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Vehicle Checks

Ms Walley: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how he currently assesses the roadworthiness of cars, heavy goods vehicles and public service vehicles; and what plans he has to vary the present requirement for the production of MOT certificates as a prerequisite for the purchase of vehicle excise duty tax discs.

Mr. Norris: Vehicles are assessed for roadworthiness at annual tests. They are also checked at the roadside by the police and examiners from the Vehicle Inspectorate.

I have no plans to change the current check of MOT test certificates when vehicles are relicensed.

Concessionary Travel, London

Mr. Harry Greenway: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what plans he has to impose a concessionary travel scheme for pensioners and disabled people across London for the coming year; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Norris: None. The provision of travel concessions for elderly and disabled people is a matter for the London local authorities. I understand that the boroughs have agreed a scheme for London Transport services for the coming year, but are still considering the arrangements for London rail services.

Wrightington Hospital Mobility Centre

Mr. Pickthall: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what funding assistance his Department will give to the accredited mobility centre at Wrightington hospital in Lancashire when its grant from the regional health authority ends.

Mr. Norris: The Department of Transport mobility advice and vehicle information service has provided support to the mobility centre at Wrightington over a number of years through loans of vehicles and equipment and the services of its peripatetic driving adviser. The Department has no means to provide funding assistance.

Public Appointments

Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many of the individuals appointed by his Department to public positions in the last year were first identified by the Public Appointments Unit.

Mr. Norris: Two.

Cones Hotline

Mr. Flynn: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what is his latest calculation of the total number of calls to the cones hotline that (a) required the removal of cones and (b) did not justify action; and what was the total loss of cones hotline.

Mr. Watts: This is an operational matter for the Highways Agency. I have asked the chief executive to write to the hon. Member.

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Letter from Lawrie Haynes to Mr. Paul Flynn, dated 17 January 1995:

You asked the Secretary of State for Transport what is his latest calculation of the total number of calls to the Cones Hotline that (a) required the removal of cones and (b) did not justify action; and what was the total cost of the Cones Hotline.

As this is an operational matter for the Highways Agency, I have been asked to reply.

The Cones Hotline has currently received 12,100 calls since its inception in June 1992. Of these, 6,100 cases have been complaints about observations on cones and traffic management at roadworks which have been followed up by the relevant regional office. As a consequence of this follow up action, there have been 5 cases where it has been necessary to remove the traffic management. The remaining calls have comprised general enquiries and requests for information which have been dealt with immediately.

Since March 1994, the Cones Hotline has operated on a dedicated local call rate number. The cost of running the Cones Hotline is approximately £5000 per annum, including call charges. Other running costs are not separately identifiable since they have been, and are still being, met from within budgets agreed before the Hotline was established.

I hope this information is helpful.



Mr. John D. Taylor: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what proposals he has for controlling excessive speeding by vehicles along the Shore road, Ballyhalbert; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Moss: The Department is not aware of a speeding problem at Shore road, Ballyhalbert where a 30 mph speed limit exists. However the matter will be brought to the attention of the Royal Ulster Constabulary, which is responsible for enforcing speed limits.


Rev. Ian Paisley: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list the number and names of the groups and organisations which are to be consulted by the Police Authority for Northern Ireland with regard to changes in the structure of the Royal Ulster Constabulary; and what is the estimated cost of this exercise.

Sir John Wheeler: This is a matter for the Police Authority for Northern Ireland. However, I understand that, in pursuit of its statutory obligation to make arrangements for obtaining the views of people about policing, after consulting the Chief Constable the authority wishes to give as many individuals, community groups and organisations as possible the opportunity to have their say about future policing needs and priorities in Northern Ireland. Accordingly, the authority plans to provide information about the consultation exercise to each household in Northern Ireland. Accordingly, the authority plans to provide information about the consultation exercise to each household in Northern Ireland and to invite views from political and religious groupings, business and trade union organisations, justice, peace, legal, community, sporting, social, charity and youth bodies. Including newspaper advertisements, printing and postage, the cost of the project is estimated at £70, 000. The authority is seeking responses by 2 May 1995.

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Mr. John D. Taylor: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what is the expected impact of the compulsory user of heat-treated feed on Northern Ireland egg production; whether the Northern Ireland Egg Producers Association was consulted prior to the decision to make this feed compulsory; whether the use of heat-treated feed is compulsory for egg production in Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland; and if he will make a statement on the future prospects for the Northern Ireland egg industry.

