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Mr. Hanson: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment (1) how many jobcentres and job clubs currently subscribe to "Jobsearch"; [38916]
Mr. Forth: Responsibility for the subject of the questions has been delegated to the Employment Service Agency under its chief executive. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.
23 Jul 1996 : Column: 193
Letter from Mike Fogden to Mr. David Hanson, dated 23 July 1996:
The Secretary of State has asked me to reply to your questions asking what assessment she has made of the quality of advertisements in the magazine Jobsearch, and how many Jobcentres and Jobclubs currently subscribe to Jobsearch. This is something which falls within the responsibilities delegated to me as Chief Executive of the Agency.
It is not the role of the Employment Service to monitor or attempt to influence the quality or content of privately produced publications. There are governing bodies specifically for this. Advertisements in newspapers or other publications must comply with the appropriate Codes of Practice, and any individual having a complaint can ask the Advertising Standards Authority to investigate.
There are no central subscription arrangements for the Jobsearch magazine, nor do we keep centrally records of Jobcentres or Jobclubs which subscribe. To obtain this information would require disproportionate costs so I am sorry I am unable to provide it.
Mr. Alfred Morris: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment if she will monitor the impact of the introduction of employer contributions under the access to work scheme; and when she plans to make a statement on the impact. [37638]
Mr. Forth: Responsibility for the subject of the question has been delegated to the Employment Service Agency under its chief executive. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.
Letter from Mike Fogden to Mr. Alfred Morris, dated 23 July 1996:
The Secretary of State has asked me to reply to your question about monitoring the new cost sharing arrangements in the Access to Work programme. This is something which falls within the responsibilities delegated to me as Chief Executive of the Agency.
Access to Work is operated by the Employment Service. The budget is cash limited and the new arrangements introducing cost sharing from 1 June enable us to strike an appropriate balance between helping to meet the needs of people with disabilities and in making best use of available resources. We shall be monitoring the new arrangements and expenditure closely, including numbers separately identified of people unemployed, employed, and self employed on application for Access to Work support.
I hope this is helpful.
Ms Armstrong: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment (1) if she will make a statement on the work commissioned by the Funding Agency for Schools from the firm of surveyors, Hunters; [38275]
(3) what information she collates on the condition of grant-maintained school buildings individually and in aggregate, with special reference to the cost of the backlog of repairs and maintenance; and if she will place such information in the Library. [38277]
Mrs. Gillan: This is a matter for the Funding Agency for Schools. I have asked the chairman of the funding agency to write to the hon. Member with this information.
23 Jul 1996 : Column: 194
Mr. Blunkett: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment how many parents secured the primary or secondary school of their first choice for their child in the most recent year for which figures are available (a) in total and (b) for each local education authority. [38583]
Mr. Robin Squire: This information is not collected centrally. However, the most recent evidence--from surveys commissioned by the Association of Metropolitan Authorities in 1992 and The Times in 1993--suggested that some 90 per cent. of parents gained a place at their first choice school.
Mr. Steen: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment if she will list the licences issued by her Department; for what purpose they are issued; and what are the administrative costs for each. [38685]
Mr. Robin Squire: The Department issues copyright licences under delegated authority from Her Majesty's Stationery Office. No separate record is kept of cost, but it is negligible and substantially less than the cost of one administrative level staff unit.
Mr. Bayley: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what was the full-time equivalent number of teachers employed in North Yorkshire (a) infant and primary and (b) secondary schools in each year since 1974. [38929]
Mr. Robin Squire: The available information is shown in the following table:
Primary | Secondary | |
1975 | 2,661 | 2,805 |
1976 | 2,718 | 2,945 |
1977 | 2,744 | 3,059 |
1978 | 2,727 | 3,126 |
1979 | 2,698 | 3,160 |
1980 | 2,648 | 3,219 |
1981 | 2,529 | 3,197 |
1982 | 2,402 | 3,178 |
1983 | 2,304 | 3,205 |
1984 | 2,282 | 3,197 |
1985 | 2,271 | 3,073 |
1986 | 2,274 | 3,017 |
1987 | 2,322 | 2,938 |
1988 | 2,356 | 2,852 |
1989 | 2,411 | 2,814 |
1990 | 2,450 | 2,795 |
1991 | 2,435 | 2,800 |
1992 | 2,470 | 2,805 |
1993 | 2,500 | 2,851 |
1994 | 2,503 | 2,758 |
1995 | 2,600 | 2,822 |
23 Jul 1996 : Column: 195
Mr. David Nicholson: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what measures she is co-ordinating to improve the security of schools in England and Wales. [38951]
Mr. Robin Squire: The Government have accepted in full the recommendations of the working group on school security, including for the provision of substantial additional funding earmarked specifically for school security. We have already strengthened police powers regarding the carrying of knives and other weapons on school premises. The security of schools in Wales is a matter for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Wales.
