![]() House of Commons |
Session 1997-1998 |
Commons Journal 254
Chronological Index
Page 680 1997-1998 Volume 254 [No. 205.] Monday 13th July 1998. The House met at half-past Two o'clock. PRAYERS.
Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to be printed [No. 96].
The Lords have agreed to the School Standards and Framework Bill, with Amendments; to which they desire the concurrence of this House.
Manufacturing and Industrial Relations,A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House views with alarm the Government's creation of a boom and bust economy in the UK, with industry being badly damaged by high sterling and rising interest rates whilst wage and price inflation accelerates; expresses concern at the growth of industrial unrest in several sectors of the economy; and urges the Government to rethink its approach both to manufacturing and employee relations before more damage is done(Mr John Redwood); An Amendment was proposed to the Question, in line 2, to leave out from the word House' to the end of the Question and add the words welcomes the measures the Government has taken to build an economy which is healthy and sustainable in the long term, including placing the control of interest rates with the independent Bank of England; notes that over the last 12 months investment has grown by 7 per cent., 14,000 manufacturing jobs have been created and the public finances have been put in order; welcomes the new culture of partnership in industrial relations which is developing within the framework of measures and proposals the Government is taking forward; urges the Government to continue its own productive partnership with both business and employees; and condemns the Opposition for its own record in government of allowing manufacturing to decline within a boom and bust economy of unprecedented proportions and actively and sustainedly destroying partnership and democracy in the workplace', instead thereof.(Secretary Margaret Beckett.) And the Question being put, That the original words stand part of the Question; The House divided. Tellers for the Ayes, Mr John M. Taylor, Mr Tim Collins: 134. Tellers for the Noes, Bridget Prentice, Mr Jim Dowd: 313. So the Question was negatived. And the Question, That the proposed words be there added, being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 31 (Questions on amendments):It was agreed to. The Deputy Speaker forthwith declared the Main Question, as amended, to be agreed to. Resolved, That this House welcomes the measures the Government has taken to build an economy which is healthy and sustainable in the long term, including placing the control of interest rates with the independent Bank of England; notes that over the last 12 months investment has grown by 7 per cent., 14,000 manufacturing jobs have been created and the public finances have been put in order; welcomes the new culture of partnership in industrial relations which is developing within the framework of measures and proposals the Government is taking forward; urges the Government to continue its own productive partnership with both business and employees; and condemns the Opposition for its own record in government of allowing manufacturing to decline within a boom and bust economy of unprecedented proportions and actively and sustainedly destroying partnership and democracy in the workplace. Department of Social Security,A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House deeply regrets the Government's failure to meet their election pledges to reduce social security costs; believes that this is a direct result of incompetent Page 681 Monday 13th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top leadership at the Department of Social Security which has created confusion, contradictory policies and delays and has wasted their first year in Government(Mr Iain Duncan Smith); An Amendment was proposed to the Question, in line 2, to leave out from the word House' to the end of the Question and add the words congratulates the Government for their outstanding record in pursuing their efforts to provide opportunities for those who can work and security for those who cannot, to cut expenditure on economic and social failure and to modernise the welfare system', instead thereof.(Secretary Harriet Harman.) And the Question being proposed, That the original words stand part of the Question; Mr James Arbuthnot rose in his place and claimed to move, That the Question be now put. And the Question being put, That the Question be now put:It was agreed to. And the Question being accordingly put; The House divided. Tellers for the Ayes, Mr John M. Taylor, Mr Tim Collins: 128. Tellers for the Noes, Mr John McFall, Mr Robert Ainsworth: 360. So the Question was negatived. And the Question, That the proposed words be there added, being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 31 (Questions on amendments):It was agreed to. The Speaker forthwith declared the Main Question, as amended, to be agreed to. Resolved, That this House congratulates the Government for their outstanding record in pursuing their efforts to provide opportunities for those who can work and security for those who cannot, to cut expenditure on economic and social failure and to modernise the welfare system.
