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Mr. Richards: This information is not held centrally.

Mr. Morgan: To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what consultations he has had with the chairmen of the family health services authorities concerning the adequacy of supply of the doctors entering general practice; if he will list which authorities have made representations regarding shortage of latent supply; and if he will make a statement.      [16191]

Mr. Redwood: I have held no specific consultations with chairmen of FHSAs nor received any representations. Over the past three years there have been approximately 1,400 new entrants to general practice per year in England and Wales. This has been sufficient to ensure a continuing increase in overall numbers of GPs.

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Planning Appeals

Mr. Alan Williams: To ask the Secretary of Sate for Wales how many planning appeals have been decided by his Department in each of the last five years; and how many have been successful.      [14871]

Mr. Gwilym Jones: The provision of statistical information on planning appeals is the responsibility of the Planning Inspectorate. I have asked the inspectorate's chief executive, Mr. C. Shepley, to write to the hon. Member.

Letter from C. Shepley to Mr. Alan Williams, dated 21 March 1995:

The Secretary of State for Wales has asked me to reply to your question about the number of planning appeals that have been dealt with in Wales in each of the last five years; and how many have succeeded.

The information requested is set out in the table:


Planning Appeals: Wales                                     

Year           |Number decided|Number allowed               


1989-90        |1,431         |429                          

1990-91        |1,442         |488                          

1991-92        |1,208         |453                          

1992-93        |1,051         |350                          

1993-94        |955           |334                          

1994-95<1>     |647           |210                          

<1>From 1 April 1994 to 31 December 1994.                   

European Regional Development Fund

Mr. Cynog Dafis: To ask the Secretary of State for Wales (1) if environmental appraisal will be required for project funding bids for ERDF moneys in all circumstances;      [14826]

(2) at what stage in the bidding process for project funding for ERDF moneys environmental appraisals will be assessed;      [14825] (3) if he will establish a specialist advisory group to undertake critical evaluation of environmental appraisals relevant to project funding bids for ERDF moneys;      [14827]

(4) when he will issue guidance notes on the significance attached to environmental appraisals in project funding bids for ERDF money.      [14828]

Mr. Redwood: A statement in respect of the environmental impact of development proposals is required for all ERDF applications; in addition, a full environmental impact assessment is required for all projects with costs above 15 million ecu.

These statements and assessments are taken into account during the process of project appraisal, and the environmental contribution of a project is one of the key criteria used in selecting projects for ERDF assistance. Given the considerable experience in environmental matters available to assist the secretariat and the wider partnership in appraising projects, it is not considered necessary to establish a specialist advisory group in this field. A comprehensive guidance note intended to assist ERDF applicants has recently been issued to the rural Wales and industrial south Wales partnerships; it includes guidance on environmental appraisals.

Junior Doctors

Mr. Morgan: To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what consultations he has had with Welsh health

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authorities and trusts concerning the availability of adequate supplies of junior doctors for hospital appointments, with particular regard to the staffing of accident and emergency departments; and if he will make a statement.      [16189]

Mr. Redwood: My officials are undertaking extensive discussions with Welsh health authorities and trusts concerning the present problems of attracting adequate junior staff to accident and emergency departments with a view to establishing a co-ordinated strategy for dealing with any future shortages.

Mr. Morgan: To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list each hospital or hospital group unit which have either gained or lost accreditation for the training of junior doctors in each of the last three academic years, including parts of years, up to the present.      [16194]

Mr. Redwood: This information is not held centrally.

Mr. Morgan: To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list which health authorities, family health services authorities and hospital trusts have undertaken overseas recruitment drives during the past 12 months to match supply with the demand for junior doctors and new entrants into general practice; and what information he has received concerning the countries from which overseas doctors have been recruited.      [16192]

Mr. Redwood: As part of their general recruitment policy, a number of health authorities and hospital trusts have employed doctors from overseas, but precise details are not available centrally.

Accident and Emergency Units

Mr. Morgan: To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list those health authorities and trusts where there have been occasions of enforced closure at a hospital casualty unit for significant periods during the past two years; and if he will list each such occasion, the length of time for each such closure and the principal reason given for the closure.      [16190]

Mr. Redwood: This information is not held centrally, but can be obtained from health authorities.

Mr. Morgan: To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will conduct an all-Wales review of casualty, accident and emergency and trauma units, in terms of demand, distribution and staffing requirements.      [16195]

Mr. Redwood: My Department is currently undertaking such a review, and advice to the NHS in Wales will be available later this year.

