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House of Commons
Session 1997-1998

Commons Journal 254

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Page 222            1997-1998      Volume 254      

[No. 69.]

Monday 17th November 1997.

The House met at half-past Two o'clock.


1Message from the Lords,—A Message was brought from the Lords, as follows:

British Nationality (St. Helena) Bill [Lords],—The Lords have passed a Bill, intituled, An Act to provide for the acquisition of British citizenship by persons having connections with St. Helena; to which the Lords desire the concurrence of this House.

2Opposition day [4th allotted day] [1st part],—It being an allotted day at the disposal of the leader of the second largest opposition party in pursuance of Standing Order No. 14 (Arrangement of public business), the House proceeded to consider opposition business.

Public services,—A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House believes that Britain's key public services, in particular education, health and social care, have been underfunded and undermined by 18 years of Conservative rule; condemns the Government for continuing Conservative spending plans and council-capping and for spending less in the present year in real terms on education, health and social services; expresses alarm at the effect of the last budget inflation forecast, which will reduce the real value of government spending plans for next year by around £5.3 billion; believes that the cumulative effects of government policies will be larger classes, longer waiting times, and less care and treatment, when what the public services need is to be rescued from the vicious circle of cost shunting and crisis management, with sufficient resources to allow the raising of quality and standards for all; and calls on the Government urgently to put the necessary resources into public services, by such measures as switching monies from other departments and by limited but targeted and earmarked increases in taxation—(Mr Simon Hughes);

An Amendment was proposed to the Question, in line 2, to leave out from the word ‘House' to the end of the Question and add the words ‘welcomes the extra £1.5 billion the new Government has made available to the National Health Service since taking office; notes that this is more than the Liberal Democrats promised in their Election Manifesto; further welcomes the £100 million shifted this year out of NHS red tape and into frontline patient care, including £10 million for breast cancer treatment and £5 million for children's intensive care; further welcomes the £1.3 billion hospital building programme announced since the election; welcomes the £2.3 billion extra over Conservative spending plans announced in the Budget for education, including £1.3 billion to tackle the backlog of repairs in schools and to bring further improvements for education in the future; further welcomes the public/private partnership approach adopted in education which will increase that sum further to £2 billion by 2002; welcomes the start that has been made on achieving the Government's pledge to reduce infant class sizes and to phase out the assisted places scheme; welcomes the enormous strides that have begun in improving standards in schools; and congratulates the Government on the commitment that has been thus shown to the public services, in particular in education, health and social services', instead thereof.—(Mr Secretary Dobson.)

And the Question being put, That the original words stand part of the Question;

The House divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Paul Tyler, Mr Donald Gorrie: 48.

Tellers for the Noes, Mr Greg Pope, Mr David Clelland: 300.

So the Question was negatived.

And the Question, That the proposed words be there added, being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 31 (Questions on amendments);

The House divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Greg Pope, Mr David Clelland: 298.

Tellers for the Noes, Mr Paul Tyler, Mr Donald Gorrie: 43.

So the Question was agreed to.

The Speaker forthwith declared the Main Question, as amended, to be agreed to.

Resolved, That this House welcomes the extra £1.5 billion the new Government has made available to the National Health Service since taking office; notes that this is more than the Liberal Democrats promised in their Election Manifesto; further welcomes the £100 million shifted this year out of NHS red tape and into frontline patient care, including £10 million for breast cancer treatment and £5 million for children's intensive care; further welcomes the £1.3 billion hospital building programme announced since the election; welcomes the £2.3 billion extra over Conservative spending plans announced in the Budget for education, including £1.3 billion to tackle the backlog of repairs in schools and to bring further improvements for education in the future; further welcomes the

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public/private partnership approach adopted in education which will increase that sum further to £2 billion by 2002; welcomes the start that has been made on achieving the Government's pledge to reduce infant class sizes and to phase out the assisted places scheme; welcomes the enormous strides that have begun in improving standards in schools; and congratulates the Government on the commitment that has been thus shown to the public services, in particular in education, health and social services.