A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House disagrees to the Amendment proposed by the Lords in lieu of the words left out of the Bill in page 22, lines 31 to 39(Mr Secretary Blunkett); Tuesday 14th July 1998 Question put. The House divided. Tellers for the Ayes, Janet Anderson, Mr Clive Betts: 300. Tellers for the Noes, Mr John M. Taylor, Mr Edward Davey: 168. The Lords Amendment was accordingly disagreed to. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to draw up a Reason to be assigned to the Lords for disagreeing to the Amendment proposed by the Lords in lieu of the words left out of the Bill in page 22, lines 31 to 39. Ordered, That Mr Damian Green, Mr David Jamieson, Mr Tony McNulty, Mr Phil Willis and Mr Brian Wilson be members of the Committee. Ordered, That Mr Brian Wilson be the Chairman of the Committee. Ordered, That three be the quorum of the Committee. Ordered, That the Committee do withdraw immediately.(Mr David Jamieson.)
Page 682 Monday 13th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top Address to be presented to Her Majesty by such Members of this House as are of Her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council or of Her Majesty's Household.
Address to be presented to Her Majesty by such Members of this House as are of Her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council or of Her Majesty's Household.
Address to be presented to Her Majesty by such Members of this House as are of Her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council or of Her Majesty's Household.
Because the said Lords Amendment involves charges on public funds, and the Commons do not offer any further Reason, trusting that this Reason may be deemed sufficient. The Reason was agreed to. Message to the Lords to communicate the said Reason, with the Bill and Amendment.
And accordingly the House, having continued to sit till two minutes to One o'clock on Tuesday morning, adjourned till this day. [Adjourned at 12.58 a.m. APPENDIX I Papers presented or laid upon the Table: Papers subject to Negative Resolution:
Other Papers:
(2) Report and Summary Financial Statement of Tai Cymru Housing for Wales for 199798 [by Act] [Mr Secretary Davies].
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APPENDIX II Reports from Select Committees
[No. 206.] Tuesday 14th July 1998. The House met at half-past Two o'clock. PRAYERS.
The Lords do not insist on their Amendment in lieu of the words left out of the Teaching and Higher Education Bill [Lords] by an Amendment made by the Commons, to which Amendment in lieu the Commons have disagreed, but propose an Amendment in lieu thereof, to which they desire the concurrence of this House.
Estimates, 199899 (Class IV, Vote I),A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, that a further sum not exceeding £142,691,000 be granted to Her Majesty out of the Consolidated Fund to complete or defray the charges which will come in course of Page 684 Tuesday 14th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top payment during the year ending on 31st March 1999 for expenditure by the Intervention BoardExecutive Agency in giving effect in the United Kingdom to the agricultural support provisions of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union; other services including BSE emergency measures; and administration(Mr Jeff Rooker); And it being three hours after the commencement of proceedings on the Motion, the Deputy Speaker interrupted the Debate, pursuant to Resolution [1st July], and the Question necessary to dispose of the proceedings was deferred, pursuant to paragraph (4) of Standing Order No. 54 (Consideration of estimates). Estimates, 199899 (Class V, Vote 2),A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, that a further sum not exceeding £719,838,000 be granted to Her Majesty out of the Consolidated Fund to complete or defray the charges which will come in course of payment during the year ending on 31st March 1999 for expenditure by the Department of Trade and Industry on payments to the Science Research Councils, the Royal Society, the Royal Academy of Engineering; OST initiatives; fees payable under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986; and Research Council Pensions(Mr John Battle); And it being Ten o'clock the Deputy Speaker interrupted the proceedings, and the Question necessary to dispose of the proceedings was deferred, pursuant to paragraph (4) of Standing Order No. 54 (Consideration of estimates). The Deputy Speaker, pursuant to paragraphs (4) and (5) of Standing Order No. 54 (Consideration of estimates), put the deferred Questions on estimates and the Question necessary to dispose of proceedings on the other estimate appointed for consideration this day. Class IV Vote 1 Resolved, That a further sum not exceeding £142,691,000 be granted to Her Majesty out of the Consolidated Fund to complete or defray the charges which will come in course of payment during the year ending on 31st March 1999 for expenditure by the Intervention BoardExecutive Agency in giving effect in the United Kingdom to the agricultural support provisions of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union; other services including BSE emergency measures; and administration. Class IV Vote 2 Resolved, That a further sum not exceeding £389,128,000 be granted to Her Majesty out of the Consolidated Fund to complete or defray