                                                                                                                     |League clubs.                                                                                                                                                                

  meet the recommendations of the Taylor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    



GM Vauxhall Conference Scheme (Capital                                                 |Grant                                                                                 |GM Vauxhall Conference clubs.                                                                                                                                                

  projects to meet local authority safety                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  certification requirements).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


Pyramid Safety Scheme (Capital projects to                                             |Grant                                                                                 |Non-League Football clubs (except GM                                                                                                                                         

  meet local authority safety certification                                                                                                                                   |Vauxhall Conference).                                                                                                                                                        



Foundation for Sport and the Arts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


Capital and Revenue sports schemes                                                     |Grant                                                                                 |All sports grounds, except football                                                                                                                                          




Capital and Revenue grassroots sports                                                  |Grant                                                                                 |Grassroots sports organisations.                                                                                                                                             

  schemes, matching funds secured from                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      



The Sports Council                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


Capital Projects at sports grounds.                                                    |Grant                                                                                 |All sports grounds.                                                                                                                                                          

Sports Facilities/Social Amenities                                                     |Loan                                                                                  |All sports grounds.                                                                                                                                                          


Student Loans

Mr. Cohen: To ask the Secretary of State for Education if she will issue guidelines to colleges and universities to ensure that no such establishment shall withhold or delay the issuing of an achieved diploma or certificate until a student loan has been repaid; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Boswell: My right hon. Friend does not intend to issue such guidelines. College and university regulations covering the issue of academic awards are for institutions to determine.


Mr. Cohen: To ask the Secretary of State for Education if she will list for the last school year the number of exclusions from schools in each local authority area together with a summary of the principal reasons for such exclusions if available.

Mr. Forth: This information is not available centrally. Reports on maintained schools published by Ofsted do, however, include details of the number of exclusions in the 12 months preceding the school's inspection.

Mr. Blunkett: To ask the Secretary of State for Education what plans she has to publish data on school exclusions.

Column 392

Mr. Forth: Reports on maintained schools published by Ofsted include information about exclusions in the 12 months preceding the school's inspection. My right hon. Friend is considering whether there is a need to supplement that information with any further published data on school exclusions.

Student Maintenance Awards

Mr. Bryan Davies: To ask the Secretary of State for Education what information she has regarding the comparative levels of Government spending per student or otherwise on student maintenance awards, excluding the payment of tuition fees, in each of the member states of the European Union.

Mr. Boswell: Systems of financial support for students undertaking higher education courses vary widely across the EU, and the information requested is not available in a comparable form. The guide "The Main Systems of Financial Assistance for Students in Higher Education in the European Community", published by EURYDICE, provides a useful summary of the system in each member state. Copies were placed in the Library earlier this year.

Student Loans Company

Mr. Bryan Davies: To ask the Secretary of State for Education what is the current level of the United Kingdom grant-in-aid for the running costs of the Student Loans Company Ltd.

Column 393

Mr. Boswell: Provision in the Supply estimates for the running costs of the Student Loans Company is £19.392 million for the financial year 1994 95.

Mr. Bryan Davies: To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many representations she has received in the current academic year regarding delays in the processing of applications for student loans by the Student Loans Company Ltd.

Mr. Boswell: My right hon. Friend has received three letters about delays in the processing of loans. The Department has also received a number of telephone calls from both students and higher education institutions.

Mr. Blunkett: To ask the Secretary of State for Education whether the Student Loans Company is on target for repayments in 1994 95.

Mr. Boswell: The Student Loans Company has been set a target of collecting 94.5 per cent. of all moneys due by the end of the 1994 95 financial year. As at 31 October 1994, it had collected 93.5 per cent. of moneys due at that date. The company estimates that it will achieve the target for the financial year.

Asylum Seekers

Mr. Bryan Davies: To ask the Secretary of State for Education what plans he has to charge asylum seekers full overseas student fee levels in respect of courses undertaken part-time in institutions of higher education.

Mr. Boswell: We are currently consulting institutions of further and higher education, and bodies concerned with student welfare, refugees and asylum seekers, about a proposal to amend the Education (Fees and Awards) Regulations to allow institutions to recoup full-cost fees from part-time overseas students, to fall in line with the regulations for full-time students. This could potentially affect asylum seekers as well as other students from overseas, but not those already granted refugee status or exceptional leave to remain. Institutions would not, however, be obliged to charge a higher fee and would be free to use their discretion.