Mr. Ancram: There is an additional cost in the use of heat-treated feed. Although some egg producers are concerned about possible adverse effects on egg quality, this has not been substantiated in the experimental work carried out by the Department of Agriculture. A significant number of egg producers in Northern Ireland are using heat-treated feed successfully.

The heat treatment requirement was introduced in 1991 following consultation with the egg and poultry industry to protect the industry against the introduction of Newcastle disease through a feed source. The Northern Ireland Egg Producers Association was not in existence at the time.

The use of heat-treated poultry feeding stuffs is not compulsory in Great Britain.

The Northern Ireland egg industry, which has a reputation for producing quality eggs, can maintain its position on the export market and look forward with confidence to the future.

Maze Prison

Mr. John D. Taylor: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many firearms are under the control of prisoners at Her Majesty's prison at the Maze; and if he will make a statement.

Sir John Wheeler: None.

Mr. John D. Taylor: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many prisoners at Her Majesty's Maze prison have access to mobile telephones; and if he will make a statement.

Sir John Wheeler: Prisoners are not permitted mobile telephones. There are reports about the supposed availability of mobile telephones in HMP Maze and these are subject to investigation and regular searching procedures.

Industrial Development Board

Mr. John D. Taylor: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many new jobs have been provided in the boroughs of (a) Ards and (b) Castlereagh in each of the past five years as a result of assistance from the Industrial Development Board; and when the IDB last arranged a visit to each of these boroughs by a potential inward investor.

Mr. Ancram: Information on jobs promoted with assistance from the Industrial Development Board in the Ards and Castlereagh district council areas is set out in the table. The last visit by potential inward investors, arranged by IDB, was on 15 September 1994 in the case of Ards district council and on 14 December 1994 to Castlereagh district council area.

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Jobs promoted with IDB assistance                            

                         |Ards       |Castlereagh            


1990-91                  |50         |68                     

1991-92                  |149        |84                     

1992-93                  |49         |-                      

1993-94                  |41         |-                      

1994 (April to December) |-          |14                     


Total                    |289        |166                    


Mr. John D. Taylor: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many persons have died as a result of AIDS or illness associated with AIDS in each of the past five years.

Mr. Moss: The number of persons known to have died in Northern Ireland as a result of AIDS, or illness associated with AIDS, in each of the past five years is given below:

1990: 9

1991: 5

1992: 4

1993: 3

1994: 5 (provisional)

Includes one case diagnosed in England.


Mr. Redmond: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what is the current number of cattle aged 30 months or under with enzootic bovine leucosis; what the figure was 12 months ago; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Ancram: None. There has never been any recorded outbreaks of enzootic bovine leucosis in Northern Ireland. In 1991 Northern Ireland was recognised as an EBL free region of the EC.

Civil Servants

Ms Mowlam: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many civil servants are employed by the Northern Ireland Office (a) in Stormont and (b) in Whitehall.

Sir John Wheeler: The number of civil servants employed by the Northern Ireland Office on 30 December 1994 was 1,556.

Of this total, 486 are employed in Stormont, 104 in Whitehall and the remainder at other locations throughout Northern Ireland.

Terrorists (Educational Background)

Mr. William Ross: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what studies have been carried out by his Department into the educational attainments of persons convicted of terrorist-type crimes in Northern Ireland.

Sir John Wheeler: It is not normal practice to conduct general studies of prisoners' attainments regardless of their convictions. However, the prior educational attainments of individual prisoners are assessed when they are being advised about the opportunities available to them during their imprisonment.

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Records of examination results achieved in prisons are included each year in the annual report of the Northern Ireland Prison Service.

Vehicle Registration Numbers

Mr. William Ross: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list the ranges of the vehicle registration numbers in Northern Ireland which have not been issued; what arrangements he has made for the sale of those numbers; when he now expects to dispose of them; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Moss: Registration marks in the following series have not been issued:

Marks 1 to 99 in each of the following series:


Marks 1 to 999 in each of the following series:


Marks 1 to 1999 in the following series:


The series FUI and KIL were not issued since it was considered that their use might give rise to offence.

Driver and Vehicle Licensing Northern Ireland--the agency with responsibility for the registration of vehicles in Northern Ireland--is considering the administrative arrangement, including the need for legislation, which would be required to enable these marks to be offered for sale to the public. I hope to be in a position to make an announcement in a few months about the introduction of a sale of marks scheme in Northern Ireland.

Hospital Admissions

Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, pursuant to his answer of 25 November 1994, Official Report, column 403, what percentage of total admissions was represented by emergency hospital admissions.