the charges which will come in course of payment during the year ending 31st March 1999 for expenditure by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food on operational expenditure, agencies and departmental administration including BSE related measures; promote food safety; take action against diseases with implications for human health; safeguard essential supplies in an emergency; promote action to alleviate flooding and coastal erosion; to protect the rural economy particularly in Less Favoured Areas; encourage action to reduce water and other pollution and by other measures to safeguard the aquatic environment including its fauna and flora; improve the attractiveness and bio-diversity of the rural environment; implement MAFF's CAP obligations efficiently and seek a more economically rational CAP while avoiding discrimination against UK businesses; create the conditions in which efficient and sustainable agriculture, fishing, and food industries can flourish; take action against animal and plant diseases and pests; encourage high animal welfare standards; provide specialist support services; allocate resources where they are most needed; manage and develop staff; undertake research and development; and provide for the expenditure of the Ministry's executive agencies. Class V Vote 2 Resolved, That a further sum not exceeding £719,838,000 be granted to Her Majesty out of the Consolidated Fund to complete or defray the charges which will come in course of payment during the year ending on 31st March 1999 for expenditure by the Department of Trade and Industry on payments to the Science Research Councils, the Royal Society, the Royal Academy of Engineering; OST initiatives; fees payable under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986; and Research Council Pensions.
Resolved, That a further sum not exceeding £110,476,127,000 be granted to Her Majesty out of the Consolidated Fund to complete or defray the charges for Defence and Civil Services for the year ending 31st March 1999, as set out in House of Commons Papers Nos. 635, 636, 637 and 783. Ordered, That a Bill be brought in upon the four foregoing Resolutions and the two Resolutions of 6th July relating to Estimates: And that the Chairman of Ways and Means, Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Alistair Darling, Mr Geoffrey Robinson, Dawn Primarolo and Mrs Helen Liddell do prepare and bring it in. Page 685 Tuesday 14th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top
Amendment (No. 1) proposed to the Bill, in page 4, line 11, at the end, to insert the words (1A) A party whose application under sections 3, 5, 6 or 18 is refused may appeal to the committee against the registrar's decision and the committee's determination of the appeal shall be final.'.(Mr A. J. Beith.) Question proposed, That the Amendment be made:Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. Another Amendment (No. 4) proposed to the Bill, in page 6, line 6, at the end, to insert the words (1A) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), it is an offence to attempt to secure the registration of a party which irrespective of the party's proposed registered name, is substantially the same as a registered party, having regard to the applicant party's objectives, membership, officers or geographical base.'.(Mr Oliver Letwin.) Question proposed, That the Amendment be made:Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. The Bill was read the third time, and passed.
Wednesday 15th July 1998 And the Question being put; Resolved, That this House do now adjourn. And accordingly the House, having continued to sit till Twelve o'clock on Wednesday morning, adjourned till this day. [Adjourned at 12.00 midnight APPENDIX I Papers presented or laid upon the Table: Papers subject to Negative Resolution:
Other Papers:
Page 686 Tuesday 14th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top
(1) Benefits Agency, (2) Child Support Agency, (3) Contributions Agency, (4) Information Technology Services Agency, and (5) War Pensions Agency for 199798, with the Reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [Nos. 901, 864, 870, 846 and 915] [Secretary Harriet Harman]. APPENDIX II Standing Committees
APPENDIX III Reports from Select Committees
(2) Memoranda laid before the Committee [Flood and coastal defence; CAP reform: rural development] [Mr Peter Luff].
Page 687 Tuesday 14th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top
[No. 207.] Wednesday 15th July 1998. The House met at half-past Nine o'clock. PRAYERS.
And it being Two o'clock, the Motion for the adjournment of the House lapsed, without Question put, pursuant to the Standing Order.
Bill, not amended in the Standing Committee, to be considered on Friday 24th July. Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to be printed [No. 983].
Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to lie upon the Table. Page 688 Wednesday 15th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top
A Motion was made, and the Question being put forthwith, pursuant to Standing Order No. 56 (Consolidated Fund Bills), That the Bill be now read a second time: It was agreed to. The Bill was accordingly read a second time. The Question being put forthwith, pursuant to the said Standing Order, That the Bill be now read the third time: It was agreed to. The Bill was accordingly read the third time, and passed.
