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Column 229


Westfield Link

Woodbank (Windygates)


Blindwells Extension

Chesterswood Extension

Northrigg Phase W





Auchline Mine

Biggar Road







Easter Baton

Easter Baton (West)

Easter Fortissat

Edge Farm


Greenland Moss

Greeside Farm

Heckler's Yard

Laigh Riggend

Legbrannock Farm

Morningside (Torbush)

Mossband Farm


Royal George

Skellyton Farm

Smiths Farm

Townhead Farm

Viaduct West





Lambhill Remainder

Leuchars Wood

(b) Information about specific planning consents is not held centrally.

(c) Two applications are currently before the Secretary of State on appeal against the planning authorities' decision; these are Greenhead Moss and Wester Mosshat farm, both in Strathclyde. The following prospective opencast coal mining sites were identified in Scotland during the privatisation of the British Coal Corporation. Central


Dumfries and Galloway





Broken Cross

Chalmerston North


House of Water, Cumnock


Column 230










NHS Trust Chief Executives

Mr. Galbraith: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if NHS trust chief executives are bound by the same rules concerning public statements as are their staff; and if he will make a statement.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: Rules of individual conduct are a contractual matter between an employee and the employing trust.

Mr. Galbraith: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what guidance is given to the chairmen and chief executives of NHS health boards and trusts concerning public political comments; and if he will make a statement.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: It is one of the conditions of appointment of chairmen of health boards and NHS trusts that they should not make political speeches on matters affecting the work of their board. The conditions of employment of NHS trust chief executives and board general managers of health boards are a contractual matter between an employee and the employer.

Kynoch Group plc

Mr. Wilson: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what assistance was given by his Department to Messrs Kynoch of Keith within the past 10 years.

Mr. Lang [holding answer 3 March 1995]: None. The Scottish Development Agency and later Scottish Enterprise took equity investment in Kynoch Group plc, formerly G and G Kynoch plc. This was an operational matter within the delegated authority of these two bodies.

Water and Sewerage Directors

Mr. Welsh: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what are the present salaries of each of the local government directors and depute directors responsible for water and sewerage in Scotland; and what are the annual expenses paid to each of the councillors involved with water and sewerage committees in their duties on those committees.

Mr. Kynoch [holding answer 7 March 1995]: From the information held centrally, it is not possible to provide information on the precise salaries of the directors and depute directors of water and sewerage. We believe that most directors of water and sewerage are paid in the broad range of £50,000 to £65,000. One earns in excess of £80,000.

No information is available about the expenses paid to councillors serving on water and sewerage committees, as these are matters for local authorities to decide.

Mr. Welsh: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many local government directors and depute directors have responsibility for water and sewerage services in Scotland.

Column 231

Mr. Kynoch [holding answer 7 March 1995]: There are 12 directors and 14 depute directors with responsibility for water and sewerage services in regional and island councils. In addition, there is one director and one depute director in the Central Scotland water development board which is responsible for bulk supplies of water.


Mr. Boyes: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list all White Papers, Green Papers and pamphlets issued by his Department, or agencies for which it is responsible, in 1994 giving, in each case, the total cost to the Exchequer of their production, publication and distribution; and what was the total equivalent cost in 1980.

Mr. Lang [holding answer 2 March 1995]: In 1994 my Department published two Command Papers. In addition, a wide range of other documents including consultation documents and pamphlets was issued. Detailed information could be provided only at disproportionate cost.

In respect of those publications published by HMSO, all costs are borne by HMSO, which aims to recover these from sales revenue.

Highlands and Islands Enterprise

Sir Russell Johnston: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the level of underspend on planned projects by Highlands and Islands Enterprise in the current year; and whether consideration has been given to the allocation of these resources to the funding of the joint European torus programme currently financed by the Highland regional council.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton [holding answer 2 March 1995]: I understand that there has been some slippage on Highlands and Islands Enterprise projects in the current year. However, assurances have been received from Highlands and Islands Enterprise that it will draw down its total grant in aid this year and that these funds are fully committed.

