Government of Wales Bill - continued        House of Commons

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     1. - (1) In this Schedule "devolution issue" means-
    (a) a question whether a purported or proposed exercise of any function by the Assembly is, or would be, within the powers of the Assembly (including a question whether a purported or proposed exercise of a function by the Assembly is, or would be, incompatible with Community law or any of the Convention rights), or
    (b) a question whether the Assembly has failed to comply with any Community obligation which is an obligation of the Assembly.
      (2) In this Schedule "the Judicial Committee" means the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.
     2. A devolution issue shall not be taken to arise in any proceedings merely because of any contention of a party to the proceedings which appears to the court or tribunal before which the proceedings take place to be frivolous or vexatious.
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