Register of Members' Interests Contents


CABLE, Dr. Vincent (Twickenham)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Occasional economic adviser to Shell, my former employer, for the coming year.
Occasional feature articles for newspapers and magazines.
Occasional lectures for universities with which I previously had a professional relationship.
CABORN, Richard (Sheffield Central)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Sheffield City Council provides me with premises in Sheffield for use as a parliamentary office, for which I pay rent of £1000 a year, plus a £1000 contribution to adaptation costs. Staff, furniture, services and running costs (excluding rates and power) are paid for by me.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
21 February 1998, I attended the England v Wales rugby international at Twickenham as a guest of the National Grid Company PLC. (Registered 1 April 1998)
CAMPBELL, Alan (Tynemouth)
CAMPBELL, Anne (Cambridge)
1.Remunerated directorships
The Welding Institute (TWI). (£5,001-£10,000)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Occasional fees from broadcasting and journalism.
£500 fee from Barclays New Futures to judge the "'97 Schools" competition.
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
The assistance of Ms Lesley Bulman to work as a research assistant beginning on August 21 1995 to 31 May 1997. Her services were donated by Consultants, Recruitment and Training (CRT) Ltd. (£20,001-£25,000)
Loan of a TV set and set-top box under the Cambridge Interactive Trial scheme being run by Online Media and Cambridge Cable.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Gift of modem, software and subscription to Internet connection from UKnet Pipex, Cambridge.
One year's subscription to Research Fortnight journal in return for writing one article for them. (Registered 13 May 1998)
8.Land and Property
Freehold of holiday cottage in Brittany, France. (No net income from letting this property.)
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
Chair of Opportunity Links; an information service enabling welfare to work for parents (unremunerated).
CAMPBELL, Menzies (North East Fife)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Queen's Counsel.
Occasional income from journalism, broadcasting and lecturing.
Member of Political Opinion Panel of BPRI (Business Planning and Research International).(£1-£1,000)
Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000)
Occasional fees from other opinion poll surveys. Fees from all opinion poll surveys are paid to charity or to my local Liberal Democrat Association.
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
From 1 December 1996 I have received a financial contribution from the Liberal Democrat Middle East Council for the provision of research services.
CAMPBELL, Ronnie (Blyth Valley)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Following an Electricity Association function which I attended I was presented with a gift of a Penny Black stamp. (Registered 6 May 1998)
6.Overseas visits
7-22 September 1998, to China as a guest of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU). Return airfare paid for by myself, accommodation and travel within China paid for by CAFIU. (Registered 5 October 1998)
CAMPBELL­SAVOURS, Dale (Workington)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
A proportion of the salary of the constituency organiser met by UNISON.
6.Overseas visits
21-24 January 1998, to Georgia, to lecture on constitutional issues, paid for by the National Democratic Institute of Washington. (Registered 16 February 1998)
July 1998, to Katmandu, Nepal, to lecture on constitutional issues, paid for by the National Democratic Institute of Washington. (Registered 27 October 1998)
CANAVAN, Dennis (Falkirk West)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Occasional fees for broadcasting and writing.
Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000)
Member of Political Opinion Panel of BPRI (Business Planning and Research International). (£1-£1,000)
All fees from Harris and BPRI are donated to Strathcarron Hospice in my constituency.
6.Overseas visits
21-23 June 1998, to Sweden to study public transport, organised and sponsored by the Parliamentary Road Passenger Transport Group. (Registered 5 August 1998)
21-22 July 1998, to Luxembourg for study trip to Société Européene des Satellites, ASTRA's headquarters, jointly sponsored by the Parliamentary Cable and Satellite Group and Société Européenne des Satellites. The purpose of the visit was to learn about technological developments in satellite transmission and operations, including digital technology. (Registered 27 July 1998)
CANN, Jamie (Ipswich)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000)
6.Overseas visits
12-17 April 1998, to Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as a guest of the Government of that country. (Registered 28 May 1998)
CAPLIN, Ivor (Hove)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Member of Political Opinion Panel of BPRI (Business Planning and Research International).
