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House of Commons
Session 1997-98
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Summary Agendas and Orders of Business

Order of Business Tuesday 21st April 1998

Here you can browse the House of Commons Order of Business for Tuesday 21 April 1998.

* Indicates a question for oral answer.
[R] indicates that the Member has declared a relevant interest.
Questions for oral answer not reached receive a written answer.
Supplementary questions will also be asked. Other Ministers may also answer.

+ Indicates Government business.
Timings are indicative only.
++ These are ordinary written questions of which no previous notice has been given. For other questions for written answer today see the 'Order Book'.

At 2.30 p.m.Prayers.
At 2.35 p.m. 
Oral Questions to the Secretary of State for Scotland
*1 Mr David Marshall (Glasgow, Shettleston):    What discussions he has had with Greater Glasgow Health Board on the Green Paper, Working Together for a Healthier Scotland, in respect of inequalities in health in Scotland; and if he will make a statement.
*2 Ms Roseanna Cunningham (Perth):    What recent discussions he has had concerning the criminal justice system in Scotland.
*3 Mr Tam Dalyell (Linlithgow):    What action the Crown Office has taken on the depositions and statements made by the Iranian defector, Mr Abldehassem Mesbahi, to Mr Gunter Rath, State Prosecutor at Frankfurt, in relation to the Lockerbie bombing; and what discussions Her Majesty's Government has had with the governments of the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany on the matter.
*4 Mr Douglas Alexander (Paisley South):    What progress has been made in reducing the number of NHS trusts operating in Scotland.
*5 Mr Crispin Blunt (Reigate):    What plans he has made to ensure that computer systems used by the emergency services in Scotland will be millennium compliant.
*6 Mr Desmond Swayne (New Forest West):    If he will make a statement about current trends with respect to criminal convictions in Scotland.
*7 Mr Archy Kirkwood (Roxburgh and Berwickshire):    What proposals he has to reduce social exclusion in rural areas and communities in Scotland; and if he will make a statement.
*8 Mr Desmond Browne (Kilmarnock and Loudoun):    What proposals he has to achieve consistency in sentencing in the criminal courts.
*9 Miss Anne Begg (Aberdeen South):    What progress has been made on the New Deal in Scotland.
*10 Mr Gerald Howarth (Aldershot):    If he will make a statement on progress on the design for the Scottish Parliament.
*11 Mr Frank Roy (Motherwell and Wishaw):    If he will make a statement on the level of response to the consultation process on the Social Exclusion Unit.
*12 Mr Graham Brady (Altrincham and Sale West):    If he will estimate what expenditure on education in Scotland in 1998-99 will be as a proportion of Scottish gross domestic product.
*13 Mr Russell Brown (Dumfries):    What action he is taking to secure inward investment for rural areas.
*14 Mr Malcolm Chisholm (Edinburgh North and Leith):    How many representations he has received in response to his consultation document, Working Together for a Healthier Scotland.
*15 Mr David Amess (Southend West):    Pursuant to his Answer of 17th February, Official Report, column 579, on abortion law, what response he has made to the six letters.
*16 Mr Nicholas Winterton (Macclesfield):    If he will make a statement on the level of inward investment in Scotland in 1997.
*17 Mrs Eleanor Laing (Epping Forest):    What representations he has received regarding the price of petrol and diesel in rural Scotland.
*18 Mr Frank Doran (Aberdeen Central):    When he last met the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities to discuss local government finance.
*19 Mr Alasdair Morgan (Galloway and Upper Nithsdale):    What representations he has received on the EU Passenger Registration Directive.
*20 Mrs Ray Michie (Argyll and Bute):    What contingency plans his Department has made against a major ferry breakdown in the Caledonian MacBrayne fleet.
*21 Mr Eric Forth (Bromley and Chislehurst):    What plans he has to decentralise Government departments and agencies throughout Scotland.
*22 Mr Alex Salmond (Banff and Buchan):    When he last met the Chief Executive of Scottish Enterprise to discuss trends in the Scottish economy.
*23 Maria Fyfe (Glasgow, Maryhill):    What action he is taking to assist lone parents seeking jobs or training to obtain childcare.
*24 Mr John Swinney (North Tayside):    When he expects to conclude the Strategic Review of the Trunk Road Network; and if he will make a statement.
*25 Mr John McAllion (Dundee East):    What recent discussions he has had with Scottish local authorities on the future provision of council housing in Scotland.
*26 Mr Charles Kennedy (Ross, Skye and Inverness West):    If he will make a statement on his policy in respect of rural school closures.
*27 Mr George Galloway (Glasgow, Kelvin):    When he last met the Scottish TUC to discuss the employment situation in Scotland; and if he will make a statement.
*28 Dr Julian Lewis (New Forest East):    What representations he has received on the millennium compliance of his Department's information technology systems.
At 3.15 p.m. 
Oral Questions to the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department
*29 Mr Tam Dalyell (Linlithgow):    If he will make a statement on the Lord Chancellor's role in drafting the Scotland Bill.
*30 Mr David Ruffley (Bury St. Edmunds):    If he will make a statement on his policy towards the recruitment of (a) special, (b) policy, (c) press and (d) public relations advisers to his Department.
*31 Mr Crispin Blunt (Reigate):    What efficiency savings he expects the Court Service to achieve in the years (a) 1998-99, (b) 1999-2000 and (c) 2000-01.
*32 Mr Keith Vaz (Leicester East):    If he will make a statement on the backlog of cases before the Immigration Appeal Tribunal.
*33 Mr Neil Gerrard (Walthamstow):    What provision his Department is making for asylum appellants who have no means to pay fees for legal representation at the hearing of their appeals against refusal of refugee status.
*34 Mr Andrew Dismore (Hendon):    If he will make a statement on progress of the Civil Justice Review and legal aid reforms.
*35 Bob Russell (Colchester):    If he will make a statement on his Department's policy in respect of the geographical distribution of magistrates' courts.
*36 Mr Ross Cranston (Dudley North):    What assessment he has made of the advantages and disadvantages of a legal expenses insurance system; and if he will make a statement.
*37 Mr Dennis Skinner (Bolsover):    What recent discussions he has had with trades unions regarding legal aid.
*38 Mr Paul Burstow (Sutton and Cheam):    What plans he has to improve access to justice for those with learning difficulties.
*39 Mr David Amess (Southend West):    What recent representations he has received on proposals for the reform of family law.
*40 Norman Baker (Lewes):    If he will make a statement on the availability of public records relating to the security services.