Lords Amendments Nos. 1 to 33 were agreed to. Lords Amendment No. 34. A Motion was made, and the Question being put, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment(Estelle Morris); The House divided. Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Jim Dowd, Mr David Jamieson: 306. Tellers for the Noes, Mr Donald Gorrie, Mr Paul Keetch: 184. The Lords Amendment was accordingly disagreed to. Lords Amendment No. 35 was disagreed to. Lords Amendments Nos. 36 to 41 were agreed to. Lords Amendment No. 42. A Motion was made, and the Question being put, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment(Mr Stephen Byers); The House divided. Tellers for the Ayes, Mr David Jamieson, Mr Jim Dowd: 305. Tellers for the Noes, Mr Nigel Waterson, Mr Stephen Day: 167. The Lords Amendment was accordingly disagreed to. Page 689 Wednesday 15th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top Lords Amendments Nos. 43 to 49 were disagreed to. Lords Amendment No. 50. An Amendment was made to the Lords Amendment, in line 2, by leaving out from the word school' to the end and inserting the words (d) how the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils is to be promoted at the school; (e) how pupils are to be prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life and citizenship; (f) the standards of educational achievement of pupils; and (g) how the governing body are to promote the good behaviour, discipline and well-being of pupils', instead thereof.(Estelle Morris.) The Lords Amendment, so amended, was agreed to. Lords Amendment No. 51 was agreed to. Lords Amendment No. 52 was disagreed to. Lords Amendments Nos. 53 to 138 were agreed to, the Commons being willing to waive their privileges in respect of Lords Amendment Nos. 92, 122 and 137. Lords Amendment No. 139. A Motion was made, and the Question being proposed, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment(Mr Secretary Blunkett); And it being Ten o'clock, the Debate stood adjourned.
Question again proposed, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment (No. 139). Question put. The House divided. Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Robert Ainsworth, Mr Kevin Hughes: 294. Tellers for the Noes, Mr Stephen Day, Mr Nigel Waterson: 137. The Lords Amendment was accordingly disagreed to. Lords Amendment No. 140 was disagreed to. Lords Amendment Nos. 141 to 197 were agreed to, the Commons being willing to waive their privileges in respect of Lords Amendment No. 141. Lords Amendment No. 198 was disagreed to. The words so restored to the Bill were amended (a) in page 117, line 11, by inserting, at the end, the words of those voting'; (b) in page 117, line 11, by inserting, at the end, the words (3) Regulations under this paragraph must, however, include provision (a) for the members within each category of members of a committee to have collectively a single vote in relation to any decision to which this sub-paragraph applies; (b) requiring any such decision which is taken by a committee to be a unanimous decision of those voting. (4) Sub-paragraph (3) applies to any decision of a committee as to whether or not (a) to give any approval under section 25(4) or to prepare such a plan as is mentioned in section 25(5)(d)(ii); (b) to give any approval under paragraph 3 of Schedule 6 or to (i) modify any proposals, (ii) specify any date, or (iii) make any determination, under paragraph 5(2)(a) or (b) or (3) of that Schedule; Page 690 Wednesday 15th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top (c) to make, vary or revoke a transitional exemption order under paragraph 21 of that Schedule or paragraph 16 of Schedule 7; (d) to give any approval under paragraph 8 of Schedule 7; (e) to make any decision authorised by or by virtue of paragraph 6 of Schedule 23. (5) Where regulations under paragraph 2(2) of Schedule 8 provide for either of the following provisions, namely paragraph 3 or 5(2)(a) of Schedule 6, to have effect in relation to proposals published under paragraph 2 or 2A of Schedule 8, the reference to that provision in sub-paragraph (4) above shall include a reference to it as it so has effect.'; and (c) in page 117, line 15, by inserting, at the end, the words When taking any decision a committee shall have regard (so far as relevant) to the obligations which, by virtue of (a) Part III of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, or (b) Part III of the Race Relations Act 1976, are owed by any local education authority or governing body which will be affected by the decision.'