Harris Parliamentary Panel.
MORI Pariamentary Panel.
All fees received from the above are donated to Hove Constituency Labour Party.
8.Land and Property
Leasehold property for the purpose of hairdressing business.
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
Trustee, Old Market Trust, Brunswick, Hove.
CASALE, Roger (Wimbledon)
1.Remunerated directorships
Founder and sole director, European Socialist Initiative; a network promoting a convergence of the European Left.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000)
Occasional lectures on British and European politics.
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Some financial support for my work as a constituency Member provided by the Arthur Palmer Memorial Trust, created in memory of the first Labour Member to represent Wimbledon.
Some material benefit (excluding monetary payments), e.g. office and storage space and use of facilities, from the Banking, Insurance and Finance Union (BIFU).
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
8-9 May 1998, I attended a tri-lateral conference of British, French and German Members of Parliament at Chevening, partly funded by Monsanto and Générale des Eaux. (Registered 15 May 1998)
6.Overseas visits
16-17 February 1998, to The Hague and Amsterdam with the British-Netherlands All-Party Group, sponsored by Shell and Unilever. (Registered 26 February 1998)
3 March 1998, to Bonn, to attend seminar on "European Integration and National Sovereignty - Democracy and Legitimacy in Europe". Overnight accommodation including lunch and dinner was provided by the Bertelsmann Wissenschaftsstiftung. (Registered 4 March 1998)
18-20 September 1998, to Siena, Italy, to attend The Pontignano Conference, paid for by the conference organisers. (Registered 21 September 1998)
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
Director (non-remunerated) of Future of Europe Trust.
Director (non-remunerated) of Wimbledon Civic Forum Trust Ltd.
CASH, William (Stone)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.
Legal and legislative adviser to Institute of Company Accountants.
Consultant to Radcliffe's Crossman Block, solicitors; providing legal, legislative, parliamentary and public affairs advice. (£5,001-£10,000)
Solicitor - William Cash & Co.
Occasional fees for journalism and radio and television broadcasts.
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Research and organisational assistance from the European Foundation (nil remuneration).
8.Land and Property
House at Upton Cressett, Shropshire.
CATON, Martin (Gower)
CAWSEY, Ian (Brigg and Goole)
6.Overseas visits
28 February-5 March 1998, to Prince Edward Island, Canada, as a guest of Sealwatch. These trips are arranged annually to raise the public profile of the seal cull. (Registered 10 March 1998)
CHAPMAN, Ben (Wirral South)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
10-11 April 1998, as PPS to the Minister of State at the Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions, I attended a dinner hosted by the Mersey Partnership, followed by a visit to the Grand National. I was accompanied by my partner. (Registered 6 May 1998)
6.Overseas visits
3-13 September 1997, to Korea to attend a meeting of the UK-Korea Forum for the Future, funded by the Royal Institute of International Affairs. (Registered 6 May 1998)
22-31 March 1998, to China and Hong Kong, in my capacity as Chairman of the All-Party China Group. The China section of the visit was sponsored by the People's Institute of Foreign Affairs and the Hong Kong section by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Air China provided the international air ticket, and all other costs, other than personal expenses, were met by our sponsors. (Registered 14 May 1998)
22-26 September 1998, to Turkey as Chairman of the All Party Turkey Group, as guest of the Turkish Foreign Economic Relations Board who paid all expenses, including fares. (Registered 28 September 1998)
8.Land and Property
Holiday let (flat) in Appleby, Cumbria.
Holiday let (cottage) in Appleby, Cumbria.
Commercial rented leasehold property in Manchester and London.
CHAPMAN, Sir Sydney (Chipping Barnet)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Occasional lecturing and writing.
6.Overseas visits
5-7 January 1998, to Cyprus on fact finding visit, paid for by the Cypriot Brotherhood. (Registered 13 January 1998)
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
Non-practising chartered architect and chartered town and country planner.
Unpaid Director (as Governor and trustee) of the Mill Hill School Foundation.
