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House of Commons
Session 1997-98
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament
Arrangement of Clauses (Contents)

Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill
Class IX
1. For expenditure by the Department for Education and Employment on grant-maintained schools and schools conducted by Education Associations; voluntary and special schools; the Assisted Places Scheme; the provision of education for under-fives; City Colleges and other specialist schools; music and ballet schools; direct grant schools; the school curriculum and its assessment; the youth service and other educational services and initiatives; careers guidance and services; payments for or in connection with teacher training; higher and further education provision and initiatives; loans to students, student awards and other student grants and their administration; the payment of access funds; reimbursement of fees for qualifying European Community students; compensation payments to teachers and staff of certain institutions; expenditure on other central government grants to local authorities; the provision of training and assessment programmes for young people and adults; initiatives to improve training and qualifications arrangements and access to these; the promotion of enterprise and the encouragement of self employment; payments for education, training and employment projects assisted by the European Union and refunds to the European Union; help for unemployed people; the promotion of equal opportunities and co-ordination of certain issues of particular importance to women; the payment of certain fees to the Home Office; the Department's own administration and research and that of Capita; information and publicity services; expenditure via Training and Enterprise Councils and amounts retained by them as surpluses and spent by them on training; other initiatives within their articles and memoranda of association; expenditure in connection with the sale of the student loans debt; and on expenditure in connection with the Welfare to Work Programme and Millennium Volunteers.
2. For expenditure by the Department for Education and Employment on superannuation allowances and gratuities, etc, in respect of teachers, and the widows, widowers, children and dependants of deceased teachers, and for premature retirement compensation payments made to members of the Teachers' Superannuation Scheme and on behalf of their employers.
3. For expenditure by the Employment Service of the Department for Education and Employment on: measures to help people, particularly people who are unemployed and people with disabilities, into work; the elements of the delivery of the Jobseeker's Allowance undertaken by the Employment Service; the payment of grants to voluntary bodies and local authorities towards the provision of supported employment; a grant in aid and the provision of a temporary loan facility to Remploy Limited; the administration of, and where appropriate the payment of allowances to people participating in, employment programmes, including pilot programmes and new measures to help people into work; on expenditure incurred as part of the Welfare to Work initiative, including the payment of temporary subsidies to employers; assistance to eastern Europe on labour market issues; European Employment Services on behalf of the European Commission; research; publicity; and administration.
Class X
1. For expenditure of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and by the former Department of National Heritage on payments in support of national and other museums and galleries; for the Government Indemnity Scheme; to the Inland Revenue for assets accepted in lieu of tax; in the support of the British Library and other library institutions and services; to the Arts and Sports Councils and for other arts and sports bodies and schemes; to Royal Palaces and Parks; to the Royal Armouries; for historic buildings, ancient monuments, certain public buildings and the national heritage; for the promotion of tourism and European Regional Development Fund projects; to film bodies and projects; for sponsorship of the music industry; to the Welsh Fourth Channel Authority and for certain broadcasting services and schemes including the expenses on the privatisation of the BBC transmission services; for related research, surveys and other services; for central administration costs; for commemorative services and Royal funerals; and for a payment to the Home Office (Class VII, Vote 1).
2. For expenditure by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the former Department of National Heritage on payments to the British Broadcasting Corporation for home broadcasting and payments to the Independent Television Commission.
Class XI
1. For expenditure by the Department of Health on hospital, community health, family health, and related services.
2. For expenditure by the Department of Health on administration, including certain expenditure on behalf of the Department of Social Security and the National Health Service in England; miscellaneous health, personal social and other services (some of which are administered on a United Kingdom basis), including medical, scientific and technical services, services for disabled persons, grants to voluntary organisations, medical treatment given to people from the United Kingdom in other countries of the European Economic Area and welfare food; payments in respect of Home Office inspection of laboratories services; grants in aid; and payments and subscriptions to international organisations.
3. For the expenditure by the NHS Pensions Agency on pensions allowances, gratuities, etc, to or in respect of persons engaged in health services or in other approved employment.