The consultation period ends on 30 November and a decision on possible amendment of the regulations will be made in the new year.

Further Education Colleges (Governors)

Mr. Bryan Davies: To ask the Secretary of State for Education on how many occasions she has given written approval to governing bodies of further education colleges for the remuneration of governors for their activities as governors and/or the taking and holding of an interest in college property in the current and two preceding financial years.

Mr. Boswell: None.

Teaching Qualifications

Mr. Bryan Davies: To ask the Secretary of State for Education (1) what plans she has to introduce new competency-based vocational teaching qualifications for further education lecturers;

(2) what instructions she has given to the Further Education Development Association to prepare for the creation of an education lead body for vocational teaching qualifications.

Column 394

Mr. Boswell: A preliminary review of the occupations in the further education sector and closely related areas will be undertaken during the first half of 1995. It is envisaged that the project steering committee for this work will be chaired by the chief executive of the Further Education Development Association. The outcome of the review will help inform decisions on any future lead body arrangements to consider vocational teaching qualifications in the further education sector.

Grant-maintained Schools

Mr. Blunkett: To ask the Secretary of State for Education how much of the underspend in grant-maintained schools in 1993 94 contained in class X, vote 1 of the appropriation accounts 1993 94 will be returned to local authorities to spend on schools.

Mr. Robin Squire: The accounts report an underspend in provision voted for recurrent expenditure on grant-maintained schools in 1993 94 of £102.674 million. Of that underspend, £88.348 million was in annual maintenance grants and £14.326 million in other grants. Expenditure by the Department on annual maintenance grants is recouped in full from local authorities. The reduction in the amount of grant required to be paid therefore resulted in a corresponding reduction in the amount required to be recouped. As a result, the underspend on annual maintenance grants remained within local authority budgets.

Mr. Blunkett: To ask the Secretary of State for Education if she will break down the expenditure on grant-maintained schools, class X, vote 1 of the appropriation accounts 1993 94 to give the Department's contribution and the element of local government total standard spending involved.

Mr. Robin Squire: Total recurrent expenditure on grant-maintained schools in 1993 94 breaks down as follows:-

                            |£ million          


Annual maintenance grants   |1,011.652          

Other grants                |54.692             

Total recurrent expenditure |1,066.344          

Expenditure on annual maintenance grants was    

recouped from local authority budgets. Thus,    

the remaining £54.692 million represents the    

Department's net contribution.                  

College Lecturers

Mr. Bryan Davies: To ask the Secretary of State for Education what is the total number of lecturers employed in further education colleges.

Mr. Boswell: The total number of academic staff in LEA maintained colleges of further education in England in 1992 93 was 59,830; figures for part-time staff have been converted to full-time equivalents.

Mr. Bryan Davies: To ask the Secretary of State for Education what is the average cost to public funds of (a) a further education lecturer and (b) a higher education lecturer taking early retirement on health grounds.

Mr. Boswell: The information requested is not available. However, the average pension and retirement lump sum of all teachers and lecturers retiring on health

Column 395

grounds within the teachers' superannuation scheme is shown in the table.

                 |Average Pension |Average Lump Sum                 

                 |£               |£                                


Male             |8,912           |26,738                           

Female           |7,174           |21,518                           

Secondary Schools (Admission Procedures)

Mr. Stern: To ask the Secretary of State for Education if she will publish guidance to secondary schools on

Column 396

whether they should, in appropriate circumstances, include an interview with parents in their admission procedures.

Mr. Robin Squire: Guidance on the use of interviews in school admission procedures is contained in circular 6/93, "Admissions to maintained schools". This was issued to all schools in July 1993.

Further Education Colleges

Mr. Bryan Davies: To ask the Secretary of State for Education what was the ratio of academic staff to students in further education colleges in each of the last five years.

Mr. Boswell: Information for the most recently available five years is as follows.

Column 395

LEA-maintained colleges: Further Education Student Staff Ratios<1>               

               |1988-89<2>|1989-90<2>|1990-91   |1991-92   |1992-93              



  colleges     |10.2      |10.8      |11.1      |12.0      |12.6                 


DFE surveys; Further Education Student Record, teachers in the maintained sector 

return (Form 618G) and the Annual Monitoring Survey.                             


<1> Part-time students and members of staff heve been converted pro-rata to      

full-time equivalents;                                                           

<2> The figures for 1988-89 and 1989-90 include the FE element of PCFC colleges. 