Trustee and Director, Chipping Barnet Heritage Trust.
CHAYTOR, David (Bury North)
CHIDGEY, David (Eastleigh)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Consulting engineer (non-practising).
Occasional earnings from television, radio, journalism and lecturing.
6.Overseas visits
13-16 April 1998, to the USA, as a member of the All-Party Rail Freight Group, to see the rail freight operations in New Jersey. Visit funded by the Rail Freight Group. (Registered 1 June 1998)
8.Land and Property
One residential rented property in Southsea.
CHISHOLM, Malcolm (Edinburgh North and Leith)
CHOPE, Christopher (Christchurch)
1.Remunerated directorships
Carclew Limited; small private company which provides business consultancy services but excludes advice on parliamentary or public affairs.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
I am a barrister, currently non-practising.
Employed by Ernst and Young Services, a partnership which provides accountancy and management consultancy services in the UK and overseas.
Occasional broadcasting and journalism.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Carclew Limited.
CHURCH, Judith (Dagenham)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Occasional journalism.
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
May 1997, £1000 from the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust Ltd. to provide assistance for work on constitutional reform. No personal financial benefit.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
4 April 1998, tickets and hospitality for myself and two sons at Tottenham v Everton Premier League Football match at White Hart Lane, as guests of Hillside Houses Management Group Ltd. (Registered 29 April 1998)
CLAPHAM, Michael (Barnsley West and Penistone)
6.Overseas visits
9-16 April 1998, to Egypt, accompanied by my spouse, as guests of the Egyptian Government. (Registered 13 May 1998)
CLAPPISON, James (Hertsmere)
1.Remunerated directorships
L. Clappison Limited; plant-hire, contracting and agricultural company: no longer actively trading.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc.
Farmer: 13 acres.
Member of Lloyd's. (Resigned 31 December 1994.)
Categories of business underwritten for open years: All.
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Unpaid research assistance provided by Mr. Stuart Polak, Director of the Conservative Friends of Israel.
Unpaid research assistance provided by Mr. Howard Spratt, of Potters Bar, Hertfordshire.
8.Land and Property
Five rented houses in Patrington, North Humberside.
Rented shop (small hairdresser's) in Patrington, North Humberside.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)L. Clappison Limited. (as from April 1992).
CLARK, Rt. Hon. Alan (Kensington and Chelsea)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Occasional journalism and television.
8.Land and Property
Residential and retail premises, Canton Valais, Switzerland. (Beneficiary of Aktien Gesellschaft.)
Saltwood Castle estate, together with sundry residential and commercial property in Kent, jointly with Mrs. Caroline Clark.
Estate, residential and sporting, Eriboll, Sutherland. (Trustee only.)
9.Registrable shareholdings
(b)Coats Viyella (UK).
Daewoo Heavy Engineering (Korea).
Boeing (USA).
Exxon (USA).
Texaco (USA).
CLARK, Rt. Hon. Dr. David (South Shields)
CLARK, Dr. Lynda (Edinburgh Pentlands)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
I am a Queen's Counsel in practice at the Scottish Bar.
I am also a member of English Bar.
Fees received for occasional lecturing work or writing.
8.Land and Property
House in Dundee.
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
Member of Edinburgh University Court. Term of office ends September 1997.
Member of UNISON trade union.
CLARK, Dr. Michael (Rayleigh)
1.Remunerated directorships
M.A.T. Group Ltd., an international transport company.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.
Parliamentary Adviser to Royal Society of Chemistry. (£1,001-£5,000)
Parliamentary Adviser to British Chemical Engineering Contractors Association. (£1001-£5000)
Parliamentary Adviser to British Gas PLC. (£1,001-£5,000)
Trustee, the Butten Trust.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
3 March 1998, guest of Amoco at the Welsh National Opera. (Registered 24 March 1998)
6.Overseas visits
29 November-3 December 1997, Speaker's delegation to Saudi Arabia. All hotel and travel expenses paid by the Shura Council, Riyadh. (Registered 10 December 1997)
13-18 September 1998, to Kazakhstan with the Parliamentary Group for Energy Studies to see Karachaganak gas field, the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister, sponsored by British Gas PLC. (Registered 22 September 1998)
CLARK, Paul (Gillingham)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
A donation of £1000 per annum is made to my constituency party by the Amalgamated Engineering Union.
