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Ms Ruddock: To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment when his Department will publish the critical load maps for nitrogen deposition in the United Kingdom. [15846]
Mr. Clappison: United Kingdom maps of critical loads for total acidity, to which nitrogen deposition contributes, have been published in the current digest of environmental statistics. Critical loads maps for nutrient nitrogen have been published in the INDITE report--impacts of nitrogen deposition in terrestrial ecosystems--which was published at the request of the Department in October 1994. Copies of both the digest and the INDITE report have been placed in the House of Commons Library. The nutrient nitrogen maps have recently undergone revision and copies are freely available from my Department on request.
Ms Ruddock: To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment when he will publish a progress report on the United Kingdom climate change programme relating to non-carbon dioxide emissions. [15847]
Mr. Clappison:
An update of the United Kingdom climate change programme covering emissions of all greenhouse gases will be published in March 1997.
21 Feb 1996 : Column: 137
Mr. Rendel:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment when he expects to lay before the House the orders for structural change for those local authorities for which he has decided to accord unitary status. [16092]
Sir Paul Beresford:
I refer the hon. Member to the answer given by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment to the hon. Member for Hereford (Mr. Shepherd) on 13 February, Official Report, columns 482-83.
Mr. Blunkett:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) what are the total amounts of rate support grant, national non-domestic rates and standard spending assessment reduction grant and, as appropriate,
21 Feb 1996 : Column: 138
community care and metropolitan rail grants provided in (a) 1996-97 and (b) 1995-96 for each local authority responsible for education in 1996-97 (i) by class and (ii) in total allowing for changes in functions; [15676]
Mr. Curry
[holding answer 19 February 1996]: The information is shown in the tables.
21 Feb 1996 : Column: 137
(2) what are the total amounts of rate support grant, national non-domestic rates and standard spending assessment reduction grant, the 1995-96 notional calculation being consistent with the calculation of notional 1995-96 SSAs and council taxes set out in statutory instrument 1996/176 and including 1995-96 community care and metropolitan rail grants treated as part of RSG in 1996-97, and allowing for other changes in function provided in (a) 1996-97 and (b) 1995-96 for new local authorities assuming responsibility for education in 1996-97 (i) for each authority and (ii) in total. [15675]
1. Notional figures for 1995-96 include as amounts of RSG community care special transitional grant and metropolitan rail grant estimated to be payable for that year. This takes account of changes in functions between years and local government reorganisation.
2. For 1996-97 STG is payable in respect of responsibilities additional to those for which STG was payable for 1995-96.
21 Feb 1996 : Column: 137
1. Notional figures for 1995-96 include as amounts of RSG community care special transitional grant and metropolitan rail grant estimated to be payable for that year. This takes account of changes in functions between years and local government reorganisation.
2. For 1996-97 STG is payable in respect of responsibilities additional to those for which STG was payable for 1995-96.
21 Feb 1996 : Column: 137
21 Feb 1996 : Column: 139
Mr. Campbell-Savours:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many incidents of scalding at the Campbells Soups factory in King's Lynn have been reported to the Health and Safety Executive in the last five years. [15360]
Sir Paul Beresford
[holding answer 19 February 1996]: HSE has obtained Campbells Soups' permission to provide the following date which would not otherwise have been released.
Five incidents of scalding at the Campbells Soups factory in King's Lynn have been reported to the Health and Safety Executive in the five-year period between 1 April 1990 and 31 March 1995.
Mr. Campbell-Savours:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many incidents of scalding at the Campbells Soups factory in Stratford-on-Avon have been reported to the Health and Safety Executive in the last five years. [15361]
Sir Paul Beresford
[holding answer 19 February 1996]: HSE has obtained Campbells Soups' permission to provide the following data which would not otherwise have been released.
One incident of scalding at the Campbells Soups factory in Stratford-upon-Avon has been reported to the Health and Safety Executive between 1 April 1990 and 31 March 1995.
Mr. Campbell-Savours:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many deaths have been notified to the Health and Safety Executive in respect of persons involved in food manufacturing in plants owned by Campbells Soups in the last five years. [15364]
Sir Paul Beresford
[holding answer 19 February 1996]: One fatal accident at Campbells Soups has been reported to the Health and Safety Executive in the last five years.
Mr. David Nicholson:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what assessment he has made of the consequences for the construction industry in the United Kingdom of (a) a minimum wage at a level of £4 an hour and (b) implementation of the social chapter. [15442]
Mr. John M. Taylor:
I have been asked to reply.
The introduction of a statutory minimum wage and the implementation of the social chapter in the United Kingdom would impose substantial extra costs on British business, which, in turn, would destroy jobs. This would be a double disaster damaging employment and prosperity across the economy, including the construction industry.
Mr. Khabra:
To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is his estimate of the amount of extra tax revenues that Her Majesty's Treasury would have received from North sea oil companies if no changes had been made in 1983 to the tax regime. [14760]
21 Feb 1996 : Column: 140
Mr. Jack:
Estimated revenue effects of the changes to petroleum revenue tax in 1983-84 were given in table 4.2 of the "Financial Statement and Budget Report" for that year. No separate estimates were made of the impact on North sea companies of the corporation tax changes in that year.
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