Grants for Education Support and Training

Mr. Blunkett: To ask the Secretary for Education if she will list, for each local authority, for (a) 1992 93, (b) 1993 94 and (c) 1994--95 the amount of money received from the training of youth and community workers category of GEST.

Mr. Boswell: The expenditure supported through the GEST programme for training for youth and community work for each local education authority in each year is set out in the table.

GEST allocations to LEAs for training of youth and         



                       |1992-93 |1993-94 |1994-95          

LEAs                   |(£000)  |(£000)  |(£000)           


Corporation of London  |0.0     |0.0     |0.0              

Camden                 |5.0     |5.0     |4.4              

Greenwich              |5.0     |6.3     |5.7              

Hackney                |5.0     |5.8     |3.0              

Hammersmith            |5.0     |5.0     |1.9              

Islington              |5.0     |5.0     |2.7              

Kensington and Chelsea |5.0     |5.0     |1.5              

Lambeth                |5.0     |5.9     |2.3              

Lewisham               |5.0     |6.1     |4.9              

Southwark              |5.0     |6.1     |3.6              

Tower Hamlets          |5.0     |5.0     |4.1              

Wandsworth             |5.0     |6.0     |2.4              

Westminster            |5.0     |5.0     |3.0              

Barking                |5.0     |5.0     |3.7              

Barnet                 |5.0     |9.1     |6.7              

Bexley                 |5.0     |5.9     |5.9              

Brent                  |5.0     |6.9     |4.2              

Bromley                |5.0     |8.2     |2.5              

Croydon                |5.0     |9.0     |7.0              

Ealing                 |5.0     |7.9     |3.1              

Enfield                |5.0     |7.5     |7.1              

Haringey               |5.0     |5.0     |3.7              

Harrow                 |5.0     |5.7     |4.1              

Havering               |5.0     |6.4     |6.6              

Hillingdon             |5.0     |6.4     |2.0              

Hounslow               |5.0     |5.8     |5.7              

Kingston upon Thames   |5.0     |5.0     |2.8              

Merton                 |5.0     |5.0     |3.4              

Newham                 |5.0     |6.0     |5.3              

Redbridge              |5.0     |6.2     |6.2              

Richmond upon Thames   |5.0     |6.0     |2.7              

Sutton                 |5.0     |5.0     |2.8              

Waltham Forest         |5.0     |5.7     |4.8              

Birmingham             |11.5    |29.4    |25.6             

Coventry               |5.0     |8.8     |7.6              

Dudley                 |5.0     |8.4     |6.9              

Sandwell               |5.0     |8.3     |7.2              

Solihull               |5.0     |6.0     |6.4              

Walsall                |5.0     |7.6     |6.8              

Wolverhampton          |5.0     |7.2     |5.7              

Knowsley               |5.0     |5.0     |3.5              

Liverpool              |5.3     |13.4    |11.8             

St.Helens              |5.0     |5.6     |5.2              

Sefton                 |5.0     |8.5     |7.8              

Wirral                 |5.0     |9.7     |8.9              

Bolton                 |5.0     |8.0     |6.9              

Bury                   |5.0     |5.1     |4.2              

Manchester             |5.3     |12.6    |9.9              

Oldham                 |5.0     |6.6     |6.5              

Rochdale               |5.0     |6.5     |4.9              

Salford                |5.0     |6.6     |5.3              

Stockport              |5.0     |8.3     |7.9              

Tameside               |5.0     |6.1     |5.4              

Trafford               |5.0     |5.8     |4.3              

Wigan                  |5.0     |9.2     |8.4              

Barnsley               |5.0     |6.5     |4.5              

Doncaster              |5.0     |8.7     |8.1              

Rotherham              |5.0     |7.5     |7.3              

Sheffield              |5.7     |13.6    |10.4             

Bradford               |5.7     |14.6    |13.0             

Calderdale             |5.0     |5.8     |4.7              

Kirklees               |5.0     |11.2    |9.9              

Leeds                  |8.1     |20.1    |17.5             

Wakefield              |5.0     |9.0     |7.6              

Gateshead              |5.0     |5.6     |4.8              

Newcastle upon Tyne    |5.0     |7.7     |6.1              

North Tyneside         |5.0     |5.2     |5.1              

South Tyneside         |5.0     |5.0     |3.5              

Sunderland             |5.0     |9.0     |7.3              

Isle of Scilly         |0.0     |0.0     |0.0              

Avon                   |10.7    |26.2    |22.0             

Bedfordshire           |6.1     |16.1    |13.4             

Berkshire              |9.9     |23.0    |16.3             

Buckinghamshire        |7.7     |20.4    |16.3             

Cambridgeshire         |8.1     |20.0    |15.2             

Cheshire               |10.8    |27.8    |26.5             