. Lords Amendment No. 199 was disagreed to. The words so restored to the Bill were amended, in page 118, line 32, at the end, by inserting the words When taking any decision an adjudicator shall have regard (so far as relevant) to the obligations which, by virtue of (a) Part III of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, or (b) Part III of the Race Relations Act 1976, are owed by any local education authority or governing body which will be affected by the decision.'. Lords Amendments Nos. 200 to 236 were agreed to. Lords Amendment No. 237. A Motion was made, and the Question being put, That this House disagrees with the Lords in their Amendment(Mr Stephen Byers); The House divided. Tellers for the Ayes, Mr Kevin Hughes, Mr Robert Ainsworth: 275. Tellers for the Noes, Mr Stephen Day, Mr Nigel Waterson: 130. The Lords Amendment was accordingly disagreed to. Lords Amendments Nos. 238 to 240 were disagreed to. Lords Amendments Nos. 241 to 243 were agreed to. Lords Amendment No. 244 was disagreed to. An Amendment was made to the Bill in lieu of Lords Amendments Nos. 237 to 240 and 244, disagreed to, in page 143, line 25, at the end, by inserting the words (3) The instrument of government for any community or voluntary school which (a) is a primary school, and (b) serves an area for which there are one or more minor authorities, shall provide for the governing body to include (in addition to the governors required by virtue of paragraph 9, 13 or 14, as the case may be, and any required by virtue of sub-paragraph (1)) one co-opted governor nominated by the minor authority or (as the case may be) one of the minor authorities in question. (4) Where any such school serves an area for which there are two or more minor authorities, the relevant governors shall, for the purposes of the appointment of any such co-opted governor, seek nominations from such one or more of those authorities as the governors think fit. (5) In sub-paragraph (4) the relevant governors means those members of the school's governing body who are not co-opted governors.' Lords Amendments Nos. 245 to 411 were agreed to. Ordered, That a Committee be appointed to draw up Reasons to be assigned to the Lords for disagreeing to their Amendments Nos. 34, 35, 42 to 49, 52, 139 and 140. Page 691 Wednesday 15th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top Ordered, That Mr Stephen Byers, Mr Stephen Day, Mr David Jamieson, Mrs Theresa May and Rachel Squire be members of the Committee. Ordered, That Mr Stephen Byers be the Chairman of the Committee. Ordered, That three be the quorum of the Committee. Ordered, That the Committee do withdraw immediately.(Mr David Jamieson.)
Question proposed, That this House agrees with the Lords in their Amendment; Thursday 16th July 1998 Question put. The Lords Amendment in lieu was agreed to, the Commons being willing to waive their privileges.
The Commons disagree to Lords Amendments Nos. 34 and 35 for the following Reason: Because the Amendments are inconsistent with securing local decision-making on school organisation and a mechanism for resolving conflicts between the interests of admission authorities and wider community interests. The Commons disagree to Lords Amendments Nos. 42 to 49 for the following Reason: Because each of the schools concerned should have its own dedicated governing body to oversee standards at the school. The Commons disagree to Lords Amendment No. 52 for the following Reason: Because the Amendment would create an undesirable additional burden for schools. The Commons disagree to Lords Amendments Nos. 139 and 140 for the following Reason: Because the Amendments would alter the financial arrangements made by the Commons, and the Commons do not offer any further Reason, trusting that this Reason may be deemed sufficient. The Reasons were agreed to. Message to the Lords to communicate the said Reasons, with the Bill and Amendments. Page 692 Wednesday 15th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top
And accordingly the House, having continued to sit till twenty-one minutes to One o'clock on Thursday morning, adjourned till this day. [Adjourned at 12.39 a.m. APPENDIX I Papers presented or laid upon the Table: Papers subject to Negative Resolution:
(2) Faculty Jurisdiction (Appeals) Rules 1998 (S.I., 1998, No. 1713), dated 4th July 1998, (3) Legal Officers (Annual Fees) Order 1998 (S.I., 1998, No. 1712), dated 6th July 1998, (4) National Institutions of the Church of England (Transfer of Functions) Order 1998 (S.I., 1998, No. 1715), dated 5th July 1998, and (5) Parochial Fees Order 1998 (S.I., 1998, No. 1714), dated 7th July 1998 [by Measure] [Clerk of the House].
