10. Further to the evidence provided regarding
Planning Policy Guidance (paragraphs 96-99 of the transcript),
the Committee may find it helpful to have some further information
on which PPGs may be revised.
11. The Sub-Committee asked officials to comment
on the fact that few Planning Policy Guidance notes (PPGs) had
been revised in 1997-98 despite the altered priorities of the
Department. The Sub-Committee also asked whether it was intended
to make revisions to PPGs following the publication of the White
Paper on Integrated Transport.
12. Sir Andrew Turnbull confirmed that apart
from PPG12, where draft revisions were published in March 1998,
no changes to PPGs had come forward in 1997-98. This is correct,
however, following a review of the planning system, the Government
published the policy statement "Modernising Planning"
in January 1998 and a White Paper on planning for household growth
"Planning for the Communities of the Future" in February
1998. And it is intended to revise a number of PPGs and Mineral
Planning Guidance (MPG) notes in the light of these statements.
Others may need revision as part of the follow up to the forthcoming
White Paper on Integrated Transport. The Department also published
a consultation on "The Future of Regional Planning"
in January 1998, which, inter alia, proposed that a new PPG be
produced on regional planning matters.
13. During 1998-99 it is hoped to publish draft
revises of the following PPGs and MPGs:
Planning Policy Guidance Notes
PPG3Housingdraft for consultation
Summer 1998
PPG11(new) Regional Planningdraft
for consultation Autumn 1998
PPG10Waste Management (part of old PPG23)finalised
revision Summer 1998
PPG12Development Plansconsolidated
draft for consultation Autumn 1998
PPG13Transportdraft for consultation
by end 1998
Minerals Planning Guidance Notes
MPG2applications and conditionsfinalised
revision Summer 1998
MPG3coaldraft for consultation
Autumn 1998
MPG16 (new)stability in surface minerals
working and tipsdraft for consultation Summer 1998