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Retail Prices Index

Mr. Fraser: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the (a) percentage increase and (b) average annual increase in the retail prices index between (i) March 1974 and April 1979 and (ii) May 1979 and April 1997. [10892]

Mrs. Liddell [holding answer 28 July 1997]: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the chief executive of the Office for National Statistics. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter from Tim Holt to Mr. Christopher Fraser, dated 29 July 1997:

Illegal Drugs

Mr. Flynn: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will estimate the number of (a) casualties and (b) fatalities caused by the interaction between prescribed and illegal drugs in each of the last three years. [11016]

Mrs. Liddell [holding answer 28 July 1997]: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the chief executive of the Office for National Statistics. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.

29 Jul 1997 : Column: 136

Letter from Tim Holt to Mr. Paul Flynn, dated 29 July 1997:

Life Span

Mr. Gibb: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what estimate he has made of the expected life span of a child born in (a) 1979 and (b) 1997. [10906]

Mrs. Liddell [holding answer 28 July 1997]: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the chief executive of the Office for National Statistics. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter from Tim Holt to Mr. Nick Gibb, dated 29 July 1997:


(4) Latest year for which data are available. Figures supplied by the Government Actuary's Department.

29 Jul 1997 : Column: 137


Mr. Luff: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the change in unemployment levels in each former parliamentary constituency in Great Britain between (a) December 1992 and (b) December 1997. [11244]

Mrs. Liddell: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the chief executive of the Office for National Statistics. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter from Tim Holt to Mr. Peter Luff, dated 29 July 1997:

Temporary Contracts

Mr. Fraser: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what estimate he has made of the proportion of people currently employed on temporary contracts in (a) the United Kingdom, (b) France, (c) Spain and (d) Italy; and to what extent this has changed since (i) 1987 and (ii) 1992. [10891]

Mrs. Liddell [holding answer 28 July 1997]: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the chief executive of the Office for National Statistics. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter from Tim Holt to Mr. Christopher Fraser, dated 29 July 1997:

29 Jul 1997 : Column: 138

Heading employees as a proportion of all employees (per cent.)

United KingdomFranceSpainItaly
Spring 19876.
Spring 19925.410.433.57.6
Spring 19956.812.235.07.2
Winter 1996-977.4------

Manufacturing Output

Mr. Hammond: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what were the changes in levels of (a) manufacturing productivity and (b) overall productivity between (i) March 1974 and April 1979 and (ii) May 1979 and April 1997. [10888]

Mrs. Liddell [holding answer 28 July 1997]: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the chief executive of the Office for National Statistics. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter from Tim Holt to Mr. Philip Hammond, dated 29 July 1997:

SectorPeriodPercentage change
ManufacturingQ1 1974 to Q1 19795.7
Q2 1979 to Q1 199783.5
Whole economyQ1 1974 to Q1 19799.4
Q2 1979 to Q1 199736.7

Mr. Grieve: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was manufacturing output in the United Kingdom in each year between 1979 and 1997 in terms of (a) volume and (b) value at current prices. [10959]

Mrs. Liddell [holding answer 28 July 1997]: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the chief executive of the Office for National Statistics. I have asked him to arrange for a reply to be given.

Letter from Tim Holt to Mr. Dominic Grieve, dated 29 July 1997:

YearVolume of manufacturing output at constant prices

Data on the value of manufacturing output at current prices is available for the complete range of years between 1979 and 1996 and can be accessed as series CFLV on the ONS databank by the House of Commons Library. Data for 1997 is not yet available.

29 Jul 1997 : Column: 139

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