Mr. Morgan: To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what representations he has had from the Cardiff community health council, the South Glamorgan health authority and the university hospital of Wales-- Cardiff Royal Infirmary NHS trust-designate concerning the procedure to be followed pursuant to the vote by the Cardiff community health council against the transfer of accident and emergency services to the university hospital of Wales site at the Heath, Cardiff; and if he will list each step of the statutory procedure.      [16196]

Mr. Redwood: I have not received any representations on this issue. Guidance on the procedures to be followed in the event of a community health council objecting to a health authority proposal for a major service change is set out in "Substantial changes in the use of health buildings: consultation procedures", which was published by my

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Department in June 1991. I will place a copy of the guidance in the Library of the House.

Training and Enterprise Councils

Mr. Rooney: To ask the Secretary of State for Wales by what criteria three-year operators' licences are being awarded to training and enterprise councils in Wales; and how many have been awarded.      [16143]

Mr. Richards: Arrangements for training and enterprise councils to apply for three-year operating licences have not been introduced in Wales.

Community Services

Mr. Sweeney: To ask the Secretary of State for Wales whether he has reached a decision on the future of the voluntary youth services, village halls and community centres programme; and if he will make a statement.      [16861]

Mr. Gwilym Jones: Further to the answer I gave my hon. Friend on 20 January 1995, Official Report, column 716 the consultation period on my proposal has ended. I received eight responses. I have concluded that the programme should be wound up and the finance transferred to local authorities with effect from 31 March 1997. This is in line with our policy that decisions on the funding of local facilities should, wherever possible and appropriate, be taken by local authorities. After that date, assistance to local youth, voluntary and community groups to repair existing facilities and to construct new premises will not normally be funded under these regulations.

This decision does not affect projects which have already been approved under the programme.


Social Development Summit

Mr. Ieuan Wyn Jones: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether he will make a statement following the completion of the world summit for social development on the issues raised at the summit.      [15979]

Mr. Douglas Hogg: I refer the hon. Gentleman to the reply that my right hon. Friend the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs gave to the hon. Member for Southwark and Bermondsey (Mr. Hughes) on 20 March 1995, Official Report, column 15.


Marine Pollution

Mr. Matthew Taylor: To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what studies his Department carries out of the endocrine effects of pollutants, or industrially discharged chemicals, on marine mammals, shellfish or fish.

Mr. Jack: Industrial discharge of chemicals to seas and rivers may only take place in accordance with consents or authorisations issued by the National Rivers Authority and Her Majesty's inspectorate of pollution. The Ministry

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carries out general pollution monitoring in the marine environment and has undertaken some research on levels of alkylphenolethoxylates and alkylphenols in river and estuarine waters. This research, funded by DOE, was to identify effects on caged male fish in rivers close to discharge points from sewage treatment works. Oestrogenic responses were observed close to discharge points but disappeared rapidly with distance downstream. Work is being carried out by the NRA to determine possible causes of the observed effects in fish. No work has been carried out on marine mammals. However, a further MAFF funded programme of investigation on marine fish species is currently under consideration.

Live Exports

Dr. Lynne Jones: To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, pursuant to his answer of 9 March, Official Report, column 329, what information he has on the number of calves exported from Coventry airport in each of the last two years and the number of times flights have been delayed; and how often during that period officials have used their powers to ensure calves do not go for longer than 15 hours from the start of their journey without being fed and rested.      [15166]

Mrs. Browning: A total of 20,213 calves were exported from Coventry airport in 1994. The number of calves exported by this route in the current year so far, to 20 March, is 6,873.

Delays long enough to compromise the 15-hour journey time on flights from Coventry airport occurred on 7 and 8 December because of bad weather--one flight on each date--and on 3 February, when the activities of protesters affected three flights. On each of these occasions calves that had arrived at the airport had to be returned to their premises of origin. In one instance on 3 February, the calves which were delayed at the airport would have exceeded the 15-hour statutory period in returning to their premises of origin. The calves were therefore returned under a notice requiring their feeding immediately on arrival at the home premises. The other journeys of calves returning to their premises of origin could be completed before expiry of the 15 hours, and so notices did not need to be served by officials.

Farming Incomes

Mr. Nicholas Brown: To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will estimate in real terms the change in farming incomes in (a) 1993 and (b) 1994; and by how much he estimates farming incomes will change in 1995.      [15791]

Mr. Jack: Total income from farming rose in real terms by 35.8 per cent. in 1993 and by 4.4 per cent. in 1994.