Cleveland              |6.5     |15.9    |16.4             

Cornwall               |5.0     |13.6    |11.8             

Cumbria                |5.4     |13.9    |10.5             

Derbyshire             |10.2    |26.4    |21.3             

Devon                  |11.3    |30.2    |23.0             

Dorset                 |6.9     |18.9    |12.7             

Durham                 |6.9     |16.5    |15.1             

East Sussex            |7.5     |19.6    |15.0             

Essex                  |16.9    |43.9    |30.8             

Gloucestershire        |5.9     |16.0    |7.9              

Hampshire              |18.1    |48.3    |35.4             

Hereford and Worcester |8.1     |21.6    |17.6             

Hertfordshire          |11.6    |29.4    |24.8             

Humberside             |10.2    |25.7    |23.8             

Isle of Wight          |5.0     |5.0     |3.2              

Kent                   |17.7    |46.3    |30.8             

Lancashire             |15.5    |41.4    |31.4             

Leicestershire         |10.8    |26.1    |24.5             

Lincolnshire           |6.3     |17.2    |9.5              

Norfolk                |8.4     |21.7    |16.3             

North Yorkshire        |8.3     |21.4    |18.2             

Northamptonshire       |6.8     |18.3    |13.0             

Northumberland         |5.0     |8.8     |9.1              

Nottinghamshire        |11.4    |28.1    |25.4             

Oxfordshire            |7.5     |18.2    |13.1             

Shropshire             |5.0     |13.2    |11.0             

Somerset               |5.8     |14.9    |10.1             

Staffordshire          |11.5    |29.4    |26.1             

Suffolk                |7.7     |20.1    |16.0             

Surrey                 |11.7    |29.4    |18.7             

Warwickshire           |5.7     |13.8    |10.7             

West Sussex            |8.0     |20.7    |18.0             

Wiltshire              |6.5     |17.5    |12.6             


Total                  |700.0   |1,400.00|1,100.00         

Mr. Blunkett: To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many authorities bid for funds from the reducing truancy category of GEST for (a) 1992 93, (b) 1993 94 and (c) 1994 95; and if she will list the successful authorities and the amount they received for both years.

Mr. Forth: The "Reducing Truancy" category of the grants for education support and training scheme was introduced in 1992 and expanded into a "Truancy and Disaffected Pupils" category in 1993. In the first, 1993 94, round there were 82 bids and 74 were successful. For the 1994 95 round, there were 101 bids, of which 86 were successful. Details of individual allocations are as follows:

GEST scheme 1993-94: Reducing Truancy                                

Approved Expenditure (on which DFE pays 60 per cent. grant)          

LEA                        |Allocation (£ 000's)                     


Barnsley                   |106.7                                    

Bedfordshire               |166.0                                    

Berkshire                  |94.3                                     

Birmingham                 |282.3                                    

Bradford                   |200.0                                    

Brent                      |250.0                                    

Camden                     |148.7                                    

Cheshire                   |130.0                                    

Cleveland                  |130.0                                    

Coventry                   |167.5                                    

Croydon                    |102.4                                    

Derbyshire                 |165.4                                    

Devon<1>                   |157.5                                    

Doncaster                  |99.8                                     

Dorset                     |71.1                                     

Dudley                     |185.0                                    

Durham<1>                  |160.0                                    

East Sussex                |60.0                                     

Enfield                    |118.0                                    

Gateshead                  |160.0                                    

Gloucestershire            |116.0                                    

Greenwich                  |216.7                                    

Hackney                    |205.0                                    

Hammersmith                |70.0                                     

Hampshire                  |192.0                                    

Haringey                   |145.0                                    

Hertfordshire              |83.0                                     

Hillingdon                 |45.0                                     

Hounslow                   |50.4                                     

Humberside                 |139.0                                    

Isle of Wight              |19.2                                     

Islington                  |156.6.                                   

