House of Commons
Session 1997-98
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament
Arrangement of Clauses (Contents)

National Health Service (Private Finance) Bill [H.L.]
 The Bill clarifies the powers of a National Health Service trust to enter into an agreement (an "externally financed development agreement") for the provision of facilities to the trust where the relevant finance is provided otherwise than by the trust.
     Clause 1 provides that the powers of a National Health Service trust include power to enter into agreements which are certified by the Secretary of State as externally financed development agreements and specifies the circumstances in which the Secretary of State may give a certificate to that effect.
     Clause 2 provides that an Order in Council which makes corresponding provision in relation to Northern Ireland is to be subject to the negative resolution procedure.
Financial effects and effects on public service manpower

    The Bill will have no effect on public expenditure or public service manpower.

© Parliamentary copyright 1997
Prepared 4 July 1997