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General Practitioner Lists

Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will itemise the number of patients who have been removed from general practitioner lists because of (a) registration with another doctor, (b) the death or resignation of the doctor, (c) the death or emigration of the patient, (d) removal at the doctor's request and (e) other causes in each of the last five years.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton [holding answer 9 December 1994]: The information requested is not held centrally.

NHS Trusts

Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what were the (a) surpluses or (b) deficits recorded by each individual trust in each year since its inception.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton [holding answer 9 December 1994]: The information requested is provided in the table--no deficits have been recorded by individual trusts since their inception:

NHS trust                                      |Surplus 1992-93|Surplus 1993-94                

                                               |£000           |£000                           


First wave                                                                                     

Aberdeen Royal Hospitals                       |2,707          |696                            

South Ayrshire Hospitals                       |480            |727                            


Second wave                                                                                    

Ayrshire and Arran Community Healthcare                        |1,021                          

Caithness and Sutherland                                       |319                            

Dundee Teaching Hospitals                                      |1,284                          

Grampian Healthcare                                            |3,546                          

Monklands and Bellshill Hospitals                              |904                            

Moray Health Services                                          |354                            

North Ayrshire and Arran                                       |1,593                          

Raigmore Hospital                                              |1,171                          

Royal Alexandra Hospital                                       |1,114                          

Royal Scottish National Hospital and Community                 |975                            

Southern General                                               |1,106                          

Stirling Royal Infirmary                                       |899                            

Victoria Infirmary                                             |526                            

West Lothian                                                   |1,612                          

Yorkhill                                                       |601                            

Patients' Complaints

Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many patient complaints were received per 1,000 patients treated in each year since 1989 90 by region.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton [holding answer9 December 1994]: This information is not available in the form requested. Information about complaints has been collected centrally since January 1993. Details of the number of primary care consultations are not available but for hospital services the information for 1993 94 is as follows:

                      |Number of                                

                      |complaints per 1,000                     

Health board          |patients treated                         


Argyll and Clyde      |0.52                                     

Ayrshire and Arran    |0.68                                     

Borders               |0.50                                     

Dumfries and Galloway |0.62                                     

Fife                  |0.76                                     

Forth Valley          |0.59                                     

Grampian              |0.87                                     

Greater Glasgow       |0.87                                     

Highland              |0.80                                     

Lanarkshire           |0.94                                     

Lothian               |0.81                                     

Orkney                |0.69                                     

Shetland              |0.37                                     

Tayside               |0.70                                     

Western Isles         |0.33                                     

GP Fundholders

Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will provide an estimate for the value of fundholding allocations retained by general practitioner fundholders at the year end in each of the last four years by region.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton [holding answer23 November 1994]: In Scotland, trusts have been progressively introduced since 1 April 1992. Staffing information for 1992 is not readily available centrally. There were 17 NHS trusts at 30 September 1993 and 39 from 1 April 1994; managerial staff information available is shown in the table. The managerial staff figures shown for 1993 and 1994 are not comparable

Column 503

as different numbers of trusts may be included within each health board for each of the years. The figures also include staff previously employed by health boards who transferred to trust employment on the establishment of trusts. They also include staff from other staff groups who have transferred to senior manager grades. In addition, new payment arrangements for general and senior managers progressively introduced in Scotland from 1 September 1993 changed the pay threshold to a lower one at which a member of staff can be classified as a senior manager.

NHSiS Managers in Post within Trusts; by health board        

                       Whole time                            


                      |1993<2>     |1994<2>*                 

                      |30 September|1 April                  


Scotland              |447.1       |1,149.5                  

Argyll and Clyde      |15.0        |46.4                     

Ayrshire and Arran    |95.4        |<2>132.6                 

Borders               |-           |-                        

Dumfries and Galloway |-           |16.4                     

Fife                  |-           |102.3                    

Forth Valley          |26.0        |46.0                     

Grampian              |126.6       |130.4                    

Greater Glasgow       |66.3        |219.0                    

Highland              |28.0        |65.8                     

Lanarkshire           |23.8        |79.3                     

Lothian               |31.0        |209.1                    

Orkney                |-           |-                        

Shetland              |-           |-                        

Tayside               |35.0        |102.2                    

Western Isles         |-           |-                        


National Manpower Statistics.                                