Kensington                 |117.1                                    

Kent                       |96.5                                     

Kirklees<1>                |153.5                                    

Knowsley                   |195.0                                    

Lancashire                 |208.2                                    

Leeds                      |352.9                                    

Leicestershire             |224.1                                    

Lewisham                   |114.0                                    

Liverpool                  |181.6                                    

Manchester                 |357.3                                    

Merton                     |31.2                                     

Newcastle upon Tyne        |200.0                                    

Newham                     |150.0                                    

Norfolk                    |65.4                                     

North Tyneside             |80.6                                     

Northamptonshire           |83.0                                     

Nottighamshire             |200.0                                    

Oldham                     |83.4                                     

Oxfordshire                |150.0                                    

Rochdale                   |120.0                                    

Rotheram                   |74.3                                     

Salford                    |77.8                                     

Sandwell                   |184.0                                    

Sefton                     |68.9                                     

Sheffield                  |90.0                                     

Solihull                   |10.0                                     

South Tyneside             |81.5                                     

Southwark                  |68.7                                     

Staffordshire              |23.8                                     

Stockport                  |200.0                                    

Sunderland                 |24.3                                     

Tameside                   |161.0                                    

Tower Hamlets              |213.0                                    

Trafford                   |40.0                                     

Wakefield                  |95.0                                     

Walsall                    |152.5                                    

Waltham Forest             |37.5                                     

Wandsworth                 |158.0                                    

Warwickshire               |51.0                                     

Westminster                |16.0                                     

Wirral                     |107.5                                    

Wolverhampton              |116.3                                    


74 LEAs Total allocations: |9,607.5                                  

<1>subsequently indicated unable to take up allocation.              

Gest scheme 1994-95 truancy and disaffected      

pupils approved                                  

expenditure (on which DFE pays 60 per cent.      


LEA                        |Allocation           

                           |(£ 000's)            


Avon                       |116.0                

Barking and Dagenham       |60.5                 

Barnet                     |43.5                 

Barnsley                   |144.4                

Bedfordshire               |162.0                

Berkshire                  |99.4                 

Bexley                     |48.5                 

Birmingham                 |501.2                

Bradford                   |270.3                

Brent                      |320.0                

Buckinghamshire<2>         |111.7                

Bury                       |71.5                 

Cambridgeshire             |189.4                

Camden                     |185.1                

Cheshire                   |211.0                

Cleveland                  |130.0                

Cornwall                   |168.0                

Coventry                   |191.2                

Croydon                    |104.0                

Cumbria                    |170.0                

Derbyshire                 |233.3                

Devon                      |179.5                

Doncaster                  |132.8                

Dorset                     |124.2                

Dudley                     |215.0                

Ealing                     |112.0                

East Sussex                |268.0                

Essex                      |130.5                

Gateshead                  |160.0                

Hammersmith and Fulham     |145.0                

Hampshire                  |480.3                

Haringey                   |171.0                

Harrow                     |73.1                 

Havering                   |59.7                 

Hertfordshire              |197.9                

Hillingdon                 |47.0                 

Hounslow                   |53.4                 

Humberside                 |175.0                

Isle of Wight              |12.0                 

Islington                  |216.3                

Kensington and Chelsea     |132.0                

Kent                       |188.7                

Kirklees                   |225.7                

Knowsley                   |342.0                

Lambeth                    |138.0                

Lancashire                 |336.6                

Leeds                      |550.2                

Leicestershire             |206.3                

Lewisham                   |208.5                

Lincolnshire               |25.0                 

Liverpool                  |255.0                

Merton                     |175.0                

Newcastle upon Tyne        |235.9                

Newham                     |255.2                

Norfolk                    |111.5                

Northamptonshire           |101.3                

North Tyneside             |90.3                 

Nottinghamshire            |205.0                

Oxfordshire                |150.0                

Rotherham<2>               |89.3                 

St. Helens                 |128.0                

Salford                    |122.6                

Sandwell<2>                |355.0                

Sefton                     |127.5                

Sheffield                  |90.0                 

Shropshire                 |59.2                 

Solihull                   |13.0                 

Somerset                   |47.0                 

South Tyneside             |201.0                

Southwark                  |87.3                 

Staffordshire              |270.0                

Stockport                  |210.0                

Suffolk                    |75.0                 

Sutton                     |81.2                 

Tameside                   |161.0                

Tower Hamlets              |362.2                

Trafford                   |36.0                 

Wakefield                  |118.6                

Wandsworth                 |157.4                

Warwickshire               |115.0                

Westminster                |34.0                 

West Sussex                |156.0                

Wigan                      |230.0                

Wiltshire                  |25.0                 

Wirral                     |104.7                

Wolverhampton              |180.6                


86 LEAs Total allocations: |14,052.5             

<2> subsequently indicated unable to take up all 

or part of allocation.                           