3Standards and Privileges,—A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House approves the Seventh and Eighth Reports from the Committee on Standards and Privileges (HC 240 and 261)—(Mrs Ann Taylor);

An Amendment was proposed to the Question, in line 2, to leave out from the word ‘House' to the end of the Question and add the words ‘notes that, on an amendment proposed by the honourable Member for Workington, the Committee on Standards and Privileges resolved, nemine contradicente, not to endorse Sir Gordon Downey's findings in respect of Mr Neil Hamilton; expresses its deep concern that the ultimate author of the grave allegations concerning cash payments, Mr Al Fayed, was not called to give evidence before the Committee on oath in public; and believes that justice cannot be done until Mr Al Fayed has been so called', instead thereof.—(Mr Gerald Howarth.)

And the Question being proposed, That the Amendment be made:—Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

And the Main Question being put:—It was agreed to.

Resolved, That this House approves the Seventh and Eighth Reports from the Committee on Standards and Privileges (HC 240 and 261).

4Environmental Audit,—Ordered, That Mr Cynog Dafis and Mr Matthew Taylor be added to the Environmental Audit Committee.—(Mr David Jamieson.)

5Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs,—Ordered, That Mr Stephen Day be discharged from the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee and Mr Philip Hammond be added to the Committee.—(Mr John McWilliam, on behalf of the Committee of Selection.)

6Public Petitions,—A Public Petition from citizens of Coventry for improved state retirement pensions, action to reform the NHS and reconsideration of the role of ‘Care in the Community' was presented; and ordered to lie upon the Table and to be printed.

7Adjournment,—Resolved, That this House do now adjourn.—(Mr David Jamieson.)

And accordingly the House, having continued to sit till twenty-six minutes past Ten o'clock, adjourned till to-morrow.

[Adjourned at 10.26 p.m.


Papers presented or laid upon the Table:

Papers subject to Affirmative Resolution:

1Deregulation,—Draft Deregulation (Licence Transfers) Order 1997, together with a statement from the Secretary of State for the Home Department [by Act] [Mr Secretary Straw].

Other Papers:

2Agriculture,—Reports and Accounts of the—

(1) Home Grown Cereals Authority, and

(2) Meat and Livestock Commission

for 1996–97 [by Act] [Dr John Cunningham].

3Public Health,—Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Oil and Chemical Pollution of Fish) Order 1997 (Partial Revocation) Order 1997 (S.I. 1997, No. 2735), dated 14th November 1997 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Dewar].

4Statutory Instruments (Notification),—Communication declaring that the undermentioned Statutory Instrument had come into force before copies were laid before Parliament, and explaining why such copies had not been so laid before the Instrument came into operation:

Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Oil and Chemical Pollution of Fish) Order 1997 (Partial Revocation) Order 1997 (S.I. 1997, No. 2735)

[by Standing Order] [The Speaker].

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Standing Committees

Bank of England Bill,—The Speaker has appointed Mr John Butterfill and Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody additional Chairmen of Standing Committee D in respect of the Bill.


Reports from Select Committees

Public Accounts,—(1) First Report from the Committee of Public Accounts [NHS suppliers in England]; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 349];

(2) Second Report from the Committee of Public Accounts [Health and safety in NHS acute hospital trusts in England]; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 350]; and

(3) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee of Public Accounts on 17th November; to be printed [No. 348–i]

[Mr David Davis].

[No. 70.]

Tuesday 18th November 1997.

The House met at half-past Two o'clock.


1Welsh Grand Committee,—Mr Barry Jones reported from the Welsh Grand Committee, That it had considered the matter of North Wales and the Government's Proposals for a Welsh Assembly, referred to it on 3rd November, and had directed him to report accordingly to the House.

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to be printed [No. 96].

2First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation,—Mr Nicholas Winterton reported from the First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation the draft Deregulation (Northern Ireland) Order 1997.

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to lie upon the Table.

3Second Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation,—Mr Jimmy Hood reported from the Second Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Dounreay Nuclear Establishment) Order 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2622).

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to lie upon the Table.

4National Health Service (Equity of Funding),—Ordered, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to set up an independent National Health Service Funding Advisory Body charged with the task of ensuring an equitable formula for the funding of local health authorities: And that Mr Andrew George, Mr Simon Hughes, Dr Jenny Tonge, Mr John Hayes, Mr Paul Tyler, Mr Colin Breed, Mr Matthew Taylor, Dr Evan Harris, Dr Peter Brand, Mr Paul Burstow, Bob Russell and Mr John Burnett do prepare and bring it in.