Estimates of future changes in income are not made.


Occupational Therapy

Mr. Nicholas Brown: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what percentage of referrals to social services is for occupational therapy; and what percentage of

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occupational therapists' posts were unfilled in each of the last five years.      [15361]

Mr. Bowis: This information is not available centrally.

Surgery Costs

Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what is the average cost to the NHS of (a) a hip replacement, (b) coronary artery bypass, (c) a hysterectomy, (d) a tonsillectomy, (e) a cataract extraction, (f) a kidney transplant, (g) a hernia repair and (h) correction of glue ear.      [15831]

Mr. Sackville: The costing systems in the national health service are currently under review to enable the methodologies used to be standardised in all hospitals.


Dr. Lynne Jones: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what information she has on the length of survival after diagnosis of breast cancer in (a) the South Birmingham district health authority area and (b) the west midlands; what is the comparative figure in respect of the Nottingham prognostic index; what was the number of new cases diagnosed in each of the last five years in (i) South Birmingham and (ii) the west midlands; and what was the number of deaths in each of the last five years for each health authority weighted to take population into account.      [15823]

Mr. Sackville: This information is not available centrally. The hon. Member may wish to contact Mr. Bryan Stoten, chairman of South Birmingham health authority, and Mr. Bryan Baker, chairman of West Midlands regional health authority, for details.

Mr. Matthew Taylor: To ask the Secretary of State for Health if her Department monitors the rate of reproductive cancers, with particular reference to testicular cancer, on a continual basis; and if she will make the most recent statistics available.      [15956]

Mr. Sackville: Data on the number of new cases of cancer registered each year with the 11 cancer registries in England have been published annually by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys on behalf of the Department in "Cancer

statistics--registration"--series MB1--reports since 1971. Prior to 1971, these data were published in the Registrar General's "Statistical Review of England and Wales, Supplements on Cancer".

In 1989--the latest available figures--there were 4,758 new cases of malignant neoplasm of the ovary and other uterine adnexa--ICD 183-- registered in England, compared with 1,178 new cases of malignant neoplasm of the testis--ICD 186.

Kidney Patients

Mr. Soley: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what provision has been made to accommodate expansion of renal services within the new home-based care services.      [15663]

Mr. Malone: The changes being made in the way in which continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis is funded affects only those patients whose treatment is currently funded by general practitioners writing a prescription. This is about half all CAPD patients. From 1 April 1995 all patients will receive their treatment as part of contracts between health authorities and renal units. As far as

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allowing for expansion is concerned, as with other hospital services, it is for purchasers to assess need in their area and allocate resources based on local priorities.

Mr. Soley: To aks the Secretary of State for Health if her Department has fully informed general practitioners about the revised arrangements for the provision of home-based continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.      [15656]

Mr. Malone: I refer the hon. Member to the reply that I gave to the hon. Member for Newcastle upon Tyne, East (Mr. Brown) on 23 March Official Report , columns 351-53 .

South Birmingham Mental Health NHS Trust

Mrs. Beckett: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what criteria were used in the selection of the new chair of South Birmingham Mental Health Trust; and which organisations were consulted about the selection;      [16169]

(2) what was the cause of the delay in appointing a new chair of the South Birmingham Mental Health Trust; and if she will make a statement;      [16168]

(3) which body recommended the appointment of the new chair of South Birmingham Mental Health Trust.      [16170]

Mr. Malone: Following a process of identification and formal assessment, a choice of suitable candidates for the chairmanship of the South Birmingham Mental Health National Health Service Trust was submitted to Ministers by West Midlands regional health authority. The RHA also undertook consultation with local Members of Parliament. Mrs. Anne Hingley was appointed as chairman of the South Birmingham Mental Health NHS Trust on 1 March 1995 following her previous service as chairman of the Wolverly NHS Trust.

Hospital Consultants

Mr. Nicholas Brown: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many hospital consultants who have let the NHS in each year since 1979 to set up their own independent small business are still providing health care, but outside the NHS.      [16065]

Mr. Malone: The activities of consultants who leave the national health service are a private matter for the individuals concerned.

Income from Leased Assets

Mr. Fisher: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what is the total annual income from NHS assets and services which are leased or contracted out to the private sector.      [16187]

Mr. Sackville: This information is not available centrally.

