Select Committee on Liaison First Report



Excluding direct staff costs, total expenditure by Committees in the last financial year 1995-96 was £3,975,545. The following tables illustrate that costs have been effectively contained since the departmental select committees were established in 1979 while the work done as measured by the number of reports produced has increased.

Average per Committee* per session
FY 1980-81
FY 1994-95
FY 1995-96
Number of formal meetings+   34   33   30
Number of Reports   3.8   7.3   5.8
Expenditure on specialist advice   £7,819   £10,657




Transcription of evidence (shorthand writing   £5,310   £23,188




Overseas visits   £8,517   £26,172




UK visits   £854    £4,577




Total cost of committees (excluding directly employed staff)   £2,250,315   £3,758,286




*  Average for Departmental Committees, PAC and PCA Committees

+  Visits and informal meetings are not included

#  Figures in brackets are deflated by the increase in the RPI since 1980-81.

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Prepared 13 March 1997