* Provisional data.                                          

<1> Includes general managers, senior managers, staff on A   

and C grades 7 and above and protected grades.               

<2> There were 17 NHS trusts at 30 September 1993 and 39     

from 1 April 1994.                                           

<3> Some of the change between 1993 and 1994 is accounted    

for by staff transferring to senior manager grades. For      

example, staff employed on estates', A and C, senior nurse   

manager and other grades have so transferred. This is        

illustrated by Ayrshire and Arran where over 30 such         

transfers have occurred between 1993 and 1994.               

<4> The pay threshold for classification as a senior manager 

was lowered in September 1993 from £14,940 to £13,086.       


Mr. Tyler: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what grant aid is available to pig producers in Scotland to convert sow tether and stall accommodation.

Sir Hector Monro: Grants are not available to pig producers in Scotland for the conversion of sow tether and stall accommodation.

Agricultural Assistance

Mr. Maclennan: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list by agricultural scheme the number of claims received after the prescribed closing date which have been allowed for reasons of force majeure in each of the last five years.

Sir Hector Monro: The information requested could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.

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Mr. Tipping: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list by county all Forestry Commission woodlands for sale, indicating for each woodland its size and whether an access agreement is in place to protect public access.

Sir Hector Monro [holding answer 23 November 1994]: The following Forestry Commission woodlands are currently for sale on the open market:

County/Region                        |Name of property                    |Area (hectares)                                                          



Avon                                 |Fifty Acre Wood                     |<2>21                                                                    

                                     |Old Park Wood                       |<2>10                                                                    

                                     |Three Cornered Wood                 |<2>3                                                                     

Buckinghamshire                      |Stokepark Wood                      |<2>65                                                                    

Cambridgeshire                       |West Wood                           |<2>29                                                                    

Cornwall                             |Hay Wood                            |<2>54                                                                    

                                     |Port Elliot, Pathada and Perdredda  |<2>95                                                                    

                                     |Treworgey Wood                      |<2>17                                                                    

Cumbria                              |Black Knors                         |<2>25                                                                    

Derbyshire                           |Kennel Wood-part                    |<3>6                                                                     

Devon                                |Bedpark                             |<2>8                                                                     

                                     |Deershill Wood                      |<2>11                                                                    

Durham                               |Stanley Wood Cottages               |<3>31                                                                    

Essex                                |Hales Wood                          |<2>26                                                                    

                                     |Martins Wood                        |<2>4                                                                     

                                     |Millpond                            |<2>3                                                                     

                                     |Pounce Wood                         |<2>5                                                                     

                                     |Robins Grove                        |<2>9                                                                     

                                     |Whitehill Wood                      |<2>5                                                                     

Hampshire                            |Bassett Green, Land at              |<2>2                                                                     

Isle of Wight                        |Grammars Common                     |<2>17                                                                    

                                     |Kemphill Moor                       |<2>20                                                                    

Lincolnshire                         |Big Wood                            |<2>12                                                                    

                                     |Big Plantation-Stourton             |<2>8                                                                     

                                     |Halstead Wood                       |<2>26                                                                    

                                     |Six Acre Plantation                 |<2>10                                                                    

                                     |Stourton Wood                       |<2>19                                                                    

North Yorkshire                      |Cottage Wood                        |<2>4                                                                     

                                     |Hagg Wood                           |<2>43                                                                    

                                     |Lodge Plantation                    |<2>9                                                                     

                                     |Scackleton Moor                     |<2>35                                                                    

                                     |Scoreby Wood                        |<2>33                                                                    

Nottinghamshire                      |Coombs Wood                         |<2>16                                                                    

Shropshire                           |Coed Detton                         |<2>14                                                                    

Somerset                             |Higher Bitcombe                     |<2>30                                                                    

South Yorkshire                      |Owston and Duck Holt Woods          |<2>66                                                                    

Suffolk                              |Wrights Plantation                  |<3>5                                                                     



Borders                              |Craig Douglas                       |<2>352                                                                   

