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Age Limits

Mr. Redmond: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment if she will introduce legislation to eliminate job advertisements specifying age limits, except where reasons are given for them; and if she will make a statement. [3189]

Mrs. Gillan: The Government are convinced that the best way to combat age discrimination is through persuasion and education and they do not intend to introduce legislation to eliminate job advertisements specifying age limits.


Mr. Hall: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what was the school population of primary and secondary schools in England and Wales in each academic year since 1978-79. [3170]

Mr. Robin Squire: The information for England is shown in the following table. Pupil numbers in Wales are a matter for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Wales.

12 Nov 1996 : Column: 137

Numbers of pupils (millions) in maintained primary and secondary schools in England
Position in January each year


(18) Excludes pupils in sixth form colleges which ceased to be classified as schools in April 1993.

Project Work

Sir Ralph Howell: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment if she will make a progress report on the project work pilot schemes. [3285]

Mr. Nicholas Winterton: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what plans she has to extend the project work pilots; and if she will make a statement. [3237]

Mr. Forth: I am very encouraged by the results of the two current pilots of project work, which having been running since April in Hull and Medway and Maidstone. The latest information indicates that around 25 per cent. more people are leaving the unemployment register in the pilot areas than in comparable areas. Based on this encouraging evidence, the Secretary of State announced on 7 November that the project work approach was to be extended early next year to around 100,000 people in a wide range of locations in England, Scotland and Wales. The full list of areas in which the pilot will run is as follows:

12 Nov 1996 : Column: 138

The existing pilots, in Hull and Medway and Maidstone will also continue beyond July 1997.

Mr. Ian McCartney: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment (1) what estimate she has made of the effect of project work by April 1997 on the official count of claimant unemployed with durations of over two years in the (a) Hull travel-to-work area and (b) Medway and Maidstone travel-to-work areas; [3062]

Mr. Forth: The treatment of people who claim jobseeker's allowance after a period on project work is consistent with that of people leaving training for work, or other Employment Service programmes which have involved the payment of an allowance. They will be treated as new claims for the purposes of payment of jobseeker's allowance. Those who return will continue to qualify for all ES programmes, including those for people unemployed over two years, and for training for work. The numbers of those entering and leaving project work will be made publicly available.

Collective Worship

Mr. Allen: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what recent representations she has studied from the British Humanist Association regarding collective worship; and if she will make a statement. [3190]

Mrs. Gillan: My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State has received a letter dated 29 October from Mr. Robert Ashby, the executive director of the British Humanist Association. I have placed a copy of my reply in the Library.

Surplus School Places

Mr. Hall: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment how many surplus places there were in primary and secondary schools in England and Wales in each academic year since 1978-79. [3169]

12 Nov 1996 : Column: 139

Mr. Robin Squire: The information requested is only available on a consistent basis for England for 1993-94 and 1994-95. In those years, the number of surplus places was as follows:


My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Wales is responsible for monitoring surplus places in Wales.

Office for Standards in Education Research

Mr. Kilfoyle: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment if she will place the recent Ofsted research into (i) the background of excluded pupils and (ii) school library provision in the Library. [3103]

Mr. Robin Squire: This is a matter for Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools, who heads the Office for Standards in Education. I have asked Mr. Chris Woodhead to write to the hon. Member.


Mr. Dunn: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment (1) if she will publish the current unemployment rates in each European Union member state, indicating in each case whether the social chapter is in force; [2919]

Mr. Paice [holding answer 11 November 1996]: The information is set out in following table. I am pleased to confirm that, both for unemployment overall and for unemployment of people below the age of 25, the UK rate is substantially below the figure in the European Union as a whole. The UK is the only country to which the social chapter does not apply.

TotalUnder 25 years

Employment Service

Mr. Blunkett: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment (1) which body established

12 Nov 1996 : Column: 140

the resource baselines quoted by the chief executive of the Employment Service as a factor in the decision to make staffing reductions; [3613]

Mr. Forth: Responsibility for the subject of the questions has been delegated to the Employment Service agency under its chief executive. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter from M. E. G. Fogden to Mr. David Blunkett, dated 12 November 1996:

12 Nov 1996 : Column: 141

    These include both paybill and general administration expenditure.
    The staff numbers for the current year broken down into broad divisions are:

    Senior management(Grades 3-7)292
    Executive grades(SEO-EO)13,993
    Clerical(including temporary staff)22,251

    A breakdown of staff by grade is not available for future years. Unfortunately, the information for 1999-2000 is not yet available as the current public expenditure survey has yet to be concluded. The earlier information is published in the 1996 DfEE Departmental Report.

    I hope this is helpful.

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