At 3.30 p.m.Private Notice Questions (if any)
Ministerial Statements (if any)

Preliminary Business
Notice of Presentation of Bill
+  1   NORTHERN IRELAND (ELECTIONS)    [No debate]
 Secretary Marjorie Mowlam
        Bill to make provision for the establishment of the New Northern Ireland Assembly and for the election of its members.
Formal first reading: no debate or decision.
Ten minute rule Motion
2   DEREGULATION OF RACECOURSES    [Up to 20 minutes]
 Mr Laurence Robertson
        That leave be given to bring in a Bill to provide for the deregulation of racecourses.
        The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to ten minutes (Standing Order No. 23).

Main Business
+  3   FINANCE (No. 2) BILL:    Second Reading.    [Until any hour]
 Mr Peter Lilley
        That this House declines to give a Second Reading to the Finance (No. 2) Bill because it increases business taxation, reduces the incentive to save, increases the incentive for cross-border shopping in duty-paid goods, adds to the complexity of the taxation system, fails to deliver an environmental strategy, and threatens to turn a golden economic legacy into a Work to Welfare programme.
 Mr Paddy Ashdown
Mr A. J. Beith
Mr Malcolm Bruce
Mr Paul Tyler
Dr Vincent Cable
Mr Edward Davey
        That this House declines to give a Second Reading to the Finance (No. 2) Bill because, though the new Code for Fiscal Stability and the proposals to restructure national insurance contributions are welcome, the Budget suffers from a number of fundamental weaknesses including: the absence of appropriate fiscal measures to rebalance the economy and remove excessive upward pressure on the pound; the continued underfunding of education and health services, manifested in rising hospital waiting lists and a declining ratio of education spending to Gross Domestic Product; and the failure to publish an environmental Green Book with the Budget or to take policy actions substantially to cut carbon dioxide emissions.
        The Fourth Report from the Treasury Committee, Session 1997-98, on the 1998 Budget (HC 647) is relevant.
        Debate may continue until any hour (Standing Order No. 15(1)(a)).
 Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer    [Up to 20 minutes]
        After Second Reading of the Finance (No. 2) Bill, to move, That--
        (1) Clauses 1, 7, 10, 11, 25, 27, 30, 75, 119 and 147 be committed to a Committee of the whole House;
        (2) the remainder of the Bill be committed to a Standing Committee;
        (3) when the provisions of the Bill considered, respectively, by the Committee of the whole House and by the Standing Committee have been reported to the House, the Bill be proceeded with as if the Bill had been reported as a whole to the House from the Standing Committee.
        The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to ten minutes (Standing Order No. 63(3)).
 The Prime Minister
Mr Secretary Prescott
Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer
Mr Secretary Cook
Mr Secretary Straw
Mr Secretary Blunkett
        That this House takes note with approval of the Government's assessment as set out in the Financial Statement and Budget Report 1998-99 for the purposes of section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993.
        The Speaker will put the question not later than 1.5 hours after the commencement of proceedings (Standing Order No. 16).
+  5   NORTHERN IRELAND (ELECTIONS) BILL    [No debate after 10.00 p.m.]
 Mrs Ann Taylor
Secretary Marjorie Mowlam
        That, in respect of the Northern Ireland (Elections) Bill, notices of Amendments, new Clauses and new Schedules to be moved in Committee may be accepted by the Clerks at the Table before the Bill has been read a second time.
If opposed, this item cannot be taken after 10.00 p.m.
+  6   NORTHERN IRELAND (ELECTIONS) BILL (PROGRAMME)    [No debate after 10.00 p.m.]
 Mrs Ann Taylor
Mrs Gillian Shephard
Mr Paul Tyler
        That the following provisions shall apply to proceedings on the Northern Ireland (Elections) Bill:
Timing of proceedings
            1.--(1) Proceedings on the bill shall be completed at the sitting on Wednesday 22nd April.
        (2) Proceedings on Second Reading shall, if not previously concluded, be brought to a conclusion three hours after their commencement.
        (3) Remaining proceedings shall, if not previously concluded, be brought to a conclusion six hours after the commencement of proceedings on Second Reading.
        (4) Standing Order 15(1) (Exempted business) shall apply to proceedings on the Bill at the sitting on 22nd April.
        2.--(1) When the Bill has been read a second time--
            (a) it shall, notwithstanding Standing Order No. 63 (Committal of bills), stand committed to a Committee of the whole House without any Question being put,
            (b) proceedings on the Bill shall stand postponed while the Question is put, in accordance with Standing Order No. 52(1) (Money resolutions and ways and means resolutions in connection with bills), on any financial resolution relating to the Bill,