                                     |Craigend                            |<2>18                                                                    

                                     |Fruid, Land at                      |<2>40                                                                    

                                     |Gala Blocks                         |<1>127                                                                   

Central                              |Stronvar                            |<2>2                                                                     

Dumfries and Galloway                |Daljarrock                          |<2>51                                                                    

                                     |Glaik                               |<2>62                                                                    

Fife                                 |Kirkton Barns                       |<2>26                                                                    

Grampian                             |Auquharney                          |<1>128                                                                   

                                     |Braes of Gight                      |<1>137                                                                   

                                     |Brunthill Wood                      |<2>37                                                                    

                                     |Glenbuchat                          |<2>539                                                                   

                                     |Greenness                           |<2>115                                                                   

                                     |Lenabo                              |<1>322                                                                   

                                     |New Pitsligo                        |<2>42                                                                    

                                     |White Cow Wood                      |<1>448                                                                   

                                     |Wood of Wrae                        |<1>50                                                                    

Highland                             |Abriachan Plantation                |<2>865                                                                   

                                     |Achrugan                            |<1>559                                                                   

                                     |Ardelve                             |<2>26                                                                    

                                     |Balmore-Craskie                     |<2>49                                                                    

                                     |Balmore-Glencannich                 |<2>70                                                                    

                                     |Balmore-Muchrachd                   |<2>29                                                                    

                                     |Blarnbee                            |<2>63                                                                    

                                     |Duisky                              |<2>89                                                                    

                                     |Garbole                             |<2>696                                                                   

                                     |Glenmeanie                          |<2>397                                                                   

                                     |Glen Tarbert                        |<2>84                                                                    

                                     |Inverchoran                         |<2>129                                                                   

                                     |Loch Ashie                          |<2>437                                                                   

                                     |Lochlait                            |<1>90                                                                    

                                     |Lundavra                            |<1>148                                                                   

                                     |Rinuden                             |<1>88                                                                    

                                     |Tote                                |<2>421                                                                   

Strathclyde                          |Blarghour                           |<2>19                                                                    

                                     |Glenmard                            |<2>56                                                                    

                                     |Kirnan                              |<2>222                                                                   

Tayside                              |Camusericht                         |<2>295                                                                   