5National Health Service (Equity of Funding) Bill,—Mr Andrew George accordingly presented a Bill to set up an independent National Health Service Funding Advisory Body charged with the task of ensuring an equitable formula for the funding of local health authorities: And the same was read the first time; and ordered to be read a second time on Friday 13th February and to be printed [Bill 84].

6Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Bill,—The Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Bill was, according to Order, read a second time and stood committed to a Standing Committee.

7Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Bill [Money],—Her Majesty's Recommendation having been signified to the proposed Motion relating to Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Bill [Money];

A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 52 (Money resolutions and ways and means resolutions in connection with bills), That, for the purposes of any Act resulting from the Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Bill, it is expedient to authorise the payment out of money provided by Parliament of any expenses of the Secretary of State by virtue of that Act—(Mr Greg Pope):—It was agreed to.

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8Housing (Scotland),—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That the draft Homeless Persons (Priority Need) (Scotland) Order 1997, which was laid before this House on 31st July, be approved—(Mr Greg Pope):—It was agreed to.

9Value Added Tax,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That the Value Added Tax (Payments on Account) (Appeals) Order 1997, (S.I., 1997, No. 2542), dated 27th October 1997, a copy of which was laid before this House on 27th October, be approved—(Mr Greg Pope):—It was agreed to.

10Financial Services,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That the Financial Services Act 1986 (Extension of Scope of Act) Order 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2543), dated 27th October 1997, a copy of which was laid before this House on 27th October, be approved—(Mr Greg Pope):—It was agreed to.

11Summer Time,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that the Summer Time Order 1997 be made in form of the draft laid before this House on 27th October—(Mr Greg Pope):—It was agreed to.

Address to be presented to Her Majesty by such Members of this House as are of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council or of Her Majesty's Household.

12Merchant Shipping,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That the draft General Lighthouse Authorities (Beacons: Maritime Differential Correction Systems) Order 1997, which was laid before this House on 28th October, be approved—(Mr Greg Pope):—It was agreed to.

13Public Health,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That the Food Protection (Emergency Prohibitions) (Dounreay Nuclear Establishment) Order 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2622), dated 29th October 1997, a copy of which was laid before this House on 31st October, be approved—(Mr Greg Pope):—It was agreed to.

14Adjournment,—Resolved, That this House do now adjourn.—(Mr Greg Pope.)

And accordingly the House, having continued to sit till six minutes to Ten o'clock, adjourned till to-morrow.

[Adjourned at 9.54 p.m.


Papers presented or laid upon the Table:

Papers subject to Affirmative Resolution:

1European Communities,—(1) Draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Europe Agreement establishing an Association between the European Communities and their Member States, and the Republic of Slovenia) Order 1997,

(2) draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Partnership and Co-operation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and Georgia) Order 1997,

(3) draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Partnership and Co-operation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Armenia) Order 1997,

(4) draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Partnership and Co-operation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Azerbaijan) Order 1997, and

(5) draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Partnership and Co-operation Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States and the Republic of Uzbekistan) Order 1997

[by Act] [Mr Secretary Cook].

2Family Law,—Draft Child Support (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1997 [by Act] [Secretary Harriet Harman].

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3Value Added Tax,—Value Added Tax (Drugs, Medicines and Aids for the Handicapped) Order 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2744), dated 18th November 1997 [by Act] [Dawn Primarolo].

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

4Income Tax,—(1) Income Tax (Manufactured Overseas Dividends) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2706), dated 17th November 1997,

(2) Income Tax (Paying and Collecting Agents) (Amendment) Regulations 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2705), dated 14th November 1997, and

(3) Taxes (Interest Rate) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2707), dated 17th November 1997

[by Act] [Dawn Primarolo].

5National Health Service,—Oxleas National Health Service Trust (Transfer of Trust Property) Amendment Order 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2691), dated 11th November 1997 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Dobson].

6Universities of Oxford and Cambridge,—(1) Statute, dated 22nd May 1997, made by the University of Oxford amending the Statutes of the University, and

(2) Statute, dated 22nd May 1997, made by the University of Oxford amending the Statutes of the University

[by Act] [Mrs Ann Taylor].

Other Papers:

7Appropriations in Aid,—Treasury Minute, dated 18th November 1997, directing the applications of certain receipts as appropriations in aid of the Votes specified in the Winter Supplementary Estimates for 1997–98 [by Act] [Dawn Primarolo].

