Audit Commission Bill [H.L.] - continued        House of Commons

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Chapter or number
Short title or title
Extent of repeal or revocation
1982 c. 32.
The Local Government Finance Act 1982.
Sections 11 to 36.
Section 38(5) and (6).
Schedule 3.
Schedule 5.
In Schedule 6, Part IV.
1983 c. 29.
The Miscellaneous Financial Provisions Act 1983.
In Schedule 2, the entry relating to the Local Government Finance Act 1982.
1984 c. 32.
The London Regional Transport Act 1984.
In Schedule 6, paragraph 26.
1985 c. 9.
The Companies Consolidation (Consequential Provisions) Act 1985.
In Schedule 2, the entry relating to the Local Government Finance Act 1982.
1985 c. 43.
The Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985.
In Schedule 2, paragraph 7.
1985 c. 51.
The Local Government Act 1985.
Section 63(6).
Section 72(3).
1985 c. 67.
The Transport Act 1985.
In Schedule 3, paragraph 8.
In Schedule 7, paragraph 22.
1988 c. 4.
The Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Act 1988.
Section 17(10) and (12).
1988 c. 9.
The Local Government Act 1988.
Section 30.
Schedule 4.
1988 c. 33.
The Criminal Justice Act 1988.
In Schedule 11, paragraph 8.
1988 c. 40.
The Education Reform Act 1988.
Section 220.
1988 c. 41.
The Local Government Finance Act 1988.
In Schedule 12, paragraph 3.
1989 c. 42.
The Local Government and Housing Act 1989.
In section 11(1), the words "section 17 of the Local Government Finance Act 1982 or".
In section 66(5)(b), the words from "Part III" to "and".
Section 184(2).
1990 c. 19.
The National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990.
Section 20(1) and (3) to (8).
Schedule 4.
1991 c. 15.
The Local Government Finance (Publicity for Auditors' Reports) Act 1991.
The whole Act.
1992 c. 13.
The Further and Higher Education Act 1992.
In Schedule 8, paragraph 51.
1992 c. 19.
The Local Government Act 1992.
Sections 1 to 7.
In section 28, the definitions of "the 1982 Act", "the Audit Commission" and "auditor", and subsection (2).
Section 29(1).
Section 30(2).
1993 c. 47.
The Probation Service Act 1993.
In Schedule 3, paragraph 6.
1994 c. 29.
The Police and Magistrates' Courts Act 1994.
In Schedule 4, paragraphs 25 to 28.
1994 c. 30.
The Education Act 1994.
In Schedule 2, paragraph 8(1) and (5).
1995 c. 17.
The Health Authorities Act 1995.
In Schedule 1, paragraph 106.
1995 c. 25.
The Environment Act 1995.
In Schedule 7, paragraph 19.
1995 c. x.
The London Local Authorities Act 1995.
In Part I of the Schedule, the words "Local Government Finance Act 1982: section 16."
1996 c. 10.
The Audit (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1996.
Sections 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6.
1996 c. 16.
The Police Act 1996.
In Schedule 7, paragraph 1(2)(s).
1996 c. 18.
The Employment Rights Act 1996.
In Schedule 1, paragraphs 19 and 45(3)(a).
1996 c. 52.
The Housing Act 1996.
In Schedule 3, paragraph 2.
1996 c. 56.
The Education Act 1996.
In Schedule 37, paragraph 78.
1997 c. 44.
The Education Act 1997.
In Schedule 7, paragraph 5.
1997 c. 47.
The Social Security Administration (Fraud) Act 1997
Section 6.
In Schedule 1, paragraph 1.
1997 c. 50.
The Police Act 1997.
In Schedule 6, paragraphs 19 to 22.
S.I. 1991/724.
The High Court and County Courts Jurisdiction Order 1991.
In the Schedule, in Part I, the entry relating to the Local Government Finance Act 1982.
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