Mr. Bryan Davies: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what was the total public expenditure for the training of outside consultants in the structure and language of national vocational qualifications prior to the publication of the Beaumont report; and what expenditure is planned in this regard for (a) 1996-97 and (b) 1997-98. [39038]
Mr. Paice: The Department did not provide any training at public expense specifically on structure and language of NVQs prior to the Beaumont report. Following the receipt of that report and as stated in the Government's action plan a programme of professional development for people involved in the development of occupational standards and NVQs is planned for 1996-97, and will continue to be available until the end of the "review of all" in April 1998. A total training budget of approximately £60,000 is proposed for 1996-97. No specific amount has been set aside for consultants as opposed to others provided by industry bodies.
We expect to spend a similar amount in 1997-98.
Mr. Davies:
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what is the level of current expenditure on (a) additional national vocational qualifications and (b) the revision of existing national vocational qualifications; and what expenditure is planned for 1997-98. [39037]
Mr. Paice:
The current planned level of expenditure through the standards programme for work on additional standards and national vocational qualifications is £2.2 million for 1996-97.
The current planned level of expenditure through the standards programme for work on revision and updating of standards and national vocational qualifications is £4.8 million for 1996-97.
Decisions on expenditure on these items for 1997-98 have not yet been taken.
Mr. Davies:
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what has been the total public expenditure on the development of standards for national vocational qualifications since the inception of the
23 Jul 1996 : Column: 196
standards programme; and now much of this expenditure has been on outside consultants. [39039]
Mr. Paice:
Total expenditure since the inception of the standards programme for national vocational qualifications in 1988 has been £83 million. It is not possible to say how much of this has involved consultants.
Mr. Byers:
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment which courses are now no longer approved for output funding by her Department as a result of their removal from the NVQ national database; and for each course, what was the number of students taking the course in the last three years. [38257]
Mr. Paice
[holding answer 22 July 1996]: Three hundred and fifty-five vocational qualifications were removed from approval and closed to new entrants to training programmes between May 1993 and May 1996. Of these, 81 are no longer eligible for output payments to TECs; they are listed. Student numbers taking each qualification are not available as trainee data are collected on an aggregated basis by level of qualification for all approved types. Data are not collected by reference to individual qualification titles.
23 Jul 1996 : Column: 197
Qualification titles:--Accommodation Services; Adult Trainers Award; Agricultural Machinery Partsmen (Special Examination); Agriculture Phase II; Aeronautical Engineering Competencies Part II; Animal Care (Small Animals) Phase 1; Animal Care (Small Animals) Phase 2; Animal Care (Special Examination); Automotive Glazing (GTL); Automotive Glazing (RTITB); Baking; Basic Quarrying (Special Examination); Basic Upholstery Skills; Beauty Therapy; Beauty Specialist's Diploma; Caring for Children (0-7 years); Certificate in Achievement in Forecourt Operations; Certificate in Cleaning Science; Certificate of Proficiency (Chemical Industry); Certificate of Tour Operating Practice Level I; Clothing and Knitting Craft Stage I; Community Care Practice; Cosmetic Make-up; Diploma in Health Community Care and Parentcraft; Diploma in Hotel Reception and Front Office Practice; Electronic Office Systems Maintenance; Electronic Office Systems Maintenance (Field); Electronic Office Systems Maintenance (Workshop) Family and Community Care; First Certificate in Caring; First Certificate in Leisure Studies; First Certificate in Science; First Diploma in Caring; First Diploma in Leisure Studies; Footware Manufacture Operatives Stage 1; Footware Manufacture Operatives Stage 2; Furniture Removing--Manual Operations; Furniture Removing--Sales Administration; Guide Dogs (Kennel Staff); Guide Dogs (Trainer); Horse Care (Level 1); Horse Care (Level 2); Industrial Ceramics (Special Examinations); Industrial Cleaning and Maintenance; Iron and Steel Production (Foundation); Kennel Craft (Special Examination); Leather Goods Manufacture; Light Leather Goods Skills Tests; Maintenance and Repair of Construction Plant Part I; Manicure; Meat Industry General Assistant; National Small Animal Care Certificate; Plumbing Craft (New Scheme); Practical Caring Skills Part II; Practical Environmental Skills; Preliminary Certificate in Applications Programming; Preliminary Examination for Banking Certificate; Preliminary Examination for membership of AAT; Process Operations (Man-Made Fibres and Film) Level 1; Process Operations (Man-Made Fibres and Film) Level 2; Recreation and Leisure Industries Part I; Recreation and Leisure Industries Part II; Road Haulage; Roadwork Craft; Saddlery Level I Skills Tests; Security and Emergency Alarm Systems Part I; Security and Emergency Alarm Systems Part II; Shoe Repair Stage I; Shoe Repair Stage II; Skillbuild (Level 1); Stock Administration and Handling Part II; Surveying for Draughtproofing; The Certificate in Accounting; The Certificate in Business Travel; Threshold Certificate; Tobacco Processing (Cigarette Making); Tobacco Processing (Cigarette Packing); Tobacco Processing (Cigarette Packing); Tobacco Processing (filter Rod Making); Tobacco Processing (Loose Tobacco); Vehicle Mechanics and Systems (Stage Two) National Craft Certificate; Waterman's Certificate (Special Examination) Part I.
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