                                     |Claysykes                           |<2>17                                                                    

                                     |Cowden Wood                         |<3>20                                                                    

                                     |Long                                |<2>80                                                                    

                                     |Mill of Fortune                     |<2>119                                                                   

                                     |Tulloes                             |<2>69                                                                    



Clwyd                                |Coed Graig Goch                     |<2>8                                                                     

                                     |Coed Melin y Moch                   |<2>12                                                                    

                                     |Crown Wood                          |<2>29                                                                    

                                     |Foel Uchaf                          |<1>18                                                                    

                                     |Gelli Wood                          |<2>6                                                                     

                                     |Halton Wood                         |<2>79                                                                    

                                     |Pentre Potes-Coed y Pent            |<1>16                                                                    

Dyfed                                |Allt Cil y Llyn Fawr                |<2>3                                                                     

                                     |Allt Llyn Dyfrion                   |<1>11                                                                    

                                     |Bwlch Newydd                        |<1>8                                                                     

                                     |Bylchau Duon                        |<2>61                                                                    

                                     |Cilflower Wood                      |<1>5                                                                     

                                     |Coed Cefn Pwll Hen                  |<2>20                                                                    

                                     |Glan Teifi Wood                     |<2>2                                                                     

                                     |Llwyn y Gwair                       |<2>13                                                                    

                                     |Pant Eynon and Allt y Forlan        |<2>29                                                                    

                                     |Pencwmfawr                          |<2>9                                                                     

                                     |Penhill Wood                        |<2>4                                                                     

                                     |Pont Henri                          |<1>21                                                                    

                                     |Rams Wood                           |<2>26                                                                    

                                     |Scolton Wood                        |<2>30                                                                    

                                     |Tynton                              |<2>5                                                                     

                                     |Ty'r Shyme                          |<2>6                                                                     

                                     |Waun Baglan Wood                    |<1>26                                                                    

Gwent                                |Coed Gwaun Y Ffeiriad               |<2>43                                                                    

                                     |Ty Fry Big Wood                     |<2>17                                                                    

                                     |White Mill Common and Roughets Wood |<2>6                                                                     

Gwynedd                              |Aberdunant                          |<2>21                                                                    

                                     |Coed Ty Uchaf                       |<2>14                                                                    

                                     |Pant y Wrach                        |<1>54                                                                    

                                     |The Glyn                            |<2>49                                                                    

Powys                                |Allt Yscoedreddfin                  |<2>9                                                                     

West Glamorgan                       |Gelligaer                           |<1>33                                                                    

                                     |Nant y Stalwyn                      |<1>44                                                                    

<1> Woodlands where an access agreement has been concluded.                                                                                         

<2> Woodlands where the local authority, or a third party with an interest, declined to enter into an access agreement.                             

<3> Woodlands where the local authority is considering whether to enter into an access agreement.                                                   


Advisory Bodies

Mr. Harvey: To ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will list the functions and objectives of (a) the Monitoring Committee on Misleading Price Indications, (b) the Standards Quality and Measurement Advisory Committee, (c) the Energy Advisory Panel, (d) the Advisory Committee for the Joint Environmental Markets Unit and (e) the Advisory Committee on Coal Research.

Mr. Heseltine: The information requested is as follows:

Column 506

(a) Monitoring Committee on Misleading Price Indications

The Committee was formally disbanded in May 1993 by the then Minister for Consumer Affairs.

(b) Standards Quality and Measurement Advisory Committee (SQMAC) The SQMAC became the Measurements Advisory Committee, MAC, on 1 July 1994. The function of the MAC is to advise the Department on: --the effectiveness with which the National Measurement System supports UK industry, and

--the priorities which the Department should assign to programmes of work undertaken to meet the demands of the national measurement system.

Its objectives are:

--advising on the broad objectives, balance and strategy for Government support of measurement and proposing effective means for the delivery of that message to business in general in support of wealth creation;:

--advising on the commercial opportunities resulting from the research and development carried out by contractors, in support of the national measurement system;

--contributing to an annual longer term perspective, as input to the Department's annual "Forward Look" at programme expenditure over the next five years and longer;

--identifying key priorities for the UK measurement system within a European and global context;

--taking account of the advice of technical experts (Working Groups), to advise on priorities for funding.

(c) Energy Advisory Panel

The function of the panel is to assist in the preparation of the annual energy report which the Government undertook to prepare, as explained at paragraphs 3.31 and 3.32 of the White Paper "The Prospects for Coal: Conclusions of the Government's Coal Review" (CM 2235, March 1993). The panel's objectives are:-

--to offer views on the structure, content and balance of the report against the background of Government energy policy as outlined in the White Paper.

(d) Advisory Committee for the Joint Environmental Markets Unit (JEPU)

The function of the committee is to advise the Department on the priorities and future work of JEPU. Its objectives are:-

--to consider how Government and industry can most effectively identify and exploit environmental market opportunities at home and overseas;

--to assess and recommend specific actions to pursue these objectives.

--to consider how to encourage firms, particularly small and medium sized enterprises to take up new environmental opportunities. (e) Advisory Committee on Coal Research

The advisory committee was established in 1993 to provide advice to the Department with respect to its coal research and development programme. The terms of reference for the Committee and its membership are listed in annex B of Energy Paper 63, copies of which are in the Library of the House.

