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House of Commons
Session 1997-98
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Summary Agendas and Orders of Business

Summary Agenda Wednesday 15 July 1998

Here you can browse the House of Commons Summary Agenda for Wednesday 15 July 1998.

9.30 a.m. Prayers.
Adjournment Debates:
9.35 a.m. Mrs Virginia Bottomley: The work and future prospects of the British Council. [R]
11.00 a.m. Mr Jeremy Corbyn: Her Majesty's Government's preparations for the Buenos Aires Conference on climate change.
12.30 p.m. Mr David Heathcoat-Amory: Treatment of the UK art market.
1.00 p.m. Ms Sally Keeble: Train services for Northampton.
1.30 p.m. Mr Andrew George: Maritime safety in the fishing industry (until 2.00 p.m.).
2.30 p.m. Private Business (without debate).
Afterwards Oral Questions to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland.
3.00 p.m. Oral Questions to the Prime Minister.
3.30 p.m. Private Notice Questions, Ministerial Statements (if any).
Afterwards Presentation of Bills (without debate).
Community Reinvestment Disclosure--Motion for leave to introduce a Bill under the Ten minute rule (Mr Tony Colman) (for up to 20 minutes).
Proceedings on the Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill (without debate).
School Standards and Framework Bill: Consideration of Lords Amendments (may continue until any hour if the 10.00 p.m. Business Motion is agreed to).
Teaching and Higher Education Bill [Lords]: Consideration of Lords Amendment (may continue until any hour if the 10.00 p.m. Business Motion is agreed to).
Northern Ireland Bill (Motion) (no debate after 10.00 p.m.).
At the end of the sitting Adjournment Debate: Investigation of the death of Edgar Fernandes in Turkey (Mr Keith Vaz) (until 10.30 p.m. or for half an hour, whichever is later).
Note: Main Business is indicated in bold type. Other items may also occur. Timings may change

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Prepared 15 July 1998