Weighted Capitation, North West

Mr. Bayley: To ask the Secretary of State for Health to what extent table 6 of her latest departmental annual report understates the amount of money the north-west region of the national health service should receive under the Government's new weighted capitation formula.      [15865]

Mr. Sackville: For 1995 96, the allocation for North West regional health authority if based fully on weighted

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capitation using the modified national formula, would be £3,217,091,000. The figure of £2,217.1 million for North West regional health authority in table 6, column 2 of the departmental report 1995 is incorrect.

Copies of the departmental report entitled "The Government's Expenditure Plans 1995 96 to 1997 98", Cm 2812, which are available in the Library, will be amended accordingly. I am grateful to the hon. Member for bringing this to my attention.


Mrs. Beckett: To ask the Secretary of State for Health if she will list all the internal or public inquiries begun since April 1991 after NHS service provision failure and conducted by regional health authorities, health authorities, her Department or an independent assessor; what was the reason for each inquiry; and what was the cost of each and in total.      [16165]

Mr. Sackville: This information could be provided only at disproportionate cost.

False Memory Syndrome

Ms Jowell: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what clinical evidence her Department has evaluated which supports the existence of false memory syndrome.      [14156]

Mr. Bowis: None, but we are currently considering a report by the British Psychological Society.

Ms Jowell: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what representations she has received about false memory syndrome in the last three years; and if she will make a statement.      [14157]

Mr. Bowis: We have received a small number of representations from members of the public.


Mrs. Ann Winterton: To ask the Secretary of State for Health if she will give a breakdown, by week of pregnancy, of the number of abortions performed on women in England and Wales (a) under ground A, risk to life of woman, (b) under ground B, to prevent grave permanent injury to physical or mental health of woman, (c) under ground E, there is substantial risk of the child being born seriously handicapped, and (d) under grounds F and G, to save the life of woman and to prevent grave permanent injury to physical or mental health of woman (i) in 1992 and (ii) in 1993.      [15960]

Mr. Sackville: Data for 1992 will be published in table 13 of "Abortion Statistics 1993", series AB, No. 19 on 30 March 1995, copies of which will be placed in the Library. Data for 1993 are not yet available.


Council of Ministers

Mr. Matthew Banks: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will make a statement on the most recent

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Council meeting of the Economic and Finance Ministers of the European union.      [15854]

Mr. Kenneth Clarke: I represented the United Kingdom at the Economic and Finance Council of the European Union in Brussels on 20 March.

The Council agreed to recommend granting discharge to the Commission for the 1993 Community budget after a discussion on the Court of Auditors' report and in the light of a progress report from the new Commission on proposed improvements in financial management. The Council adopted draft conclusions on a proposed regulation on the protection of the Community's financial interests and agreed that rapid progress needed to be made on the matter.

The Council reached political agreement on the draft second VAT simplification directive, agreed on a common position on the trans-European networks financial regulations, and adopted conclusions on the Commission report on the implementation of the money laundering directive, 91/308/EC.

The Council agreed on criteria for future lending to third countries, gave agreement in principle to a Commission proposal for a guarantee on the Community budget for EIB lending to South Africa of 300 mecu over two years, and agreed in principle to a loan to Belarus.

The Council asked the Commission to produce a report on the progress being made by the CEEs on preparation for integration into the internal market in time for discussion prior to the joint meeting between ECOFIN Ministers and associated central and eastern European Finance Ministers scheduled for 22 May.

The Commission presented a communication on the follow-up to the Essen conclusions on employment. The Council decided to discuss the issue further at the informal ECOFIN in early April.

There was unanimous agreement to the TENs financial regulation. No other formal votes were taken.

Temporary Contracts

Ms Harman: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many employees in (i) his Department and (ii) all executive agencies supervised by his Department have been employed on temporary contracts of (a) 51 weeks' or (b) less than 51 weeks' duration for this year and each of the past five years, in each case specifying what percentage of the respective total work force these employees constitute.

Mr. Nelson [holding answer 15 March 1995]: The information for Her Majesty's Treasury, the Central Statistical Office, the Royal Mint and the Department for National Savings is as follows:

Her Majesty's Treasury                                            

                      |Percentage           |Percentage           

           |Less than |of total  |Over 51   |of total             

           |51 weeks  |work force|weeks     |work force           


1995       |36        |2.6       |3         |0.2                  

1994       |<1>11     |0.7       |<1>19     |1.3                  

1993       |<1>16     |1.0       |<1>22     |1.4                  

1992       |<2>7      |0.4       |<2>15     |1.0                  

1991       |<2>12     |0.7       |<2>15     |1.0                  

1990       |<2>28     |1.7       |<2>8      |0.5                  


<1> figures exclude those relating to forward.                    

