House of Commons portcullis
House of Commons
Session 1997-98
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament

Private Hire Vehicles (London) Bill

This is the text of the Private Hire Vehicles (London) Bill, as presented to the House of Commons on 18 June 1997.

Private Hire Vehicles (London) Bill

1.Meaning of "private hire vehicle", "operator" and related expressions.

Regulation of private hire vehicle operators in London
2.Requirement for London operator's licence.
3.London operator's licences.
4.Obligations of London operators.
5.Hirings accepted on behalf of another operator.

Regulation of private hire vehicles in London
6.Requirement for private hire vehicle licence.
7.London PHV licences.
8.Obligations of owners of licensed vehicles.
9.Fitness of licensed vehicles.
10.Identification of licensed vehicles.

Regulation of drivers of private hire vehicles in London
12.Requirement for private hire vehicle driver's licence.
13.London PHV driver's licences.
14.Issue of driver's badges.

Licences: general provisions
15.Applications for licences.
16.Power to suspend or revoke licences.
17.Suspension and revocation under section 16: procedure.
18.Variation of operator's licence at the request of the operator.
19.Variation of operator's licence by Secretary of State.
20.Fees for grant of licences, etc.
21.Production of documents.
22.Return of licences, etc.
23.Register of licences.
24.Delegation of functions by the Secretary of State.
26.Effect of appeal on decision appealed against.
27.Obstruction of authorised officers etc.
28.Penalty for false statements.
29.Saving for vehicles used for funerals and weddings.

Further controls
30.Prohibition of certain signs, notices etc.
31.Prohibition of certain advertisements.

Miscellaneous and supplementary
33.Offences due to fault of other person.
34.Service of notices.
35.References to the owner of a vehicle.
37.Power to make transitional etc. provisions.
38.Financial provisions.
39.Consequential amendments and repeals.
40.Short title, commencement and extent.

    SCHEDULE 1-Minor and consequential amendments.
    SCHEDULE 2-Repeals.

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Prepared 16 January 1998