            (c) on the conclusion of proceedings on any financial resolution relating to the Bill, proceedings on the Bill shall be resumed and the Speaker shall leave the chair whether or not notice of an instruction has been given.
        (2) On the conclusion of proceedings in Committee the Chairman shall report the Bill to the House without putting any Question; and if he reports the Bill with Amendments, the House shall proceed to consider the Bill as amended without any Question being put.
Questions to be put
        3.--(1) For the purpose of bringing any proceedings to a conclusion in accordance with paragraph 1 the Chairman or Speaker shall forthwith put the following Questions (but no others)--
            (a) any Question already proposed from the Chair;
            (b) any Question necessary to bring to a decision a Question so proposed;
            (c) the Question on any amendment moved or Motion made by a Minister of the Crown;
            (d) any other Question necessary for the disposal of the business to be concluded;
    and on a Motion for a new Clause or Schedule, the Chairman or Speaker shall put only the Question that the Clause or Schedule be added to the Bill.
        (2) If two or more Questions would fall to be put by the Chairman under sub-paragraph (1)(d) in relation to successive provisions of the Bill, the Chairman shall instead put a single Question in relation to those provisions.
        4. If at the sitting on 22nd April--
            (a) a Motion for the Adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 24 (Adjournment on specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration) stands over to seven o'clock, and
            (b) proceedings on the Bill have begun before that time,
    the bringing to a conclusion of any proceedings in accordance with paragraph 1 shall be postponed for a period equal to the duration of the proceedings on that Motion.
        5.--(1) No Motion shall be made to alter the order in which any proceedings on the Bill are taken.
        (2) No dilatory Motion with respect to, or in the course of, proceedings on the Bill shall be made except by a Minister of the Crown; and the Question on any such Motion shall be put forthwith.
        (3) No debate shall be permitted on any Motion to recommit the Bill (whether as a whole or otherwise), and the Speaker shall put forthwith any Question necessary to dispose of the Motion, including the Question on any amendment.
        6. Standing Order No. 82 (Business Committee) shall not apply to this Order.
        7.--(1) The proceedings on any Motion made by a Minister of the Crown for varying or supplementing the provisions of this Order shall, if not previously concluded, be brought to a conclusion one hour after they have been commenced; and Standing Order No. 15(1) (Exempted business) shall apply to those proceedings.
        (2) If at the sitting on 22nd April the House is adjourned, or the sitting is suspended, before the time at which any proceedings are to be brought to a conclusion under paragraph 1, no notice shall be required of a Motion made by a Minister of the Crown for varying or supplementing the provisions of this Order.
If opposed, this item cannot be taken after 10.00 p.m.
+  7   HOVERCRAFT    [No debate]
 Mr Secretary Prescott
        That the draft Hovercraft (Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (Amendment)) Order 1998, which was laid before this House on 10th March, be approved.
To be decided without debate (Standing Order No. 118(6)).
+  8   MERCHANT SHIPPING    [No debate]
 Mr Secretary Prescott
        That the draft Merchant Shipping (Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims) (Amendment) Order 1998, which was laid before this House on 10th March, be approved.
To be decided without debate (Standing Order No. 118(6)).
+  9   HOVERCRAFT    [No debate]
 Mr Secretary Prescott
        That the draft Hovercraft (Application of Enactments) (Amendment) Order 1998, which was laid before this House on 17th March, be approved.
To be decided without debate (Standing Order No. 118(6)).
 The Prime Minister
Mr Secretary Prescott
Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer
Mr Secretary Cook
Mr Secretary Straw
Secretary Margaret Beckett
        That this House takes note of European Community Document No. 13289/97, a Commission Green Paper on the convergence of the telecommunications, media and information technology sectors, and the implications for regulation: Towards an Information Society Approach; shares the Commission's assessment of the importance of convergence to support the development of the information society; welcomes the Commission's recognition that the development of convergence provides substantial opportunities for job creation and growth; and notes that the Government intends shortly to launch a consultation on the future regulation of broadcasting and telecommunications in the United Kingdom.
To be decided without debate (Standing Order No. 119(9)).
At the end of the sitting:
        Proposed subject: Dualling of the A47 `Acle straight' (Mr Anthony D. Wright (Great Yarmouth)).
        Debate may continue until 10.30 p.m. or for half an hour, whichever is later (Standing Order No. 9).