Mr. Blunkett: To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many authorities bid for youth action funds from GEST for (a) 1992 93, (b) 1993 94 and (c) 1994--95; and if she will list the successful authorities and the amount they received for each year.

Mr. Boswell: Funding for the youth action scheme through the GEST programme began in 1993 94. Bids were received from 94 authorities in 1993 94 and 34 in 1994 95.

The successful authorities and the amount of expenditure supported in each year are set out in the table.

GEST allocations to LEAs for youth action      



LEAs                   |(£000) |(£000)         


Corporation of London  |0.0    |0.0            

Camden                 |139.0  |105.0          

Greenwich              |147.0  |93.0           

Hackney                |0.0    |0.0            

Hammersmith            |0.0    |0.0            

Islington              |0.0    |0.0            

Kensington & Chelsea   |0.0    |0.0            

Lambeth                |0.0    |0.0            

Lewisham               |0.0    |0.0            

Southwark              |0.0    |0.0            

Tower Hamlets          |147.0  |104.0          

Wandsworth             |0.0    |0.0            

Westminster            |0.0    |0.0            

Barking                |0.0    |0.0            

Barnet                 |0.0    |0.0            

Bexley                 |0.0    |0.0            

Brent                  |0.0    |0.0            

Bromley                |0.0    |0.0            

Croydon                |0.0    |0.0            

Ealing                 |147.0  |90.0           

Enfield                |147.0  |97.0           

Haringey               |147.0  |93.0           

Harrow                 |147.0  |83.0           

Havering               |0.0    |0.0            

Hillington             |0.0    |0.0            

Hounslow               |0.0    |0.0            

Kingston upon Thames   |0.0    |0.0            

Merton                 |0.0    |0.0            

Newham                 |147.0  |93.0           

Redbridge              |0.0    |0.0            

Richmond upon Thames   |0.0    |0.0            

Sutton                 |108.2  |113.0          

Waltham Forest         |147.0  |91.0           

Birmingham             |0.0    |0.0            

Coventry               |147.0  |93.0           

Dudley                 |147.0  |133.0          

Sandwell               |0.0    |0.0            

Solihull               |99.0   |72.0           

Walsall                |0.0    |0.0            

Wolverhampton          |73.5   |60.0           

Knowsley               |0.0    |0.0            

Liverpool              |0.0    |0.0            

St Helens              |0.0    |0.0            

Sefton                 |0.0    |0.0            

Wirral                 |0.0    |0.0            

Bolton                 |0.0    |0.0            

Bury                   |0.0    |0.0            

Manchester             |147.0  |109.0          

Oldham                 |0.0    |0.0            

Rochdale               |0.0    |0.0            

Salford                |0.0    |0.0            

Stockport              |0.0    |0.0            

Tameside               |0.0    |0.0            

Trafford               |0.0    |0.0            

Wigan                  |0.0    |0.0            

Barnsley               |0.0    |0.0            

Doncaster              |143.0  |105.0          

Rotherham              |138.3  |132.0          

Sheffield              |0.0    |0.0            

Bradford               |147.0  |131.0          

Calderdale             |0.0    |0.0            

Kirklees               |0.0    |0.0            

Leeds                  |0.0    |0.0            

Wakefield              |0.0    |0.0            

Gateshead              |147.0  |0.0            

Newcastle upon Tyne    |0.0    |0.0            

North Tyneside         |147.0  |91.0           

South Tyneside         |0.0    |0.0            

Sunderland             |0.0    |0.0            

Isles of Scilly        |0.0    |0.0            

