Teaching and Higher Education Bill [H.L.] - continued        House of Commons
Duty of the General Teaching Council for Scotland - continued

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Qualifications of head teachers.     15. - (1) Section 218 of the Education Reform Act 1988 (power of Secretary of State to make regulations in respect of schools and further and higher education institutions) shall be amended as follows.
      (2) In subsection (1), after paragraph (aa) (as inserted by section 10) there shall be inserted-
    "(ab) for requiring persons employed as head teachers at schools, subject to such exceptions as may be provided for by or under the regulations, to possess a professional headship qualification;".
      (3) After subsection (2B) there shall be inserted-
    "(2C) In subsection (1)(ab) above "professional headship qualification" means a qualification which-
    (a) is a professional headship qualification in accordance with any provision made by or under the regulations; or
    (b) is determined to be a professional headship qualification by the Secretary of State in accordance with any provision so made;
  and the regulations may provide for any determination by the Secretary of State under the regulations with respect to the status of a qualification as a professional headship qualification to be made so as to have effect, in such cases or circumstances as may be specified in the regulations, from a date earlier than the determination.
      (2D) The requirement imposed by virtue of subsection (1)(ab) above shall (subject to the exceptions mentioned in that provision) apply to every person who is appointed as head teacher of a school on or after the date when that requirement comes into force unless he has held such an appointment before that date.
      (2E) Regulations under subsection (2C) above may make provision conferring, or enabling the Secretary of State to confer, on bodies or persons determined by or in accordance with the regulations such functions in relation to the accreditation of courses or the awarding of qualifications or otherwise as may be so determined.
      (2F) Regulations under that subsection may require any body or person who awards a professional headship qualification (within the meaning of that subsection) to notify the Secretary of State, or such other body or person as he may determine, of-
    (a) the name of any person awarded that qualification, and
    (b) such other information relating to that person as may be prescribed."
      (4) In subsection (9)(b) after "training" there shall be inserted "or courses leading to a professional headship qualification for the purposes of subsection (1)(ab) above".
      (5) After subsection (13) there shall be added-
    "(14) In this section "head teacher" does not include an acting head teacher."
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