8Audit (Northern Ireland),—Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General for Northern Ireland on Privatisation of Belfast International Airport [by Statutory Instrument]; to be printed [No. 298] [Secretary Marjorie Mowlam].

9Compliance Cost Assessment,—List of Compliance Cost Assessments produced for the period 1st January to 30th June 1997 [by Command] [Cm. 3801] [Dr David Clark].

10Defence (Votes A), 1997–98,—Supplementary estimates of the maximum numbers of personnel to be maintained for service with the Armed Forces for 1997–98 [by Command]; to be printed [No. 249] [Mr Secretary Robertson].

11Monopolies and Mergers,—Report by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission on the proposed merger between the Littlewoods Organisation plc and Freemans plc (a subsidiary of Sears plc) [by Command] [Cm. 3761] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

12Museums and Galleries,—Account of the National Gallery for 1996–97, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 354] [Clerk of the House].

13Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation,—Report and Accounts of the Royal Patriotic Fund Corporation for 1996 [by Command] [Mr Secretary Straw].

14Science and Technology,—(1) Accounts of the Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils for 1996–97, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 353] [Clerk of the House]; and

(2) Report and Accounts of the Council for the Central Laboratory for the Research Council for 1996–97, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

15Supply Estimates, 1997–98,—Winter Supplementary Estimates for 1997–98 [by Command]; to be printed [No. 278] [Dawn Primarolo].

16Supply Estimates, 1998–99,—(1) Estimates (Classes I-XVIII), for which a Vote on Account is required for 1998–99 [by Command]; to be printed [No. 279] [Dawn Primarolo];

(2) Estimates for the House of Commons Commission (Class XVIII, A), for which a Vote on Account is required for 1998–99 [by Command]; to be printed [No. 280] [The Speaker]; and

(3) Estimates for the National Audit Office (Class XVIII, B, Vote 1), for which a Vote on Account is required for 1998–99 [by Command]; to be printed [No. 281] [Mr Robert Sheldon].

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Reports from Select Committees

1Agriculture,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Agriculture Committee on 18th November [CAP reform: Agenda 2000]; to be printed [No. 311–iii] [Mr Austin Mitchell].

2Education and Employment,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Education Sub-Committee of the Education and Employment Committee on 18th November [Further Education]; to be printed [No. 264–iv] [Ms Margaret Hodge].

3Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Environment Sub-Committee of the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee on 18th November [Sewage Treatment and Disposal]; to be printed [No. 266–iv] [Mr Andrew F. Bennett].

4Foreign Affairs,—(1) First Report from the Foreign Affairs Committee [The Treaty of Amsterdam], with Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 305]; and

(2) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Foreign Affairs Committee on 18th November [The Dependent Territories Review]; to be printed [No. 347–i]

[Mr Donald Anderson].

5Home Affairs,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Home Affairs Committee on 18th November [Police Disciplinary and Complaints Procedures; and the Work of the Crown Prosecution Service]; to be printed [Nos. 258–vi and 351–i] [Mr Chris Mullin].

6International Development—First Report from the International Development Committee [Montserrat], together with Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee; to be printed with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 267] [Mr Bowen Wells].

7Public Administration,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Public Administration Committee on 18th November [The Report of the Health Service Commissioner for 1996–97]; to be printed [No. 352–i] [Mr Rhodri Morgan].

8Statutory Instruments,—Thirteenth Report from the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments, together with Memoranda laid before the Committee; to be printed [No. 33–xiii] [Mr David Tredinnick].

9Trade and Industry,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Trade and Industry Committee on 18th November [Co-ordination of Inward Investment]; to be printed [No. 355] [Mr Martin O'Neill].

[No. 71.]

Wednesday 19th November 1997.

The House met at half-past Nine o'clock.


1Adjournment,—A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House do now adjourn—(Janet Anderson);

And it being Two o'clock, the Motion for the Adjournment of the House lapsed, without Question put, pursuant to the Standing Order.

2European Standing Committee A,—Mr Barry Jones reported from European Standing Committee A the following Resolution:

That the Committee takes note of European Community Document No. 10040/97, on the prohibition of the use of material presenting risks relating to transmissible spongiform encephalopathies; and supports the Government's position that such controls are necessary for the protection of public health and to avoid the risk of undermining the Single Market.

Report, together with Resolution, to lie upon the Table.

