| |
| 1. The bodies specified in Schedule 3. |
| 2. The Advisory Committee on Pesticides. |
| 3. The Committee on Agricultural Valuation. |
| 4. The Agricultural Wages Board for England and Wales. |
| 5. The Apple and Pear Research Council. |
| 6. The Committee on Aquaculture Research and Development. |
| 7. The Audit Commission for Local Authorities and the National Health Service in England and Wales. |
| 8. The British Tourist Authority. |
| 9. The British Waterways Board. |
| 10. The British Wool Marketing Board. |
| 11. The Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work. |
| 12. The Clinical Standards Advisory Group. |
| 13. A Community Health Council for a district wholly in Wales. |
| 14. The Standing Dental Advisory Committee. |
| 15. The Dental Practice Board. |
| 16. The Committee on Dental and Surgical Materials. |
| 17. The Environment Agency. |
| 18. The Family Health Services Appeal Authority. |
| 19. Food from Britain. |
| 20. A Health Authority for an area in, or consisting of, Wales. |
| 21. The advisory committee for England, Wales and Northern Ireland constituted under section 32 of the Hill Farming Act 1946 to advise about the exercise of powers under that Act. |
| 22. The Home Grown Cereals Authority. |
| 23. The Horticulture Development Council. |
| 24. The Joint Nature Conservation Committee. |
| 25. The Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales. |
| 26. The Meat and Livestock Commission. |
| 27. The Standing Medical Advisory Committee. |
| 28. The Mental Health Act Commission. |
| 29. The Milk Development Council. |
| 30. The Museums and Galleries Commission. |
| 31. The National Biological Standards Board. |
| 32. A National Health Service trust all or some of whose hospitals, establishments or other facilities are situated in Wales. |
| 33. The Trustees of the National Heritage Memorial Fund. |
| 34. The National Lottery Charities Board. |
| 35. The National Radiological Protection Board. |
| 36. The Standing Nursing and Midwifery Advisory Committee. |
| 37. The Standing Pharmaceutical Advisory Committee. |
| 38. The Potato Industry Development Council (known as the British Potato Council). |
| 39. The Public Health Laboratory Service Board. |
| 40. The Residuary Milk Marketing Board. |
| 41. The Sea Fish Industry Authority. |
| 42. A Special Health Authority performing functions in respect only of Wales. |
| 43. The Sugar Beet Research and Education Committee. |
| 44. The United Kingdom Sports Council. |
| 45. The United Kingdom Transplant Support Service Authority. |