Mr. Harvey: To ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will list the functions and objectives of (a) the Advisory Council on Research and Development for Fuel and Power, (b) the Offshore Industry Liaison Committee and (c) the Overseas Projects Board.

Mr. Heseltine: The information requested is as follows: (a) Advisory Council on Research and Development for Fuel and Power

The council's primary function was to give Minister's detailed technical overview of the research and development plans of the nationalised energy industries. The privatisation of these industries essentially removed the need for this function and

Column 507

with the establishment of the Energy advisory panel in October 1993, ACORD was dissolved.

(b) Offshore Industry Liaison Committee

The function of the committee is to advise the Minister responsible for the oil and gas sector regarding the progress of the United Kingdom offshore supplies industry on the United Kingdom continental shelf. Its objectives are;

-- to analyse problems affecting the competitiveness of the industry, identify gaps in its capability and propose strategies for improving its performance and coverage.

(c) Overseas Project Board

I refer the hon. Gentleman to the reply I gave to my hon. Friend the Member for Rugby and Kenilworth (Mr. Pawsey) on 7 July 1994, Official Report, column 295 .

Mr. Austin Mitchell: To ask the President of the Board of Trade what is his policy in respect of the requirement on the Official Receiver to implement the provisions of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 when the Official Receiver is undertaking the investigation of possible offences referred to him by contractors undertaking case administration work.

Mr. Jonathan Evans: Legal advice indicates that the role of official receivers in conducting further interviews of bankrupts and company directors would remain unchanged.

Package Travel Directive

Mr. Simon Coombs: To ask the President of the Board of Trade which member states of the European Union have transposed the package travel directive into their national law; and on which dates.

Mr. Ian Taylor: The United Kingdom implemented the directive on package travel, package holidays and package tours on 23 December 1992.

Information on the transposition of Community legislation into national law is available on the Commission's CELEX database. This records that the directive has been implemented by the following other member states--the date given is that of the latest piece of implementing legislation shown on the database:

Belgium--1 April 1994

Denmark--21 September 1993

France--17 June 1994

Luxembourg--6 July 1994

Netherlands--26 January 1993

Portugal--6 May 1994

Germany, Spain, Greece, Ireland and Italy are not recorded as having implemented the directive. In Spain implementation is the responsibility of the regional governments.

Energy Expenditure

Mr. Matthew Taylor: To ask the President of the Board of Trade what was the total expenditure on energy for offices and buildings by (a) his Department and (b) his agencies in each of the last three years for which figures are available.

Mr. Ian Taylor: Total expenditure on energy by the DTI and its agencies was as follows:



1991-92 |5,950      

1992-93 |5,490      

1993-94 |5,377      

Because agency and departmental staff are co-located on some sites, it is not possible to provide accurate information for expenditure by agencies separately.


Mr. Austin Mitchell: To ask the President of the Board of Trade, pursuant to his oral answer of 23 November, Official Report , column 583, whether he will show the percentage increase in United Kingdom exports between 1990 and 1992 compared with the weighted average increase in exports from other developed countries, the number of those countries which did better than the United Kingdom and the number which did worse, and which countries on the basis of the latest quarterly figure in each case have done better than the United Kingdom since 1992 and which have done worse.

Mr. Needham: In $US terms United Kingdom exports grew 2.8 per cent. between 1990 and 1992, compared with 9.2 per cent. for the weighted average of the remaining OECD countries. Eighteen countries did better than the United Kingdom and four worse.

Based on the latest available quarterly figures the following eleven OECD countries did better than the United Kingdom in terms of increasing exports in $US terms since 1992: Australia, Canada, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and USA. Ten countries did worse than the United Kingdom: Austria, Belgium/Luxembourg, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and Switzerland. There have been no internationally published Danish export figures since the introduction of Intrastat in January 1993.

Mr. Austin Mitchell: To ask the President of the Board of Trade, pursuant to his oral answer of 23 November, Official Report , column 583, what has been the change since October 1990 in United Kingdom export unit values for finished manufactures in terms of dollars; and what have been the figures in (a) Germany, (b) France and (c) Italy.