<2> figures exclude those relating to forward, CCTA and CCC.      

Central Statistical Office                                                      















Royal Mint                                                        

                      |Percentage           |Percentage           

           |Less than |of total  |Over 51   |of total             

           |51 weeks  |work force|weeks     |work force           


1994       |91        |10        |0         |-                    

1993       |60        |6         |0         |-                    

1992       |32        |3         |0         |-                    

1991       |36        |4         |0         |-                    

1990       |94        |9         |0         |-                    

Department for National Savings                                   

                      |Percentage           |Percentage           

           |Less than |of total  |Over 51   |of total             

           |51 weeks  |work force|weeks     |work force           


1995       |111       |2.0       |176       |3.2                  

1994       |327       |5.5       |157       |2.3                  

1993       |209       |3.4       |31        |0.5                  

1992       |180       |2.8       |18        |0.3                  

1991       |191       |2.8       |1         |-<1>                 

1990       |353       |4.3       |3         |-<1>                 


<1> Figures are less than 0.1 per cent.                           

Ms Harman: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer for this year and each of the past five years, how many employees in (i) his Department and (ii) all executive agencies for which his Department is responsible who have been employed on temporary contracts of (a) 51 weeks' or (b) less than 51 weeks' duration are re-employed in the same or similar position at a later date.

Mr. Nelson [holding answer 15 March 1995]: The information for HM Treasury, the Central Statistical Office, the Royal Mint and the Department for National Savings is as follows:

HM Treasury                                                                 

                   |Less than 51 weeks|Over 51 weeks                        


1995               |3                 |0                                    

1994               |3                 |0                                    

1993               |3                 |0                                    

1992               |0                 |0                                    

1991               |0                 |0                                    

1990               |0                 |0                                    

Central Statistical Office                                                  

                   |Less than 51 weeks|Over 51 weeks                        


1995               |4                 |0                                    

1994               |15                |0                                    

1993               |12                |0                                    

1992               |5                 |0                                    

1991               |4                 |0                                    

1990               |4                 |0                                    

Royal Mint Figures are not available in the format requested.

Department for National Savings                                             

                   |Less than 51 weeks|Over 51 weeks                        


1995               |64                |0                                    

1994               |75                |0                                    

1993               |74                |0                                    

1992               |20                |0                                    

1991               |12                |0                                    

1990               |0                 |0                                    

Ms Harman: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many people he expects to employ in (i) his Department and (ii) all executive agencies for which he is responsible on temporary contracts of (a) 51 weeks' or (b) less than 51 weeks' duration in the next three years, in each case specifying the number of employees who had previously been employed in a similar position on the same contract.

Mr. Nelson [holding answer 15 March 1995]: This information is not available for all Departments. HM Treasury is currently in the process of a fundamental expenditure review and the likely future requirements for temporary staff cannot be forecast at this stage.

Central Statistical Office                                                           

                 |Less than       |Over 51         |Staff previously                 

                 |51 weeks        |weeks           |employed                         


1996             |65              |0               |5                                

1997             |72              |0               |5                                

1998             |70              |0               |4                                

For the Royal Mint, figures are not available in the format requested. The current trend is expected to continue which would mean an average of about 90 temporary staff being employed with approximately 50 of these being employed previously in a similar position.

Department for National Savings                                             

                   |Less than 51 weeks|Over 51 weeks                        


1995-96            |262               |50                                   

1996-97            |190               |35                                   

1997-98            |180               |25                                   

Ms Harman: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) what guidance has been issued in respect of the recruitment and appointment of non- permanent employees in (a) his Department and (b) all executive agencies supervised by his Department;

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(2) if he will publish the full terms of employment as specified to employees in his Department and all executive agencies for which he is responsible who are employed on a temporary contract of (a) 51 weeks' or (b) less than 51 weeks' duration.

Mr. Nelson [holding answer 15 March 1995]: All Departments base their procedures--including terms of appointment--on the guidance in the civil service management code concerning recruitment and the use of casual staff, "Personnel Management", paragraphs 2.1.3 to 2.1.4, and general circular GC/375. Copies of these publications are available in the Members' Library. From 9 November 1994, line managers in Her Majesty's Treasury have had the flexibility to recruit casual staff, and have received extracts from the central guidance on procedures--most recently circulated in February 1995. A copy has been placed in the Members' Library.

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