Class XII
1. For expenditure by the Department of Social Security on non contributory retirement pensions; Christmas Bonus payments to pensioners; pensions etc., for disablement or death arising out of war, or service in the armed forces after 2 September 1939 and sundry other services, including pension and other payments in respect of service in the armed forces at other times; attendance allowance; invalid care allowance; severe disablement allowance; disability living allowance; disability working allowance; pensions, gratuities and sundry allowances for disablement and specified deaths arising from industrial causes; income support; payments of spousal and child maintenance; child benefit; one-parent benefit; family credit; on the vaccine damage payment scheme; earnings bottom up pilot; on jobseeker's allowance (contribution based), jobseeker's allowance (income based) and on back to work bonus.
* 1,679,000
2. For expenditure by the Department of Social Security on rent rebate, rent allowance, council tax benefit, community charge benefit, community charge rebate and rate rebate subsidies to housing, billing, levying and local authorities, subsidies towards their costs incurred in administering the housing benefit and/or council tax benefit schemes and sums payable in respect of anti-fraud and similar administrative measures; sums payable as funding for LOFIT; sums payable for use for compensation payments to providers of existing supported accommodation; sums payable to the National Insurance Fund to increase its income, compensation payments in respect of statutory sick pay, statutory maternity pay, the national insurance contribution holiday scheme and amounts payable in respect of the national insurance surcharge account; sums payable into the Social Fund for expenditure on maternity expenses, funeral expenses, heating expenses in exceptionally cold weather and winter fuel payments, and to finance budgeting loans, crisis loans and community care grants; sums payable as grants to Independent Living, as grants to Motability towards their administrative costs and to enable them to assist invalid vehicle users and others to have adapted and/or to purchase or lease cars from them and as grants to the British Limbless ex-Servicemen's Association to enable them to assist certain other disabled vehicle users have cars adapted.
3. For expenditure by the Department of Social Security on administration; for agency payments; coordination of certain issues of particular importance to women (including expenditure incurred by Department for Education and Employment Class IX, Vote 1); expenditure incurred as part of the Welfare to Work initiative; expenditure on behalf of Department of Health; and for certain other services including grants to local authorities and voluntary organisations and other organisations including Chaseley Nursing Home and a payment to Department for Education and Employment Class IX, Vote 1.
Class XIII
1. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries Department on market support; support for agriculture in special areas including crofting communities, for structural measures (including agri-environmental measures): compensation to sheep producers and animal health; agricultural education; advisory, research and development services, botanical and scientific services; assistance to production marketing and processing; administration land management and other agricultural services; assistance to the Scottish fishing industry; fishery protection; other services including fisheries research and development and special services; domestic sewerage relief grant, natural heritage; environment protection; rural affairs; flood and coastal protection; payments to the Public Works Loan Board; and other water grants.
2. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Development Department on revenue support grants and payment of non-domestic rates in Scotland; special grants relating to council tax and spend-to-save scheme; housing subsidies, financial support for Scottish Homes, other expenditure, contributions and grants relating to housing; historic buildings and monuments (including administration); other central and environmental services including external legal services, advisory bodies, flood and storm emergencies, special financial assistance for Dunblane, sites for travelling people and residual grants to housing associations; roads and certain associated services, including the acquisition of land, lighting, road safety, work on roads on behalf of the Department of Transport and related services; assistance to local transport; support for transport services in the highlands and islands; piers and harbours; certain other transport services and grants; grants for other services on the urban programme; other urban regeneration initiatives; expenses connected with the new towns wind up; expenditure relating to privatisation of the Scottish Bus Group and Highlands and Islands Airports Limited; grants to local authorities forming part of the Strathclyde Passenger Transport Area; other sundry services in connection with the environment; and European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund grants to public corporations, non-departmental public bodies, local authorities and other bodies and organisations.
3. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Education and Industry Department on schools; grants for pre-school education; higher education and research, including the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council; the Student Awards Agency for Scotland including running and capital costs of the agency; further education, including payments to further education colleges; curriculum development including the Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum and national testing including payments to the Scottish Qualifications Authority; international and other educational services, including support for School Boards, and training, research and educational technology; payments to careers service companies and education/industry link activities; sport; community education; Gaelic broadcasting; arts, libraries, museums and galleries, including purchase grants; cultural and scientific activities and organisations; publicity; indemnities; administration; central government grants to local authorities; enterprise, training and tourism including support for Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the Scottish Tourist Board; investment assistance; innovation and technology support; technical and vocational education; the privatisation of the electricity industry; sundry industry etc. related activities including research and the expenses of various bodies; pensions and lump sums payable under the teachers' and NHS pension schemes, and certain premature retirement compensation payments; and the running and capital costs of the Scottish Office Pensions Agency.
4. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Department of Health on hospital and community health services, including National Health Service trusts; family health services; welfare foods; the Scottish Drugs Challenge Fund; and other services provided under the National Health Service in Scotland.
5. For expenditure by the Scottish Office Home Department on legal aid (including administration); criminal injuries compensation (including administration); certain services relating to crime including Parole Board for Scotland; the Scottish Prison Service (an executive agency); the Scottish Prisons Complaints Commission; police services (including grants) to local authorities and superannuation of police on secondment; fire services (including Scottish Fire Service Training School and superannuation); civil defence (including grants) and other protective and miscellaneous services, including publicity costs for the referendum on a Scottish Parliament; social work services, including the Scottish Children's Reporter administration and the provision of residential and secure accommodation for children; services for offenders including probation and supervised attendance orders; grants to voluntary organisations; training and research; unemployed voluntary action fund; grants for ethnic minority groups and other grants to local authorities.
7. For expenditure by the General Register Office for Scotland on administrative and operational costs.
8. For expenditure by the Scottish Record Office on administrative costs; acquiring record material; construction and associated costs of a new purpose built repository; publication of a revised edition of the Proceedings of Parliament of Scotland; conservation grants to local archives; and a grant to the Business Archives Council of Scotland.
9. For expenditure by the Scottish Courts Administration and the Scottish Court Service on court services; the Scottish Law Commission; certain legal services; costs and fees in connection with legal proceedings.
10. For payments to the Forestry Fund.
Class XIV
1. For expenditure by the Welsh Office on market support; support for agriculture in special areas and compensation to sheep producers; animal health; assistance to agricultural production, marketing and processing; grants for capital and other improvements and certain alternative land uses; compensation to the farming, fishing and fish-farming industries; support for the food industry, the rural economy and the fishing industry; fisheries protection; agency payments for fishing projects; European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund grants to local authorities and other organisations; other miscellaneous agricultural services; and arterial drainage, flood and coast protection.
2. For expenditure by the Welsh Office on regional assistance; Welsh Development Agency; Development Board for Rural Wales: exchange risk guarantees; other industry expenditure; the Teaching Company Scheme; expenditure via Training and Enterprise Councils and amounts retained by them as surpluses on training, including the provision of training programmes for young people and adults; initiatives and programmes within education; the promotion of enterprise, and encouragement of self-employed and small firms; help for unemployed people; Careers Service; publicity and research; education (including the Further Education Funding Council for Wales and the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales); and certain other services and expenses.
3. For expenditure by the Welsh Office on arts; libraries; museums; roads and transport and associated services; housing including the commutation of loan charge grants to local authorities; historic buildings and ancient monuments; Cadw Agency; other environmental services (including tourism, civil defence, national parks, Planning Inspectorate Agency and payments related to EU matters); health and personal social services and related inquiries; European Regional Development Fund; Welsh Office administration including Referendum publicity costs and costs associated with Devolution; TEC management fees (part); and other grants and services, including research.
4. For expenditure by the Welsh Office on hospital, community health, family health services, National Health Service trusts and on other health services (part).
5. For expenditure by the Welsh Office on revenue support grant and payment of non-domestic rates income to receiving authorities in Wales; payments to specified bodies; grants to local authorities in Wales in respect of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme; reduction grant to Dyfed-Powys Police Authority; special grants to local authorities following natural emergencies; payments for Valuation Office Agency rating and valuation services; running costs of Valuation Tribunals; publicity costs; exceptional expenses for the Commission for Local Administration in Wales; Treasury Solicitor legal services; repayments of excess contributions made by billing authorities and adjustments for shortfalls in receipts made by the Secretary of State in respect of non-domestic rates in previous years, etc.