CLARKE, Charles (Norwich South)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Occasional fees from broadcasting, journalism, lecturing, writing and opinion poll organisations.
6.Overseas visits
18-19 June 1998, to The Hague, with British-Netherlands Parliamentary Group as guests of Netherlands Second Chamber. Travel was paid for by Unilever, Shell, Reed Elsevier, the sponsors of the Group. (Registered 17 July 1998)
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Quality Public Affairs; public affairs management consultancy (non-trading).
Quality Public Services; management consultancy (non-trading).
CLARKE, Eric (Midlothian)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Member of Political Opinion Panel of BPRI (Business Planning and Research International). (£1-£1,000)
Member of Harris Parliamentary Panel. (£1-£1,000)
The fees from these organisations were paid directly to the Midlothian Constituency Labour Party.
Parliamentary adviser to Scottish Coal. (£5,001-£10,000)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
6 December 1997, I was a guest of Scottish Power at the Scotland v. South Africa Rugby International at Murrayfield and received luncheon and transport. (Registered 15 December 1997)
23 September 1998, I fished the River Tay as a guest of Scottish Coal who provided overnight accommodation and one day's fishing. (Registered 19 October 1998)
6.Overseas visits
10-13 October 1998, to Cyprus to attend the Morphou Rally, at the invitation of the Greek Cypriot Federation, who paid for travel and hotel accommodation. (Registered 19 October 1998)
CLARKE, Rt. Hon. Kenneth (Rushcliffe)
1.Remunerated directorships
Chairman (non-executive) of Unichem PLC.
Foreign and Colonial Investment Trust PLC.
Deputy Chairman and director of British American Tobacco PLC.
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
I receive occasional fees for journalism and lecturing engagements, on a self-employed basis.
Monthly column for Financial Mail on Sunday. (£10,001-£15,000)
Weekly commentary or interview for Bloomberg Television. (£10,001-£15,000)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
The following contributions were made to the cost of my Conservative leadership campaign. These were one-off donations for the specific campaign and were not part of any regular or continuing financial support:
Mr. Nat Puri, c. £32,000
Sir Geoffrey Leigh, £5000
Mr. Christopher Saunders, £1000
Mr. John Stevens MEP, £1500
Mr. Brendan Donnelly MEP, £2500
and smaller donations.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
14-17 May 1998, I attended the Bilderberg Conference at Turnberry in Scotland. I paid my own travel expenses to and from the Conference, but my accommodation for three nights was paid for me by the organisers. (Registered 10 June 1998)
6.Overseas visits
25-30 May 1998, to Taiwan at the invitation of the Taiwanese Government, who paid for part of my travelling expenses and all my accommodation expenses. (Registered 10 June 1998)
19-22 August 1998, to Aspen, Colarado, to attend a seminar on the World Economy. I paid for all my expenses, except for three nights accommodation paid for by the Aspen Institute. (Registered 28 October 1998)
CLARKE, Rt. Hon. Tom (Coatbridge and Chryston)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
A contribution of more than 25% of my election expenses at the 1997 General Election was made by GMB Union to Coatbridge and Chryston Constituency Labour Party.
CLARKE, Tony (Northampton South)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Member of Northampton Borough Council.
Occasional opinion polls, payments made to charity.
6.Overseas visits
29 November-4 December 1997, Speaker's delegation to Saudi Arabia. All hotel and travel expenses paid by Shura Council, Riyadh. (Registered 19 January 1998)
7.Overseas benefits and gifts
December 1997, gift of a silver business card holder from the Saudi Ambassador. (Registered 19 January 1998)

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Prepared 2 December 1998