Mr. Moss: The information is as follows:



1989-90 |45   

1990-91 |42   

1991-92 |40   

1992-93 |37   

1993-94 |37   

Public Appointments

Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many of the individuals appointed

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by his Department to public positions in the last year were first identified by the Public Appointments Unit.

Sir John Wheeler: None of the individuals appointed to public positions in the last year was first identified by the Public Appointments Unit.

Stormont (Fire)

Mr. William Ross: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what is his estimate of the cost of repairing and restoring the Parliament buildings, Stormont; when he expects the work to begin and end; and if he will ensure that the building will be repaired to the standard existing before the fire of 2 January.

Mr. Moss: No estimate has yet been taken about the restoration of the former House of Commons Chamber. I will, however, be reviewing options in the light of prevailing circumstances.

Mr. William Ross: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list the fire and smoke detection equipment installed in the Parliament buildings, Stormont, and whether any fire suppression or control equipment including sprinkler systems were in place;

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what was the distance between the building and the nearest fire hydrant; and if he will make a statement on the fire of 2 January.

Mr. Moss: I refer the hon. Gentleman to the reply I gave to the hon. Gentleman the Member for Belfast, East (Mr. Robinson) on 13 January, Official Report , columns 235 36 .

Road Deaths

Mr. William Ross: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many persons have died in road accidents in Northern Ireland in each of the last three years; in each year how many were (a) pedestrians, (b) drivers, (c) motor cyclists, (d) car passengers, (e) car drivers, (f) heavy goods vehicle drivers, (g) heavy goods vehicle passengers and (h) others; and in regard to each such category how many of the deaths were attributable in some degree to (i) alcohol, (ii) speed and (iii) not wearing a seat belt.

Sir John Wheeler: It is not possible to state whether or not fatalities are attributable in any degree to failure to wear a seat belt. Seat belt usage information for fatalities is provided for information.

Column 423


                            |Alcohol     |Alcohol     |Speed       |Speed                    

                            |principle   |contributory|principle   |contributory             

Class          |Killed      |factor      |factor      |factor      |factor                   


Pedestrians    |45          |8           |3           |6           |0                        

Pedal cyclists |9           |1           |0           |2           |0                        

Motor cyclists |17          |4           |0           |4           |3                        

Car passengers |49          |6           |1           |17          |0                        

Car Drivers    |57          |14          |0           |15          |9                        

HGV drivers    |5           |0           |1           |2           |0                        

HGV passengers |0           |0           |0           |0           |0                        

Others         |3           |1           |0           |0           |0                        

Seat belt usage for fatalities in 1991                                

Class          |In use    |Not in use|Not known |Exempt               


Car passengers |23        |16        |9         |1                    

Car drivers    |33        |13        |8         |3                    

HGV drivers    |Category  |Exempt    |-         |-                    

HGV passengers |Category  |Exempt    |-         |-                    

Others         |0         |0         |0         |0                    


                            |Alcohol     |Alcohol     |Speed       |Speed                    

                            |principle   |contributory|principle   |contributory             

Class          |Killed      |factor      |factor      |factor      |factor                   


Pedestrians    |47          |13          |0           |2           |2                        

Pedal cyclists |7           |3           |0           |1           |1                        

Motor cyclists |11          |2           |0           |4           |1                        

Car passengers |29          |8           |0           |5           |4                        

Car drivers    |43          |10          |0           |13          |9                        

HGV drivers    |2           |1           |0           |0           |0                        

HGV passengers |2           |0           |0           |1           |0                        

Others         |9           |1           |0           |0           |0                        

Seat belt usage for fatalities in 1992                                

Class          |In use    |Not in use|Not known |Exempt               


Car passengers |12        |11        |5         |1                    

Car drivers    |20        |10        |11        |2                    

HGV drivers    |Category  |Exempt    |-         |-                    

HGV passengers |Category  |Exempt    |-         |-                    

Others         |0         |8         |1         |0                    


                            |Alcohol     |Alcohol     |Speed       |Speed                    

                            |principle   |contributory|principle   |contributory             

Class          |Killed      |factor      |factor      |factor      |factor                   


Pedestrians    |42          |11          |0           |0           |0                        

Pedal cyclists |6           |0           |0           |0           |0                        

Motor cyclists |16          |4           |0           |3           |2                        

Car passengers |21          |5           |0           |8           |2                        

Car drivers    |54          |16          |1           |14          |8                        

HGV drivers    |1           |0           |0           |0           |1                        

HGV passengers |0           |0           |0           |0           |0                        

Others         |3           |0           |0           |1           |0                        

Seat belt usage for fatalities in 1993                                

Class          |In use    |Not in use|Not known |Exempt               


Car passengers |9         |1         |11        |0                    

Car drivers    |18        |11        |24        |1                    

HGV drivers    |Category  |Exempt    |-         |-                    

HGV passengers |Category  |Exempt    |-         |-                    

others         |0         |0         |0         |3                    

The provisional road traffic accident fatalities figure for 1994 is 157. A breakdown is not yet available.


