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Departmental Suppliers

Mrs. Roche: To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage what plans she has to ensure that her Department identifies the size of its suppliers by the number of their employees. [15611]

Mr. Sproat [holding answer 20 February 1996]: In view of the relatively small expenditure on goods and services by my Department and its two agencies, we have no plans to identify the size of suppliers by the number of their employees.

Regulatory Bodies

Mr. Steen: To ask the Secretary of State for National Heritage if she will list each regulatory body for which she is responsible indicating for each the percentage of business people on the board. [15732]

Mr. Sproat [holding answer 20 February 1996]: The information is provided below. The figures exclude the Office of the National Lottery which is responsible for

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regulating the national lottery but does not have board members.


GP Fundholding

Mr. Donohoe: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what were the findings of the study of general practitioner fundholding commissioned by his Department and carried out by John Howie of the department of general practice at Edinburgh university during 1995. [13250]

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton: The findings of the project were reported as follows:

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    14. that further thought needs to be given to the evolution of fund-setting both for the prescribing and hospital services components of funds.

    About perceptions of cost and benefit
    15. Patients are generally very satisfied with the quality of the services they receive from general practitioners and the level of satisfaction has been maintained over the period in the fund-holding practices we studied and;
    16. being the 'lead' doctors in a fund-holding practice has time and perhaps other costs which are higher than those experienced by other doctors. Their perceptions of benefits are also higher. Fund managers perceive higher costs than benefits. Non-lead doctors perceive both costs and benefits at a lower level than do the other groups.
    Amongst respondents from fund-holding practices in March 1994
    17. Sixty two per cent. are positive or very positive about fund-holding, 24 per cent. are neutral and 15 per cent. are negative; and more generally;
    18. the concept of centrally funded evaluative work by independent researchers has been a strength of the 'shadow' experiment; it has worked acceptably (probably on both sides), and it could be a repeatable model in the future.
    We finally conclude
    19. That discussion of the possible benefits which might follow if the investments in management and in information technology given to fund-holders were also given to non fund-holders should be encouraged".

Lingerbay Inquiry

Mr. Galbraith: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what was the cost to Scottish Natural Heritage of the Lingerbay inquiry. [14611]

Mr. Kynoch: Scottish Natural Heritage estimates that it has spent £530,985 on the inquiry to date. This excludes an estimate of staff time, which could be provided only at disproportionate cost.

Departmental Publications

Dr. Wright: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland which of his Department's administrative manuals and internal guidance are now made public; and which remain private. [14022]

Mr. Michael Forsyth: My Department's record of making publicly available internal guidance documents and administrative manuals is extremely good. The following examples give a good indication of the wide range of information that is available or will be made available:

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The following are examples of material which is not available for public inspection:

    The Scottish Office Security Handbook.
    Scottish Prison Service Security Manual.
    Departmental Instruments relating to fisheries enforcement matters.

Village Shops

Mr. Macdonald: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what estimate he has made of the total amount of rates currently payable by village shops in Scotland. [15073]

Mr. Kynoch: This information is not held centrally.

Set-aside Payments

Dr. Strang: To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many payments were made in Scotland in 1994-95 for set-aside of between (a) £0 and £5,000, (b) £5,001 and £10,000, (c) £10,001 and £15,000, (d) £15,001 and £20,000, (e) £20,001 and 25,000, (f) £25,001 and £50,000, (g) £50,001 and £75,000 and (h) over £75,000. [15336]

Mr. Raymond S. Robertson: Set-aside payments which have been made to farmers in Scotland under the 1994 arable area payments scheme are as follows:

(a) £0-£5,0003,090
(b) £5,001-£10,0001,036
(c) £10,001-£15,000275
(d) £15,001-£20,000106
(e) £20,001-£25,00041
(f) £25,001 and over(13)42

(13) It is not possible to identify separately the number of payments above £50,000 for reasons of confidentiality.

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