Avon                   |0.0    |0.0            

Bedfordshire           |0.0    |0.0            

Berkshire              |0.0    |0.0            

Buckinghamshire        |0.0    |0.0            

Cambridgeshire         |147.0  |91.0           

Cheshire               |147.0  |97.0           

Cleveland              |0.0    |0.0            

Cornwall               |0.0    |0.0            

Cumbria                |147.0  |130.0          

Derbyshire             |0.0    |0.0            

Devon                  |0.0    |0.0            

Dorset                 |0.0    |0.0            

Durham                 |0.0    |0.0            

East Sussex            |0.0    |0.0            

Essex                  |0.0    |0.0            

Gloucestershire        |147.0  |92.0           

Hampshire              |0.0    |0.0            

Hereford and Worcester |0.0    |0.0            

Hertfordshire          |147.0  |156.0          

Humberside             |0.0    |0.0            

Isle of Wight          |0.0    |0.0            

Kent                   |0.0    |0.0            

Lancashire             |147.0  |135.0          

Leicestershire         |0.0    |0.0            

Lincolnshire           |0.0    |0.0            

Norfolk                |0.0    |0.0            

North Yorkshire        |0.0    |0.0            

Northamptonshire       |0.0    |0.0            

Northumberland         |0.0    |0.0            

Nottinghamshire        |147.0  |105.0          

Oxfordshire            |147.0  |108.0          

Shropshire             |0.0    |0.0            

Somerset               |147.0  |98.0           

Staffordshire          |0.0    |0.0            

Suffolk                |0.0    |0.0            

Surrey                 |0.0    |0.0            

Warwickshire           |0.0    |0.0            

West Sussex            |0.0    |0.0            

Wiltshire              |0.0    |0.0            


TOTAL                  |4,082.0|2,900.0        

Mr. Blunkett: To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many authorities bid for funds from the raising standards in inner-city schools category of GEST for (a) 1992 93, (b) 1993 94 and (c) 1994 95; and if she will list the successful authorities and the amount they received for each year.

Mr. Robin Squire: Bids for funds from the grant "Raising Standards in Inner City Schools" were received from 52 authorities in 1992 93, 47 in 1993 94 and 38 in 1994 95.

The successful authorities and the amount of expenditure supported for each year are set out in the table. The allocations were paid from the Department's GEST programme in 1992 93 and 1993 94. Allocations for 1994 95 are being paid under the auspices of the single regeneration budget, which is the responsibility of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment.

Mr. Blunkett: To ask the Secretary of State for Education how many authorities bid for funds from the raising standards in inner-city schools category of GEST for (a) 1992 93, (b) 1993 94 and (c) 1994 95; and if she will list the successful authorities and the amount they received for each year.

Mr. Robin Squire: Bids for funds from the grant "Raising Standards in Inner City Schools" were received from 52 authorities in 1992 93, 47 in 1993 94 and 38 in 1994 95.

The successful authorities and the amount of expenditure supported for each year are set out in the table. The allocations were paid from the Department's GEST programme in 1992 93 and 1993 94. Allocations for 1994 95 are being paid under the auspices of the single regeneration budget, which is the responsibility of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment.

Column 401

Raising standards in inner city schools allocations to LEAs                                 

LEA                  1992-93                    1993-94                    1994-95          

                    |ESG     |LEATG   |Total   |ESG     |LEATG   |Total   |SRB              

                    |(£000)  |(£000)  |(£000)  |(£000)  |(£000)  |(£000)  |(£000)           


