Statute Law (Repeals) Bill [H.L.] - continued        House of Commons
SCHEDULE 1, REPEALS - continued

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Chapter or Number
Short title or title
Extent of repeal or revocation
Group 1 - Ecclesiastical Leases
13 Eliz.1 c.10.
Ecclesiastical Leases Act 1571.
The whole Act.
14 Eliz.1 c.11
Ecclesiastical Leases Act 1572.
The whole Act.
18 Eliz.1 c.11.
Ecclesiastical Leases Act 1575.
The whole Act.
39 & 40 Geo.3 c.41.
Ecclesiastical Leases Act 1800.
The whole Act.
1964 c.51.
Universities and College Estates Act 1964.
In section 1(1), from the beginning to "and".
Group 2 - Tithes
6 & 7 Will.4 c.71.
Tithe Act 1836.
The whole Act except sections 12, 64 and 96.
1 & 2 Vict. c.64.
Tithe Act 1838.
The whole Act.
2 & 3 Vict. c.62.
Tithe Act 1839.
The whole Act except sections 1 and 37.
3 & 4 Vict. c.15.
Tithe Act 1840.
The whole Act.
5 & 6 Vict. c.54.
Tithe Act 1842.
The whole Act.
9 & 10 Vict. c.73.
Tithe Act 1846.
The whole Act.
10 & 11 Vict. c.104.
Tithe Act 1847.
The whole Act.
23 & 24 Vict. c.93.
Tithe Act 1860.
The whole Act except section 24.
41 & 42 Vict. c.42.
Tithe Act 1878.
The whole Act.
48 & 49 Vict. c.32.
Tithe Rentcharge Redemption Act 1885.
The whole Act.
8 & 9 Geo.5 c.54.
Tithe Act 1918.
The whole Act.
15 & 16 Geo.5 c.18.
Settled Land Act 1925.
Section 73(1)(xvi).
15 & 16 Geo.5 c.24.
Universities and College Estates Act 1925.
Section 26(1)(xiv).
15 & 16 Geo.5 c.87.
Tithe Act 1925.
The whole Act.
18 & 19 Geo.5 No.2.
Tithe (Administration of Trusts) Measure 1928.
The whole Measure.
26 Geo.5 & 1 Edw.8 c.43.
Tithe Act 1936.
Section 30 and Schedule 6.
1963 c.14.
Corn Rents Act 1963.
Section 2.
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