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Dr. Wright: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will list the executive non-departmental public bodies sponsored by his Department which are subject to (a) investigation by the Parliamentary Commissioner, (b) scrutiny by the Audit Commission, (c) scrutiny by the National Audit Office, (d) statutory provisions for open government, (e) performance indicators and (f) provisions under the citizens charter. [16025]
Mrs. Angela Knight: There are no executive non-departmental public bodies sponsored by the Treasury.
Mr. Wilkinson: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) what budgetary allocations he is making for the financial years (a) 1996-97, (b) 1997-98 and (c) 1998-99 for preparations by the Royal Mint to produce coins and banknotes for circulation in the United Kingdom denominated in euros; [16058]
Mr. Kenneth Clarke: No specific provision has been made for expenditure by Her Majesty's Treasury on preparations for single currency coins by the Royal Mint. The Royal Mint operates as a trading fund and takes budgeting decisions on a commercial basis. Preparations for single currency notes are the responsibility of the European Monetary Institute, and involve the national central banks of EU member states, including the Bank of England. The Government are committed to playing a full role in preparations for economic and monetary union, given the implications for the UK--including possible commercial opportunities for the Royal Mint--whether or not we participate in the single currency.
Mr. Llew Smith: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what request Customs and Excise has received from the United States Customs Department since 1989 for assistance in information on involvement of United Kingdom companies with the Atlanta branch of the Banca Nationale del Lavoro in funding arms purchases for Iraq. [16006]
Mr. Heathcoat-Amory
[holding answer 19 February 1996]: Requests from the United States Customs Department to Customs and Excise are made under the basis of a memorandum of understanding dated 6 July 1989. Requests and information provided are confidential exchanges solely for the purpose of mutual assistance set out in the memorandum.
21 Feb 1996 : Column: 141
Mr. Llew Smith:
To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what plans he has to review Customs and Excise prosecution policy. [15987]
Mr. Heathcoat-Amory
[holding answer 19 February 1996]: In the light of lessons learnt from the super-gun, Matrix Churchill and other cases, Customs and Excise has already made improvements in the way in which it handles major prosecutions. Sir Richard Scott makes several further recommendations for improvement; these will be carefully considered as a part of the Government's response to the report.
Ms Primarolo:
To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how much value added tax is collected annually from the national health service. [15907]
Mr. Heathcoat-Amory
[holding answer 20 February 1996]: Assuming that the hon. Lady is referring to the total cost to the NHS of VAT, HM Customs and Excise calculates from the data produced by the Central Statistical Office that it is about £1.5 billion.
If the hon. Lady is referring to actual VAT collected from health authorities, output tax in the year ending 31 March 1995 was £69 million. This was offset by repayments of £381 million in respect of input tax and refunds relating to contracted-out services.
VAT paid is taken into account in the allocation of funds to NHS trusts.
Ms Primarolo:
To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how much value added tax is collected annually from the sale of pharmaceutical products to the national health service. [15902]
Mr. Heathcoat-Amory
[holding answer 20 February 1996]: The information requested is not available.
Mr. Nigel Jones:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) if he will make a statement on funding of secure accommodation for young offenders; and what plans he has to transfer responsibility for the funding to the Home Office; [15428]
(3) what is the weekly cost of placement per young offender in each approved secure accommodation venue; and if he will make a statement. [15437]
Miss Widdecombe:
Responsibility for these matters has been delegated to the temporary Director General of the Prison Service, who has been asked to arrange for a reply to be given.
21 Feb 1996 : Column: 142
Letter from Richard Tilt to Mr. Nigel Jones, dated 21 February 1996:
Mr. Hawksley:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if his Department has completed the review of the conditions being put on children certificates by magistrates; and if he will make a statement. [15717]
Mr. Kirkhope:
We are continuing to monitor the attaching of conditions to children certificates and expect shortly to be in a position to decide what action is required. I regret that it has not proved possible to move as quickly as originally hoped.
Mr. Alexander:
To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what is the clear-up rate in
21 Feb 1996 : Column: 143
Nottinghamshire for (a) 1991, (b) 1992, (c) 1993, (d) 1994 and (e) 1995 for (i) burglary, (ii) theft and (iii) crimes of violence. [15720]
Mr. Maclean:
The available information is given in the table. Information for 1995 is not yet available.
(2) what is the recidivism rate for young offenders who have been placed in secure accommodation for (a) one month, (b) three months, (c) six months and (d) one year and longer; and what assessment he has made of the effectiveness of secure accommodation placements; [15436]
The Home Secretary has asked me to reply to your recent Questions about the funding of secure accommodation for young offenders, the effectiveness of secure accommodation, and the cost of the various secure accommodation units.
The Department of Health is responsible for the capital funding of secure accommodation and for its approval and inspection. However, revenue funding for the placement in secure accommodation of offenders convicted under section 53 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 is a Home Office responsibility having been transferred from the Department of Health on 1 April 1995. There are no plans to change these arrangements.
The information requested on recidivism rates is not available. Limited research on recidivism is contained in Home Office Research and Planning Unit Paper 66, "Juveniles sentenced for serious offences: a comparison of regimes in young offender institutions and local authority community homes", published by the Home Office in 1992. This small scale study found some evidence that section 53 offenders released from secure accommodation did better in terms of reconviction than section 53 offenders released from young offender institutions.
The attached table shows the weekly charge per head for those secure accommodation units in which section 53 offenders have been detained since April 1995.
Unit Charge £
Amberdale 2,198.00
Atkinson Unit 1,973.16
Aycliffe 2,289.00
Barton Moss 1,879.50
Briars Hey 1,873.55
Dyson Hall 2,151.31
East Moor 1,941.80
Fairfield Lodge 2,434.18
Glenthorne 2,530.01
Market Street 2,162.09
Middlesex Lodge 2,849.98
Orchard Lodge 2,919.98
Red Bank 2,177.00
Red Sands 1,974.00
Salters 2,177.00
St. Johns, Birmingham 2,359.00
St. Catherines 2,074.80
Stamford House 2,919.98
Sutton Place 2,197.30
Stoke House 2,419.97
Vinney Green 1,981.00
Year | Burglary | Theft and handling stolen goods | Crimes of Violence(1) |
1991 | 22 | 24 | 71 |
1992 | 22 | 24 | 68 |
1993 | 29 | 26 | 68 |
1994 | 29 | 26 | 67 |
(1) Offences of violence against the person, sexual offences and robbery.
Mr. Cohen: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many people are currently held in detention centres in respect of immigration. [16002]
Mr. Kirkhope: Information is available on all persons, excluding non-asylum cases in detention for less than a month, held in immigration service detention centres solely under Immigration Act powers. The number of such persons was 295 on 31 January 1996. This figure excludes persons detained in Prison Service establishments or police cells. Information on non-asylum cases in detention for less than a month is not available centrally.
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