3European Standing Committee B,—Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody reported from European Standing Committee B the following Resolution:

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That the Committee takes note of European Community Documents Nos. 10153/97, the draft general budget of the European Communities for 1998, and PE262.699, the European Parliament's proposed amendments to the draft general budget of the European Communities for 1998; and supports the Government's efforts to maintain budget discipline in the Community.

Report, together with Resolution, to lie upon the Table.

4Lead in Paint (Health and Safety),—Ordered, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to require the manufacturers and retailers of paint stripping equipment and fluids to provide customers with information about lead in paint manufactured before 1960; to require the Secretary of State to provide information to the general public about the dangers of lead in older paint; and to provide for the testing of children under the age of three years living in older housing to determine whether they are at risk from lead in older paintwork: And that Miss Melanie Johnson, Mr Charles Clarke, Dr Lynda Clark, Mr John Gunnell, Mr John Healey, Ms Oona King, Mr Tom Levitt, Mr Chris Pond, Dr Phyllis Starkey, Ms Dari Taylor and Mr Michael Wills do prepare and bring it in.

5Lead in Paint (Health and Safety) Bill,—Miss Melanie Johnson accordingly presented a Bill to require the manufacturers and retailers of paint stripping equipment and fluids to provide consumers with information about lead in paint manufactured before 1960; to require the Secretary of State to provide information to the general public about the dangers of lead in older paint; and to provide for the testing of children under the age of three years living in older housing to determine whether they are at risk from lead in older paintwork: And the same was read the first time; and ordered to be read a second time on Friday 6th February and to be printed [Bill 85].

6Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill,—The House, according to Order, resolved itself into a Committee on the Greater London Authority (Referendum) Bill.

(In the Committee)

Ordered, That the Bill be considered in the following Order, namely: Clause No. 1, the Schedule, Clauses Nos. 2 to 13, new Clauses, new Schedules.—(Mr Nick Raynsford.)

Clause No. 1 (Referendum).

Amendment (No. 2) proposed, in page 1, line 7, at the beginning, to insert the words ‘subject to subsection (1A) below,'.—(Mr Simon Hughes.)

Question proposed, That the Amendment be made:—Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Another Amendment (No. 14) proposed, in page 1, line 8, after the word ‘prescribe', to insert the words ‘(being a date not earlier than one month after the publication of the Government's bill for the establishment of that Authority)'.—(Mr Richard Ottaway.)

Question put, That the Amendment be made.

The Committee divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Oliver Heald, Mr Stephen Day: 118.

Tellers for the Noes, Mr John McFall, Mr Jon Owen Jones: 339.

Another Amendment (No. 3) proposed, in page 1, line 9, to leave out from the word ‘Authority' to the end of line 10.—(Mr Simon Hughes.)

Question put, That the Amendment be made.

The Committee divided.

Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Paul Tyler, Mr Andrew Stunell: 157.

Tellers for the Noes, Mr Robert Ainsworth, Mr David Jamieson: 311.

And it being Ten o'clock, the Chairman left the Chair to report progress and ask leave to sit again.

The Deputy Speaker resumed the Chair; and Mr Clive Betts reported, That the Committee had made progress in the Bill, and moved, That the Committee may have leave to sit again.

Committee again to-morrow.

7Northern Ireland,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That the draft Deregulation (Northern Ireland) Order 1997, which was laid before this House on 28th October, be approved—(Mr Clive Betts):—It was agreed to.

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8Northern Ireland,—A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 118 (Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation), That the draft Shops (Sunday Trading &c.) (Northern Ireland) Order 1997, which was laid before this House on 28th October, be approved—(Mr Clive Betts):—It was agreed to.

9Adjournment,—Resolved, That this House do now adjourn.—(Mr David Jamieson.)

And accordingly the House, having continued to sit till twenty-nine minutes past Ten o'clock, adjourned till to-morrow.

[Adjourned at 10.29 p.m.


Papers presented or laid upon the Table:

Papers subject to Affirmative Resolution:

1Animals,—Mink Keeping Order 1997, dated 17th November 1997 [by Act] [Dr John Cunningham].

2European Communities,—(1) Draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (European Police Office) Order 1997, and

(2) draft European Communities (Immunities and Privileges of the European Police Office) Order 1997

[by Act] [Mr Secretary Cook].