Other Papers:
(2) Report and Accounts of the Scottish Tourist Board for 199798, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act] [Mr Secretary Dewar].
(2) Report and Summary Financial Statement of the Welsh Development Agency for Page 693 Wednesday 15th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top 199798, with the Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act] [Mr Secretary Davies]. APPENDIX II Grand Committees
Standing Committees
(1) The Speaker has allocated the draft Regulations to the First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation, and has appointed Mrs Ray Michie Chairman; and (2) The Committee of Selection has appointed sixteen Members to serve on the Committee, viz.: Miss Anne Begg, Mr Desmond Browne, Mr Tam Dalyell, Mr Ian Davidson, Mr James Gray, Mr Oliver Letwin, Mr John McFall, Mrs Anne McGuire, Mr Henry McLeish, Mr Michael Moore, Mr Jim Murphy, Mr Martin O'Neill, Mr Laurence Robertson, Mr Ernie Ross, Sir Robert Smith and Mr Robert Syms.
(1) The Speaker has allocated the draft Regulations to the Second Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation, and has appointed Mr Joe Benton Chairman; and (2) The Committee of Selection has appointed sixteen Members to serve on the Committee, viz.: Mr Graham Allen, Mr David Amess, Mrs Liz Blackman, Angela Eagle, Mr Derek Foster, Mr Fabian Hamilton, Dr Evan Harris, Mr John Healey, Miss Julie Kirkbride, Siobhain McDonagh, Mr Paul Marsden, Mr Mark Oaten, Mr Eric Pickles, Mr Terry Rooney, Mrs Caroline Spelman and Mr Malcolm Wicks.
(1) The Speaker has allocated the draft Regulations to the Fourth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation, and has appointed Mr Peter Atkinson Chairman; and (2) The Committee of Selection has appointed sixteen Members to serve on the Committee, viz.: Ms Candy Atherton, Mr Norman Baker, Mr Gerald Bermingham, Mr Harry Cohen, Mr Christopher Fraser, Mr Patrick Hall, Mr Mike Hancock, Mr Nick Hawkins, Mr George Howarth, Jane Kennedy, Mr Terry Lewis, Mr Humfrey Malins, Mr Robert Marshall-Andrews, Mr Chris Mullin, Mr Colin Pickthall and Mr Nigel Waterson.
(1) The Speaker has allocated the draft Order to the Fifth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation, and has appointed Mr Roger Gale Chairman; and (2) The Committee of Selection has appointed sixteen Members to serve on the Committee, viz.: Mr Robert Ainsworth, Dr Vincent Cable, Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, Mrs Louise Ellman, Mr David Hanson, Mr Oliver Heald, Dr Brian Iddon, Mr Tom Levitt, Mrs Helen Liddell, Mr Paul Marsden, Mr Denis Murphy, Mr Allan Rogers, Mr Gerry Steinberg, Dr Jenny Tonge, Mr Andrew Tyrie and Mr John Whittingdale.
(1) The Speaker has allocated the draft Rules to the Sixth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation, and has appointed Mr Frank Cook Chairman; and (2) The Committee of Selection has appointed sixteen Members to serve on the Committee, viz.: Mr Richard Allan, Mr John Bercow, Tom Cox, Maria Eagle, Mr Edward Garnier, Mr Dominic Grieve, Mr Geoffrey Hoon, Mr Robert Jackson, Ms Sally Keeble, Ann Keen, Jane Kennedy, Ms Oona King, Mr David Lock, Ms Linda Perham, Mr Bob Russell and Mr Jonathan R. Shaw. APPENDIX III Reports from Select Committees
Page 694 Wednesday 15th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top
(2) Ninth Report from the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee [English Nature], together with Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Environment Sub-Committee; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 790-I]; and (3) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Transport Sub-Committee of the Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee on 15th July [Railway Safety]; to be printed [No. 987-i] [Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody].
(2) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee on European Legislation on 15th July [Community Statistics]; to be printed [No. 991] [Mr Jimmy Hood].
(2) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Procedure Committee on 15th July [Financial Procedure]; to be printed [No. 848-ii] [Mr Andrew Stunell].
