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House of Commons
Session 1997-98
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Order of Business Wednesday 2nd September 1998

Here you can browse the House of Commons Order of Business for Wednesday 2 September 1998.

* Indicates a question for oral answer.
[R] indicates that the Member has declared a relevant interest.
Questions for oral answer not reached receive a written answer.
Supplementary questions will also be asked. Other Ministers may also answer.

+ Indicates Government business.
Timings are indicative only.
++ These are ordinary written questions of which no previous notice has been given. For other questions for written answer today see the 'Order Book'.

At 2.30 p.m.Prayers
At 2.35 p.m.Private Notice Questions (if any)
Ministerial Statements (if any)
Preliminary Business
Notice of Presentation of Bill
 Mr Secretary Straw
        Bill to make provision about procedure and forfeiture in relation to offences concerning proscribed organisations, and about conspiracy to commit offences outside the United Kingdom.
Formal first reading: no debate or decision.

Main Business
+  2   SITTINGS OF THE HOUSE    [No debate]
 Margaret Beckett
        That this House, at its rising tomorrow, do adjourn till Monday 19th October.
To be decided without debate (Standing Order No. 25).
 Mr Secretary Straw
Secretary Marjorie Mowlam
Margaret Beckett
Mrs Ann Taylor
Sir Norman Fowler
Mr Andrew MacKay
              Mr James ArbuthnotMr Paul Tyler
        1.(1) Proceedings on the Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill shall be taken and concluded at today's sitting; and for this purpose--
          (a) as soon as the proceedings on this Motion are concluded, the order for Second Reading of the Bill shall be read;
          (b) notices of amendments, new Clauses and new Schedules to be moved in Committee may be accepted by the Clerks at the Table before the Bill has been read a second time;
          (c) when the Bill is read a second time it shall stand committed to a Committee of the whole House, and the House will immediately resolve itself into a Committee on the Bill;
          (d) proceedings in Committee on clauses 1 to 4 shall be brought to a conclusion, if not previously concluded, three hours after the conclusion of proceedings on Second Reading;
          (e) remaining proceedings on the Bill shall be brought to a conclusion, if not previously concluded, six hours after the conclusion of proceedings on Second Reading;
          (f) at the conclusion of proceedings on the Bill at today's sitting the Speaker shall adjourn the House without putting any Question.
        (2) For the purpose of concluding proceedings in accordance with sub-paragraphs 1(d) and (e), the Chair shall forthwith put the following Questions (but no others)--
          (a) any Question already proposed from the Chair;
          (b) any Question necessary to bring to a decision a Question so proposed;
          (c) the Question on any amendment moved or Motion made by a Minister of the Crown;
          (d) any Question necessary for the disposal of the business to be concluded.
        (3) On a Motion made for a new Clause or a new Schedule, the Chair shall put only the Question that the Clause or Schedule be added to the Bill.
        (4) If two or more Questions would fall to be put under sub-paragraph (2)(d) on successive provisions of the Bill, the Chair shall instead put a single Question in relation to those provisions.
        (5) Standing Order No. 82 (Business Committee) shall not apply to proceedings on the Bill.
        2. At the sitting tomorrow--
          (a) any message received from the Lords relating to the Criminal Justice (Terrorism and Conspiracy) Bill shall be considered forthwith;
          (b) proceedings on any message shall be brought to a conclusion, if not previously concluded, one hour after commencement;
          (c) the Speaker shall not adjourn the House until she has notified the Royal Assent to any Act agreed upon by both Houses; and
          (d) the Speaker shall then adjourn the House without putting any Question.
        3. Standing Order No. 15(1) (Exempted business) shall apply to proceedings on the Bill at the sittings today and tomorrow
Debate may continue until 10.00 p.m.
+  4   CRIMINAL JUSTICE (TERRORISM AND CONSPIRACY) BILL: Second Reading.    [Until any hour]
    Remaining stages will also be taken.
        Proceedings after Second Reading shall, if not previously concluded, be brought to a conclusion at the end of the periods specified below (if the Business of the House Motion is agreed to):
Proceedings in Committee on Clauses 1 to 4 3 hours after the conclusion of proceedings on Second Reading
Remaining proceedings 6 hours after the conclusion of proceedings on Second Reading

1   Defence 11.00 a.m.
2.30 p.m.
Room 8 (private)
Room 8 (private)

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Prepared 2 September 1998