Registration of Political Parties Bill - continued        House of Commons

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  S C H E D U L E S

     1. An application for inclusion in the register of political parties-
    (a) must comply with paragraphs 2 to 8 below, and
    (b) must be accompanied by any fee prescribed by order made by the Secretary of State.
     2. - (1) An application must specify either-
    (a) a name to be the party's registered name, or
    (b) a name in Welsh and a name in English to be the party's registered names.
      (2) If a name to be registered is in a language other than English or Welsh the application must include an English translation.
     3. An application must specify-
    (a) the address of the party's headquarters, or
    (b) if the party has no headquarters, an address to which communications to the party may be sent.
Registered officers
     4. - (1) An application must give the name and home address of a person to be registered as the party's leader.
      (2) That person must be-
    (a) the overall leader of the party, or
    (b) where there is no overall leader of the party, a person who is the leader of the party for some purpose specified in the application.
     5. - (1) An application must give the name and home address of a person to be registered as the party's nominating officer.
      (2) A party's registered nominating officer must have responsibility for the arrangements for-
    (a) the submission by representatives of the party of lists of candidates for the purpose of elections, and
    (b) the approval of descriptions and emblems used on nomination and ballot papers at elections.
     6. If one person is named in an application both as leader and as nominating officer, the application must also give the name and home address of the holder of some other specified office in the party.
Additional information
     7. An application must include any other information prescribed by order made by the Secretary of State.
     8. An application must be signed by the proposed registered leader or registered nominating officer and must include a declaration that he is authorised to sign the application on behalf of the party.
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Prepared 24 June 1998