3International Immunities and Privileges,—Draft OSPAR Commission (Immunities and Privileges) Order 1997 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Cook].

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

4Education,—Education (Individual Pupils' Achievements) (Information) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2709), dated 11th November 1997 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Davies].

5Pesticides,—(1) Control of Pesticides (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997 (S.R.(N.I.), 1997, No. 469), and

(2) Plant Protection Products (Basic Conditions) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1997 (S.R.(N.I.), 1997, No. 470),

dated 28th October 1997 [by Act] [Secretary Marjorie Mowlam].

Other Papers:

6Miscellaneous Financial Provisions,—Report and Accounts of the Rural Development Commission for 1996–97 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Prescott].

7Monopolies and Mergers,—Report by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission on the proposed merger between the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company and Stena Line AB [by Command] [Cm. 3664] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

8Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors,—Account of the English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for 1996–97, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [No. 326] [Mr Secretary Dobson].

9Treaty Series (No. 71, 1997),—Agreement, done at London on 22nd October 1997, between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Kingdom of Tonga for the Promotion and Protection of Investments [by Command] [Cm. 3800] [Mr Secretary Cook].


Standing Committees

1Northern Ireland Grand Committee,—The Committee of Selection has nominated twenty-four additional Members to serve on the Northern Ireland Grand Committee, viz.: Mr Harry Barnes, Mr James Cran, Mr Mike Gapes, Mr Norman A. Godman, Mr John Grogan, Mr Phil Hope, Mr Andrew Hunter, Helen Jackson, Shona McIsaac, Mr Andrew MacKay, Mr Kevin McNamara, Mr Tony McNulty, Mr Tony McWalter, Ms Margaret Moran, Mr Malcolm Moss, Mr Bill O'Brien, Mr Lembit O­pik, Mrs Sandra Osborne, Mr Stephen Pound, Mr Andrew Robathan, Mr Martin Salter, Mr Roger Stott, Mr Ian Taylor and Mr Gareth R. Thomas (Harrow West).

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2Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Bill,—(1) The Speaker has allocated the Bill to Standing Committee A and has appointed Mrs Ann Winterton and Mrs Ray Michie Chairmen; and

(2) The Committee of Selection has nominated seventeen Members to serve on the Committee, viz.: Mr Tony Colman, Mr James Cran, Mr Jim Dowd, Mr Jim Fitzpatrick, Mr Mike Gapes, Mr Andrew Hunter, Mr Adam Ingram, Helen Jackson, Mr Ken Maginnis, Mr Seamus Mallon, Mr Malcolm Moss, Mr Lembit O­pik, Mrs Sandra Osborne, Mr Stephen Pound, Mr Martin Salter, Miss Geraldine Smith and Mr Gareth R. Thomas (Harrow West).

3Draft Civil Evidence (Northern Ireland) Order 1997,—(1) The Speaker has allocated the draft Order to the Fifth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation, and has appointed Mr John Maxton Chairman; and

(2) The Committee of Selection has nominated sixteen Members to serve on the Committee, viz.: Mr Ian Bruce, Mr Colin Burgon, Mr Jamie Cann, Mr David Chaytor, Mr Paul Clark, Mr Charles Clarke, Mr James Cran, Mr Jim Cunningham, Mr Jim Dowd, Mr Clive Efford, Mr Mike Gapes, Mr Ken Maginnis, Mr Malcolm Moss, Mr Paul Murphy, Mr Nick St. Aubyn and Mr David Trimble.

European Standing Committees

4European Community Documents No. 6294/92 and the unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum submitted by the Department of Health on 17th November 1997, relating to tobacco advertising and COM(97) 564 and 10427/97, relating to harmful tax competition, have been referred to European Standing Committee B.


Reports from Select Committees

1Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs,—(1) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee on 19th November [Climate Change]; to be printed [No. 287-ii] [Mr Andrew F. Bennett];

(2) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee on 19th November [Air Quality]; to be printed [No. 356-i] [Mr Andrew F. Bennett]; and

(3) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Transport Sub-Committee of the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee on 19th November [UK Air Traffic Control]; to be printed [No. 360-i] [Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody].

2European Legislation,—(1) Seventh Report from the Select Committee on European Legislation; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee, together with the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee on 19th November [Tobacco advertising] [No. 155-vii]; and

(2) Eighth Report from the Select Committee on European Legislation; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee [No. 155-viii]

[Mr Jimmy Hood].