1   Standing Committee F 10.30 a.m.
4.30 p.m.
Room 12 (public)
        Further to consider the Teaching and Higher Education Bill [Lords].
2   Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs: Environment Sub-Committee 9.45 a.m. Room 13 (private)
3   Deregulation 10.00 a.m. Room 19 (private)
4   Public Administration 10.00 a.m. Room 5 (private)
5   Welsh Affairs 10.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
Room 8 (private)
        Subject: The Present Crisis in the Welsh Livestock Industry.
        Witnesses: British Meat Manufacturers Association; St. Merryn Meat Ltd. (at 11.15 a.m.); Hazlewood Foods (at 12.00 noon).
6   Environmental Audit 10.15 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
Room 21 (private)
        Subject: Greening Government.
        Witnesses: Fiona Reynolds, Director, and Mr Paul Hamblin, Environment Assessment Officer, Council for the Protection of Rural England; Mr Charles Secrett, Executive Director, and Duncan MacLaren, Friends of the Earth (at approximately 11.30 a.m.).
7   Home Affairs 10.15 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
Room 6 (private)
        Subject: Alternatives to Prison Sentences.
        Witnesses: Mr Graham Smith, HM Chief Inspector of Probation; National Association of Probation Officers (at 11.45 a.m.).
8   Foreign Affairs 10.30 a.m.
12.00 noon
Room 16 (private)
        Subject: Foreign Policy and Human Rights.
        Witnesses: Mr Simon Zadek, Development Director, New Economics Foundation.
9   Social Security 10.30 a.m.
10.45 a.m.
Room 15 (private)
        Subject: Welfare Reform Green Paper and the Department of Social Security Departmental Report.
        Witnesses: Rt Hon Frank Field, MP, Minister for Welfare Reform, Department of Social Security, and Department of Social Security officials.
10   Standards and Privileges 10.30 a.m. Room 20 (private)
11   Trade and Industry 4.00 p.m. Room 15 (public)
        Subject: Regional Policy: Reform of the Structural Funds.
        Witnesses: Local Government Association and COSLA.
12   Finance and Services 4.30 p.m. Room 13 (private)
13   Procedure 5.30 p.m. Room 21 (private)
14   Statutory Instruments Immediately
after the meeting
of the Joint
Room 7 (private)
15   Statutory Instruments 4.15 p.m. Room 7 (private)
[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice.]

Welsh Grand Commmittee
    Notices of Questions for oral answer on Tuesday 5th May may be given on Tuesday 21st April.

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Prepared 21 April 1998