House of Commons portcullis
House of Commons
Session 1997-98
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament
Arrangement of Clauses (Contents)

Fossil Fuel Levy Bill [H.L.]
  The Bill amends section 33 of the Electricity Act 1989 which makes provision in relation to the Fossil Fuel Levy ("the Levy").
  In particular, the Bill extends the definition of "leviable electricity" so that all electricity from nuclear sources supplied by licensed electricity suppliers will be subject to the Levy. It also gives the Secretary of State the power, by regulation, to make all electricity supplied by licensed electricity suppliers subject to the Levy.
 Financial effects and effects on public service manpower
  The Bill will have no effects on public expenditure or public service manpower.
 Business compliance cost assessment
  There are no costs to business resulting from the administration of the measures contained in the Bill. The Bill will prevent nuclear electricity generators obtaining a price advantage in the market, compared to fossil-sourced electricity, after the ending on 31 March 1998 of the requirement for regional electricity companies to acquire certain amounts of nuclear electricity.
  A full compliance cost assessment of the effect that this Bill would have on the costs of business is available to the public from the Department of Trade and Industry, Room 1.C.19, 1 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET.
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Prepared 28 October 1997