Mr. Needham: United Kingdom export unit values for finished manufactures in terms of $US increased 1.2 per cent. between October 1990 and August 1994. Comparable figures for Germany, France, and Italy are not readily available, and could be produced only at disproportionate cost.

Mr. Austin Mitchell: To ask the President of the Board of Trade, pursuant to his oral answer of 23 November, Official Report , column 583, if he will publish the United Kingdom share of the volume of exports of manufacturers by the main manufacturing countries in 1970, 1978 and each year from 1987 to 1993; and if he will add corresponding figures for France and Italy.

Mr. Needham: The United Kingdom figures, where available, are given in the CSO publication "Monthly Review of External Trade Statistics--Annual Supplement 1992", a copy of which is available in the Library of the House. Corresponding figures for France and Italy could be produced only at disproportionate cost.

Mr. Austin Mitchell: To ask the President of the Board of Trade, pursuant to his oral answer of 23 November, Official Report , column 583, what was the reduction in the deficit on the balance of trade in finished manufactures this year to date at an annual rate compared with 1992 in respect of (a) all countries and (b) for the EEC.

Column 509

Mr. Needham: Information on United Kingdom trade in finished manufactures in total and to the EC is available from the Central Statistical Office's central shared database and is published in the monthly review of external trade statistics. The database and the publication may be accessed from the Library of the House.


Mr. Austin Mitchell: To ask the President of the Board of Trade, pursuant to his oral answer of 23 November, Official Report , column 583, what was the increase in output of manufacturing (a) since 1973 and (b) between 1964 and 1973; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Needham: The information is available from the Central Statistical Office's central shared database which can be accessed in the Library of the House. Manufacturing output is growing strongly: in the three months to October output was 5.3 per cent. higher than a year earlier.

Mr. Austin Mitchell: To ask the President of the Board of Trade, pursuant to his oral answer 23 November, Official Report , column 583. what was the level of import penetration of the United Kingdom market for manufactures in 1979, 1988, 1990, 1992 and 1993 together with his forecast for 1994.

Mr. Needham: The information requested was published until 1989 in "Business Monitor MQ12", which is available in the Library of the House. The Central Statistical Office expects to publish provisional 1993 figures in the "Monthly Digest of Statistics" early in 1995. Figures for 1990 and 1992 are not available.

Mr. Austin Mitchell: To ask the President of the Board of Trade, pursuant to his oral answer of 23 November, Official Report , column 583, what was the level of import penetration in the market for manufactures in (a) the United Kingdom, (b) France and (c) Italy.

Mr. Needham: The information requested was published until 1989 in "Business Monitor MQ12", which is available in the Library of the House. The Central Statistical Office expects to publish provisional 1993 figures in the "Monthly Digest of Statistics" early in 1995. The information requested with respect of France and Italy is not readily available and could be produced only at disproportionate cost.

Mr. Austin Mitchell: To ask the President of the Board of Trade, pursuant to his oral answer of 23 November, Official Report , column 583, whether he will publish the latest figures for import penetration of the United Kingdom market for manufactures by two-digit sectors of the standard industrial classification.

Mr. Needham: The Central Statistical Office expects to publish provisional 1993 data on import penetration by industry sector, in the "Monthly Digest of Statistics", early in 1995.

Exchange Rates

Mr. Austin Mitchell: To ask the President of the Board of Trade, pursuant to his oral answer of 23 November 1994, Official Report, column 583, what has been the change in the nominal exchange rate for sterling against (a) the Deutschmark, (b) the ecu and (c) the non-ecu currencies since February 1993, together with his estimate of the likely effects on imports and exports of finished manufactures.

Column 510

Mr. Needham: A selection of exchange rates, including the Deutschmark and the European currency unit, are regularly published in the Central Statistical Office's financial statistics, table 7.1A, copies of which are available in the Library of the House. An exchange rate index for non-ecu currencies is not available and could be calculated only at disproportionate cost. The Government's assessment of trade performance, published in chapter 3 of the "Financial Statement and Budget Report" took into account all relevant factors, including past movements in exchange rates.