Long-stay Mental Hospitals

Dr. Godman: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will make it his policy to collect information about the number of long-stay mental hospitals which have trust status.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton [holding answer 20 February 1995]: I refer the hon. Member to the answer given on 6 February 1995, Official Report, column 73.

Information about the number of long-stay mental hospitals is available from the Scottish health service costs book published by the information and statistics division, directorate of information services, the NHS in Scotland. A copy of this publication has been placed in the Library of the House.

Sleeper Services

Mr. Martlew: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) what were the gross revenues and gross costs of the sleeper services to Carlisle and Fort William in 1992 93 and 1993 94; and what is the estimate for 1994 95;

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(2) pursuant to his oral statement of 8 February, to the Scottish Grant Committee, Official Report, column 2, if he will provide details of the calculations of the costs per passenger on the Fort William and Carlisle sleeper services; and what has been the passenger loading on the sleeper services for the same financial years.

Lord James-Hamilton [holding answer 22 February 1995]: Responsibility for railways throughout Great Britain rests with my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Transport. Information on the operation of sleeper services is a matter for British Rail and the Franchising Director who have provided the following figures. The approximate gross costs, excluding the fixed element of track access charges, and gross revenues of the sleeper and night motorail services to Fort William and Carlisle are as follows:

£ million                            

             |Costs  |Revenue        


Fort William |3.7    |1.0            

Carlisle     |0.6    |0.4            

The figures relate to 1993 94 passenger numbers but have been uprated to 1994 95 price levels. They also reflect an assessed provision for new charging systems such as rolling stock leases. No figures are available for 1992 93 and 1994 95.

The calculations of the subsidy per passenger on the Fort William and Carlisle sleeper and motorail services noted by me in my oral statement to the Scottish Grand Committee on 8 February, were derived from the attributable subsidy--approximately £2.7 million and £200,000 for the Fort William and Carlisle services respectively--divided by the number of passengers in 1993 94.

The passenger loading figures for the sleeper services are as follows:



Fort William |14,600 |14,600         

Carlisle     |6,700  |5,700          

No estimates are available for       



Permanent Secretaries

Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Wales which permanent secretaries have left his Department's employment in the last five years: and which public positions they have been appointed to subsequently.

Mr. Redwood: One--Sir Richard Lloyd Jones, who retired in August 1993. He was subsequently appointed chairman of the Staff Commission for Wales, and the advisory committee which preceded it, for 1.5 days a week at £15,900 per year, and as chairman of the Arts Council for Wales for 2 days a week, for which he receives no remuneration.

Column 233



Mr. Spearing: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what financial structures exist between regional and district health authorities and the National Blood Authority for meeting variations in general trends in demand and supply of blood in the national health service; and what are the current price levels for blood transferred between them.

Mr. Sackville: National health service hospital trusts' contract with blood transfusion centres for the supply of blood, and fluctuations in supply and demand, are managed through the contracting process. Handling charges, which cover only the local transfusion centres' operating costs, are paid by hospitals for blood supplied. Handling charges are also paid for transfers between transfusion centres at a standard rate. There is never any charge for the blood itself which is freely given by our volunteer donors.

Organ Donor Register

Mr. John D. Taylor: To ask the Secretary of State for Health when the national health service organ donor register was established; how many people have registered with it; when the register will come into operation; and what proposals she has to promote public awareness of it.

Mr. Sackville: The national health service organ donor register was launched on 6 October 1994. More than 700,000 people have joined the register. The register is already fully operational. This month we launched an advertising campaign in England in addition to ongoing publicity initiatives.

Note: Around 440,000 of these were transferred from the existing Lifeline Wales register.

Community Care

Mr. Hanson: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what representations she has received from local authorities regarding the increased demands for community care since the implementation of the NHS and Community Care Act 1990.

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