(2) Fifty-eighth Report from the Committee of Public Accounts [Benefits Agency: Class XII, Vote 1, Appropriation Account 199697 (Central Government Administered Social Security Benefits and Other Payments)]; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 570]; (3) Fifty-ninth Report from the Committee of Public Accounts [Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions: HM Coastguard (Civil Maritime Search and Rescue)]; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 741]; (4) Sixtieth Report from the Committee of Public Accounts [The Sale of AEA Technology]; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 749]; and (5) Sixty-first Report from the Committee of Public Accounts [Getting Value for Money in Privatisations]; to be printed, with the Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee relating to the Report [No. 992]. [Mr David Davis].
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(2) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Treasury Committee on 9th and 15th July [Economic and Fiscal Strategy Report and the Comprehensive Spending Review]; to be printed [Nos. 960i and ii]. [Mr Giles Radice]. THE SPEAKER'S CERTIFICATE The Speaker certified that the Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill is a Money Bill within the meaning of the Parliament Act 1911. [No. 208.] Thursday 16th July 1998. The House met at half-past Two o'clock. PRAYERS.
Ordered, That the Bill be read the third time on Tuesday 28th July at Seven o'clock.
Ordered, That the Bill be read a second time on Thursday 23rd July.
Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee to lie upon the Table.
The Lords have agreed to the Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No. 2) Bill, without Amendment. The Lords have agreed to the Government of Wales Bill, with Amendments; to which they desire the concurrence of this House.
Appropriation Act 1998 Data Protection Act 1998 Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998 Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council Act 1998.
And it being Ten o'clock, the Motion for the Adjournment of the House lapsed, without Question put.
Page 696 Thursday 16th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top And the Motion having been made at Ten o'clock, and the Debate having continued for half an hour, the Deputy Speaker adjourned the House without Question put, pursuant to the Standing Order, it being then half-past Ten o'clock, till to-morrow. [Adjourned at 10.30 p.m. APPENDIX I Papers presented or laid upon the Table Papers subject to Affirmative Resolution:
Papers subject to Negative Resolution:
Other Papers:
(i) Birmingham Heartlands, (ii) Black Country, (iii) London Docklands, (iv) Merseyside, (v) Plymouth, (vi) Teesside, Page 697 Thursday 16th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top (vii) Trafford Park, and (viii) Tyne and Wear; and (2) Report and Accounts of the following Development Corporations for 199798 (i) Teesside, and (ii) Tyne and Wear [by Act] [Mr Secretary Prescott].
(1) Imperial War Museum for 199697, and (2) Museums and Galleries Commissioners for 199798 with the Reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon [by Act]; to be printed [Nos. 996 and 995] [Clerk of the House].
APPENDIX II Reports from Select Committees
(2) Minutes of Evidence taken before the Committee on 16th July [Strategic Defence Review]; to be printed [No. 138xvi]; and (3) Memorandum laid before the Committee [The Landmines Bill] [Mr Bruce George].
Page 698 Thursday 16th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top [No. 209.] Friday 17th July 1998. The House met at half-past Nine o'clock. PRAYERS.
And it being Eleven o'clock, the Deputy Speaker interrupted the proceedings, pursuant to Standing Order No. 11 (Friday sittings). And the Question being again proposed, That this House do now adjourn; And it being half-past Two o'clock, the Motion for the adjournment of the House lapsed, without Question put.
