Lead in Paint (Health and Safety) Bill - continued        House of Commons

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  S C H E D U L E


     1. These requirements apply to-
    (a) packaging which contains or is intended to contain paint stripper;
    (b) paint stripping apparatus;
    (c) packaging which contains or is intended to contain paint stripping apparatus; and
    (d) advertisements for paint stripper or paint stripping apparatus.
     2. A label or labels shall be permanently affixed to any packaging or apparatus to which this Schedule applies, bearing the following information-
    (a) a list or description of those types of paint which are likely to contain potentially dangerous levels of lead;
    (b) examples of circumstances in which such paints might typically be encountered;
    (c) a summary of the dangers to human health which might arise from different forms of contact with such paints; and
    (d) advice as to precautions which users of paint stripper or paint stripping apparatus should take in order to minimise the likelihood of exposure to dangerous levels of lead
  and similar information shall wherever practical be included in advertisements to which this Schedule applies.
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Prepared 4 February 1998