3Northern Ireland Affairs,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee on 19th November [The Composition, Recruitment and Training of the RUC]; to be printed [No. 337-ii] [Mr Peter Brooke].

4Public Accounts,—(1) Third Report from the Committee of Public Accounts [South and West Regional Health Authority: Disposal of Swift]; to be printed, with the Minutes of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 358];

(2) Fourth Report from the Committee of Public Accounts [Ministry of Defence: management of utilities]; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 359]; and

(3) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee of Public Accounts on 19th November [Inland Revenue: Employer compliance review]; to be printed [No. 357-i]

[Mr David Davis].

5Science and Technology,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Science and Technology Committee on 19th November [The Year 2000 and Computer Compliance]; to be printed [No. 342-i] [Dr Michael Clark].

6Scottish Affairs,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Scottish Affairs Committee on 19th November [Welfare to Work in Scotland]; to be printed [No. 335-ii] [Mr David Marshall].

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7Social Security,—First Report from the Social Security Committee [Tax and Benefits: An Interim Report], together with Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 283] [Mr Archy Kirkwood].

8Welsh Affairs,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Welsh Affairs Committee on 17th November [The Impact of Devolution on Local Government and Economic Development in Wales]; to be printed [No. 329-iii] [Mr Martyn Jones].

[No. 72.]

Thursday 20th November 1997.

The House met at half past Two o'clock.


1Third Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation,—Mr Peter Atkinson reported from the Third Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation the draft Industrial Pollution Control (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 and the draft Waste and Contaminated Land (Northern Ireland) Order 1997.

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to lie upon the Table.

2Fourth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation,—Mr Andrew Welsh reported from the Fourth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation the draft Carriage by Air Acts (Application of Provisions) (Fourth Amendment) Order 1997.

Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to lie upon the Table.

3Public Accounts,—Resolved, That this House takes note of the First to Twenty-fifth Reports of the Committee of Public Accounts of Session 1996–97 and of the relevant Treasury Minutes (Cm 3559, 3577 and 3714), with particular reference to the following Reports:

Second, Progress in Completing the New British Library (HC 38);

Fifth, Highways Agency: The Bridge Programme (HC 83);

Eighth, Information Technology Services Agency: Outsourcing the Service Delivery Operations (HC 98);

Thirteenth, HM Treasury: The Second Sale of Shares in National Power and PowerGen (HC 151);

Sixteenth, The Work of the Directors General of Telecommunications, Gas Supply, Water Services and Electricity Supply (HC 89);

Twenty-second, British Rail Maintenance Ltd.: The Sale of Maintenance Depots (HC 168).—(Mr David Davis.)

4Adjournment,—Resolved, That this House do now adjourn.—(Mr Clive Betts.)

And accordingly the House, having continued to sit till twenty-two minutes to Nine o'clock, adjourned till to-morrow.

[Adjourned at 8.38 p.m.


Papers presented or laid upon the Table:

Papers subject to Affirmative Resolution:

1Broadcasting,—Draft Channel 4 (Application of Excess Revenues) Order 1997 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Smith].

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2Local Government,—Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) (National Health Service Trusts) Order 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2763), dated 20th November 1997 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Dobson].

3Road Traffic,—Draft Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed Penalty) Regulations 1997 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Prescott].

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

4Customs and Excise,—Dual-Use and Related Goods (Export Control) (Amendment No. 4) Regulations 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2759), dated 19th November 1997 [by Act] [Secretary Margaret Beckett].

5Sea Fisheries,—Sole, Plaice, etc (Specified Sea Areas) (Prohibition of Fishing) Order 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2757), dated 19th November 1997 [by Act] [Dr John Cunningham].

6Supreme Court of England and Wales,—Civil Courts (Amendment No. 4) Order 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2762), dated 20th November 1997 [by Act] [Mr Geoffrey Hoon].

Other Papers:

7Development of Tourism,—Statement of appointment of a new member to the British Tourist Authority [by Act] [Mr Secretary Smith].

8National Audit,—Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General on the Sale of PSA Projects [by Act]; to be printed [No. 345] [Clerk of the House].

9National Heritage,—Government Response to the Fourth Report of the National Heritage Committee, Session 1996-97 (The BBC and the Future of Broadcasting) [by Command] [Cm. 3799] [Mr Secretary Smith].