Class XV
1. For expenditure by the Northern Ireland Office on central and miscellaneous services; elections; Forum administration; political talks administration; security; the Independent Commission for Police Complaints in Northern Ireland; the Independent Commissioner for Holding Centres; the Independent Assessor of Military Complaints in Northern Ireland; the Parades Commission; arms decommissioning; forensic services; prisons; services related to crime; criminal justice; training schools; probation and aftercare, etc.; state pathology; Crown prosecutions and other legal services; compensation schemes; policing; European Union peace and reconciliation projects; and certain other grants.
Class XVI
1. For expenditure by Her Majesty's Treasury on economic, financial and related administration, including debt management; regulation and supervision of the insurance industry; payments to certain parliamentary bodies and certain other services including expenses in connection with Honours and Dignities; transitional costs of winding down the Private Finance Panel and creating the Private Finance Taskforce including a grant in aid; payments in connection with the privatisation of Paymaster; and grants to the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund.
2. For expenditure by Her Majesty's Treasury in connection with the manufacture, storage and distribution of coinage for use in the United Kingdom.
3. For expenditure by the Customs and Excise Department on the administration of taxation; the operation of customs and revenue controls and other customs and excise work; and payments in respect of the Customs and Excise National Museum.
4. For expenditure by the Inland Revenue Department on the management and collection of the direct taxes; and for services provided for the Department's information technology partner, for other departments and for overseas tax administrations.
5. For expenditure by the Inland Revenue Department Valuation Office (Executive Agency) on the provision of valuation and other services for government departments and other public bodies.
8. For expenditure by National Savings on administration and publicity costs.
9. For expenditure by the Registry of Friendly Societies on behalf of the Building Societies Commission, the Friendly Societies Commission and the Central Office of the Registry on administrative costs.
10. For expenditure by the National Investment and Loans Office, National Debt Office, Public Works Loan Board and the Office of the Paymaster General.
11. For expenditure by the Office for National Statistics on the provision of economic, social labour market and other statistics and on departmental administration.
12. For expenditure by the Department of the Government Actuary on administrative costs.
Class XVII
1. For expenditure by the Office of the Minister for Public Service on the central management of the civil service; expenditure resulting from the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster's chairmanship of the Ministerial Committee on Food and Safety; price concessions to public libraries; to meet the cost of government and other publications supplied to UK members of the European Parliament; expenditure on the privatisations of executive agencies; certain other services; and a payment to the Department of Trade and Industry (Class IV, Vote 1).
1. For expenditure by the Cabinet Office on administrative costs; the Offices of the Prime Minister, the Minister Without Portfolio, the Parliamentary Counsel and the Government Chief Whip; the 1998 Economic Summit; payments to the Chequers Trust and the British National Committee for the History of the Second World War; and certain other services.
2. For expenditure by Her Majesty's Security and Intelligence Services on administration and operation costs, works and equipment, pension and other payments.
3. For expenditure by the Department of Her Majesty's Privy Council on administration costs and for the financing of a Central Drugs Co-ordination Unit.
7. For expenditure by the House of Commons on Members' salaries, allowances, pensions etc, financial assistance to Opposition parties and an Exchequer contribution to the Members' Fund.
Total, Supplementary, 1997-98
SCHEDULE (B).- Part 3
Schedule of Sums granted, and of the sums which may be applied as appropriations in aid in addition thereto, to defray the charges of the several Services herein particularly mentioned, which will come in course of payment during the year ending on 31st March 1999, including provision for numbers of personnel as set out hereunder, viz.:-
 Sums not exceeding
Supply Grants
Appropriations in Aid
1. For expenditure by the Ministry of Defence on personnel costs etc. of the armed forces and their reserves and cadet forces, etc; (including provision for Naval Service to a number not exceeding 49,965; provision for Reserve Naval and Marine Forces to a number not exceeding 17,755; provision for Army Service to a number not exceeding 132,060; provision for the Reserve Land Forces to a number not exceeding 97,800; provision for Special Members of the Reserve Land Forces to a number not exceeding 6,000; provision for Air Force Service to a number not exceeding 58,280; provision for Reserve Air Forces to a number not exceeding 26,050; and provision for Special Members of the Reserve Air Forces to a number not exceeding 270); personnel costs, etc. of Defence Ministers and of civilian staff employed by the Ministry of Defence; movements; stores, supplies and services; spares and maintenance; plant and machinery; charter of ships; research; lands and buildings; works services; contingent liabilities; services provided by other Government departments; sundry services, subscriptions, grants, and other payments including those abroad such as assistance to foreign and Commonwealth governments for defence related purposes; and set-up costs, loans and funding to trading funds.
2. For expenditure by the Ministry of Defence on logistics services for the armed forces and the related personnel services for the armed forces and the related personnel costs; spares, repair, maintenance, stores and supply services; associated capital facilities and works; contractors' redundancy costs; services provided by other Government departments; sundry services, subscriptions and grants; and set-up costs, loans and funding to trading funds.
3. For expenditure by the Procurement Executive of the Ministry of Defence in operating its headquarters and establishments and for its other common services; for research, etc. by contract; procurement, including development and production of equipment and weapon systems for the three armed forces; purchases for sale abroad; contingent liabilities; for sundry other procurement services, including those on repayment terms; and loans and funding to trading funds.
4. For expenditure by the Ministry of Defence on retired pay, pensions and other payments, etc.
Total, Class I
£ 23,431,424,000
£ 2,457,689,000
SCHEDULE (B).- Part 4
Schedule of Sums granted, and of the sums which may be applied as appropriations in aid in addition thereto, to defray the charges of the several Services herein particularly mentioned, which will come in course of payment during the year ending on 31st March 1999, viz.:-
 Sums not exceeding
Supply Grants
Appropriations in Aid
1. For expenditure by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on its salaries, building and other accommodation services, and administration, and those of HM Diplomatic Service and Wilton Park Executive Agency, official information services, sundry services; and loans and payments in connection with catering services and related receipts. (Revised sum).
2. For expenditure by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on grants and subscriptions, etc. to certain international organisations; contributions in respect of international peace-keeping; special payments and assistance; scholarships; overseas visitors; sundry other grants and services.
3. For expenditure by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on a grant-in-aid to the British Broadcasting Corporation for external radio broadcasting by the World Service and the subscription to the World Service Monitoring Service.
4. For expenditure by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on the British Council.
Total, Class II £ 
SCHEDULE (B).- Part 5
Schedule of Sums granted, and of the sums which may be applied as appropriations in aid in addition thereto, to defray the charges of the several Services herein particularly mentioned, which will come in course of payment during the year ending on 31st March 1999, viz.:-
 Sums not exceeding
Supply Grants
Appropriations in Aid
1. For expenditure on international development by the Department for International Development under the Overseas Development and Co-operation Act 1980 including financial and technical assistance to governments, institutions, voluntary agencies and individuals; capital and other subscriptions and contributions, including payments under guarantee, to multilateral development banks and other international and regional bodies; emergency, refugee and other relief assistance; pensions and allowances in respect of overseas service including contributions to pension funds (including payments under the Overseas Pensions Act 1973, and grants in lieu of pensions); global environment assistance; loans to the Commonwealth Development Corporation under the Commonwealth Development Corporation Acts 1978–1995; payments to UNESCO; expenditure on the Turkey Ankara Metro mixed credit Aid and Trade provision project; running costs, related capital expenditure and other administrative costs; costs involved in the development of a public/private partnership with the Commonwealth Development Corporation; and payments (under the authority of the European Communities Act 1972) to certain beneficiaries of the Gibraltar Social Insurance Fund. (Including a supplementary sum of £2,261,000).
2. For expenditure by the Department for International Development on pension and superannuation payments, grants and compensation payments, etc in respect of overseas services; and sundry other services and expenditure.
Total, Class III £
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Prepared 14 July 1998