Teaching and Higher Education Bill [H.L.] - continued        House of Commons

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Registration requirement for teachers at schools.     10. In section 218(1) of the Education Reform Act 1988 (regulations relating to schools, etc.), after paragraph (a) there shall be inserted-
    "(aa) for requiring persons employed as teachers at schools, subject to such exceptions as may be provided for by or under the regulations, to be registered in accordance with section 4 of the Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998 by the General Teaching Council for England or (after their establishment) by the General Teaching Council for Wales;".
Deduction of fees from salaries, etc.     11. - (1) Regulations may, in relation to teachers to whom this section applies, make provision requiring employers of such teachers (subject to such exceptions as may be provided for by or under the regulations)-
    (a) to deduct (or arrange for the deduction) from the salary of such teachers any fee payable by virtue of section 5(4) in respect of the registration or retention of an entry on the register relating to any such teacher, and
    (b) to remit that fee to the relevant Council.
      (2) This section applies to teachers at schools who, on such date or during such period as may be specified in the regulations, are-
    (a) registered in the register, or
    (b) required as a consequence of their employment to be so registered by virtue of section 218(1)(aa) of the Education Reform Act 1988.
      (3) The regulations may make provision with respect to-
    (a) the arrangements to be adopted by employers of teachers to whom this section applies for the deduction and remittance of fees,
    (b) the administration charges which may be deducted from any fees remitted to the relevant Council, and
    (c) the notification to the relevant Council by employers of such teachers of such particulars relating to those teachers as the regulations may specify.
      (4) In this section-
    "employer" includes a local education authority, governing body or other person who engage (or make arrangements for the engagement of) a person to provide his services as a teacher otherwise than under a contract of employment, and "employment" shall be construed accordingly;
    "relevant Council" means the Council or (after their establishment) the General Teaching Council for Wales;
    "salary" includes any remuneration payable in respect of services as a teacher;
    "schools" means such schools as are referred to in section 218(12) of the Education Reform Act 1988.
Consultation about qualified teacher status.     12. In section 218 of the Education Reform Act 1988, after subsection (2A) there shall be inserted-
    "(2AA) Before making any regulations under subsection (2) or (2A) or making any provision by virtue of regulations made under those subsections as to the standards required of a person who wishes to become a qualified teacher, the Secretary of State shall consult either or both of the following (as appropriate)-
    (a) the General Teaching Council for England, and
    (b) after their establishment, the General Teaching Council for Wales."
Supply of information relating to teachers.     13. - (1) The Secretary of State shall supply the Council or the General Teaching Council for Wales with such information relating to individual teachers as he considers it to be necessary or desirable for them to have for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions conferred on them by or under this Chapter.
      (2) Each of those Councils shall supply the Secretary of State with such information as he may request for the purpose of-
    (a) statistical analysis, or
    (b) any other function of his relating to teachers.
      (3) The Secretary of State may by regulations require either Council to supply information-
    (a) to such other person or body, and
    (b) for such purposes and subject to such conditions,
  as may be prescribed.
      (4) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (3), once the General Teaching Council for Wales have been established, that Council and the General Teaching Council for England shall each supply the other with such information as it is necessary or desirable for that other Council to have for the purpose of carrying out any of the functions conferred on them by or under this Chapter.
      (5) This section does not limit the circumstances in which information may be supplied apart from this section.
Duty of the General Teaching Council for Scotland
Duty to have regard to needs of disabled persons.     14. At the end of section 1 of the Teaching Council (Scotland) Act 1965 (establishment of General Teaching Council for Scotland) there shall be inserted the following subsection-
    "(3) In exercising their functions, the Council shall have regard to the requirements of persons who are disabled persons for the purposes of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995."
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