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Mr. Richards: This information is not held centrally.
Mr. Morgan: To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what consultations he has had with the chairmen of the family health services authorities concerning the adequacy of supply of the doctors entering general practice; if he will list which authorities have made representations regarding shortage of latent supply; and if he will make a statement. [16191]
Mr. Redwood: I have held no specific consultations with chairmen of FHSAs nor received any representations. Over the past three years there have been approximately 1,400 new entrants to general practice per year in England and Wales. This has been sufficient to ensure a continuing increase in overall numbers of GPs.
Column 384
Mr. Alan Williams: To ask the Secretary of Sate for Wales how many planning appeals have been decided by his Department in each of the last five years; and how many have been successful. [14871]
Mr. Gwilym Jones: The provision of statistical information on planning appeals is the responsibility of the Planning Inspectorate. I have asked the inspectorate's chief executive, Mr. C. Shepley, to write to the hon. Member.
Letter from C. Shepley to Mr. Alan Williams, dated 21 March 1995:
The Secretary of State for Wales has asked me to reply to your question about the number of planning appeals that have been dealt with in Wales in each of the last five years; and how many have succeeded.
The information requested is set out in the table: