School Standards and Framework Bill - continued        House of Commons

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Publication of proposals
     5. - (1) Where-
    (a) the Secretary of State has, in relation to the area of any local education authority or any part of such an area, made an order under paragraph 2(2) or 3(2) directing the local education authority or the governing body of a foundation, voluntary or foundation special school to make proposals for the establishment, alteration or discontinuance of schools or (as the case may be) for the alteration of their school, and
    (b) either-
      (i) any proposals have been published in pursuance of the order, or
      (ii) the time allowed under the order for the publication of the proposals has expired,
    he may make any such proposals as might have been made in accordance with the order relating to that area or that part of that area by the body to whom the directions were given.
      (2) Proposals under this paragraph shall-
    (a) contain such information, and
    (b) be published in such manner,
  as may be prescribed.
      (3) Where any proposals made under this paragraph relate to an area in England, the Secretary of State shall send a copy of the proposals to the school organisation committee for the area.
      (4) Where any proposals made under this paragraph relate to an area in Wales, the Secretary of State shall send a copy of the proposals-
    (a) to the local education authority for the area, and
    (b) to the governing body of each school to which the proposals relate.
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Prepared 5 March 1998