Mr. Austin Mitchell: To ask the President of the Board of Trade, pursuant to his oral answer of 23 November 1994 Official Report, column 583, what has been the fall in the value of sterling and the lira since August 1992 together with (i) the balance of visible trade in 1992, 1993 and this year to date in each case in terms of dollars and (ii) the increase since August 1992 in producer prices.

Mr. Needham: Between August 1992 and October 1994 the values of sterling and the lira against the US$ fell 21.0 and 40.4 per cent. respectively. Between August 1992 and July 1994 United Kingdom and Italian producer prices for manufacturing increased 5.1 and 10.1 per cent. respectively.

Visible trade balances                                                                                   

                      US$ million                                                                        

                     |1992                |1993                |January 1994 to date                     


United Kingdom       |-23,148             |-19,833             |-9,913<1>                                

Italy                |-10,320             |20,760              |11,940<2>                                


<1> Up to August 1994                                                                                    

<2> Up to June 1994                                                                                      


OECD Main Economic Indicators, CSO                                                                       

Motor Vehicles

Mr. Austin Mitchell: To ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will list the value of imports and exports of motor vehicle components in 1992, 1993 and 1994 to date for trade with the EEC, together with his estimate of the import content of cars produced or assembled in the United Kingdom in 1973 and 1993 for trade with (a) all countries and (b) the EEC.

Mr. Needham: Figures of trade in motor vehicle components with EC countries are published in "Business Monitors" MA20 for 1992, MQ20 for 1993 and 1994 to date--which are available in the Library of the House.

Information on the import content of cars produced or assembled in the United Kingdom is not held centrally, and could be produced only at disproportionate cost.

Marketing Your Business"

Mr. Mullin: To ask the President of the Board of Trade how much was paid to Strategic Consultants for "Marketing Your Business"; and if he will list other contracts between his Department and this company over the last three years.

Mr. Ian Taylor: "Marketing Your Business" was one of a series of business skills seminar workbooks which were originally written in 1988 by a group of experienced training providers on behalf of the Training Agency. It is

Column 511

not possible to identify the separate cost of writing this workbook. Since April 1992 Strategic Consultants Limited has undertaken the following contracts for my Department:

July 1992--Testing and editing material for two business skills seminar titles--cost £4,284

December 1992--Review and revision of business skills seminar material (5 titles)--cost £5,875

February 1994--Revision of business skills seminar material (3 titles) - cost £7,373

Mr. Mullin: To ask the President of the Board of Trade what was the cost of producing and distributing "Marketing Your Business"; how many copies were produced; how many have been withdrawn; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ian Taylor: "Marketing Your Business" was one of a series of business skills seminar workbooks originally written in 1988 by a group of experienced training providers on behalf of the Training Agency. It is not possible to identify the separate cost of writing this workbook. The printing, publishing and sale of business skills seminar workbooks is licensed by Her Majesty's Stationery Office to Vector Business Development and involves no cost to my Department. I understand that around 50,000 copies have been produced and distributed since 1988. Distribution has now ceased.


Mr. Llew Smith: To ask the President of the Board of Trade what types, quantities and values of radioisotopes and nuclear materials have been imported from the Russian Federation since 1992.

Mr. Needham: The information requested is not available due to commercial confidentiality.

Mr. Llew Smith: To ask the President of the Board of Trade what information has been provided to his Department in regard to the licensing of the imports of radioisotopes from the Russian Federation by Amersham International.

Mr. Needham: Information which businesses provide in support of applications for import licences is treated as commercially confidential.


Ms Janet Anderson: To ask the President of the Board of Trade if he will give details of the representations he has received objecting to the Government grant to Hualon to set up in Northern Ireland.

Mr. Eggar: Since Hualon's plans first became known my Department has received representations from five organisations within the textile industry and two members of the public.

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