Second Reading 1. Proceedings on Second Reading shall, if not previously concluded, be brought to a conclusion at Ten o'clock on Monday 20th July; and when the Bill has been read a second time it shall, notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order No. 63 (Committal of bills), stand committed to a Committee of the whole House without any question being put. Committee stage 2. Proceedings in Committee shall be taken in the following order, namely, Clause 1, Schedule 1, Clauses 2 to 4, Schedules 2 and 3, Clauses 5 and 6, Schedule 4, Clauses 7 to 13, Clause 23, Clause 14, Schedule 5, Clauses 15 to 22, Clauses 24 to 32, Schedule 6, Clause 33, Schedule 7, Clauses 34 to 54, Schedule 8, Clauses 55 to 59, Schedule 9, Clauses 60 and 61, Schedule 10, Clauses 62 to 69, Schedule 11, Clauses 70 to 76, Schedule 12, Clauses 77 to 80, Schedule 13, Clause 81, Schedules 14 and 15, Clause 82 and new Clauses and new Schedules. 3. Proceedings in Committee of the whole House shall be completed at the four sittings specified in the following table, and each part of the proceedings shall, if not previously concluded, be brought to a conclusion at the end of the allotted period (calculated from the commencement of proceedings on the Bill on that day) or at the time specified in the following table
Remaining stages 4. Proceedings on Consideration and Third Reading shall be completed at the two sittings on Thursday 30th and Friday 31st July and shall, if not previously concluded, be brought to a conclusion at half-past Two o'clock on Friday 31st July. Conclusion of proceedings 5. (1) For the purpose of concluding any proceedings which are to be brought to a conclusion at a time appointed by this Order, the Chairman or Speaker shall forthwith put the following Questions (but no others): (a) any Question already proposed from the Chair; (b) any Question necessary to bring to a decision a Question so proposed; Page 699 Friday 17th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top (c) the Question on any Amendment moved or Motion made by a Minister of the Crown; and (d) any other Question necessary for the disposal of the business to be concluded. (2) On a Motion made for a new Clause or a new Schedule, the Chairman or Speaker shall put only the Question that the Clause or Schedule be added to the Bill. (3) Proceedings under sub-paragraph (1) shall not be interrupted under any Standing Order relating to sittings of the House and may be decided, though opposed, at any hour. (4) If two or more Questions would fall to be put under sub-paragraph (1) (c) on Amendments moved or Motions made by a Minister of the Crown, or under sub-paragraph (1) (d) in relation to successive provisions of the Bill, the Chairman or Speaker shall instead put a single question in relation to those Amendments, Motions or provisions. Miscellaneous 6. Standing Order No. 82 (Business Committee) shall not apply to proceedings on the Bill. 7. No Motion shall be made, except by a Minister of the Crown, to alter the order in which proceedings on the Bill are taken. 8. Standing Order No. 15 (1) (Exempted business) shall apply to proceedings on the bill at the sittings on any of the days specified in paragraph 3 above for any part of the allotted periods which falls after Ten o'clock or (where Standing Order No. 11 (Friday sittings) applies) after half-past Two o'clock. 9. (1) If a day specified in this Order is one to which a Motion for the adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 24 (Adjournment on specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration) would, apart from this Order, stand over to Seven o'clock (a) that Motion shall stand over until the conclusion of any proceedings on the Bill which, under this Order, are to be brought to a conclusion at or before that time; (b) the bringing to a conclusion of any proceedings on the Bill which under this Order are to be brought to a conclusion after that time shall be postponed for a period equal to the duration of the proceedings on the Motion; and (c) paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 15 (Exempted business) shall apply to the proceedings on the Bill for the period after Ten o'clock for which sub-paragraph (b) permits them to continue. (2) If a day specified in this Order is one to which a Motion for the adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 24 stands over from an earlier day (a) the bringing to a conclusion of any proceedings on the Bill which under this Order are to be brought to a conclusion on that day shall be postponed for a period equal to the duration of the proceedings on the Motion; and (b) paragraph (1) of Standing Order No. 15 (Exempted business) shall apply to the proceedings on the Bill for the period after Ten o'clock for which sub-paragraph (a) permits them to continue. Supplementary 10. (1) If a Motion is made by a Minister of the Crown to amend this Order and if an effect of the Motion would be to provide a greater amount of time for proceedings on the Bill, the Question on the Motion shall be put forthwith and may be decided, though opposed, at any hour. (2) If a Motion is made by a Minister of the Crown to supplement the provisions of this Order in respect of further proceedings on the Bill, the Motion may be proceeded with, though opposed, at any hour and the proceedings, if not previously concluded, shall be brought to a conclusion three-quarters of an hour after they have been commenced.(Bridget Prentice.)
Page 700 Friday 17th July 1998 1997-1998 Volume 254 Back to top And accordingly, the House, having continued to sit till Three o'clock, adjourned till Monday 20th July. [Adjourned at 3.00 p.m. APPENDIX I Papers presented or laid upon the Table Papers subject to Affirmative Resolution
Papers subject to Negative Resolution:
Other Papers: