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House of Commons
Session 1997-98
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament

Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill

This is the text of the Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill, as presented to the House of Commons on 14 July 1998.

Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill




Apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on 31st March 1999; to appropriate the supplies granted in this Session of Parliament; and to repeal certain Consolidated Fund and Appropriation Acts.

Most Gracious Sovereign,

WE, Your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Commons of the United Kingdom in Parliament assembled, towards making good the supply which we have cheerfully granted to Your Majesty in this Session of Parliament, have resolved to grant unto Your Majesty the sums hereinafter mentioned; and do therefore most humbly beseech Your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:-

Issue out of the Consolidated Fund for the year ending 31st March 1999.     1. The Treasury may issue out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom and apply towards making good the supply granted to Her Majesty for the service of the year ending on 31st March 1999 the sum of £117,803,366,000.
Appropriation of sums voted for supply services.     2. All sums granted by this Act and the other Acts mentioned in Schedule (A) annexed to this Act out of the said Consolidated Fund towards making good the supply granted to Her Majesty amounting, as appears by the said schedule, in the aggregate, to the sum of £218,430,034,507.98 are appropriated, and shall be deemed to have been appropriated as from the date of the passing of the Acts mentioned in the said Schedule (A), for the services and purposes expressed in Schedule (B) annexed hereto.
  The abstract of schedules and schedules annexed hereto, with the notes (if any) to such schedules, shall be deemed to be part of this Act in the same manner as if they had been contained in the body thereof.
  In addition to the said sums granted out of the Consolidated Fund, there may be applied out of any money directed, under section 2 of the Public Accounts and Charges Act 1891, to be applied as appropriations in aid of the grants for the services and purposes specified in Schedule (B) annexed hereto the sums respectively set forth in the last column of the said schedule.
Repeals.     3. The enactments mentioned in Schedule (C) annexed to this Act are hereby repealed.
Short title.     4. This Act may be cited as the Appropriation Act 1998.

SCHEDULES (A) and (B) to which this
Act refers
Grants out of the Consolidated Fund£218,430,034,507·98
 Supply GrantsAppropriations in Aid
1996-97 and 1997-98
Part 1. Defence (Excesses), 1996-97195,333,507·9839,732,613·45
Part 2. Supplementary, 1997-983,077,090,000*—558,127,000
Part 3. Class I23,431,424,0002,457,689,000
Part 4. Class II1,065,355,000131,628,000
Part 5. Class III1,753,333,00085,699,000
Part 6. Class IV1,066,858,0003,118,815,000
Part 7. Class V2,931,766,000960,116,000
Part 8. Class VI44,575,929,000452,170,000
Part 9. Class VII6,834,756,000221,672,000
Part 10. Class VIII2,613,313,000428,907,000
Part 11. Class IX15,207,621,0005,730,469,000
Part 12. Class X3,011,038,00013,380,000
Part 13. Class XI33,977,004,00011,260,956,000
Part 14. Class XII50,481,569,0002,071,859,000
Part 15. Class XIII13,416,819,0001,416,502,000
Part 16. Class XIV6,391,156,000419,466,000
Part 17. Class XV2,726,291,00059,158,000
Part 18. Class XVI3,032,687,000960,057,000
Part 19. Class XVII1,529,801,0001,468,415,000
Part 20. Class XVII897,691,00013,523,000
Part 21. Class XVIII, A172,300,0001,100,000
Part 22. Class XVIII, B40,900,0008,200,000
Grand Total
For the service of the year ended 31st March 1997-
    Under Act 1998 c. 4
For the service of the year ended 31st March 1998-
    Under Act 1997 c. 67
    Under Act 1998 c. 42,442,361,000·00
For the service of the year ending on 31st March 1999-
    Under Act 1997 c. 67
    Under this Act117,803,366,000·00
SCHEDULE (B).- Part 1
Sums granted, and sums which may be applied as appropriations in addition thereto, to make good excesses on certain grants for defence services, for the year ended 31st March 1997, viz:-
 Supply GrantsSurplus receipts
available to be
applied as
in Aid
Class I
1 Defence: operational and support costs1,273,150·438,924,792·22
2 Defence: logistics services171,580,207·60
3 Defence: systems procurement and research22,480,149·9530,807,821·23
Total, Defence (Excesses), 1996-97195,333,507·9839,732,613·45
SCHEDULE (B).- Part 2
Schedule of Supplementary Sums granted, and of the sums which may be applied as appropriations in aid in addition thereto, to defray the charges for the Services herein particularly mentioned, for the year ended 31st March 1998, viz.:-
Supply Grants
Appropriations in Aid
Class I
1. For expenditure by the Ministry of Defence on personnel costs etc of the armed forces and their reserves and cadet forces, etc (including provision for Reserve Naval Forces to an additional number not exceeding 975; for Army Service to an additional number not exceeding 460; for Air Force Service to an additional number not exceeding 40; and for Service in the Air Force Reserve Forces to an additional number not exceeding 305); personnel costs etc of Defence Ministers and of civilian staff employed by the Ministry of Defence; movements, stores, supplies and services; spares and maintenance; plant and machinery; charter of ships; research; lands and buildings; works services; contingent liabilities; services provided by other Government departments; sundry services, subscriptions, grants, and other payments including those abroad such as assistance to foreign and Commonwealth governments for defence related purposes; and set-up costs, loans and funding to trading funds.
2. For expenditure by the Ministry of Defence on logistics services for the armed forces and the related personnel services for the armed forces and the related personnel costs; spares, repair, maintenance, stores and supply services; associated capital facilities and works; contractors' redundancy costs; services provided by other Government departments; sundry services, subscriptions and grants; and set up costs, loans and funding to trading funds.
3. For expenditure by the Procurement Executive of the Ministry of Defence in operating its headquarters and establishments and for its other common services; research etc by contract; procurement including development and production of equipment and weapon systems for the three armed forces; purchases for sale abroad; contingent liabilities; for sundry other procurement services including those on repayment terms; the procurement of a new Royal Yacht; and loans and funding to trading funds.
4. For expenditure by the Ministry of Defence on retired pay, pensions, and other payments, etc.
Class II
1. For expenditure by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on its salaries, building and other accommodation services, and administration, and those of HM Diplomatic Service, official information services, sundry services; and loans and payments in connection with catering services and related receipts.
2. For expenditure by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on grants and subscriptions etc to certain international organisations; contributions in respect of international peacekeeping; special payments and assistance; scholarships; military aid; overseas visitors; sundry other grants and services.
3. For expenditure by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on payments to the British Broadcasting Corporation for external radio broadcasting and monitoring services.
5. For expenditure on international development by the Department for International Development (formerly known as Foreign and Commonwealth Office- Overseas Development Administration) under the Overseas Development and Co-operation Act 1980 including financial and technical assistance to governments, institutions, voluntary agencies and individuals; capital and other subscriptions and contributions, including payments under guarantee, to multilateral development banks and other international and regional bodies; emergency, refugee and other relief assistance; pensions and allowances in respect of overseas service including contributions to pension funds (including payments under the Overseas Pensions Act 1973, and grants in lieu of pensions); global environment assistance; loans to the Commonwealth Development Corporation under the Commonwealth Development Corporation Acts 1978–95; payments to UNESCO; expenditure on the Turkey Ankara Metro mixed credit Aid and Trade provision project; running costs, related capital expenditure and other administrative costs; costs involved in the development of a public/private partnership with the Commonwealth Development Corporation; and payments (under the authority of the European Communities Act 1972) to certain beneficiaries of the Gibraltar Social Insurance Fund.
Class III
1. For expenditure by the Intervention Board- Executive Agency in giving effect in the United Kingdom to the agricultural support provisions of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union; other services including BSE emergency measures; and administration.
2. For expenditure by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on operational expenditure, agencies and departmental administration including BSE-related measures; promote food safety; take action against diseases with implications for human health; safeguard essential supplies in an emergency; promote action to alleviate flooding and coastal erosion; protect the rural economy particularly in Less Favoured Areas; encourage action to reduce water and other pollution and by other measures to safeguard the aquatic environment including its fauna and flora; improve the attractiveness and bio-diversity of the rural environment; implement MAFF's CAP obligations efficiently and seek a more economically rational CAP while avoiding discrimination against UK businesses; create the conditions in which efficient and sustainable agriculture, fishing and food industries can flourish; take action against animal and plant diseases and pests; encourage high animal welfare standards; provide specialist support services; allocate resources where they are most needed; manage and develop staff; undertake research and development; and provide for the expenditure of the Ministry's executive agencies.
Class IV
1. For expenditure by the Department of Trade and Industry on support for business; research and development, consumer protection and the regulation of trade; improvement of industrial relations including trade union ballots, and payments towards the expenses of the Office of Manpower Economics; regional and selective assistance; the aerospace and shipbuilding industries; exchange risk and other losses; international subscriptions; energy-related programmes including research and development, security of oil and gas supplies, and civil nuclear emergency planning; grants and loans to the British Coal Corporation, liabilities in respect of former coal industry employees, mainly employees of the British Coal Corporation, and other liabilities transferred from British Coal and associated administration costs including arbitration arrangements, grant in aid to the Coal Authority, and support for regeneration mainly of former British Coal sites; assistance to redundant steel workers; departmental administration including expenditure incurred by the Cabinet Office: Office of Public Service on competitiveness, the Advisory, Conciliation and Abritration Service grant-in-aid, support for industrial tribunals, a share of the running costs of the Government Offices for the Regions; and the disaster recovery costs in respect of the Radiocommunications Agency's headquarters facilities; central and miscellaneous services; the operational costs of departmental executive agencies; privatisation expenses including the coal, nuclear power and electricity industries; loans to trading funds; petroleum licensing and royalty; provision of land and buildings, loans, grants and other payments; a payment to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (Class X, Vote 1); and a payment to HM Treasury (Class XVI, Vote 1).
2. For expenditure by the Department of Trade and Industry on payments to the science Research Councils, the Royal Society, the Royal Academy of Engineering; OST initiatives; fees payable under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986; and Research Council Pensions.
3. For payment of pensions etc to members of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority's superannuation schemes and other related expenditure.
5. For expenditure by the Export Credits Guarantee Department in connection with interest support to banks and other lenders of export finance, cover under the tender to contract/forward exchange supplement scheme, grants towards financing of exports to match foreign competition, residual commitments under discontinued guarantees offered to banks and external trade agencies, and cost escalation.
8. For expenditure by the Office of Telecommunications on administrative and operational costs.
9. For expenditure by the Office of Gas Supply on administrative and capital costs.
10. For expenditure by the Office of Electricity Regulation on administrative and operational costs.
Class V
1. For expenditure by the Highways Agency of the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and the Highways Agency of the former Department of Transport on the construction, improvement, maintenance and management of motorways and trunk roads, including the acquisition of land, publicity, scheme design and preparation, archaeological survey and rescue work, compensation; administration costs of the Highways Agency; and research and development in support of Highways Agency operations.
2. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and the former Department of Transport on central transport administration; Government Office administration; miscellaneous services; ports and shipping services; civil aviation services; international aviation services; Royal travel; transport security; freight grants; land transport research and development; expenditure associated with the non rail privatisation programme and a European Community contribution in respect of the return visit to the wreck of the Derbyshire.
3. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and the former Department of Transport on support to nationalised industries; grants to Railtrack; British Rail, DOA Ltd; MRPS grant; payments in respect of expenditure relating to the Channel Tunnel Rail Link; expenditure connected with the privatisation of British Rail businesses and Railtrack; other consultancies; capital expenditure by Transport industries funded by EC grants; payments in respect of ERDF payments in place of EC receipts; railway industry and National Freight Company funds; National Freight Company travel concessions; and rebate of fuel duty to bus operators.
4. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and the former Department of Transport in connection with driver and vehicle registration and licensing, the collection of revenue, compensation and payments towards the pension of Local authority staff employed on driver and vehicle licensing before the setting up of DVLC; and the development and operations of other systems associated with the registration and licensing, the provision of anonymised data and the provision of miscellaneous services to other parts of the Department.
5. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and the former Department of Transport on grants and consultancies for roads and local transport; Central Transport Group services and consultancies for national roads; priority routes in London; Government Office programme expenditure including maintenance and operation of the Woolwich Ferry; vehicle and traffic enforcement; publicity; Statistics, Censuses and surveys; Trans European network payments for various local transport projects; transport supplementary grants to highway authorities in England; public transport facilities grants; grants to highway authorities and developers under the Industrial Development Act; licence fee refunds to goods vehicle and public service vehicle operators and drivers; grants to the Humber Bridge Board and payments for European Community projects not pre-funded by European Community receipts.
6. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and the former Department of Transport on Marine Safety, Coastguard and Vehicle Certification agencies; loans to the Vehicle Inspectorate and the Driving Standards Agency trading funds; and payments to the Meteorological Office and the Driving Standards Agency.
Class VI
1. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and the former Department of the Environment on payments to Housing Corporation; Housing Revenue Account Subsidy; private sector renewal; home improvement agencies; the Estates Renewal Challenge Fund; rent officers and Rent Assessment Panels; homelessness; housing management and mobility; gypsy sites; research, including projects on regeneration and European Community programmes; publicity; and for sundry other housing and construction grants, services and projects.
2. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and the former Department of the Environment on Single Regeneration Budget support for urban and other regeneration initiatives; central government grants to local authorities for the Single Regeneration Budget; Dearne Valley College; grants to voluntary bodies; countryside and wildlife including National Parks Authorities, Nature Conservancy Councils pensions and research and monitoring; publicity related to the promotion of the Department's regeneration and countryside policies and programme; EU agency payments; ERDF funds paid in advance of EU receipts; ERDF projects not funded by receipts; and the private finance initiative.
3. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and the former Department of the Environment on the environment, including research, long term monitoring and surveys; support to the environmental protection industry; environmental technology; support for measures to improve energy efficiency and environmental practice; support for measures which improve local environmental quality; support for the aims and implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity; support for the Tidy Britain group and the National Environmental Technology Centre; smoke control and other improvements in air quality; environmental (including energy efficiency) publicity, promotion and awareness, including support for measures to promote sustainable development; the measurement of radon in premises; grant-in-aid to the Environment Agency, British Waterways Board and UK Ecolabelling Board; water supply and sewerage services including national security; the Wash Estuary Trial Bank; grants to voluntary bodies; subscriptions and contributions to international organisations; planning redevelopment; residual services in connection with the privatisation of the water supply industry; compensation for persons disabled by certain industrial diseases; advice and awareness on handling of health issues which arise in the workplace; Going for Green; and pollution emergency response services.
4. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and the former Department of the Environment on payment of revenue support grant and redistributed non-domestic rates to receiving authorities in England; payments to specified bodies and the Commission for Local Administration in England; payments for Valuation Office Agency rating and valuation services; payments to meet the expenses of valuation tribunals; grant in aid to the Local Government Commission and to the Local Government Residuary Body; residual payments of Community charge grant and rate rebate grants; payments under the council tax transitional reduction scheme; payments of SSA reduction grants; payments of reorganisation: transitional reduction grant; emergency financial assistance to local authorities, including payments under section 88B of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 to authorities affected by terrorism; repayments of excess contributions made by local authorities in respect of non-domestic rates in 1996–97 and previous years; local government research, planning and minerals research and publicity, including European Union programmes and contributions to the Local Government Management Board; and special payments in connection with local government and planning programmes.
5. For expenditure by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, its agencies and the former Department of the Environment and its agencies on administration including research, royal commissioners, committees, etc; by the Planning Inspectorate Executive Agency on appeals; a grant in aid to the Health and Safety Commission; the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre; the former Building Research Establishment Executive Agency; the residual functions of PSA Services; the privatisation costs of the Building Research Establishment Executive Agency; the costs of the sale of the Housing Corporation Loan Portfolio; and payments and loans to the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre Executive Agency (trading fund).
7. For expenditure by the Office of Water Services on administrative and operational costs and the provision of customer representation.
8. For expenditure by the Ordnance Survey on the Survey of Great Britain and other mapping services.
Class VII
1. For expenditure by the Home Office on police; the Forensic Science Service; emergency planning; fire services (including grants for private finance initiative projects); the Fire Service College; criminal policy and programmes including offender programmes; the prevention of drug abuse; crime prevention and other services related to crime; support for the voluntary sector (including expenditure incurred by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport); family policy issues; research; criminal injuries compensation; organised and international crime including provision for services under the Police Act 1997; control of immigration and nationality (including the employer sanctions helpline); issue of passports; community and constitutional services; firearms compensation and related matters including administration and grants to police authorities under the Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997; and on administration (excluding the provision for prisons administration carried on Class VII, Vote 2).
Class VIII
1. For expenditure by the Lord Chancellor's Department on the Lord Chancellor's Department HQ and associated offices; payments in support of marriage guidance; conciliation and mediation; the Court Service; the Public Trust Office; legal aid in criminal cases; grants to the Legal Aid Fund; costs paid from central funds; the magistrates' courts; and other legal services.
2. For expenditure by the Northern Ireland Court Service on court services; other legal services; accommodation services; and legal aid.
3. For expenditure by the Public Record Office on administration and operational costs.
4. For expenditure by the Crown Prosecution Service on administrative costs, including the hire of private prosecuting agents; Crown prosecutions; and in connection with the confiscation of the proceeds of crime.
5. For expenditure by the Serious Fraud Office on administration, investigation and prosecution costs.
6. For expenditure by the Department of the Procurator General and Treasury Solicitor, the Treasury Solicitor's Department Agency, the Government Property Lawyer's Agency and the Legal Secretariat to the Law Officers on administration and costs for fees for legal and related services.
7. For expenditure by the Crown Office and Lord Advocate's Department on administrative costs, including fees paid to temporary Procurators Fiscal; and on witness expenses and other costs associated with Crown prosecutions.
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Prepared 14 July 1998