Standing Committees

1Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Bill,—The Committee of Selection has nominated a further member to serve on Standing Committee A in respect of the Bill, viz.: Mr Robert McCartney.

European Standing Committees

2European Community Documents Nos. 8150/97 and 8386/97, relating to Food Law and Consumer Health and Food Safety,—The Speaker has appointed Mr Donald Anderson Chairman of European Standing Committee A in respect of the Document.

3European Community Document No. 10510/97, relating to Biotechnological Inventions,—The Speaker has appointed Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody Chairman of European Standing Committee B in respect of the Document.

4European Community Documents Nos. COM(97)564 and 10427/97, relating to Harmful Tax Competition,—The Speaker has appointed Mr Bowen Wells Chairman of European Standing Committee B in respect of the Document.


Reports from Select Committees

1Culture, Media and Sport,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Culture, Media and Sport Committee on 20th November [The Millennium Dome]; to be printed [No. 340-ii] [Mr Gerald Kaufman].

2Health,—Minutes of Evidence taken before the Health Committee on 20th November [Public Expenditure 1997]; to be printed [No. 362-i] [Mr David Hinchliffe].

3International Development,—(1) Minutes of Evidence taken before the International Development Committee on 20th November [Renegotiation of the Lome" Convention]; to be printed [No. 365-i]; and

(2) Memoranda laid before the Committee

[Mr Bowen Wells].

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[No. 73.]

Friday 21st November 1997.

The House met at half-past Nine o'clock.


1Adjournment (Review of Civil Justice and Legal Aid),—A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House do now adjourn—(Mr Clive Betts);

And it being half-past Two o'clock, the Motion for the adjournment of the House lapsed, without Question put.

2Scottish Grand Committee,—Ordered, That—

(1) the Scottish Grand Committee shall meet at Westminister on Wednesday 3rd December at half-past Four o'clock;

(2) at that sitting, nothwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order No. 96 (Scottish Grand Committee (ministerial statements)), the Chairman shall interrupt proceedings, if not previously concluded, at Six o'clock.—(Mr Jon Owen Jones.)

3Adjournment,—Resolved, That this House do now adjourn.—(Mr Jon Owen Jones.)

And accordingly the House, having continued to sit till one minute to Three o'clock, adjourned till Monday 24th November.

[Adjourned at 2.59 p.m.


Papers presented or laid upon the Table:

Papers subject to Negative Resolution:

1Local Government,—(1) Local Government Act 1988 (Competition) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2732), dated 17th November 1997,

(2) Local Government Act 1988 (Competition) (Revocations) Regulations 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2747), dated 18th November 1997,

(3) Local Government Act 1988 (Defined Activities) (Exemptions) (Amendment) Order 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2746), dated 18th November 1997,

(4) Local Government Act 1988 (Defined Activities) (Exemptions) (Schools) Order 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2748), dated 18th November 1997,

(5) Local Government Act 1988 (Defined Activities) (Housing Management and Security Work) (Exemptions) (England) (Amendment) Order 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2733), dated 17th November 1997,

(6) Local Government Changes for England (Housing Management) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2734), dated 17th November 1997, and

(7) Local Government (Direct Labour Organisations) (Competition) (Amendment) Regulations 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2756), dated 18th November 1997

[by Act] [Mr Secretary Prescott]; and

(8) Local Government Act 1988 (Competition) (Wales) (No. 2) Regulations 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2649), and

(9) Local Government Act 1988 (Defined Activities) (Exemptions) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 1997 (S.I., 1997, No. 2648),

dated 17th November 1997 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Davies].

Other Papers:

2Defence,—Ministry of Defence Minute concerning a contingent liability consequent upon medium-range TRIGAT trials in Australia [by Command] [Mr Secretary Robertson].

3European Union,—Paper, entitled Developments in the European Union, January to June 1997 [by Command] [Cm. 3802] [Mr Secretary Cook].

4Museums and Galleries,—Report and Accounts of the National Library of Wales for 1996–97, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Command] [Mr Secretary Davies].

5Northern Ireland,—Northern Ireland Appropriation Accounts for 1996–97, together with the Consolidated Fund Services Account and the Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General for Northern Ireland thereon and upon the Revenue Accounts [by Act]; to be printed [No. 304] [Secretary Marjorie Mowlam].

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