Greenwich           |110.8   |82.5    |193.3   |98.7    |117.0   |215.7   |160.8            

Hackney             |52.3    |70.0    |122.3   |118.4   |61.0    |179.4   |305.2            

Hammersmith         |179.5   |42.5    |222.0   |240.2   |120.1   |360.3   |277.0            

Islington           |256.8   |87.5    |344.4   |186.0   |139.3   |325.3   |191.2            

Lambeth             |146.7   |105.5   |252.2   |279.7   |136.3   |416.0   |276.9            

Lewisham            |162.5   |87.5    |250.0   |162.2   |96.6    |258.8   |258.8            

Southwark           |78.0    |72.0    |150.0   |121.5   |60.8    |182.3   |142.9            

Tower Hamlets       |353.2   |38.4    |391.6   |339.1   |218.5   |557.6   |528.3            

Wandsworth          |103.0   |69.0    |172.0   |296.0   |129.0   |425.0   |469.9            

Brent               |129.0   |36.0    |165.0   |282.0   |52.7    |334.7   |336.6            

Haringey            |-       |-       |-       |104.3   |52.1    |156.4   |-                

Newham              |-       |-       |-       |212.7   |33.8    |246.5   |-                

Birmingham          |192.3   |77.7    |270.0   |351.6   |44.4    |396.0   |680.6            

Dudley              |202.5   |92.2    |294.7   |229.3   |112.0   |341.3   |327.1            

Walsall             |-       |-       |-       |14.0    |3.5     |17.5    |-                

Wolverhampton       |254.6   |51.8    |306.4   |186.1   |93.0    |279.1   |366.7            

Knowsley            |-       |-       |-       |71.5    |38.5    |110.0   |-                

St Helens           |36.0    |38.3    |74.4    |61.4    |31.0    |92.4    |98.5             

Wirral              |126.8   |141.4   |268.2   |151.6   |140.0   |291.6   |289.8            

Bolton              |-       |-       |-       |41.0    |21.9    |62.9    |-                

Manchester          |484.9   |15.1    |500.0   |544.5   |91.3    |635.8   |555.2            

Barnsley            |111.0   |54.0    |165.0   |187.4   |12.6    |200.0   |538.9            

Doncaster           |102.1   |58.9    |161.0   |73.3    |93.2    |166.5   |254.0            

Rotherham           |29.5    |73.6    |103.1   |79.5    |27.5    |107.0   |108.8            

Sheffield           |134.0   |66.0    |200.0   |150.0   |75.0    |225.0   |265.0            

Bradford            |163.0   |337.0   |500.0   |328.6   |296.4   |625.0   |343.0            

Kirdklees           |-       |-       |-       |73.2    |39.4    |112.6   |-                

Leeds               |271.3   |30.0    |301.3   |247.6   |12.4    |260.0   |272.3            

Gateshead           |134.0   |66.0    |200.0   |138.7   |68.3    |207.0   |207.0            

Newcastle upon Tyne |212.9   |65.2    |278.1   |202.6   |60.0    |262.6   |279.0            

North Tyneside      |125.0   |29.8    |154.8   |121.1   |17.0    |138.1   |131.7            

South Tyneside      |-       |-       |-       |130.0   |70.0    |200.0   |-                

Avon                |88.1    |43.0    |131.1   |-       |-       |-       |-                

Cheshire            |-       |-       |-       |134.0   |66.0    |200.0   |-                

Cleveland           |97.5    |52.5    |150.0   |107.9   |58.1    |166.0   |127.0            

Derbyshire          |-       |-       |-       |125.0   |58.0    |183.0   |-                

Humberside          |-       |-       |-       |130.0   |70.0    |200.0   |-                

Lancashire          |-       |-       |-       |397.0   |192.0   |589.0   |-                

Nottingham          |180.0   |120.0   |300.0   |380.4   |128.1   |508.5   |173.1            


Total               |4,517.4 |2,103.4 |6,620.8 |7,098.1 |3,136.8 |10,234.9|7,965.1          


Emergency Hospital Admissions

Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will provide a table showing the number of emergency hospital admissions by region for each of the last five years.

Mr. Moss: The information requested is shown in the table.

                    |Number of emergency                    

                    |admissions in                          

                    |Northern Ireland                       


                    |psychiatric and                        


1989-90             |120,234                                

1990-91             |118,148                                

1991-92             |123,402                                

1992-93             |121,336                                

1993-94             |125,988                                

NHS Trusts

Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what has been the turnover of each NHS trust in each year since its inception.

Column 404

Mr. Moss: Six trusts were established in Northern Ireland from 1 April 1993. The turnover of each trust for 1993 94 was as follows:



Belfast City Hospital Trust               |79,678         

Eastern Ambulance Trust                   |6,491          

Greenpark Trust                           |41,414         

Royal Group of Hospitals Trust            |113,621        

Ulster, North Down & Ards Hospitals Trust |48,951         

Craigavon Group of Hospitals Trust        |39,883         

Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland which NHS trusts failed to (a) break even, (b) keep within the external financing limit and (c) record a 6 per cent. return on capital; and by what percentage and sum in each year since their inception.

Mr. Moss: Six trusts were established in Northern Ireland from 1 April 1993. No trust failed to break even, or failed to keep within its external financing limit. The Royal Group of Hospitals trust was the only trust which did not record a 6 per cent. return. Its return was 5.9 per cent.

Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what surpluses or deficits were recorded by each individual NHS trust in each year since its inception.

Column 405

Mr. Moss: Six trusts were established in Northern Ireland from 1 April 1993. Surpluses were recorded by each individual health and social services trust in 1993 94 as follows:-

                                          |£ (000's)          


Belfast City Hospital Trust               |2,628              

Eastern Ambulance Trust                   |88                 

Greenpark Trust                           |876                

Royal Group of Hospitals Trust            |1,594              

Ulster, North Down & Ards Hospitals Trust |797                

Craigavon Group of Hospitals Trust        |686                

NHS Private Facilities

Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many patients have been treated in NHS hospitals' private facilities in each of the last five years, by region.

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