Swimming Teaching

Ms Walley: To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage what guidelines he has issued in respect of minimum levels and standards of swimming teaching in (a) primary and (b) secondary schools.

Mr. Forth: I have been asked to reply.

Detailed advice on safe practice in the teaching of swimming is included in the handbook "Safe Practice in Physical Education" which was first published in 1985 by the British Association of Advisers and Lecturers in Physical Education. A revised edition of the handbook was published in 1990 with the approval and recommendation of the, then, Department of Education and Science.

The advice includes details about recommended teacher/tutor qualifications, supervision, pupils' behaviour, pool safety and equipment.

Precise teaching methods are a matter for individual schools, and it is for schools to satisfy themselves that those who teach swimming are suitably qualified.

Ms Walley: To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage if he will visit James Brindley high school and Tunstall swimming pool to discuss the operation of the standard spending assessment formula applied by the Department of Environment in respect of the teaching of swimming to school children.

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Mr. Forth: I have been asked to reply.

Neither my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for National Heritage nor I has any immediate plans to visit this school or swimming pool. The Government have set the overall totals for local authority spending in a way which allows all authorities to increase their spending in 1995 96. But each council is solely responsible for determining its spending priorities between and within services, in deciding the amount to be spent on schools swimming.

Ms Walley: To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage (1) what assessment he has made of the teaching resources required to ensure adequate levels of swimming teaching for (a) primary and (b) secondary schools;

(2) what discussions he has had with the Secretary of State for the Environment to ensure adequate provision is made for swimming teaching in (a) primary and (b) secondary schools.

Mr. Forth: I have been asked to reply.

Surveys carried out by this Department have shown a considerable commitment from schools and local education authorities to swimming in schools. Implementation of national curriculum physical education began in August 1992. However, because of the difficulty which some schools might have had in providing swimming tuition, the implementation of the swimming requirements of the PE curriculum were deferred until August 1994. This allowed those schools which needed it another two years to make the arrangements necessary to provide swimming tuition.

Second World War Commemoration

Mr. Hawkins: To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage how he proposes to fund the programme of events in Hyde park, from 6 to 8 May, to

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commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end in Europe of the second world war.

Mr. Dorrell: During the current financial year it will be necessary to make payments to Messrs Unusual Industries, which has been contracted to provide the specified service. Consultancy payments will also be made to a programme project manager. Parliamentary approval for this new service is being sought in a supplementary estimate for the Department of National Heritage vote for film, tourism, sport and broadcasting--class XI, vote 5. The associated costs of the Department's support team will be met from the Department of National Heritage administration vote--class XI, vote 7-- within existing provision.

National Lottery

Mr. Redmond: To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage if he will list the charities that have so far benefited from the Government share of the national lottery.

Mr. Dorrell: No applicants, including charities, have yet received funding from the proceeds of the national lottery. The proceeds will remain invested until the distributing bodies are ready to pay grants to good causes.

Mr. Dafis: To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage what discussions he has had with Camelot plc on measures to ensure that the operation of the national lottery reflects the policy of equal validity of the Welsh and English languages; if he will make it his policy to ensure implementation of the policy; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Dorrell: This is a matter for the Director General of the National Lottery. I have asked him to write to the hon. Member, placing copies of his response in the Library of the House.


GP Fundholding

13. Mr. Waterson: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what proposals she has to encourage more general practitioner practices to become fundholding.

Mr. Malone: We have recently announced a major extension of the options for general practitioner fundholding. Our aim is to extend the benefits for patients as widely as possible.

Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Health, pursuant to her answer of 9 December 1994, Official Report , column 401 , if she will now publish information for 1993 94 on general practitioner fundholders' savings.

Mr. Malone: Final audited information is not yet available.

Mrs. Beckett: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what were the total administrative costs of general practitioner fundholding in 1991 92, 1992 93, 1993 94 and 1994 95.

Mr. Malone [holding answer 13 January 1995]: General practitioner fundholding practices receive additional allowances for directly managing their funds and purchasing care on their patients' behalf. These costs represent about 2 per cent. of budgets set and amounted

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